spec/imw/formats/delimited_spec.rb in imw-0.2.7 vs spec/imw/formats/delimited_spec.rb in imw-0.2.8
- old
+ new
@@ -3,19 +3,51 @@
describe IMW::Formats::Csv do
# we don't test Tsv as the differences from Csv are trivial and
# effect only code within the FasterCSV library
before do
- @sample = IMW.open(File.join(IMWTest::DATA_DIR, 'sample.csv'))
+ @sample = IMW.open(File.join(IMWTest::DATA_DIR, 'formats/delimited/sample.csv'))
it "should be able to parse the CSV" do
@sample.load[1].last.should == 'lemurinus'
it "should be able to write CSV" do
data = [['foobar', 1, 2], ['bazbooz', 3, 4]]
- IMW.open!('test.csv').dump(data)
+ IMW.open!('test.csv') { |f| f << data }
IMW.open('test.csv').load[1].last.should == "4"
+ it "should raise an error on an invalid schema" do
+ lambda { @sample.schema = [{:name => :foobar, :has_many => {:associations => [:foo, :bar]}}] }.should raise_error(IMW::SchemaError)
+ end
+ it "should accept a valid schema" do
+ @sample.schema = [:foo, :bar, :baz]
+ @sample.schema.should == [{:name => 'foo'}, {:name => 'bar'}, {:name => 'baz'}]
+ end
+ describe "guessing a schema" do
+ Dir[File.join(IMWTest::DATA_DIR, 'formats/delimited/with_schema/*')].each do |path|
+ it "should correctly guess that with_schema/#{File.basename(path)} has headers in its first row" do
+ IMW.open(path).headers_in_first_line?.should == true
+ end
+ end
+ Dir[File.join(IMWTest::DATA_DIR, 'formats/delimited/without_schema/*')].each do |path|
+ it "should correctly guess that without_schema/#{File.basename(path)} does not have headers in its first row" do
+ IMW.open(path).headers_in_first_line?.should == false
+ end
+ end
+ it "should automatically set the headers on a source with guessed headers" do
+ resource = IMW.open(Dir[File.join(IMWTest::DATA_DIR, 'formats/delimited/with_schema/*')].first)
+ resource.guess_schema!
+ resource.delimited_options[:headers].class.should == Array
+ resource.schema.should_not be_empty
+ end
+ end