spec/imgkit_spec.rb in imgkit-1.2.1 vs spec/imgkit_spec.rb in imgkit-1.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -19,15 +19,10 @@
imgkit = IMGKit.new(File.new(file_path))
imgkit.source.should be_file
imgkit.source.to_s.should == file_path
- it "should parse the options into a cmd line friedly format" do
- imgkit = IMGKit.new('html', :quality => 75)
- imgkit.options.should have_key('--quality')
- end
it "should provide no default options" do
imgkit = IMGKit.new('<h1>Oh Hai</h1>')
imgkit.options.should be_empty
@@ -47,17 +42,21 @@
it "should contstruct the correct command" do
imgkit = IMGKit.new('html')
imgkit.command[0].should include('wkhtmltoimage')
imgkit.command.should include('-')
+ it "should parse the options into a cmd line friedly format" do
+ imgkit = IMGKit.new('html', :quality => 75)
+ imgkit.command.should include('--quality')
+ end
it "will not include default options it is told to omit" do
imgkit = IMGKit.new('html')
imgkit = IMGKit.new('html', :disable_smart_shrinking => false)
imgkit.command.should_not include('--disable-smart-shrinking')
it "should encapsulate string arguments in quotes" do
imgkit = IMGKit.new('html', :header_center => "foo [page]")
imgkit.command[imgkit.command.index('--header-center') + 1].should == 'foo [page]'
@@ -96,11 +95,11 @@
imgkit.command[imgkit.command.index('--page-size') + 1].should == 'Legal'
imgkit.command[imgkit.command.index('--orientation') + 1].should == 'Landscape'
- context "#to_img" do
+ context "#to_img(format = nil)" do
def filetype_of(img)
result = nil
tmpfile = Tempfile.new('imgkit')
File.open(tmpfile.path, 'w') { |f| f << img }
result = `file #{tmpfile.path}`
@@ -148,30 +147,115 @@
imgkit.stylesheets << css
lambda { imgkit.to_img }.should raise_error(IMGKit::ImproperSourceError)
it "should throw an error if the wkhtmltoimage command fails" do
- imgkit = IMGKit.new('http://www.hopefully.this.site.never.exists.asjdhjkalshgflkahfsglkahfdlg11.com')
+ #stdin #stdout #stderr
+ Open3.stub(:popen3).and_yield(StringIO.new, StringIO.new, StringIO.new("This failed, dude"))
+ imgkit = IMGKit.new('http://www.example.com')
lambda { imgkit.to_img }.should raise_error(IMGKit::CommandFailedError)
+ context "when there is no format" do
+ it "should fallback to jpg" do
+ IMGKit.new("Hello, world").to_img.should be_a(:jpg)
+ end
+ context "when a default_format has been configured" do
+ before do
+ IMGKit.configure do |config|
+ config.default_format = :png
+ end
+ end
+ after do
+ IMGKit.configure do |config|
+ config.default_format = :jpg
+ end
+ end
+ it "should use the configured format" do
+ IMGKit.new("Oh hai!").to_img.should be_a(:png)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "when format = :jpg" do
+ it "should create a jpg" do
+ IMGKit.new("Hello, world").to_img(:jpg).should be_a(:jpg)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when format is a known format" do
+ it "should create an image with that format" do
+ IMGKit::KNOWN_FORMATS.each do |format|
+ IMGKit.new("Hello, world").to_img(format).should be_a(format)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "when format is unknown" do
+ it "should raise an UnknownFormatError" do
+ lambda { IMGKit.new("Hello, world").to_img(:blah) }.should raise_error(IMGKit::UnknownFormatError)
+ end
+ end
+ context "#to_<known_format>" do
+ IMGKit::KNOWN_FORMATS.each do |format|
+ describe "#to_#{format}" do
+ it "should create a #{format}" do
+ IMGKit.new("Hello").send("to_#{format}").should be_a(format)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "#to_<unkown_format>" do
+ it "should raise and UnknownFormatError" do
+ lambda { IMGKit.new("Hello, world").to_blah }.should raise_error(IMGKit::UnknownFormatError)
+ end
+ end
context "#to_file" do
before do
@file_path = File.join(SPEC_ROOT,'fixtures','test.jpg')
File.delete(@file_path) if File.exist?(@file_path)
after do
- File.delete(@file_path)
+ File.delete(@file_path) if File.exist?(@file_path)
it "should create a file with the result of :to_img as content" do
imgkit = IMGKit.new('html', :quality => 50)
file = imgkit.to_file(@file_path)
file.should be_instance_of(File)
File.read(file.path).should == 'CONTENT'
+ end
+ IMGKit::KNOWN_FORMATS.each do |format|
+ it "should use the extension #{format} as the format" do
+ @file_path = File.join(SPEC_ROOT,'fixtures',"test.#{format}")
+ imgkit = IMGKit.new('html', :quality => 50)
+ file = imgkit.to_file(@file_path)
+ file.should be_instance_of(File)
+ File.open(file.path, "r:ASCII-8BIT") { |f| f.read.should be_a(format) }
+ end
+ end
+ it "should raise UnknownFormatError when format is unknown" do
+ kit = IMGKit.new("html")
+ lambda {
+ kit.to_file("file.bad_format")
+ }.should raise_error(IMGKit::UnknownFormatError)
+ end
+ it "should not create the file if format is unknown" do
+ kit = IMGKit.new("html")
+ kit.to_file("file.bad_format") rescue nil
+ File.exist?("file.bad_format").should be_false
context "security" do
before do