lib/inch/language/elixir/roles/function.rb in inch-0.7.1 vs lib/inch/language/elixir/roles/function.rb in inch-0.8.0.rc1
- old
+ new
@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
# Role assigned to methods with many parameters
# @see CodeObject::Ruby::MethodObject#has_many_parameters?
class WithManyParameters < Base
applicable_if :has_many_parameters?
- priority +2
+ priority(2)
# Role assigned to methods where the return value is typed in the
# docs
class WithReturnType < Base
@@ -50,29 +50,29 @@
# Role assigned to methods with many lines
# @see CodeObject::Ruby::MethodObject#has_many_lines?
class WithManyLines < Base
applicable_if :has_many_lines?
- priority +2
+ priority(2)
# Role assigned to methods whose name end in a '!'
class WithBangName < Base
applicable_if :bang_name?
- priority +3
+ priority(3)
# Role assigned to methods whose name end in a '?'
class WithQuestioningName < Base
applicable_if :questioning_name?
- priority -4
+ priority(-4)
# Role assigned to methods which are aliased
class HasAlias < Base
applicable_if :has_alias?
- priority +2
+ priority(2)
# Role assigned to methods that are constructors
class Constructor < Base
applicable_if :constructor?
@@ -91,10 +91,10 @@
# Role assigned to methods that are overriding another method
class Overridden < Base
applicable_if :overridden?
# It seems more important to document the overridden method,
# than the overriding one
- priority -2
+ priority(-2)
# This role doesnot assign a score.
def score