_config.yml in inkstream-0.1.3 vs _config.yml in inkstream-0.1.4
- old
+ new
@@ -1,31 +1,152 @@
-### Site Configuration ###
+# =================================================================================
+# Site Configuration
+# =================================================================================
-# 1. Files excluded from Jekyll builds
+title : blank # The site title (if blank, full name will be used instead)
+full_name : Your Full Name # The full site name (if blank, title will be used instead)
+email : 'your@gmail.com' # Your email address
+lang : en # Site language (en for English)
+encoding : utf-8 # Site encoding (utf-8 for Unicode)
+icon : '/assets/favicon/favicon.ico' # Site favicon
+logo : '/assets/logo/logo.jpg' # Site logo, also used in jekyll-seo-tag
+home-bg : '/assets/images/home-bg.jpg' # Home background image
+url : 'https://inkstream.netlify.app' # Site URL (if using a custom domain)
+baseurl : '' # Site base URL (add if site is not at root)
+repo : 'https://github.com/dev-mdirfan/inkstream' # Site repository, also used in jekyll-seo-tag
+description : > # Site description and default description, also used in jekyll-seo-tag
+ A minimal, responsive, and fast Jekyll theme for personal blogs and portfolios.
+keywords : > # For SEO
+ jekyll, theme, minimal, responsive, blog, portfolio, fast, seo, social, web, development
+footer_text : '© 2021 Inkstream' # Footer text
+# =================================================================================
+# Theme Settings
+# =================================================================================
+# ---
+# =================================================================================
+# Social Integration
+# =================================================================================
+social_links: # Leave blank according to your need
+ linkedin_username : mdirfan57 # Your LinkedIn username
+ github_username : dev-mdirfan # Your GitHub username
+ twitter_username : mohdirfan57 # Your Twitter username
+ stackoveflow_username : 13520260/mohd-irfan # Your Stackoverflow username
+ codepen_username : mohdirfan57 # Your Codepen username
+ name : Sarah Parker # Your name (required)
+ bio : 'A passionate web developer and designer.' # Short bio, You can also provide a links.
+ profession : 'Web Developer' # Your profession (optional)
+ location : 'India' # Your location (optional)
+ email : your@gmail.com # Your email address (optional)
+download_resume: '/assets/resume/resume.pdf' # Add the path to your resume
+# =================================================================================
+# Jekyll Settings
+# =================================================================================
+# Markdown and syntax highlight
+markdown: kramdown
+highlighter: rouge
+ input: GFM
+ syntax_highlighter_opts:
+ css_class: "highlight"
+ span:
+ line_numbers: false
+ block:
+ line_numbers: false
+ start_line: 1
+# Includes & excludes
+include: ["_pages", "blog", "_posts"]
- Gemfile
- Gemfile.lock
- inkstream.gemspec
- .jekyll-cache
- - demo
+ - /demo/
+ # - INSTALL.md
-# 2. Installed Gems
+# Plugins
- jekyll-paginate
- jekyll-seo-tag
- # - rouge does not work
- # - kramdown
-# 3. Gem settings
-paginate: 5 # jekyll-paginate > items per page
-paginate_path: blog/:num # jekyll-paginate > blog page
-pinned: false # jekyll-seo-tag > pin the post to the top of the list
-author: MohdIrfan # jekyll-seo-tag > default author
+# Defaults
+ - # Page settings
+ scope:
+ path: ""
+ type: "pages"
+ values:
+ layout: "page"
+ - # Post settings
+ scope:
+ path: ""
+ type: "posts"
+ values:
+ layout: "post"
+ -
+ scope:
+ path: ""
+ values:
+ image: '/assets/images/posts/default-post-img.jpg' # Default post image
+ # - # Sitemap settings
+ # scope:
+ # path: "assets"
+ # values:
+ # sitemap: false
+# =================================================================================
+# Site Navigation
+# =================================================================================
+# Nav Links
+ -
+ title: Home
+ url: /
+ icon: home
+ -
+ title: Blog
+ url: /blog/
+ icon: blog
+ -
+ title: About Me
+ url: /about/
+ icon: user
+ -
+ title: Mohd Irfan
+ url: https://github.com/dev-mdirfan/
+# Gem settings (jekyll-paginate, jekyll-seo-tag)
+paginate : 5 # jekyll-paginate > items per page
+paginate_path : blog/:num # jekyll-paginate > blog page
+pinned : false # jekyll-seo-tag > pin the post to the top of the list
+author : MohdIrfan # jekyll-seo-tag > default author
username: mohdirfan57 # jekyll-seo-tag > Owners twitter username
social: # jekyll-seo-tag > social overrides
name: Mohd Irfan # jekyll-seo-tag > real name
links: # jekyll-seo-tag > social aliases (sameAs)
@@ -47,41 +168,10 @@
output: true
description: 'My thoughts and ideas' # The post list page content
pin: true # Pin the post to the top of the list
image: 'https://picsum.photos/2560/600?image=866'
-# 6. Jekyll defaults
- - scope:
- path: ''
- values:
- image: '/assets/images/posts/default-post-img.jpg' # Default image for sharing
- - scope:
- path: ''
- type: 'posts'
- values:
- layout: post # Set the default layout for posts
- - scope:
- path: ''
- type: 'pages'
- values:
- layout: page # Set the default layout for pages
-# 7. Site settings
-encoding: utf-8 # Make sure the encoding is right
-lang: en # Set the site language
-title: 'Inkstream' # Site name or title, also used in jekyll-seo-tag
-logo: '/assets/logo/logo.jpg' # Site logo, also used in jekyll-seo-tag
-home-bg: '/assets/images/home-bg.jpg' # Home background image
-description: 'Inkstream is a sleek and modern Jekyll theme tailored for bloggers seeking a seamless platform to express their ideas and stories. With its elegant design and intuitive features, Inkstream facilitates the continuous flow of content creation, empowering users to share their thoughts effortlessly.' # Site description and default description, also used in jekyll-seo-tag
-url: 'https://inkstream.netlify.app' # Site url, also used in jekyll-seo-tag
-baseurl: ''
-repo: 'https://github.com/dev-mdirfan/inkstream' # Site repository, also used in jekyll-seo-tag
-email: 'mdirfan5702@gmail.com'
-# short_name: "Al" # The web application short name, defaults to the site title
-css_inline: false # Will insert all styles into a single <style> block in the <head> element and remove the style <link> reference
# 8. Site favicons & manifest icons
favicons: # Favicons are also used in the manifest file. Syntax is 'size: path'
'16': '/assets/favicon/favicon-16x16.png'
'32': '/assets/favicon/favicon-32x32.png'
'150': '/assets/favicon/mstile-150x150.png'
@@ -89,42 +179,10 @@
'192': '/assets/favicon/android-chrome-192x192.png'
'512': '/assets/favicon/android-chrome-512x512.png'
webmanifest: '/assets/favicon/site.webmanifest'
safari: '/assets/favicon/safari-pinned-tab.svg'
-# 9. Site navigation
- - title: Home
- url: /
- icon: home
- - title: Blog
- url: /blog/
- icon: blog
- - title: About Me
- url: /about/
- icon: user
- - title: Mohd Irfan
- url: https://github.com/dev-mdirfan/
-# 10. Your Personal Info (Social links - Appears in sidebar)
- name: Sarah Parker # Your name (required)
- bio: 'A passionate web developer and designer.' # Short bio or description, You can also provide a link to the about page. (required)
- profession: 'Web Developer' # Your profession (optional)
- location: 'India' # Your location (optional)
- email: your@gmail.com # Your email address (optional)
-social_links: # Set the urls then uncomment and comment out as desired
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/mohdirfan57
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mdirfan57
- GitHub: https://github.com/dev-mdirfan
- Stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/users/13520260/mohd-irfan
- Codepen: https://codepen.io/mohdirfan57
-download_resume: '/assets/resume/resume.pdf' # Add the path to your resume
-# sharing_links: # Appear at the bottom of single blog posts, add as desired. The value can be 'true' or the desired button colour
-# Twitter: '#0d94e7'
-# facebook: '#3B5998'
# Email: true
# # Load custom fonts from fonts.google.com etc
# #
# # TIP: Try to keep the number of urls as low to reduce the performance cost