spec/federation_spec.rb in icu_utils-1.0.1 vs spec/federation_spec.rb in icu_utils-1.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper')
module ICU
describe Federation do
- let(:total) { 179 }
+ let(:total) { 181 }
context "#find using codes" do
it "should find a federation given a valid code" do
fed = Federation.find('IRL')
fed.code.should == 'IRL'
@@ -184,9 +184,257 @@
codes = Federation.codes
codes.should have(total).items
all = codes.join(',')
all.index('AFG').should == 0
all.index('INA,IND,IRI,IRL,IRQ,ISL,ISR,ISV,ITA,IVB').should_not be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ context "IOC codes" do
+ before(:all) do
+ ioc_and_fide = # from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_IOC_country_codes in November 2013
+ {
+ "AFG" => "Afghanistan",
+ "AHO" => "Netherlands Antilles",
+ "ALB" => "Albania",
+ "ALG" => "Algeria",
+ "AND" => "Andorra",
+ "ANG" => "Angola",
+ "ANT" => "Antigua and Barbuda",
+ "ARG" => "Argentina",
+ "ARM" => "Armenia",
+ "ARU" => "Aruba",
+ "AUS" => "Australia",
+ "AUT" => "Austria",
+ "AZE" => "Azerbaijan",
+ "BAH" => "Bahamas",
+ "BAN" => "Bangladesh",
+ "BAR" => "Barbados",
+ "BDI" => "Burundi",
+ "BEL" => "Belgium",
+ "BEN" => "Benin",
+ "BER" => "Bermuda",
+ "BHU" => "Bhutan",
+ "BIH" => "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
+ "BIZ" => "Belize",
+ "BLR" => "Belarus",
+ "BOL" => "Bolivia",
+ "BOT" => "Botswana",
+ "BRA" => "Brazil",
+ "BRN" => "Bahrain",
+ "BRU" => "Brunei",
+ "BUL" => "Bulgaria",
+ "CAM" => "Cambodia",
+ "CAN" => "Canada",
+ "CGO" => "Congo",
+ "CHA" => "Chad",
+ "CHI" => "Chile",
+ "CHN" => "China",
+ "CIV" => "Ivory Coast",
+ "CMR" => "Cameroon",
+ "COL" => "Colombia",
+ "CRC" => "Costa Rica",
+ "CRO" => "Croatia",
+ "CUB" => "Cuba",
+ "CYP" => "Cyprus",
+ "CZE" => "Czech Republic",
+ "DEN" => "Denmark",
+ "DJI" => "Djibouti",
+ "DOM" => "Dominican Republic",
+ "ECU" => "Ecuador",
+ "EGY" => "Egypt",
+ "ESA" => "El Salvador",
+ "ESP" => "Spain",
+ "EST" => "Estonia",
+ "ETH" => "Ethiopia",
+ "FIJ" => "Fiji",
+ "FIN" => "Finland",
+ "FRA" => "France",
+ "FRO" => "Faroe Islands",
+ "GAB" => "Gabon",
+ "GAM" => "The Gambia",
+ "GEO" => "Georgia",
+ "GER" => "Germany",
+ "GHA" => "Ghana",
+ "GRE" => "Greece",
+ "GUA" => "Guatemala",
+ "GUM" => "Guam",
+ "GUY" => "Guyana",
+ "HAI" => "Haiti",
+ "HKG" => "Hong Kong",
+ "HON" => "Honduras",
+ "HUN" => "Hungary",
+ "INA" => "Indonesia",
+ "IND" => "India",
+ "IRI" => "Iran",
+ "IRL" => "Ireland",
+ "IRQ" => "Iraq",
+ "ISL" => "Iceland",
+ "ISR" => "Israel",
+ "ISV" => "Virgin Islands",
+ "ITA" => "Italy",
+ "IVB" => "British Virgin Islands",
+ "JAM" => "Jamaica",
+ "JOR" => "Jordan",
+ "JPN" => "Japan",
+ "KAZ" => "Kazakhstan",
+ "KEN" => "Kenya",
+ "KGZ" => "Kyrgyzstan",
+ "KOR" => "South Korea",
+ "KSA" => "Saudi Arabia",
+ "KUW" => "Kuwait",
+ "LAO" => "Laos",
+ "LAT" => "Latvia",
+ "LBA" => "Libya",
+ "LES" => "Lesotho",
+ "LIB" => "Lebanon",
+ "LIE" => "Liechtenstein",
+ "LTU" => "Lithuania",
+ "LUX" => "Luxembourg",
+ "MAC" => "Macau",
+ "MAD" => "Madagascar",
+ "MAR" => "Morocco",
+ "MAS" => "Malaysia",
+ "MAW" => "Malawi",
+ "MDA" => "Moldova",
+ "MDV" => "Maldives",
+ "MEX" => "Mexico",
+ "MGL" => "Mongolia",
+ "MKD" => "Macedonia",
+ "MLI" => "Mali",
+ "MLT" => "Malta",
+ "MNE" => "Montenegro",
+ "MON" => "Monaco",
+ "MOZ" => "Mozambique",
+ "MRI" => "Mauritius",
+ "MTN" => "Mauritania",
+ "MYA" => "Myanmar",
+ "NAM" => "Namibia",
+ "NCA" => "Nicaragua",
+ "NED" => "Netherlands",
+ "NEP" => "Nepal",
+ "NGR" => "Nigeria",
+ "NOR" => "Norway",
+ "NZL" => "New Zealand",
+ "PAK" => "Pakistan",
+ "PAN" => "Panama",
+ "PAR" => "Paraguay",
+ "PER" => "Peru",
+ "PHI" => "Philippines",
+ "PLE" => "Palestine",
+ "PLW" => "Palau",
+ "PNG" => "Papua New Guinea",
+ "POL" => "Poland",
+ "POR" => "Portugal",
+ "PUR" => "Puerto Rico",
+ "QAT" => "Qatar",
+ "ROU" => "Romania",
+ "RSA" => "South Africa",
+ "RUS" => "Russia",
+ "RWA" => "Rwanda",
+ "SEN" => "Senegal",
+ "SEY" => "Seychelles",
+ "SIN" => "Singapore",
+ "SLE" => "Sierra Leone",
+ "SLO" => "Slovenia",
+ "SMR" => "San Marino",
+ "SOL" => "Solomon Islands",
+ "SOM" => "Somalia",
+ "SRB" => "Serbia",
+ "SRI" => "Sri Lanka",
+ "STP" => "Sao Tome and Principe",
+ "SUD" => "Sudan",
+ "SUI" => "Switzerland",
+ "SUR" => "Suriname",
+ "SVK" => "Slovakia",
+ "SWE" => "Sweden",
+ "SWZ" => "Swaziland",
+ "SYR" => "Syria",
+ "TAN" => "Tanzania",
+ "THA" => "Thailand",
+ "TJK" => "Tajikistan",
+ "TKM" => "Turkmenistan",
+ "TOG" => "Togo",
+ "TPE" => "Chinese Taipei",
+ "TRI" => "Trinidad and Tobago",
+ "TUN" => "Tunisia",
+ "TUR" => "Turkey",
+ "UAE" => "United Arab Emirates",
+ "UGA" => "Uganda",
+ "UKR" => "Ukraine",
+ "URU" => "Uruguay",
+ "USA" => "United States",
+ "UZB" => "Uzbekistan",
+ "VEN" => "Venezuela",
+ "VIE" => "Vietnam",
+ "YEM" => "Yemen",
+ "ZAM" => "Zambia",
+ "ZIM" => "Zimbabwe",
+ }
+ ioc_but_not_fide =
+ {
+ "ASA" => "American Samoa",
+ "BUR" => "Burkina Faso",
+ "CAF" => "Central African Republic",
+ "CAY" => "Cayman Islands",
+ "COD" => "DR Congo",
+ "COK" => "Cook Islands",
+ "COM" => "Comoros",
+ "CPV" => "Cape Verde",
+ "DMA" => "Dominica",
+ "ERI" => "Eritrea",
+ "FSM" => "Federated States of Micronesia",
+ "GBR" => "Great Britain",
+ "GBS" => "Guinea-Bissau",
+ "GEQ" => "Equatorial Guinea",
+ "GRN" => "Grenada",
+ "GUI" => "Guinea",
+ "KIR" => "Kiribati",
+ "LBR" => "Liberia",
+ "LCA" => "Saint Lucia",
+ "MHL" => "Marshall Islands",
+ "NIG" => "Niger",
+ "NRU" => "Nauru",
+ "OMA" => "Oman",
+ "PRK" => "North Korea",
+ "SAM" => "Samoa",
+ "SKN" => "Saint Kitts and Nevis",
+ "TGA" => "Tonga",
+ "TLS" => "Timor-Leste",
+ "TUV" => "Tuvalu",
+ "VAN" => "Vanuatu",
+ "VIN" => "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
+ }
+ @missing = []
+ @badname = []
+ british = %w[ENG SCO WLS GCI JCI]
+ exceptions = # FIDE => IOC
+ {
+ "FAI" => "FRO", # Faroe Islands
+ "MNC" => "MON", # Monaco
+ }
+ got = {}
+ Federation.menu.each do |name, code|
+ if ioc_and_fide[code]
+ @badname << "#{code} #{name} #{ioc_and_fide[code]}" unless ioc_and_fide[code].include?(name) || name.include?(ioc_and_fide[code])
+ else
+ @missing << code unless british.include?(code) || exceptions.keys.include?(code)
+ end
+ got[code] = true
+ end
+ @not_included = ioc_and_fide.keys.reject { |code| got[code] || exceptions.values.include?(code) }
+ end
+ it "codes should be all IOC with some exceptions" do
+ expect(@missing.join("|")).to eq ""
+ end
+ it "country names should be similar to the IOC name" do
+ expect(@badname.join("|")).to eq ""
+ end
+ it "all IOC codes that are FIDE members should be present" do
+ expect(@not_included.join("|")).to eq ""