lib/resources/apt.rb in inspec-2.0.16 vs lib/resources/apt.rb in inspec-2.0.17
- old
+ new
@@ -1,149 +1,149 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
-# Verifies apt and ppa repositories
-# Usage:
-# describe apt('ubuntu-wine/ppa') do
-# it { should exist }
-# it { should be_enabled }
-# end
-# it also understands a ppa url
-# describe apt('ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa') do
-# it { should exist }
-# it { should be_enabled }
-# end
-# The following ppa formats are supported:
-# - ubuntu-wine/ppa
-# - ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
-# -
-# Install a ppa as following:
-# apt-get install python-software-properties
-# apt-get install software-properties-common
-# add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
-require 'uri'
-module Inspec::Resources
- class AptRepository < Inspec.resource(1)
- name 'apt'
- supports platform: 'unix'
- desc 'Use the apt InSpec audit resource to verify Apt repositories on the Debian and Ubuntu platforms, and also PPA repositories on the Ubuntu platform.'
- example "
- describe apt('nginx/stable') do
- it { should exist }
- it { should be_enabled }
- end
- "
- def initialize(ppa_name)
- @deb_url = nil
- # check if the os is ubuntu or debian
- if inspec.os.debian?
- @deb_url = determine_ppa_url(ppa_name)
- else
- # this resource is only supported on ubuntu and debian
- skip_resource 'The `apt` resource is not supported on your OS yet.'
- end
- end
- def exists?
- find_repo.count > 0
- end
- def enabled?
- return false if find_repo.count == 0
- actives = { |repo| repo[:active] }
- actives = actives.uniq
- actives.size == 1 && actives[0] = true
- end
- def to_s
- "Apt Repository #{@deb_url}"
- end
- private
- def find_repo
- { |repo| repo[:url] == @deb_url && repo[:type] == 'deb' }
- end
- HTTP_URL_RE = /\A#{URI::DEFAULT_PARSER.make_regexp(%w{http https})}\z/
- # read
- def read_debs
- return @repo_cache if defined?(@repo_cache)
- # load all lists
- cmd = inspec.command("find /etc/apt/ -name \*.list -exec sh -c 'cat {} || echo -n' \\;")
- # @see
- @repo_cache = cmd.stdout.chomp.split("\n").each_with_object([]) do |raw_line, lines|
- active = true
- # detect if the repo is commented out
- line = raw_line.gsub(/^(#\s*)*/, '')
- active = false if raw_line != line
- # eg.: deb wily main restricted
- # or : deb [trusted=yes] wily main restricted
- parse_repo = /^\s*(\S+)\s+(?:\[\S+\])?\s*"?([^ "\t\r\n\f]+)"?\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)$/.match(line)
- # check if we got any result and the second param is an url
- next if parse_repo.nil? || !parse_repo[2] =~ HTTP_URL_RE
- # map data
- repo = {
- type: parse_repo[1],
- url: parse_repo[2],
- distro: parse_repo[3],
- components: parse_repo[4].chomp.split(' '),
- active: active,
- }
- next unless ['deb', 'deb-src'].include? repo[:type]
- lines.push(repo)
- end
- end
- # resolves ppa urls
- # @see
- def determine_ppa_url(ppa_url)
- # verify if we have the url already, then just return
- return ppa_url if ppa_url =~ HTTP_URL_RE
- # otherwise start generating the ppa url
- # special care if the name stats with :
- ppa_url = ppa_url.split(':')[1] if ppa_url.start_with?('ppa:')
- # parse ppa owner and repo
- ppa_owner, ppa_repo = ppa_url.split('/')
- ppa_repo = 'ppa' if ppa_repo.nil?
- # construct new ppa url and return it
- format('', ppa_owner, ppa_repo)
- end
- end
- # for compatability with serverspec
- # this is deprecated syntax and will be removed in future versions
- class PpaRepository < AptRepository
- name 'ppa'
- def exists?
- deprecated
- super()
- end
- def enabled?
- deprecated
- super()
- end
- def deprecated
- warn '[DEPRECATION] `ppa(reponame)` is deprecated. Please use `apt(reponame)` instead.'
- end
- end
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Verifies apt and ppa repositories
+# Usage:
+# describe apt('ubuntu-wine/ppa') do
+# it { should exist }
+# it { should be_enabled }
+# end
+# it also understands a ppa url
+# describe apt('ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa') do
+# it { should exist }
+# it { should be_enabled }
+# end
+# The following ppa formats are supported:
+# - ubuntu-wine/ppa
+# - ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
+# -
+# Install a ppa as following:
+# apt-get install python-software-properties
+# apt-get install software-properties-common
+# add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
+require 'uri'
+module Inspec::Resources
+ class AptRepository < Inspec.resource(1)
+ name 'apt'
+ supports platform: 'unix'
+ desc 'Use the apt InSpec audit resource to verify Apt repositories on the Debian and Ubuntu platforms, and also PPA repositories on the Ubuntu platform.'
+ example "
+ describe apt('nginx/stable') do
+ it { should exist }
+ it { should be_enabled }
+ end
+ "
+ def initialize(ppa_name)
+ @deb_url = nil
+ # check if the os is ubuntu or debian
+ if inspec.os.debian?
+ @deb_url = determine_ppa_url(ppa_name)
+ else
+ # this resource is only supported on ubuntu and debian
+ skip_resource 'The `apt` resource is not supported on your OS yet.'
+ end
+ end
+ def exists?
+ find_repo.count > 0
+ end
+ def enabled?
+ return false if find_repo.count == 0
+ actives = { |repo| repo[:active] }
+ actives = actives.uniq
+ actives.size == 1 && actives[0] = true
+ end
+ def to_s
+ "Apt Repository #{@deb_url}"
+ end
+ private
+ def find_repo
+ { |repo| repo[:url] == @deb_url && repo[:type] == 'deb' }
+ end
+ HTTP_URL_RE = /\A#{URI::DEFAULT_PARSER.make_regexp(%w{http https})}\z/
+ # read
+ def read_debs
+ return @repo_cache if defined?(@repo_cache)
+ # load all lists
+ cmd = inspec.command("find /etc/apt/ -name \*.list -exec sh -c 'cat {} || echo -n' \\;")
+ # @see
+ @repo_cache = cmd.stdout.chomp.split("\n").each_with_object([]) do |raw_line, lines|
+ active = true
+ # detect if the repo is commented out
+ line = raw_line.gsub(/^(#\s*)*/, '')
+ active = false if raw_line != line
+ # eg.: deb wily main restricted
+ # or : deb [trusted=yes] wily main restricted
+ parse_repo = /^\s*(\S+)\s+(?:\[\S+\])?\s*"?([^ "\t\r\n\f]+)"?\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)$/.match(line)
+ # check if we got any result and the second param is an url
+ next if parse_repo.nil? || !parse_repo[2] =~ HTTP_URL_RE
+ # map data
+ repo = {
+ type: parse_repo[1],
+ url: parse_repo[2],
+ distro: parse_repo[3],
+ components: parse_repo[4].chomp.split(' '),
+ active: active,
+ }
+ next unless ['deb', 'deb-src'].include? repo[:type]
+ lines.push(repo)
+ end
+ end
+ # resolves ppa urls
+ # @see
+ def determine_ppa_url(ppa_url)
+ # verify if we have the url already, then just return
+ return ppa_url if ppa_url =~ HTTP_URL_RE
+ # otherwise start generating the ppa url
+ # special care if the name stats with :
+ ppa_url = ppa_url.split(':')[1] if ppa_url.start_with?('ppa:')
+ # parse ppa owner and repo
+ ppa_owner, ppa_repo = ppa_url.split('/')
+ ppa_repo = 'ppa' if ppa_repo.nil?
+ # construct new ppa url and return it
+ format('', ppa_owner, ppa_repo)
+ end
+ end
+ # for compatability with serverspec
+ # this is deprecated syntax and will be removed in future versions
+ class PpaRepository < AptRepository
+ name 'ppa'
+ def exists?
+ deprecated
+ super()
+ end
+ def enabled?
+ deprecated
+ super()
+ end
+ def deprecated
+ warn '[DEPRECATION] `ppa(reponame)` is deprecated. Please use `apt(reponame)` instead.'
+ end
+ end