doc/usage.erb in inochi-0.2.0 vs doc/usage.erb in inochi-0.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+<% yaml_addr = "" %>
<% part "Usage" do %>
<% section "Command-line interface" do %>
When you run this command:
<%= $program %> --help
@@ -310,11 +312,11 @@
To reduce the amount of code you have to write, **<%= $project %>** defines the following convention for unit tests.
<% paragraph "Units and tests" do %>
Every Ruby source file in your project's <tt>lib/</tt> directory is considered to be a **unit**. Likewise, every Ruby source file in your project's <tt>test/</tt> is considered to be a **test**.
- As a result, your project's <tt>test/</tt> directory structure *mirrors* the structure of your project's <tt>lib/</tt> directory. For example, if your project has a <tt>lib/foo/bar.rb</tt> unit, then <tt>test/foo/bar.rb</tt> would be its the corresponding test.
+ As a result, your project's <tt>test/</tt> directory structure *mirrors* the structure of your project's <tt>lib/</tt> directory. For example, if your project has a <tt>lib/foo/bar.rb</tt> unit, then <tt>test/foo/bar.rb</tt> would be its corresponding test.
<% end %>
<% paragraph "Test execution" do %>
<pre>rake test</pre>
@@ -324,11 +326,11 @@
* Before a test is executed, its corresponding unit is automatically loaded into the Ruby environment using `require()`.
As for the details of test execution:
- * Tests are executed by the [minitest] library, which allows you to write unit tests in a combination of styles: traditional TDD, modern BDD, alternative rSpec BDD, and mock-based validation styles.
+ * Tests are executed by the [minitest] library, which allows you to write unit tests in a combination of styles: traditional xUnit TDD, alternative rSpec BDD, and mock-based validation styles.
* Within each test, test cases are executed in random order. This is the default behavior of the [minitest] library.
<% end %>
@@ -342,17 +344,120 @@
require 'test/foo/qux'
<% end %>
<% end %>
- <% section "Publish your project" do %>
- This command performs all of the automated steps described in the following sections:
+ <% section "Translate your project" do %>
+ <% phrases_file = "<tt>lang/phrases.yaml</tt>" %>
+ Although English is the *lingua franca* of today, your project's users may prefer to interact with it in their native language. **<%= $project %>** makes it easy to translate your project and also makes it easy for users to correct and contribute translations to your project.
+ <% section "Language phrases" do %>
+ **<%= $project %>** equips your project module with a `PHRASES` constant (see the [`Inochi::Phrases` class](api/Inochi/Phrases.html)) which provides access to translations of language phrases used in your project.
+ The [`Inochi::Phrases#[]` method](api/Inochi/Phrases.html#[]-instance_method) translates a given language phrase into the user's preferred language, which is automatically inferred from their environment, but may be explictly overridden by the user via the <tt>--locale</tt> option of <%= xref "Run project executable", "your project's main executable" %>:
+ <code>
+ your_project::PHRASES['Have a nice day!']
+ </code>
+ If there is no <%= xref "Translation files", "translation file" %> for the user's preferred language, or it does not define a translation for a particular language phrase, then the language phrase will be used untranslated:
+ <code>
+ your_project::PHRASES['No translation for this']
+ #=> 'No translation for this'
+ </code>
+ <% paragraph "Parameterizing language phrases" do %>
+ Language phrases can be parameterized using [`printf` format placeholders]( to ease translation:
+ <code>
+ your_project::PHRASES['Good afternoon, %s.', user_name]
+ your_project::PHRASES['You are %d years old.', user_age]
+ </code>
+ <% end %>
+ <% paragraph "Explicit translation into a language" do %>
+ If a language phrase must be translated into a specific language, regardless of the user's preference, you can invoke the respective method (whose name is the same as the [ISO-639 language code]( of the language into which you wish to translate) on your `PHRASES` object:
+ <code>
+ # explictly translate into Japanese (ja)
+ your_project::PHRASES.ja('Goodbye %s!', user_name)
+ # explictly translate into French (fr)
+'Farewell %s!', user_name)
+ </code>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% section "Translation files" do %>
+ Translation files are [YAML documents](<%= yaml_addr %>) that reside in your project's <tt>lang/</tt> directory. They provide translations for <%= xref "Language phrases", "language phrases" %> used in your project.
+ For example, suppose that your language phrases are written in English, the <tt>lang/es.yaml</tt> (Spanish) translation file would appear like this:
+ <pre>
+ #
+ # (this is a comment)
+ #
+ # language phrase : translation
+ #
+ Hello %s! : ¡Hola %s!
+ Money : Dinero
+ Ticket : Tarjeta
+ See you later %s! : ¡Hasta la vista %s!
+ "%s: Quickly, please!" : "%s: ¡Rápidamente, por favor!"
+ </pre>
+ On each line, the original language phrase (as used in your project) appears first, then a single semicolon (:), followed by the translation.
+ Also, notice that if a language phrase contains a semicolon, then the entire phrase must be enclosed in quotation marks. The same rule applies to its corresponding translation.
+ <% end %>
+ <% section "Extracting language phrases" do %>
+ <pre>
+ # rake lang:dump
+ <%= verbatim `rake lang:dump` %>
+ </pre>
+ The above command exercises your project's code and extracts all *utilized* language phrases into the <%= phrases_file %> file. Continue reading to learn how this is accomplished.
+ <% paragraph "Dynamic analysis" do %>
+ Because Ruby is a dynamically interpreted language, the easiest way to extract language phrases is to evaluate the code that defines them and keep track of which phrases are defined.
+ But how can **<%= $project %>** exercise all Ruby code in your project? The answer is through *unit tests*. Because unit tests already exercise your project's code, **<%= $project %>** can use them to reach and extract all language phrases from your project.
+ However, note that if your unit tests *do not* exercise a part of your project that defines language phrases, then those phrases *will not* be extracted by **<%= $project %>**.
+ This gives you extra motivation to improve the coverage of your test suite---at least to the point where all code that defines language phrases is covered.
+ <% end %>
+ <% paragraph "Static analysis" do %>
+ In a future release, I plan to extract language phrases through static analysis of Ruby code. This approach will supplement the current practice of reaching language phrases through unit tests.
+ Patches are welcome! :-)
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% section "Translating language phrases" do %>
+ After you have extracted all language phrases from your project (either manually or via <%= xref "Extracting language phrases" %>) into the <%= phrases_file %> file, **<%= $project %>** can automatically translate them into various languages using the [Yahoo! BabelFish translation service](
+ <pre>
+ # rake lang:conv from=LANGUAGE_CODE
+ <%= verbatim `rake lang:conv from=LANGUAGE_CODE 2>&1` %>
+ </pre>
+ Notice that you must specify the language in which your phrases are written, via the <tt>from=</tt> parameter. **<%= $project %>** cannot determine this automatically.
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% section "Publish your project" do %>
# rake pub
+ The above command performs all automated steps described in the following sections.
<% section "Build a RubyGem" do %>
Build a RubyGem by running:
# rake pak
@@ -389,10 +494,10 @@
<% paragraph "Login information" do %>
In order to automate the announcement of releases, **<%= $project %>** needs to know your login information for the [RAA (Ruby Application Archive)]( and [RubyForum](, which serves as a gateway to the [ruby-talk mailing list](
<% logins_file = "~/.config/inochi/logins.yaml" %>
- This information is expected to be stored in a <tt><%= logins_file %></tt> file (this location can be overridden by passing the `:logins_file` option to the [`Inochi.rake()` method](api/Inochi.html#rake-class_method)), where <tt>~</tt> denotes the path to your home directory. This file is a [YAML]( document containing the following parameters:
+ This information is expected to be stored in a <tt><%= logins_file %></tt> file (this location can be overridden by passing the `:logins_file` option to the [`Inochi.rake()` method](api/Inochi.html#rake-class_method)), where <tt>~</tt> denotes the path to your home directory. This file is a [YAML document](<%= yaml_addr %>) containing the following parameters:
<code lang="yaml">