maps/ in ifmapper-1.1.3 vs maps/ in ifmapper-1.1.4

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@@ -58,6 +58,6 @@ @50F[ii@100Ti i "{Though a dim light filters down from rose garden, you can see almost nothing of the contents of your current location.0F[ii00U; [ Fii[@@[ii@000Fi i "Only one kind of rose grows here, a pink only just distinct from white. This strain creeps over the ground and climbs the walls of the cloister.0F@[ii0@00000Fi i"A pleasant cloister overlooking the rose garden to the north. You have walked it many times, seeking to waste the excesses of time at your disposal.0F@[ii@Fii"]Lucrezia, they say, died here. It is only a turning point in the corridor, with a bench.0F@[ii00000@0Fii"OA place for consulting with the servants, summoning them by their instruments and allowing their spirits to manifest in the mirrors. But you know this only from explanation, because the mirrors and glasses have been broken or carried away to the Crystal Bedroom, when they ceased to reflect anything that gave pleasure to their master.0F@[ii00@00Fi i"Locked in an iron cage are the house treasures not in use: the collection consists of a sceptre, a puzzle piece, and a pair of cloven shoes, at present -- he showed them to you one rainy day, telling you their many histories.0F[ii@U; [ Fii[@U;["Scarlet Tower" helmet "[ 0000000@Fi i"A little hexagonal room, from whose narrow window you can see the moat, the lawn, and the beginning of the forest outside.0F[ii00@0Fi i" You do not often come this way, into the older part of the castle, which is narrow and has a low roof. The walls, and the ceiling too, are deep scarlet, the color of the old king and queen that ruled here two hundred fifty years ago, when there was still a kingdom.0F[ii0@3U; [ Fii[U;["Guard Tower""[ 0@000000Fi -i"9A round tower offering protection to the drawbridge.0F@6[ii@0Fi i"zThere is no fire in the big fireplace; the air is very cold. Over the gate, the old familiar warning sign is painted.0F[ii0000000Fi i"There is little enough purpose in loitering outside: He and his servants never come out here, and whatever you must do, you will have to do within.0T@@6@@|@s@j@?@H@@ @@@@Q@Z@y@}@@n@c@@@%@.@@@@@@Y@C@L@:@@[0@@3@@@y@p@<@E@@@@@@N@W@v@@@k@`@@@"@+@@@@@@@1@g@_@@I@R@@@7@c@V@@@"ii +i"9A round tower offering protection to the drawbridge.0T@6[ii@0Fi i"zThere is no fire in the big fireplace; the air is very cold. Over the gate, the old familiar warning sign is painted.0F[ii0000000Fi i"There is little enough purpose in loitering outside: He and his servants never come out here, and whatever you must do, you will have to do within.0F@@6@@|@s@j@?@H@@ @@@@Q@Z@y@}@@n@c@@@%@.@@@@@@Y@C@L@:@@[0@@3@@@y@p@<@E@@@@@@N@W@v@@@k@`@@@"@+@@@@@@@1@g@_@@I@R@@@7@c@V@@@"ii