lib/inspec/runner.rb in inspec-1.51.6 vs lib/inspec/runner.rb in inspec-1.51.15
- old
+ new
@@ -1,337 +1,340 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
-# copyright: 2015, Dominik Richter
-# author: Dominik Richter
-# author: Christoph Hartmann
-require 'forwardable'
-require 'uri'
-require 'inspec/backend'
-require 'inspec/profile_context'
-require 'inspec/profile'
-require 'inspec/metadata'
-require 'inspec/secrets'
-require 'inspec/dependencies/cache'
-# spec requirements
-module Inspec
- #
- # Inspec::Runner coordinates the running of tests and is the main
- # entry point to the application.
- #
- # Users are expected to insantiate a runner, add targets to be run,
- # and then call the run method:
- #
- # ```
- # r =
- # r.add_target("/path/to/some/profile")
- # r.add_target("http://url/to/some/profile")
- #
- # ```
- #
- class Runner
- extend Forwardable
- def_delegator :@test_collector, :report
- attr_reader :backend, :rules, :attributes
- def initialize(conf = {})
- @rules = []
- @conf = conf.dup
- @conf[:logger] ||=
- @target_profiles = []
- @controls = @conf[:controls] || []
- @depends = @conf[:depends] || []
- @ignore_supports = @conf[:ignore_supports]
- @create_lockfile = @conf[:create_lockfile]
- @cache =[:vendor_cache])
- @test_collector = @conf.delete(:test_collector) || begin
- require 'inspec/runner_rspec'
- end
- # parse any ad-hoc runners reporter formats
- @conf = Inspec::BaseCLI.parse_reporters(@conf) if @conf[:type].nil?
- # list of profile attributes
- @attributes = []
- load_attributes(@conf)
- configure_transport
- end
- def tests
- @test_collector.tests
- end
- def configure_transport
- @backend = Inspec::Backend.create(@conf)
- @test_collector.backend = @backend
- end
- def reset
- @test_collector.reset
- @target_profiles.each do |profile|
- profile.runner_context.rules = {}
- end
- @rules = []
- end
- def load
- all_controls = []
- @target_profiles.each do |profile|
- @test_collector.add_profile(profile)
- write_lockfile(profile) if @create_lockfile
- profile.locked_dependencies
- profile_context = profile.load_libraries
- profile_context.dependencies.list.values.each do |requirement|
- @test_collector.add_profile(requirement.profile)
- end
- @attributes |= profile.runner_context.attributes
- all_controls += profile.collect_tests
- end
- all_controls.each do |rule|
- register_rule(rule) unless rule.nil?
- end
- end
- def run(with = nil)
- Inspec::Log.debug "Starting run with targets: #{}"
- load
- run_tests(with)
- end
- def render_output(run_data)
- return if @conf['reporter'].nil?
- @conf['reporter'].each do |reporter|
- Inspec::Reporters.render(reporter, run_data)
- end
- end
- def write_lockfile(profile)
- return false if !profile.writable?
- if profile.lockfile_exists?
- Inspec::Log.debug "Using existing lockfile #{profile.lockfile_path}"
- else
- Inspec::Log.debug "Creating lockfile: #{profile.lockfile_path}"
- lockfile = profile.generate_lockfile
- File.write(profile.lockfile_path, lockfile.to_yaml)
- end
- end
- def run_tests(with = nil)
- status, run_data =
- render_output(run_data)
- status
- end
- # determine all attributes before the execution, fetch data from secrets backend
- def load_attributes(options)
- options[:attributes] ||= {}
- secrets_targets = options[:attrs]
- return options[:attributes] if secrets_targets.nil?
- secrets_targets.each do |target|
- validate_attributes_file_readability!(target)
- secrets = Inspec::SecretsBackend.resolve(target)
- if secrets.nil?
- raise Inspec::Exceptions::SecretsBackendNotFound,
- "Cannot find parser for attributes file '#{target}'. " \
- 'Check to make sure file has the appropriate extension.'
- end
- next if secrets.attributes.nil?
- options[:attributes].merge!(secrets.attributes)
- end
- options[:attributes]
- end
- #
- # add_target allows the user to add a target whose tests will be
- # run when the user calls the run method.
- #
- # A target is a path or URL that points to a profile. Using this
- # target we generate a Profile and a ProfileContext. The content
- # (libraries, tests, and attributes) from the Profile are loaded
- # into the ProfileContext.
- #
- # If the profile depends on other profiles, those profiles will be
- # loaded on-demand when include_content or required_content are
- # called using similar code in Inspec::DSL.
- #
- # Once the we've loaded all of the tests files in the profile, we
- # query the profile for the full list of rules. Those rules are
- # registered with the @test_collector which is ultimately
- # responsible for actually running the tests.
- #
- # TODO: Deduplicate/clarify the loading code that exists in here,
- # the ProfileContext, the Profile, and Inspec::DSL
- #
- # @params target [String] A path or URL to a profile or raw test.
- # @params _opts [Hash] Unused, but still here to avoid breaking kitchen-inspec
- #
- # @eturns [Inspec::ProfileContext]
- #
- def add_target(target, _opts = [])
- profile = Inspec::Profile.for_target(target,
- vendor_cache: @cache,
- backend: @backend,
- controls: @controls,
- attributes: @conf[:attributes])
- raise "Could not resolve #{target} to valid input." if profile.nil?
- @target_profiles << profile if supports_profile?(profile)
- end
- def supports_profile?(profile)
- return true if @ignore_supports
- if !profile.supports_runtime?
- raise 'This profile requires InSpec version '\
- "#{profile.metadata.inspec_requirement}. You are running "\
- "InSpec v#{Inspec::VERSION}.\n"
- end
- if !profile.supports_platform?
- raise "This OS/platform (#{}/#{@backend.platform.release}) is not supported by this profile."
- end
- true
- end
- # In some places we read the rules off of the runner, in other
- # places we read it off of the profile context. To keep the API's
- # the same, we provide an #all_rules method here as well.
- def all_rules
- @rules
- end
- def register_rules(ctx)
- new_tests = false
- ctx.rules.each do |rule_id, rule|
- next if block_given? && !(yield rule_id, rule)
- new_tests = true
- register_rule(rule)
- end
- new_tests
- end
- def eval_with_virtual_profile(command)
- require 'fetchers/mock'
- add_target({ 'inspec.yml' => 'name: inspec-shell' })
- our_profile = @target_profiles.first
- ctx = our_profile.runner_context
- # Load local profile dependencies. This is used in inspec shell
- # to provide access to local profiles that add resources.
- @depends
- .map { |x| Inspec::Profile.for_path(x, { profile_context: ctx }) }
- .each(&:load_libraries)
- ctx.load(command)
- end
- private
- def block_source_info(block)
- return {} if block.nil? || !block.respond_to?(:source_location)
- opts = {}
- file_path, line = block.source_location
- opts['file_path'] = file_path
- opts['line_number'] = line
- opts
- end
- def get_check_example(method_name, arg, block)
- opts = block_source_info(block)
- return nil if arg.empty?
- if arg[0].respond_to?(:resource_skipped?) && arg[0].resource_skipped?
- return rspec_skipped_block(arg, opts, arg[0].resource_exception_message)
- end
- if arg[0].respond_to?(:resource_failed?) && arg[0].resource_failed?
- return rspec_failed_block(arg, opts, arg[0].resource_exception_message)
- end
- # If neither skipped nor failed then add the resource
- add_resource(method_name, arg, opts, block)
- end
- def register_rule(rule)
- Inspec::Log.debug "Registering rule #{rule}"
- @rules << rule
- checks = ::Inspec::Rule.prepare_checks(rule)
- examples = checks.flat_map do |m, a, b|
- get_check_example(m, a, b)
- end.compact
- examples.each { |e| @test_collector.add_test(e, rule) }
- end
- def validate_attributes_file_readability!(target)
- unless File.exist?(target)
- raise Inspec::Exceptions::AttributesFileDoesNotExist,
- "Cannot find attributes file '#{target}'. " \
- 'Check to make sure file exists.'
- end
- unless File.readable?(target)
- raise Inspec::Exceptions::AttributesFileNotReadable,
- "Cannot read attributes file '#{target}'. " \
- 'Check to make sure file is readable.'
- end
- true
- end
- def rspec_skipped_block(arg, opts, message)
- @test_collector.example_group(*arg, opts) do
- # Send custom `it` block to RSpec
- it message
- end
- end
- def rspec_failed_block(arg, opts, message)
- @test_collector.example_group(*arg, opts) do
- # Send custom `it` block to RSpec
- it '' do
- # Raising here to fail the test and get proper formatting
- raise Inspec::Exceptions::ResourceFailed, message
- end
- end
- end
- def add_resource(method_name, arg, opts, block)
- case method_name
- when 'describe'
- @test_collector.example_group(*arg, opts, &block)
- when 'expect'
- block.example_group
- when ''
- tests = do |x|
- @test_collector.example_group(x[1][0], block_source_info(x[2]), &x[2])
- end
- return nil if tests.empty?
- successful_tests = tests.find_all(&:run)
- # Return all tests if none succeeds; we will just report full failure
- return tests if successful_tests.empty?
- successful_tests
- else
- raise "A rule was registered with #{method_name.inspect}," \
- "which isn't understood and cannot be processed."
- end
- end
- end
+# encoding: utf-8
+# copyright: 2015, Dominik Richter
+# author: Dominik Richter
+# author: Christoph Hartmann
+require 'forwardable'
+require 'uri'
+require 'inspec/backend'
+require 'inspec/profile_context'
+require 'inspec/profile'
+require 'inspec/metadata'
+require 'inspec/secrets'
+require 'inspec/dependencies/cache'
+# spec requirements
+module Inspec
+ #
+ # Inspec::Runner coordinates the running of tests and is the main
+ # entry point to the application.
+ #
+ # Users are expected to insantiate a runner, add targets to be run,
+ # and then call the run method:
+ #
+ # ```
+ # r =
+ # r.add_target("/path/to/some/profile")
+ # r.add_target("http://url/to/some/profile")
+ #
+ # ```
+ #
+ class Runner
+ extend Forwardable
+ attr_reader :backend, :rules, :attributes
+ def initialize(conf = {})
+ @rules = []
+ @conf = conf.dup
+ @conf[:logger] ||=
+ @target_profiles = []
+ @controls = @conf[:controls] || []
+ @depends = @conf[:depends] || []
+ @ignore_supports = @conf[:ignore_supports]
+ @create_lockfile = @conf[:create_lockfile]
+ @cache =[:vendor_cache])
+ @test_collector = @conf.delete(:test_collector) || begin
+ require 'inspec/runner_rspec'
+ end
+ # parse any ad-hoc runners reporter formats
+ @conf = Inspec::BaseCLI.parse_reporters(@conf) if @conf[:type].nil?
+ # list of profile attributes
+ @attributes = []
+ load_attributes(@conf)
+ configure_transport
+ end
+ def tests
+ @test_collector.tests
+ end
+ def configure_transport
+ @backend = Inspec::Backend.create(@conf)
+ @test_collector.backend = @backend
+ end
+ def reset
+ @test_collector.reset
+ @target_profiles.each do |profile|
+ profile.runner_context.rules = {}
+ end
+ @rules = []
+ end
+ def load
+ all_controls = []
+ @target_profiles.each do |profile|
+ @test_collector.add_profile(profile)
+ write_lockfile(profile) if @create_lockfile
+ profile.locked_dependencies
+ profile_context = profile.load_libraries
+ profile_context.dependencies.list.values.each do |requirement|
+ @test_collector.add_profile(requirement.profile)
+ end
+ @attributes |= profile.runner_context.attributes
+ all_controls += profile.collect_tests
+ end
+ all_controls.each do |rule|
+ register_rule(rule) unless rule.nil?
+ end
+ end
+ def run(with = nil)
+ Inspec::Log.debug "Starting run with targets: #{}"
+ load
+ run_tests(with)
+ end
+ def render_output(run_data)
+ return if @conf['reporter'].nil?
+ @conf['reporter'].each do |reporter|
+ Inspec::Reporters.render(reporter, run_data)
+ end
+ end
+ def report
+['reporter'].first, @run_data)
+ end
+ def write_lockfile(profile)
+ return false if !profile.writable?
+ if profile.lockfile_exists?
+ Inspec::Log.debug "Using existing lockfile #{profile.lockfile_path}"
+ else
+ Inspec::Log.debug "Creating lockfile: #{profile.lockfile_path}"
+ lockfile = profile.generate_lockfile
+ File.write(profile.lockfile_path, lockfile.to_yaml)
+ end
+ end
+ def run_tests(with = nil)
+ status, @run_data =
+ # dont output anything if we want a report
+ render_output(@run_data) unless @conf['report']
+ status
+ end
+ # determine all attributes before the execution, fetch data from secrets backend
+ def load_attributes(options)
+ options[:attributes] ||= {}
+ secrets_targets = options[:attrs]
+ return options[:attributes] if secrets_targets.nil?
+ secrets_targets.each do |target|
+ validate_attributes_file_readability!(target)
+ secrets = Inspec::SecretsBackend.resolve(target)
+ if secrets.nil?
+ raise Inspec::Exceptions::SecretsBackendNotFound,
+ "Cannot find parser for attributes file '#{target}'. " \
+ 'Check to make sure file has the appropriate extension.'
+ end
+ next if secrets.attributes.nil?
+ options[:attributes].merge!(secrets.attributes)
+ end
+ options[:attributes]
+ end
+ #
+ # add_target allows the user to add a target whose tests will be
+ # run when the user calls the run method.
+ #
+ # A target is a path or URL that points to a profile. Using this
+ # target we generate a Profile and a ProfileContext. The content
+ # (libraries, tests, and attributes) from the Profile are loaded
+ # into the ProfileContext.
+ #
+ # If the profile depends on other profiles, those profiles will be
+ # loaded on-demand when include_content or required_content are
+ # called using similar code in Inspec::DSL.
+ #
+ # Once the we've loaded all of the tests files in the profile, we
+ # query the profile for the full list of rules. Those rules are
+ # registered with the @test_collector which is ultimately
+ # responsible for actually running the tests.
+ #
+ # TODO: Deduplicate/clarify the loading code that exists in here,
+ # the ProfileContext, the Profile, and Inspec::DSL
+ #
+ # @params target [String] A path or URL to a profile or raw test.
+ # @params _opts [Hash] Unused, but still here to avoid breaking kitchen-inspec
+ #
+ # @eturns [Inspec::ProfileContext]
+ #
+ def add_target(target, _opts = [])
+ profile = Inspec::Profile.for_target(target,
+ vendor_cache: @cache,
+ backend: @backend,
+ controls: @controls,
+ attributes: @conf[:attributes])
+ raise "Could not resolve #{target} to valid input." if profile.nil?
+ @target_profiles << profile if supports_profile?(profile)
+ end
+ def supports_profile?(profile)
+ return true if @ignore_supports
+ if !profile.supports_runtime?
+ raise 'This profile requires InSpec version '\
+ "#{profile.metadata.inspec_requirement}. You are running "\
+ "InSpec v#{Inspec::VERSION}.\n"
+ end
+ if !profile.supports_platform?
+ raise "This OS/platform (#{}/#{@backend.platform.release}) is not supported by this profile."
+ end
+ true
+ end
+ # In some places we read the rules off of the runner, in other
+ # places we read it off of the profile context. To keep the API's
+ # the same, we provide an #all_rules method here as well.
+ def all_rules
+ @rules
+ end
+ def register_rules(ctx)
+ new_tests = false
+ ctx.rules.each do |rule_id, rule|
+ next if block_given? && !(yield rule_id, rule)
+ new_tests = true
+ register_rule(rule)
+ end
+ new_tests
+ end
+ def eval_with_virtual_profile(command)
+ require 'fetchers/mock'
+ add_target({ 'inspec.yml' => 'name: inspec-shell' })
+ our_profile = @target_profiles.first
+ ctx = our_profile.runner_context
+ # Load local profile dependencies. This is used in inspec shell
+ # to provide access to local profiles that add resources.
+ @depends
+ .map { |x| Inspec::Profile.for_path(x, { profile_context: ctx }) }
+ .each(&:load_libraries)
+ ctx.load(command)
+ end
+ private
+ def block_source_info(block)
+ return {} if block.nil? || !block.respond_to?(:source_location)
+ opts = {}
+ file_path, line = block.source_location
+ opts['file_path'] = file_path
+ opts['line_number'] = line
+ opts
+ end
+ def get_check_example(method_name, arg, block)
+ opts = block_source_info(block)
+ return nil if arg.empty?
+ if arg[0].respond_to?(:resource_skipped?) && arg[0].resource_skipped?
+ return rspec_skipped_block(arg, opts, arg[0].resource_exception_message)
+ end
+ if arg[0].respond_to?(:resource_failed?) && arg[0].resource_failed?
+ return rspec_failed_block(arg, opts, arg[0].resource_exception_message)
+ end
+ # If neither skipped nor failed then add the resource
+ add_resource(method_name, arg, opts, block)
+ end
+ def register_rule(rule)
+ Inspec::Log.debug "Registering rule #{rule}"
+ @rules << rule
+ checks = ::Inspec::Rule.prepare_checks(rule)
+ examples = checks.flat_map do |m, a, b|
+ get_check_example(m, a, b)
+ end.compact
+ examples.each { |e| @test_collector.add_test(e, rule) }
+ end
+ def validate_attributes_file_readability!(target)
+ unless File.exist?(target)
+ raise Inspec::Exceptions::AttributesFileDoesNotExist,
+ "Cannot find attributes file '#{target}'. " \
+ 'Check to make sure file exists.'
+ end
+ unless File.readable?(target)
+ raise Inspec::Exceptions::AttributesFileNotReadable,
+ "Cannot read attributes file '#{target}'. " \
+ 'Check to make sure file is readable.'
+ end
+ true
+ end
+ def rspec_skipped_block(arg, opts, message)
+ @test_collector.example_group(*arg, opts) do
+ # Send custom `it` block to RSpec
+ it message
+ end
+ end
+ def rspec_failed_block(arg, opts, message)
+ @test_collector.example_group(*arg, opts) do
+ # Send custom `it` block to RSpec
+ it '' do
+ # Raising here to fail the test and get proper formatting
+ raise Inspec::Exceptions::ResourceFailed, message
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def add_resource(method_name, arg, opts, block)
+ case method_name
+ when 'describe'
+ @test_collector.example_group(*arg, opts, &block)
+ when 'expect'
+ block.example_group
+ when ''
+ tests = do |x|
+ @test_collector.example_group(x[1][0], block_source_info(x[2]), &x[2])
+ end
+ return nil if tests.empty?
+ successful_tests = tests.find_all(&:run)
+ # Return all tests if none succeeds; we will just report full failure
+ return tests if successful_tests.empty?
+ successful_tests
+ else
+ raise "A rule was registered with #{method_name.inspect}," \
+ "which isn't understood and cannot be processed."
+ end
+ end
+ end