maps/ in ifmapper-0.9.5 vs maps/ in ifmapper-0.9.6

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@@ -1,63 +1,57 @@ U: -FXMap[f1TC:FXMapperSettings{"Box BG Colorl+"Arrow Colorl+"Grid Straight ConnectionsT"Location TasksT"Edit on CreationF"Paths as CurvesT"Create on ConnectionT"Box Number Colorl+"Location DescriptionT"Use Room CursorF"Font Objects"times new roman"Grid Diagonal ConnectionsF"Automatic ConnectionT"Font Text"times new roman"Box Border Colorl+" BG Colorl+"Grid BoxesT"Location NumbersT"Box Darkness Colorl+"Dellusions" Gonzalo Garramuno (automap)0i[U:FXSection[[U: FXRoom[" Shallows""[ 00U:FXConnection[ Fii@*U;["Coral Reef""[ 00U; [ Fii@2U;[" Anemones""[ U; [ Fii@:U;[" Seafloor""[ 0000@@0U; [ Fii@BU;["Shipwreck""[ 00@H00000Ti i"eThe ancient, rotting timbers of a sunken galleon arch overhead, dull grey and ominously silent. Fii0Fi -i"Only a cold blue light penetrates to these ocean depths. As the illumination dissipates, so does the field of anemones, leaving only bare rock walls in its wake. The seafloor lies directly below you, encircled by cliffs on all sides. -Fii0U; [ Fii@:U;["Undersea Grotto""[ 0000U; [ Fii@TU;[" Darkness""[ @Z0000000Ti i"You float in cold, empty blackness, a zone of bathypelagic void, emptiness in which nothing seems to exist, not even yourself. FiiU; [ Fii@T@2ii@R0Fi i"*Precious little sunlight pierces this dark grotto from the west, muted by vague inky shapes that weave about the shadowy, porous rock. You sense an opening to the south, and feel something deadly lurking there. Below you, a round opening -snakes downward out of sight, into shades of deepest black. -Tii000@80Fi -i":Here the seafloor drops away abruptly as a watery rift slices downward out of sight between two jagged rock walls. Both sides of the fissure are crowded with the polyps of large anemones, flecked in sun-dappled pastel shades. Their many -calyces grasp at you from all directions, but you wisely keep your distance. -Fii0@c0@00Fi i"UTall branches of pale blue coral poke up from clusters of seaweed, glittering in the sunlight that filters down through lapping waves. The reef clears away to what you for some reason perceive as east and west, perfectly calm, still. -Almost eerily so. But deFalla's Ritual Fire Dance, playing through in your mind, -soothes away all tension. -Fii000U; [ Fii@*U;[" Sandbar""[ 00@h000U; [ Fii@jU;[" -Shore""[ 00@p00000Fii"Wet sand packed below you. Orange fire above, blazing down through an aquamarine sky laced with white, billowy wisps, beautiful yet horribly alien and terrifying. -Fii0Fii"The tide buffets you constantly in the tight confines between mounds of brown sand which barely break through the watery surface. Clouds of sediments and silt whirl about you, stirred by the cresting waves, and it's difficult to maneuver. -Fii0Fii"Thin stalks of kelp fan lazily about this shallow stretch of ocean. They disperse somewhat to the east, where clumps of coral rise to form a towering reef. Westward, the ocean floor inclines rapidly toward the surface, narrowing -the seawater corridor to a thin, flat wedge. -F@2@:@T@B@j@\@r@J[@0@8@@@R@Z@h@p@H@c"Under the Sea V.R.U;[[U;[" VR Lab"&manual +FXMap[f1TC:FXMapperSettings{"Box BG Colorl+"Arrow Colorl+"Grid Straight ConnectionsT"Location TasksT"Edit on CreationF"Paths as CurvesT"Create on ConnectionT"Box Number Colorl+"Location DescriptionT"Use Room CursorF"Font Objects"times new roman"Grid Diagonal ConnectionsF"Automatic ConnectionT"Font Text"times new roman"Box Border Colorl+" BG Colorl+"Grid BoxesT"Location NumbersT"Box Darkness Colorl+"Dellusions" Gonzalo Garramuno (automap)0i[U:FXSection[[U: FXRoom[" Shallows""[ 00U:FXConnection[ +Fii[@*U;["Coral Reef""[ 00U; [ +Fii[@3U;[" Anemones""[ U; [ +Fii[@<U;[" Seafloor""[ 0000@B0U; [ +Fii[@EU;["Shipwreck""[ 00@K00000Ti i"dThe ancient, rotting timbers of a sunken galleon arch overhead, dull grey and ominously silent.F[ii0Fi +i"Only a cold blue light penetrates to these ocean depths. As the illumination dissipates, so does the field of anemones, leaving only bare rock walls in its wake. The seafloor lies directly below you, encircled by cliffs on all sides.F[ii0U; [ +Fii[@<U;["Undersea Grotto""[ 0000U; [ +Fii[@[U;[" Darkness""[ @a0000000Ti i"~You float in cold, empty blackness, a zone of bathypelagic void, emptiness in which nothing seems to exist, not even yourself.F[iiU; [ +Fii[@[@3[ii@X0Fi i")Precious little sunlight pierces this dark grotto from the west, muted by vague inky shapes that weave about the shadowy, porous rock. You sense an opening to the south, and feel something deadly lurking there. Below you, a round opening snakes downward out of sight, into shades of deepest black.T[ii000@90Fi +i"9Here the seafloor drops away abruptly as a watery rift slices downward out of sight between two jagged rock walls. Both sides of the fissure are crowded with the polyps of large anemones, flecked in sun-dappled pastel shades. Their many calyces grasp at you from all directions, but you wisely keep your distance.F[ii0@l0@00Fi i"TTall branches of pale blue coral poke up from clusters of seaweed, glittering in the sunlight that filters down through lapping waves. The reef clears away to what you for some reason perceive as east and west, perfectly calm, still. Almost eerily so. But deFalla's Ritual Fire Dance, playing through in your mind, +soothes away all tension.F[ii000U; [ +Fii[@*U;[" Sandbar""[ 00@v000U; [ +Fii[@yU;[" +Shore""[ 00@00000Fii"Wet sand packed below you. Orange fire above, blazing down through an aquamarine sky laced with white, billowy wisps, beautiful yet horribly alien and terrifying.F[ii0Fii"The tide buffets you constantly in the tight confines between mounds of brown sand which barely break through the watery surface. Clouds of sediments and silt whirl about you, stirred by the cresting waves, and it's difficult to maneuver.F[ii0Fii"Thin stalks of kelp fan lazily about this shallow stretch of ocean. They disperse somewhat to the east, where clumps of coral rise to form a towering reef. Westward, the ocean floor inclines rapidly toward the surface, narrowing the seawater corridor to a thin, flat wedge.F@3@<@[@E@y@d@}@N[@0@9@B@X@a@v@@K@l"Under the Sea V.R.U;[[U;[" VR Lab"&manual tool belt VR suit -computer"[ U; [ Fii@{U;["Output Station" printout"read printout[ 0000@000Fi i"@Ironic proof against the aphorism that supercomputers are shrinking dominates this section of the lab. The walls and narrow walkways enclose the Project's brain, an enormous Cray ZMP-2010X whose size is directly proportional to its -awesome processing power. Equally large racks of storage media occupy the four -corners. -FiiU; [ Fii@{U;["Kitchenette"tongs +computer"[ U; [ +Fii[@U;["Output Station" printout"read printout[ 0000@000Fi i"?Ironic proof against the aphorism that supercomputers are shrinking dominates this section of the lab. The walls and narrow walkways enclose the Project's brain, an enormous Cray ZMP-2010X whose size is directly proportional to its awesome processing power. Equally large racks of storage media occupy the four +corners.F[iiU; [ +Fii[@U;["Kitchenette"tongs lightstick pizza -"[ 00000@00Fi -i"6A small kitchen and dining area rolled into one. FiiU; [ Fii@{U;["Factory Storage"1android +"[ 00000@00Fi +i"5A small kitchen and dining area rolled into one.F[iiU; [ +Fii[@U;["Factory Storage"1android electromagnet cracked coupler phone -"[ 000000@0Ti -i"Old, broken-down conveyors and bins of ancient, rotting hardware -- useless, outdated, or both -- pack this vast sub-basement from wall to cement wall. Only a small area at the bottom of the stairs, about three metres square, is free of -the oppressive clutter. -FiiU; [ Fii@{U;["Your Quarters"Ibow +"[ 000000@0Ti +i"Old, broken-down conveyors and bins of ancient, rotting hardware -- useless, outdated, or both -- pack this vast sub-basement from wall to cement wall. Only a small area at the bottom of the stairs, about three metres square, is free of the oppressive clutter.F[iiU; [ +Fii[@U;["Your Quarters"Ibow violin coupler amplifier electric violin painting by H R Giger -"[ 0000000@Fi -i"[This is where you've lived the last five years of your life while working on the Project team. Comfortable, if a bit confined, the small enclosure is furnished with only a writing desk and bed. The walls are of solid cement blocks, with the -exception of the north wall, where thick plasterboard gives the impression of -having been put up hastily. -FiiU; [ Fii@{U;[" MedLab"knife +"[ 0000000@Fi +i"ZThis is where you've lived the last five years of your life while working on the Project team. Comfortable, if a bit confined, the small enclosure is furnished with only a writing desk and bed. The walls are of solid cement blocks, with the exception of the north wall, where thick plasterboard gives the impression of +having been put up hastily.F[iiU; [ +Fii[@U;[" MedLab"knife gel -caplet"[ @0000000Fi i"A rather stark infirmary, with cold cement walls and floor lit by a single flickering fluorescent bulb. It feels more like a morgue than a medical facility. An exit leads north. -FiiU; [ Fii@{U;["Justy's Quarters"#poster +caplet"[ @0000000Fi i"A rather stark infirmary, with cold cement walls and floor lit by a single flickering fluorescent bulb. It feels more like a morgue than a medical facility. An exit leads north.F[iiU; [ +Fii[@U;["Justy's Quarters"#poster holographic set -library"[ 0@000000Fii"{Justy's quarters are just as sparsely furnished as yours, with only a bed, desk, and a few of Justy's personal belongings. FiiU; [ FiiU;["Steel Corridor"elevator doors"[ 00@0U; [ Fii@U;[" Lavatory"rectangle"[ @0000000Fii"Dank and cold, these facilities contain only the usual fixtures -- toilet, shower stall, and a dripping, rust-stained washbasin. On the wall above the last is an off-colour rectangle, where a mirror once hung, but no longer. -Fii0U; [ Fii@U;["Dr Shimada's Office" punch -"[ 00@00000Fii"With the Project approaching conclusion, Dr Shimada's workload has increased geometrically. Several open and disarrayed filing cabinets and the layer of paperwork covering her desktop and computer belie her typical attention to -immaculacy. -Fii0Fii"Fluorescent lights cast a harsh, blurry glare on bundles of cable stretching overhead, and on metal walls, not quite reflective. The glare breaks at a doorway in the south wall, and at the west end of the east-west corridor, -outside Dr Shimada's office. -F@{iiU; [ Fii@{U;["Cynthia's Quarters"43-D picture +library"[ 0@000000Fii"Justy's quarters are just as sparsely furnished as yours, with only a bed, desk, and a few of Justy's personal belongings.F[iiU; [ +Fii[U;["Steel Corridor"elevator doors"[ 00@0U; [ +Fii[@U;[" Lavatory"rectangle"[ @0000000Fii"Dank and cold, these facilities contain only the usual fixtures -- toilet, shower stall, and a dripping, rust-stained washbasin. On the wall above the last is an off-colour rectangle, where a mirror once hung, but no longer.F[ii0U; [ +Fii[@U;["Dr Shimada's Office" punch +"[ 00@00000Fii"With the Project approaching conclusion, Dr Shimada's workload has increased geometrically. Several open and disarrayed filing cabinets and the layer of paperwork covering her desktop and computer belie her typical attention to immaculacy.F[ii0Fii"Fluorescent lights cast a harsh, blurry glare on bundles of cable stretching overhead, and on metal walls, not quite reflective. The glare breaks at a doorway in the south wall, and at the west end of the east-west corridor, outside Dr Shimada's office.F@[iiU; [ +Fii[@U;["Cynthia's Quarters"43-D picture iron box needle gun pencil -notebook"[ 000@0000Fii"Cynthia's quarters are just as sparsely furnished as yours, with only a bed, desk, and a few of Cynthia's personal belongings. TiiFi i"The heart of the Project, in the form of complex electrical devices linked together by a maze of coaxial cable, packs this small underground laboratory to capacity. Exits lead off in nearly every compass direction, and a set of disused -cement steps descends into darkness. -F@@@@@@@@@@[@@@@@@@@@@"Labi i +notebook"[ 000@0000Fii"~Cynthia's quarters are just as sparsely furnished as yours, with only a bed, desk, and a few of Cynthia's personal belongings.T[iiFi i"The heart of the Project, in the form of complex electrical devices linked together by a maze of coaxial cable, packs this small underground laboratory to capacity. Exits lead off in nearly every compass direction, and a set of disused cement steps descends into darkness.F@@@@@@@@@@[@@@@@@@@@@"Labi i