spec/unit/configuration/asker_spec.rb in imap-backup-1.0.5 vs spec/unit/configuration/asker_spec.rb in imap-backup-1.0.6
- old
+ new
@@ -1,114 +1,88 @@
# encoding: utf-8
require 'spec_helper'
-describe Imap::Backup::Configuration::Asker do
- context '.email' do
- it 'should ask for an email' do
- Imap::Backup::Configuration::Setup.highline.should_receive(:ask).with(/email/)
+module Imap::Backup::Configuration
+ describe Asker do
+ let(:highline) { double }
- Imap::Backup::Configuration::Asker.email
+ subject { Asker.new(highline) }
+ context '#initialize' do
+ its(:highline) { should eq(highline) }
- it 'should validate the address' do
- Imap::Backup::Configuration::Setup.highline.should_receive(:ask).with(/email/) do |&block|
- q = stub('HighLine::Question', :default= => nil,
- :readline= => nil,
- :responses => {})
- q.should_receive(:validate=).with(instance_of(Regexp))
+ context '#email' do
+ let(:email) { 'email@example.com' }
- block.call q
+ before do
+ allow(highline).to receive(:ask).and_return(email)
+ @result = subject.email
- Imap::Backup::Configuration::Asker.email
- end
+ it 'asks for an email' do
+ expect(highline).to have_received(:ask).with(/email/)
+ end
- it 'should return the address' do
- Imap::Backup::Configuration::Setup.highline.stub!(:ask).with(/email/).and_return('new@example.com')
- Imap::Backup::Configuration::Asker.email.should == 'new@example.com'
+ it 'returns the address' do
+ expect(@result).to eq(email)
+ end
- end
- context '.password' do
- before :each do
- Imap::Backup::Configuration::Setup.highline.stub!(:ask).with(/^password/).and_return('secret')
- Imap::Backup::Configuration::Setup.highline.stub!(:ask).with(/^repeat password/).and_return('secret')
- end
+ context '#password' do
+ let(:password1) { 'password' }
+ let(:password2) { 'password' }
+ let(:answers) { [answer1, answer2] }
+ let(:answer1) { true }
+ let(:answer2) { false }
- it 'should ask for a password and confirmation' do
- Imap::Backup::Configuration::Setup.highline.should_receive(:ask).with(/^password/).and_return('secret')
- Imap::Backup::Configuration::Setup.highline.should_receive(:ask).with(/^repeat password/).and_return('secret')
+ before do
+ @i = 0
+ allow(highline).to receive(:ask).with('password: ').and_return(password1)
+ allow(highline).to receive(:ask).with('repeat password: ').and_return(password2)
+ allow(highline).to receive(:agree) do
+ answer = answers[@i]
+ @i += 1
+ answer
+ end
+ @result = subject.password
+ end
- Imap::Backup::Configuration::Asker.password
- end
+ it 'asks for a password' do
+ expect(highline).to have_received(:ask).with('password: ')
+ end
- it 'should return the password' do
- Imap::Backup::Configuration::Asker.password.should == 'secret'
- end
+ it 'asks for confirmation' do
+ expect(highline).to have_received(:ask).with('repeat password: ')
+ end
- it "should ask again if the passwords don't match" do
- state = :password1
- Imap::Backup::Configuration::Setup.highline.stub!(:ask) do
- case state
- when :password1
- state = :confirmation1
- 'secret'
- when :confirmation1
- state = :retry?
- 'wrong!!!'
- when :retry?
- state = :password2
- 'y'
- when :password2
- state = :confirmation2
- 'secret'
- when :confirmation2
- 'secret'
- end
+ it 'returns the password' do
+ expect(@result).to eq(password1)
- Imap::Backup::Configuration::Asker.password
- end
+ context 'different answers' do
+ let(:password2) { 'secret' }
- it 'should return nil if the user cancels' do
- state = :password1
- Imap::Backup::Configuration::Setup.highline.stub!(:ask) do
- case state
- when :password1
- state = :confirmation1
- 'secret'
- when :confirmation1
- state = :retry?
- 'wrong!!!'
- when :retry?
- state = :password2
- 'n'
+ it 'asks to continue' do
+ expect(highline).to have_received(:agree).at_least(1).times.with(/Continue\?/)
- Imap::Backup::Configuration::Asker.password.should be_nil
- end
- context '.backup_path' do
- it 'should ask for a directory' do
- validator = /validator/
- Imap::Backup::Configuration::Setup.highline.should_receive(:ask).with(/directory/) do |&block|
- q = stub('HighLine::Question', :responses => {}, :readline= => nil)
- q.should_receive(:default=).with('default path')
- q.should_receive(:validate=).with(validator)
+ context '#backup_path' do
+ let(:path) { '/path' }
- block.call q
+ before do
+ allow(highline).to receive(:ask).and_return(path)
+ @result = subject.backup_path('', //)
- Imap::Backup::Configuration::Asker.backup_path('default path', validator)
- end
+ it 'asks for a directory' do
+ expect(highline).to have_received(:ask).with(/directory/)
+ end
- it 'should return the choice' do
- Imap::Backup::Configuration::Setup.highline.should_receive(:ask).with(/directory/).and_return('/path')
- Imap::Backup::Configuration::Asker.backup_path('default path', //).should == '/path'
+ it 'returns the path' do
+ expect(@result).to eq(path)
+ end