lib/IFMapper/Map.rb in ifmapper-0.7 vs lib/IFMapper/Map.rb in ifmapper-0.8
- old
+ new
@@ -56,10 +56,56 @@
+ #
+ # Change map's width and height to make sure all rooms and connections
+ # will fit in map
+ #
+ def fit
+ # First, adjust map's width and height
+ @width = @height = 3
+ minXY = []
+ maxXY = []
+ @sections.each { |section|
+ next if section.rooms.empty?
+ sizes = section.min_max_rooms
+ minXY.push sizes[0]
+ maxXY.push sizes[1]
+ w = maxXY[-1][0] - minXY[-1][0]
+ h = maxXY[-1][1] - minXY[-1][1]
+ # We store +3 to allow for complex connections if needed.
+ @width = w + 3 if w >= @width - 2
+ @height = h + 3 if h >= @height - 2
+ }
+ # Okay, minXY[]/maxXY[] contains all the minXY/maxXY positions of
+ # each section. With that info and @weight/@height, we can
+ # start shifting all nodes in the section so that they will fit.
+ idx = 0
+ @sections.each { |p|
+ next if p.rooms.size == 0
+ x = y = 0
+ x = 1 - minXY[idx][0] if minXY[idx][0] < 1
+ y = 1 - minXY[idx][1] if minXY[idx][1] < 1
+ x = @width - maxXY[idx][0] - 2 if maxXY[idx][0] >= @width - 1
+ y = @height - maxXY[idx][1] - 2 if maxXY[idx][1] >= @height - 1
+ idx += 1
+ next if x == 0 and y == 0 # nothing to shift
+ p.rooms.each { |r|
+ r.x += x
+ r.y += y
+ }
+ }
+ end
def initialize(name)
@section = 0
@name = name
@creator = ''
@@ -77,9 +123,20 @@
@name =
@creator = b.creator
@width = b.width
@height = b.height
@date =
+ end
+ #
+ # Return true or false if map is free at location x,y
+ #
+ def free?(x, y)
+ return @sections[@section].free?(x,y)
+ end
+ def shift(x, y, dx, dy)
+ @sections[@section].shift(x, y, dx, dy)
def delete_connection(c)