spec/unit/configuration/account_spec.rb in imap-backup-1.0.5 vs spec/unit/configuration/account_spec.rb in imap-backup-1.0.6
- old
+ new
@@ -1,216 +1,287 @@
# encoding: utf-8
require 'spec_helper'
describe Imap::Backup::Configuration::Account do
- include HighLineTestHelpers
- include InputOutputTestHelpers
+ class MockHighlineMenu
+ attr_reader :choices
+ attr_accessor :header
- def choose_menu_item(item)
- @state = :initial
- @input.should_receive(:gets) do
- case @state
- when :initial
- @state = :done
- "#{item}\n"
- when :done
- "quit\n"
- end
+ def initialize
+ @choices = {}
+ def choice(name, &block)
+ choices[name] = block
+ end
+ def hidden(name, &block)
+ choices[name] = block
+ end
context '#run' do
- before :each do
- @account1_path = '/backup/path'
- @account1 = {
- :username => 'user@example.com',
- :password => 'secret',
- :local_path => @account1_path,
- :folders => [ { :name => 'my_folder' }, { :name => 'another_folder' } ]
+ let(:highline) { double('Highline') }
+ let(:menu) { MockHighlineMenu.new }
+ let(:store) { double('Imap::Backup::Configuration::Store', :data => data) }
+ let(:data) { {:accounts => [account, account1]} }
+ let(:account) do
+ {
+ :username => existing_email,
+ :server => existing_server,
+ :local_path => '/backup/path',
+ :folders => [{:name => 'my_folder'}],
+ :password => existing_password,
- @other_account_path = '/existing/path'
- @other_account = {
- :username => 'existing@example.com',
- :password => 'secret',
- :local_path => @other_account_path,
- :folders => []
+ end
+ let(:account1) do
+ {
+ :username => other_email,
+ :local_path => other_existing_path,
- @data = {:accounts => [@account1, @other_account]}
- @store = stub('Imap::Backup::Configuration::Store')
- @store.stub!(:data => @data)
- @input, @output = prepare_highline
- subject.stub(:system => nil)
+ let(:existing_email) { 'user@example.com' }
+ let(:new_email) { 'foo@example.com' }
+ let(:existing_server) { 'imap.example.com' }
+ let(:existing_password) { 'password' }
+ let(:other_email) { 'other@example.com' }
+ let(:other_existing_path) { '/other/existing/path' }
- subject { Imap::Backup::Configuration::Account.new(@store, @account1) }
+ before do
+ allow(subject).to receive(:system).and_return(nil)
+ allow(subject).to receive(:puts).and_return(nil)
+ allow(highline).to receive(:choose) do |&block|
+ block.call(menu)
+ throw :done
+ end
+ end
- context 'menu' do
+ subject { described_class.new(store, account, highline) }
+ context 'preparation' do
+ before { subject.run }
it 'clears the screen' do
- subject.should_receive(:system).with('clear')
+ expect(subject).to have_received(:system).with('clear')
+ end
- subject.run
+ context 'menu' do
+ it 'shows the menu' do
+ expect(highline).to have_received(:choose)
+ end
+ end
- it 'should show a menu' do
- subject.run
+ context 'menu' do
+ [
+ 'modify email',
+ 'modify password',
+ 'modify server',
+ 'modify backup path',
+ 'choose backup folders',
+ 'test connection',
+ 'delete',
+ 'return to main menu',
+ 'quit', # TODO: quit is hidden
+ ].each do |item|
+ before { subject.run }
- @output.string.should =~ /modify email/
- @output.string.should =~ /modify password/
- @output.string.should =~ /modify backup path/
- @output.string.should =~ /choose backup folders/
- @output.string.should =~ /test authentication/
- @output.string.should =~ /delete/
- @output.string.should =~ /return to main/
+ it "has a '#{item}' item" do
+ expect(menu.choices).to include(item)
+ end
+ end
- it 'should show account details in the menu' do
- subject.run
+ context 'account details' do
+ [
+ ['email', /email:\s+user@example.com/],
+ ['server', /server:\s+imap.example.com/],
+ ['password', /password:\s+x+/],
+ ['path', %r(path:\s+/backup/path)],
+ ['folders', /folders:\s+my_folder/],
+ ].each do |attribute, value|
+ before { subject.run }
- @output.string.should =~ /email:\s+user@example.com/
- @output.string.should =~ /password:\s+x+/
- @output.string.should =~ %r{path:\s+/backup/path}
- @output.string.should =~ /folders:\s+my_folder, another_folder/
+ it "shows the #{attribute}" do
+ expect(menu.header).to match(value)
+ end
- it 'should indicate that a password is not set' do
- @account1[:password] = ''
+ context 'with no password' do
+ let(:existing_password) { '' }
- subject.run
+ before { subject.run }
- @output.string.should =~ /password:\s+\(unset\)/
+ it 'indicates that a password is not set' do
+ expect(menu.header).to include('password: (unset)')
+ end
context 'email' do
- it 'should modify the email address' do
- Imap::Backup::Configuration::Asker.should_receive(:email).once.and_return('new@example.com')
+ before do
+ allow(Imap::Backup::Configuration::Asker).to receive(:email).and_return(new_email)
+ subject.run
+ menu.choices['modify email'].call
+ end
- choose_menu_item 'modify email'
+ context 'if the server is blank' do
+ [
+ ['GMail', 'foo@gmail.com', 'imap.gmail.com'],
+ ['Fastmail', 'bar@fastmail.fm', 'mail.messagingengine.com'],
+ ].each do |service, email, expected|
+ context service do
+ let(:new_email) { email }
- subject.run
+ context 'with nil' do
+ let(:existing_server) { nil }
- @output.string.should =~ /email:\s+new@example.com/
- @account1[:username].should == 'new@example.com'
+ it 'sets a default server' do
+ expect(account[:server]).to eq(expected)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with an empty string' do
+ let(:existing_server) { '' }
+ it 'sets a default server' do
+ expect(account[:server]).to eq(expected)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
- it 'should do nothing if it creates a duplicate' do
- Imap::Backup::Configuration::Asker.should_receive(:email).once.and_return('existing@example.com')
+ it 'modifies the email address' do
+ expect(account[:username]).to eq(new_email)
+ end
- choose_menu_item 'modify email'
+ context 'the email already exists' do
+ let(:new_email) { other_email }
- capturing_output do
- subject.run
- end.should =~ /there is already an account set up with that email address/i
+ it 'indicates the error' do
+ expect(subject).to have_received(:puts).with('There is already an account set up with that email address')
+ end
+ it "doesn't set the email" do
+ expect(account[:username]).to eq(existing_email)
+ end
context 'password' do
- it 'should update the password' do
- Imap::Backup::Configuration::Asker.should_receive(:password).once.and_return('new_pwd')
+ let(:new_password) { 'new_password' }
- choose_menu_item 'modify password'
+ before do
+ allow(Imap::Backup::Configuration::Asker).to receive(:password).and_return(new_password)
+ menu.choices['modify password'].call
+ end
- @account1[:password].should == 'new_pwd'
+ it 'updates the password' do
+ expect(account[:password]).to eq(new_password)
- it 'should do nothing if the user cancels' do
- Imap::Backup::Configuration::Asker.should_receive(:password).once.and_return(nil)
+ context 'if the user cancels' do
+ let(:new_password) { nil }
- choose_menu_item 'modify password'
+ it 'does nothing' do
+ expect(account[:password]).to eq(existing_password)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'server' do
+ let(:server) { 'server' }
+ before do
+ allow(highline).to receive(:ask).with('server: ').and_return(server)
+ end
+ before do
+ menu.choices['modify server'].call
+ end
- @account1[:password].should == 'secret'
+ it 'updates the server' do
+ expect(account[:server]).to eq(server)
context 'backup_path' do
- it 'should update the path' do
- Imap::Backup::Configuration::Asker.should_receive(:backup_path).once do |default, validator|
- validator.call('new/path')
- '/new/path'
- end
+ let(:new_backup_path) { '/new/path' }
- choose_menu_item 'modify backup path'
+ before do
+ @validator = nil
+ allow(Imap::Backup::Configuration::Asker).to receive(:backup_path) do |path, validator|
+ @validator = validator
+ new_backup_path
+ end
+ menu.choices['modify backup path'].call
+ end
- @account1[:local_path].should == '/new/path'
+ it 'updates the path' do
+ expect(account[:local_path]).to eq(new_backup_path)
- it 'should validate that the path is not used by other backups' do
- Imap::Backup::Configuration::Asker.should_receive(:backup_path) do |default, validator|
- validator.call(@other_account_path)
- '/path'
- end
- choose_menu_item 'modify backup path'
- capturing_output do
- subject.run
- end.should =~ %r{The path '/existing/path' is used to backup the account 'existing@example.com'}
+ it 'validates that the path is not used by other backups' do
+ expect(@validator.call(other_existing_path)).to be_false
- it 'should add/remove folders' do
- @chooser = stub('Imap::Backup::Configuration::FolderChooser')
- Imap::Backup::Configuration::FolderChooser.should_receive(:new).with(@account1).and_return(@chooser)
- @chooser.should_receive(:run).with().once
+ context 'folders' do
+ let(:chooser) { double(:run => nil) }
- choose_menu_item 'choose backup folders'
+ before do
+ allow(Imap::Backup::Configuration::FolderChooser).to receive(:new).and_return(chooser)
+ subject.run
+ menu.choices['choose backup folders'].call
+ end
- subject.run
+ it 'edits folders' do
+ expect(chooser).to have_received(:run)
+ end
- it 'should allow testing the connection' do
- Imap::Backup::Configuration::ConnectionTester.should_receive(:test).with(@account1).and_return('All fine')
- choose_menu_item 'test authentication'
- capturing_output do
+ context 'connection test' do
+ before do
+ allow(Imap::Backup::Configuration::ConnectionTester).to receive(:test).and_return('All fine')
+ allow(highline).to receive(:ask)
- end.should == "All fine\n"
+ menu.choices['test connection'].call
+ end
+ it 'tests the connection' do
+ expect(Imap::Backup::Configuration::ConnectionTester).to have_received(:test).with(account)
+ end
context 'deletion' do
- it 'should confirm deletion' do
- Imap::Backup::Configuration::Setup.highline.should_receive(:agree).with("Are you sure? (y/n) ").and_return(true)
+ let(:confirmed) { true }
- choose_menu_item 'delete'
+ before do
+ allow(highline).to receive(:agree).and_return(confirmed)
+ catch :done do
+ menu.choices['delete'].call
+ end
- it 'should delete the account' do
- Imap::Backup::Configuration::Setup.highline.stub!(:agree).with("Are you sure? (y/n) ").and_return(true)
- choose_menu_item 'delete'
- subject.run
- @data[:accounts].should_not include(@account1)
+ it 'asks for confirmation' do
+ expect(highline).to have_received(:agree)
- it 'should not delete if confirmation is not given' do
- Imap::Backup::Configuration::Setup.highline.stub!(:agree).with("Are you sure? (y/n) ").and_return(false)
- choose_menu_item 'delete'
- subject.run
- @data[:accounts].should include(@account1)
+ it 'deletes the account' do
+ expect(data[:accounts].find{|a| a[:username] == existing_email}).to be_nil
- end
- context 'return to main menu' do
- it 'should return' do
- @input.stub!(:gets).with().and_return("return\n")
+ context 'without confirmation' do
+ let(:confirmed) { false }
- subject.run.should be_nil
+ it 'does nothing' do
+ expect(data[:accounts].find{|a| a[:username] == existing_email}).to eq(account)
+ end