maps/ in ifmapper-0.9.5 vs maps/ in ifmapper-0.9.6

- old
+ new

@@ -1,22 +1,36 @@ U: -FXMap[f0.40000000000000002FC:FXMapperSettings{"Box BG Colorl+"Arrow Colorl+"Grid Straight ConnectionsT"Location TasksT"Edit on CreationF"Paths as CurvesT"Create on ConnectionT"Box Number Colorl+"Location DescriptionT"Use Room CursorF"Font Objects"times new roman"Grid Diagonal ConnectionsF"Automatic ConnectionT"Font Text"times new roman"Box Border Colorl+" BG Colorl+"Grid BoxesT"Location NumbersT"Box Darkness Colorl+"Spider and The Web" Gonzalo Garramuno (automap)0i[U:FXSection[[U: FXRoom["End of Alley""[ 00U:FXConnection[ Fii@*U;["Corridor By Entrance""[ 000000@0U; [ FiiU;["White Junction""[ U; [ FiiU;["Corner At Doors"gap +FXMap[f0.40000000000000002TC:FXMapperSettings{"Box BG Colorl+"Arrow Colorl+"Grid Straight ConnectionsT"Location TasksT"Edit on CreationF"Paths as CurvesT"Create on ConnectionT"Box Number Colorl+"Location DescriptionT"Use Room CursorF"Font Objects"times new roman"Grid Diagonal ConnectionsF"Automatic ConnectionT"Font Text"times new roman"Box Border Colorl+" BG Colorl+"Grid BoxesT"Location NumbersT"Box Darkness Colorl+"Spider and The Web" Gonzalo Garramuno (automap)0i[U:FXSection[[U: FXRoom["End of Alley""[ 00U:FXConnection[ +Fii[@*U;["Corridor By Entrance""[ 000000@0U; [ +Fii[U;["White Junction""[ U; [ +Fii[U;["Corner At Doors"gap package grille pack -"[ U; [ Fii@BU;["Storage Closet"&wrench +"[ U; [ +Fii[@EU;["Storage Closet"&wrench larger crate -smaller crate"[ 0000@H000Fii"This room is small and, perhaps, rarely used -- not dirty, but not quite as clean and white as the corridors. The door to the south is open. Fii0U; [ Fii@BU;["Corridor Boundary" red line"[ @Q00U; [ Fii@SU;["Sharp Corner""[ U; [ Fii@[U;["Lab Junction" +smaller crate"[ 0000@K000Fii"This room is small and, perhaps, rarely used -- not dirty, but not quite as clean and white as the corridors. The door to the south is open.F[ii0U; [ +Fii[@EU;["Corridor Boundary" red line"[ @V00U; [ +Fii[@YU;["Sharp Corner""[ U; [ +Fii[@bU;["Lab Junction" "/listen to guards -e (when they turn around)[ 0000@a00U; [ FiiU;["Outside Laboratory" -"[ 000@i00U; [ Fii@kU;["The Laboratory"+stack of important papers +e (when they turn around)[ 0000@h00U; [ +Fii[U;["Outside Laboratory" +"[ 000@q00U; [ +Fii[@tU;["The Laboratory"+stack of important papers logic plate -"[ 00@q00000Fii"'There is no question what this place is. The room is high, brightly lit -- this part of the building must have its own power supply -- and filled with arcane, half-built, and unlabelled machinery. The heavy door stands open to the east; there is a small white pad and an access panel beside it. Fii0Fii" -The corridor from the east ends here, and a single door looms to the west. It's no larger than the doors you've seen elsewhere; but it somehow looks... heavy. Unyielding. Reinforcing struts cross the door's face, and the surface is sheathed with some black coating. F@ciiFi i"tThe white corridor runs south and east from here, with a wide branch curving northwest towards the laboratory. Fii000000@YFi i -"The corridor cuts around a sharp angle, from the northwest to the north. To the south, in the end wall, is the standard featureless metal door; it is closed. FiiU; [ Fii@SU;["Diagonal Branch""[ 00U; [ FiiU;["Tee Junction" +"[ 00@z00000Fii"&There is no question what this place is. The room is high, brightly lit -- this part of the building must have its own power supply -- and filled with arcane, half-built, and unlabelled machinery. The heavy door stands open to the east; there is a small white pad and an access panel beside it.F[ii0Fi i" The corridor from the east ends here, and a single door looms to the west. It's no larger than the doors you've seen elsewhere; but it somehow looks... heavy. Unyielding. Reinforcing struts cross the door's face, and the surface is sheathed with some black coating.F@k[iiFi +i"sThe white corridor runs south and east from here, with a wide branch curving northwest towards the laboratory.F[ii000000@_Fi +i "The corridor cuts around a sharp angle, from the northwest to the north. To the south, in the end wall, is the standard featureless metal door; it is closed.F[iiU; [ +Fii[@YU;["Diagonal Branch""[ 00U; [ +Fii[U;["Tee Junction" scan -"throw lockpick east[ U; [ Fii@U;["Angle Branch""[ U; [ Fii@0iiU; [ Fii@U;["Security Annex"scan scrambler +"throw lockpick east[ U; [ +Fii[@U;["Angle Branch""[ U; [ +Fii[@0[iiU; [ +Fii[@U;["Security Annex"scan scrambler timer "~plug scrambler to voice module get scrambler drop it say tango @@ -26,20 +40,29 @@ say tango n say waltz say tango n -say waltz[ U; [ Fii@U;["Interrogation Chamber"'man +say waltz[ U; [ +Fii[@U;["Interrogation Chamber"'man scraps of metal all from desk -"[ 0000@000Fi i"You are in a dim room, bounded by metal walls. A steel chair squats on a low pedestal; facing it is an instrument-covered desk. Otherwise the room is sterile. The bright hallway waits to the south. Fii0U; [ Fii@U;["Security Office"*desk +"[ 0000@000Fi i"You are in a dim room, bounded by metal walls. A steel chair squats on a low pedestal; facing it is an instrument-covered desk. Otherwise the room is sterile. The bright hallway waits to the south.F[ii0U; [ +Fii[@U;["Security Office"*desk metal cabinets sketches -bookcase"[ 000000@0Fi i"Dark wood panelling surrounds you, a refuge from the harsh white visible to the west. A massive mahogany desk sits in one corner. The rest of the room is mostly metal cabinets, but a few sketches take their share of wall, and a bookcase stands by the desk. Fii0U; [ FiiU;["Security Storage Room" pen -"[ @0000000Fi i "This narrow room is lined with steel lockers. There is a plain table at the south end, and the doorway to the north exits to the corridor. All the lockers are closed. F@ii@00Fi i"This is the end of a short hallway, which runs southwest back to the main corridor. Three large doorways open to the north, east, and south. Tii00@000Fi -i "The corridor runs north and south, like every other hallway in this place. A short hallway branches off to the northeast. To the west is a blank metal door, with attendant black plate beside it. Fii0U; [ Fii@U;["Dead End South""[ U; [ Fii@U;["Wiring Closet""[ 0000@000Ti i -"You have barely room to spread your arms; this tiny square chamber is lined with cables, pipes, wires, and junction nodes. The only exit is the open door to the south, which has a small white pad beside it. Fii00000@0Fi i "dThe corridor ends here, blank, with a single steel door on the north wall. The door is closed. Fii000@0Fi -i "The white corridor runs east to west here, with a branch leading off to the north, and a closed metal door to the south. You can see that the east hall reaches a dead end a short distance away. F@ii0U; [ Fii@U;[" Dead End" gun -"[ @0000000Fi i "UThe hallway ends in a blank white wall. A metal door stands closed to the west. Fii00@}Fi i "iThis bare stretch of hallway angles from the northwest to the east; another short hall leads south. Fii0U; [ Fii@S@:ii0Fii "The corridor angles here, and crosses a boundary of some sort as it does. A few strides down the southeast branch, a dotted red line crosses the floor. You can retreat from the boundary to the west. Fii0@@0U; [ Fii@BU;["Guard Station""[ 00@00000Fii"Fii0Fii"The hallway runs both east and south from here. There's a featureless metal door to the west, which is closed; a more normal one stands closed to the north. F@:ii0@@80000Fii "You are in a bare tiled corridor, white tiles and cold white walls. The ceiling is acoustical panelling divided by illuminated strips of plastic. The hall runs north and east, with a branch curving away to the southeast. F@2iiFii -"The white corridor begins here, and curves away north. No one is about; the metal face of the entrance door stands closed to the west. Fii0U; [ Fii@*U;["Mouth of Alley""[ @0000000Fii "You're in the entrance of a narrow brick alley, which runs further in to the north. To the south a broad street courses by, congested with traffic and bicycles, although none of them seem to notice you. Fii000Fii -"aIt's a narrow dead end here, with walls rising oppressively high in three directions. The alley is quite empty, bare even of trash. (Your guidebook warned you: the police are as efficient about litter laws as about everything else they do.) You can retreat to the south. A plain metal door faces you to the east, near the alley's end. It's firmly shut. F@U;["Interrogation Chamber""[ 00000000Fi -i"^You blink away memory. The dim room comes again into focus, and the man behind the desk. F@S@B@J@:@2@@@@@k@c@@@@@@@[@s@[@@H@@@8@0@@@@@@@}@i@@@@@@Q@Y@a@q@0ii +bookcase"[ 000000@0Fi i"Dark wood panelling surrounds you, a refuge from the harsh white visible to the west. A massive mahogany desk sits in one corner. The rest of the room is mostly metal cabinets, but a few sketches take their share of wall, and a bookcase stands by the desk.F[ii0U; [ +Fii[U;["Security Storage Room" pen +"[ @0000000Fi i"This narrow room is lined with steel lockers. There is a plain table at the south end, and the doorway to the north exits to the corridor. All the lockers are closed.F@[ii@00Fi i"This is the end of a short hallway, which runs southwest back to the main corridor. Three large doorways open to the north, east, and south.T[ii00@000Fi i"The corridor runs north and south, like every other hallway in this place. A short hallway branches off to the northeast. To the west is a blank metal door, with attendant black plate beside it.F[ii0U; [ +Fii[@U;["Dead End South""[ U; [ +Fii[@U;["Wiring Closet""[ 0000@000Ti i "You have barely room to spread your arms; this tiny square chamber is lined with cables, pipes, wires, and junction nodes. The only exit is the open door to the south, which has a small white pad beside it.F[ii00000@0Fi i +"cThe corridor ends here, blank, with a single steel door on the north wall. The door is closed.F[ii000@0Fi i +"The white corridor runs east to west here, with a branch leading off to the north, and a closed metal door to the south. You can see that the east hall reaches a dead end a short distance away.F@[ii0U; [ +Fii[@U;[" Dead End" gun +"[ @0000000Fi +i "TThe hallway ends in a blank white wall. A metal door stands closed to the west.F[ii00@Fi +i +"hThis bare stretch of hallway angles from the northwest to the east; another short hall leads south.F[ii0U; [ +Fii[@Y@<[ii0Fi i"The corridor angles here, and crosses a boundary of some sort as it does. A few strides down the southeast branch, a dotted red line crosses the floor. You can retreat from the boundary to the west.F[ii0@B0U; [ +Fii[@EU;["Guard Station""[ 00@00000Fii"F[ii0Fii"The hallway runs both east and south from here. There's a featureless metal door to the west, which is closed; a more normal one stands closed to the north.F@<[ii0@@90000Fii"You are in a bare tiled corridor, white tiles and cold white walls. The ceiling is acoustical panelling divided by illuminated strips of plastic. The hall runs north and east, with a branch curving away to the southeast.F@3[iiFii "The white corridor begins here, and curves away north. No one is about; the metal face of the entrance door stands closed to the west.F[ii0U; [ +Fii[@*U;["Mouth of Alley""[ @0000000Fii +"You're in the entrance of a narrow brick alley, which runs further in to the north. To the south a broad street courses by, congested with traffic and bicycles, although none of them seem to notice you.F[ii000Fii "`It's a narrow dead end here, with walls rising oppressively high in three directions. The alley is quite empty, bare even of trash. (Your guidebook warned you: the police are as efficient about litter laws as about everything else they do.) You can retreat to the south. A plain metal door faces you to the east, near the alley's end. It's firmly shut.F@U;["Interrogation Chamber""[ 00000000Fi i"]You blink away memory. The dim room comes again into focus, and the man behind the desk.F@Y@E@N@<@3@@@@@t@k@@@@@@@b@}@[@@K@B@9@0@@@@@@@@q@@@@@@V@_@h@z@0ii