lib/icu_name.rb in icu_name-0.0.3 vs lib/icu_name.rb in icu_name-0.0.4
- old
+ new
@@ -1,230 +1,2 @@
-module ICU
- class Name
- attr_reader :first, :last
- # Construct from one or two strings or any objects that have a to_s method.
- def initialize(name1='', name2='')
- @name1 = name1.to_s
- @name2 = name2.to_s
- canonicalize
- end
- # Return a complete name, first name first, no comma.
- def name
- name = ''
- name << @first
- name << ' ' if @first.length > 0 && @last.length > 0
- name << @last
- name
- end
- # Return a reversed complete name, first name last after a comma.
- def rname
- name = ''
- name << @last
- name << ', ' if @first.length > 0 && @last.length > 0
- name << @first
- name
- end
- # Convert object to a string.
- def to_s
- rname
- end
- # Match another name to this object, returning true or false.
- def match(name1='', name2='')
- other =, name2)
- match_first(first, other.first) && match_last(last, other.last)
- end
- private
- # Canonicalise the first and last names.
- def canonicalize
- first, last = partition
- @first = finish_first(first)
- @last = finish_last(last)
- end
- # Split one complete name into first and last parts.
- def partition
- if @name2.length == 0
- # Only one imput so we must split first and last.
- parts = @name1.split(/,/)
- if parts.size > 1
- last = clean(parts.shift || '')
- first = clean(parts.join(' '))
- else
- parts = clean(@name1).split(/ /)
- last = parts.pop || ''
- first = parts.join(' ')
- end
- else
- # Two inputs, so we are given first and last.
- first = clean(@name1)
- last = clean(@name2)
- end
- [first, last]
- end
- # Clean up characters in any name.
- def clean(name)
- name.gsub!(/`/, "'")
- name.gsub!(/[^-a-zA-Z.'\s]/, '')
- name.gsub!(/\./, ' ')
- name.gsub!(/\s*-\s*/, '-')
- name.gsub!(/'+/, "'")
- name.strip.downcase.split(/\s+/).map do |n|
- n.sub!(/^-+/, '')
- n.sub!(/-+$/, '')
- n.split(/-/).map do |p|
- p.capitalize!
- end.join('-')
- end.join(' ')
- end
- # Apply final touches to finish canonicalising a first name.
- def finish_first(names)
- names.gsub(/([A-Z])\b/, '\1.')
- end
- # Apply final touches to finish canonicalising a last name.
- def finish_last(names)
- names.gsub!(/\b([A-Z])'([a-z])/) { |m| $1 << "'" << $2.upcase}
- names.gsub!(/\bMc([a-z])/) { |m| 'Mc' << $1.upcase}
- names.gsub!(/\bMac([a-z])/) do |m|
- letter = $1
- 'Mac'.concat(@name2.match("[mM][aA][cC]#{letter}") ? letter : letter.upcase)
- end
- names.gsub!(/\bO ([A-Z])/) { |m| "O'" << $1 }
- names
- end
- # Match a complete first name.
- def match_first(first1, first2)
- # Is this one a walk in the park?
- return true if first1 == first2
- # No easy ride. Begin by splitting into individual first names.
- first1 = split_first(first1)
- first2 = split_first(first2)
- # Get the long list and the short list.
- long, short = first1.size >= first2.size ? [first1, first2] : [first2, first1]
- # The short one must be a "subset" of the long one.
- # An extra condition must also be satisfied.
- extra = false
- (0..long.size-1).each do |i|
- lword = long.shift
- score = match_first_name(lword, short.first)
- if score >= 0
- short.shift
- extra = true if i == 0 || score == 0
- end
- break if short.empty? || long.empty?
- end
- # There's a match if the following is true.
- short.empty? && extra
- end
- # Match a complete last name.
- def match_last(last1, last2)
- return true if last1 == last2
- [last1, last2].each do |last|
- last.downcase! # MacDonaugh and Macdonaugh
- last.gsub!(/\bmac/, 'mc') # MacDonaugh and McDonaugh
-!('-', ' ') # Lowry-O'Reilly and Lowry O'Reilly
- end
- last1 == last2
- end
- # Split a complete first name for matching.
- def split_first(first)
-!('-', ' ') # J. K. and J.-K.
- first = first.split(/ /) # split on spaces
- first = [''] if first.size == 0 # in case input was empty string
- first
- end
- # Match individual first names or initials.
- # -1 = no match
- # 0 = full match
- # 1 = match involving 1 initial
- # 2 = match involving 2 initials
- def match_first_name(first1, first2)
- initials = 0
- initials+= 1 if first1.match(/^[A-Z]\.?$/)
- initials+= 1 if first2.match(/^[A-Z]\.?$/)
- return initials if first1 == first2
- return 0 if initials == 0 && match_nick_name(first1, first2)
- return -1 unless initials > 0
- return initials if first1[0] == first2[0]
- -1
- end
- # Match two first names that might be equivalent nicknames.
- def match_nick_name(nick1, nick2)
- compile_nick_names unless @@nc
- code1 = @@nc[nick1]
- return false unless code1
- code1 == @@nc[nick2]
- end
- # Compile the nick names code hash when matching nick names is first attempted.
- def compile_nick_names
- @@nc =
- code = 1
- @@nl.each do |nicks|
- nicks.each do |n|
- throw "duplicate name #{n}" if @@nc[n]
- @@nc[n] = code
- end
- code+= 1
- end
- end
- # A array of data for matching nicknames and also a few common misspellings.
- @@nc = nil
- @@nl = <<EOF.split(/\n/).reject{|x| x.length == 0 }.map{|x| x.split(' ')}
-Abdul Abul
-Alexander Alex
-Anandagopal Ananda
-Anne Ann
-Anthony Tony
-Benjamin Ben
-Catherine Cathy Cath
-Daniel Danial Danny Dan
-David Dave
-Deborah Debbie
-Des Desmond
-Eamonn Eamon
-Edward Eddie Ed
-Eric Erick Erik
-Frederick Frederic Fred
-Gerald Gerry
-Gerhard Gerard Ger
-James Jim
-Joanna Joan Joanne
-John Johnny
-Jonathan Jon
-Kenneth Ken Kenny
-Michael Mike Mick Micky
-Nicholas Nick Nicolas
-Nicola Nickie Nicky
-Patrick Pat Paddy
-Peter Pete
-Philippe Philip Phillippe Phillip
-Rick Ricky
-Robert Bob Bobby
-Samual Sam Samuel
-Stefanie Stef
-Stephen Steven Steve
-Terence Terry
-Thomas Tom Tommy
-William Will Willy Willie Bill
- end
+require 'icu_name/name.rb'
+require 'icu_name/util.rb'
\ No newline at end of file