lib/IFMapper/Map.rb in ifmapper-1.0.0 vs lib/IFMapper/Map.rb in ifmapper-1.0.6
- old
+ new
@@ -1,200 +1,202 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-require 'IFMapper/Room'
-require 'IFMapper/Section'
-class Map
- attr_accessor :name
- attr_accessor :creator
- attr_accessor :date
- attr_reader :section
- attr_accessor :sections
- attr_accessor :width
- attr_accessor :height
- #
- # Used for loading class with Marshal
- #
- def marshal_load(v)
- @name = v.shift
- @creator = v.shift
- @date = v.shift
- @section = v.shift
- @sections = v.shift
- @width = v.shift
- @height = v.shift
- end
- #
- # Used for saving class with Marshal
- #
- def marshal_dump
- [ @name, @creator, @date, @section, @sections, @width, @height ]
- end
- def section=(x)
- x = 0 if x < 0
- x = @sections.size - 1 if x >= @sections.size
- @section = x
- end
- #
- # Auxiliary debugging function to verify the integrity of the map
- #
- def verify_integrity
- @sections.each { |sect|
- sect.rooms.each { |r|
- r.exits.each_with_index { |e, idx|
- next if not e
- if not sect.connections.include?(e)
- $stderr.puts "Exit #{e} in room, but not in section #{}."
- r.exits[idx] = nil
- sect.connections.delete(e)
- end
- }
- }
- sect.connections.each { |c|
- a = c.roomA
- b = c.roomB
- if not a.exits.index(c) or
- (b and not b.exits.rindex(c))
- $stderr.puts "Exit #{c} not present in room."
- sect.connections.delete(c)
- end
- }
- }
- end
- #
- # Change map's width and height to make sure all rooms and connections
- # will fit in map
- #
- def fit
- # First, adjust map's width and height
- @width = @height = 3
- minXY = []
- maxXY = []
- @sections.each { |section|
- next if section.rooms.empty?
- sizes = section.min_max_rooms
- minXY.push sizes[0]
- maxXY.push sizes[1]
- w = maxXY[-1][0] - minXY[-1][0]
- h = maxXY[-1][1] - minXY[-1][1]
- # We store +3 to allow for complex connections if needed.
- @width = w + 3 if w >= @width - 2
- @height = h + 3 if h >= @height - 2
- }
- # Okay, minXY[]/maxXY[] contains all the minXY/maxXY positions of
- # each section. With that info and @weight/@height, we can
- # start shifting all nodes in the section so that they will fit.
- idx = 0
- @sections.each { |p|
- next if p.rooms.size == 0
- x = y = 0
- x = 1 - minXY[idx][0] if minXY[idx][0] < 1
- y = 1 - minXY[idx][1] if minXY[idx][1] < 1
- x = @width - maxXY[idx][0] - 2 if maxXY[idx][0] >= @width - 1
- y = @height - maxXY[idx][1] - 2 if maxXY[idx][1] >= @height - 1
- idx += 1
- next if x == 0 and y == 0 # nothing to shift
- p.rooms.each { |r|
- r.x += x
- r.y += y
- }
- }
- end
- def initialize(name)
- @section = 0
- @name = name
- @creator = ''
- @width = 8
- @height = 11
- # Add at least one section
- @sections = []
- new_section
- end
- def copy(b)
- @section = b.section
- @sections = b.sections
- @name =
- @creator = b.creator
- @width = b.width
- @height = b.height
- @date =
- end
- #
- # Return true or false if map is free at location x,y
- #
- def free?(x, y)
- return @sections[@section].free?(x,y)
- end
- def shift(x, y, dx, dy)
- @sections[@section].shift(x, y, dx, dy)
- end
- def delete_connection(c)
- @sections[@section].delete_connection(c)
- end
- def delete_connection_at( idx )
- @sections[@section].delete_connection_at(idx)
- end
- def new_connection( roomA, exitA, roomB, exitB = nil )
- @sections[@section].new_connection(roomA, exitA, roomB, exitB)
- end
- def delete_room_at(idx)
- @sections[@section].delete_room_at(idx)
- end
- def delete_room_only(r)
- @sections[@section].delete_room_only(r)
- end
- def delete_room(r)
- @sections[@section].delete_room(r)
- end
- def new_room( x, y )
- @sections[@section].new_room(x, y)
- end
- def new_section
- @sections.push( )
- @section = @sections.size - 1
- end
- def _check_section
- @section = @sections.size - 1 if @section >= @sections.size
- new_section if @sections.size == 0
- end
- def delete_section_at(idx)
- @sections.delete_at(idx)
- _check_section
- end
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'IFMapper/Room'
+require 'IFMapper/Section'
+class Map
+ attr_accessor :name
+ attr_accessor :creator
+ attr_accessor :date
+ attr_reader :section
+ attr_accessor :sections
+ attr_accessor :width
+ attr_accessor :height
+ #
+ # Used for loading class with Marshal
+ #
+ def marshal_load(v)
+ @name = v.shift
+ @creator = v.shift
+ @date = v.shift
+ @section = v.shift
+ @sections = v.shift
+ @width = v.shift
+ @height = v.shift
+ end
+ #
+ # Used for saving class with Marshal
+ #
+ def marshal_dump
+ [ @name, @creator, @date, @section, @sections, @width, @height ]
+ end
+ def section=(x)
+ x = 0 if x < 0
+ x = @sections.size - 1 if x >= @sections.size
+ @section = x
+ end
+ #
+ # Auxiliary debugging function to verify the integrity of the map
+ #
+ def verify_integrity
+ @sections.each { |sect|
+ sect.rooms.each { |r|
+ r.exits.each_with_index { |e, idx|
+ next if not e
+ if not sect.connections.include?(e)
+ $stderr.puts "Exit #{e} in room, but not in section #{}."
+ r.exits[idx] = nil
+ sect.connections.delete(e)
+ end
+ }
+ }
+ sect.connections.each { |c|
+ a = c.roomA
+ b = c.roomB
+ if not a.exits.index(c) or
+ (b and not b.exits.rindex(c))
+ $stderr.puts "Exit #{c} not present in room."
+ sect.connections.delete(c)
+ end
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ #
+ # Change map's width and height to make sure all rooms and connections
+ # will fit in map
+ #
+ def fit
+ # First, adjust map's width and height
+ @width = @height = 3
+ minXY = []
+ maxXY = []
+ @sections.each { |section|
+ next if section.rooms.empty?
+ sizes = section.min_max_rooms
+ minXY.push sizes[0]
+ maxXY.push sizes[1]
+ w = maxXY[-1][0] - minXY[-1][0]
+ h = maxXY[-1][1] - minXY[-1][1]
+ # We store +3 to allow for complex connections if needed.
+ @width = w + 3 if w >= @width - 2
+ @height = h + 3 if h >= @height - 2
+ }
+ # Okay, minXY[]/maxXY[] contains all the minXY/maxXY positions of
+ # each section. With that info and @weight/@height, we can
+ # start shifting all nodes in the section so that they will fit.
+ idx = 0
+ @sections.each { |p|
+ next if p.rooms.size == 0
+ x = y = 0
+ x = 1 - minXY[idx][0] if minXY[idx][0] < 1
+ y = 1 - minXY[idx][1] if minXY[idx][1] < 1
+ x = @width - maxXY[idx][0] - 2 if maxXY[idx][0] >= @width - 1
+ y = @height - maxXY[idx][1] - 2 if maxXY[idx][1] >= @height - 1
+ idx += 1
+ next if x == 0 and y == 0 # nothing to shift
+ p.rooms.each { |r|
+ r.x += x
+ r.y += y
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ def initialize(name)
+ @section = 0
+ @name = name
+ @creator = ''
+ @width = 8
+ @height = 11
+ @date = nil
+ # Add at least one section
+ @sections = []
+ new_section
+ end
+ def copy(b)
+ @section = b.section
+ @sections = b.sections
+ @name =
+ @creator = b.creator
+ @width = b.width
+ @height = b.height
+ @date =
+ end
+ #
+ # Return true or false if map is free at location x,y
+ #
+ def free?(x, y)
+ return @sections[@section].free?(x,y)
+ end
+ def shift(x, y, dx, dy)
+ @sections[@section].shift(x, y, dx, dy)
+ end
+ def delete_connection(c)
+ @sections[@section].delete_connection(c)
+ end
+ def delete_connection_at( idx )
+ @sections[@section].delete_connection_at(idx)
+ end
+ def new_connection( roomA, exitA, roomB, exitB = nil )
+ @sections[@section].new_connection(roomA, exitA, roomB, exitB)
+ end
+ def delete_room_at(idx)
+ @sections[@section].delete_room_at(idx)
+ end
+ def delete_room_only(r)
+ @sections[@section].delete_room_only(r)
+ end
+ def delete_room(r)
+ @sections[@section].delete_room(r)
+ end
+ def new_room( x, y )
+ @sections[@section].new_room(x, y)
+ end
+ def new_section
+ @sections.push( )
+ @section = @sections.size - 1
+ end
+ def _check_section
+ @section = @sections.size - 1 if @section >= @sections.size
+ new_section if @sections.size == 0
+ end
+ def delete_section_at(idx)
+ @sections.delete_at(idx)
+ _check_section
+ end