lib/ib/messages/incoming/open_order.rb in ib-ruby-0.8.5 vs lib/ib/messages/incoming/open_order.rb in ib-ruby-0.9.0
- old
+ new
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
module Messages
module Incoming
# OpenOrder is the longest message with complex processing logics
OpenOrder =
- def_message [5, [23, 28, 30]],
+ def_message [5, 30],
[:order, :local_id, :int],
[:contract, :con_id, :int],
[:contract, :symbol, :string],
[:contract, :sec_type, :string],
@@ -110,83 +110,75 @@
alias under_comp underlying
def load
- load_map [27, [proc { | | filled?(@data[:order][:delta_neutral_order_type]) },
- # As of client v.52, we receive delta... params in openOrder
- [:order, :delta_neutral_con_id, :int],
- [:order, :delta_neutral_settling_firm, :string],
- [:order, :delta_neutral_clearing_account, :string],
- [:order, :delta_neutral_clearing_intent, :string]]
- ],
+ load_map [proc { | | filled?(@data[:order][:delta_neutral_order_type]) },
+ # As of client v.52, we may receive delta... params in openOrder
+ [:order, :delta_neutral_con_id, :int],
+ [:order, :delta_neutral_settling_firm, :string],
+ [:order, :delta_neutral_clearing_account, :string],
+ [:order, :delta_neutral_clearing_intent, :string]],
[:order, :continuous_update, :int],
[:order, :reference_price_type, :int],
[:order, :trail_stop_price, :decimal_max],
- # As of client v.56, we receive trailing_percent in openOrder
- [30, [:order, :trailing_percent, :decimal_max]], # Never! 28 currently
+ [:order, :trailing_percent, :decimal_max],
[:order, :basis_points, :decimal_max],
[:order, :basis_points_type, :int_max],
[:contract, :legs_description, :string],
- # As of client v.55, we receive orderComboLegs (price) in openOrder
- [29, [:contract, :legs, :array, proc do |_|
+ # As of client v.55, we receive in OpenOrder for Combos:
+ # Contract.orderComboLegs Array
+ # Order.leg_prices Array
+ [:contract, :legs, :array, proc do |_| :con_id => socket.read_int,
:ratio => socket.read_int,
:action => socket.read_string,
:exchange => socket.read_string,
:open_close => socket.read_int,
:short_sale_slot => socket.read_int,
:designated_location => socket.read_string,
:exempt_code => socket.read_int
+ [:order, :leg_prices, :array, proc { |_| socket.read_decimal_max }],
+ [:smart_combo_routing_params, :hash],
- # Order keeps received leg prices in a separate Array for some reason ?!
- [:order, :leg_prices, :array, proc { |_| socket.read_decimal_max }],
- ],
- # As of client v.51, we can receive smartComboRoutingParams in openOrder
- [26, [:smart_combo_routing_params, :hash]],
[:order, :scale_init_level_size, :int_max],
[:order, :scale_subs_level_size, :int_max],
- [:order, :scale_price_increment, :decimal_max],
- # As of client v.54, we can receive scale order fields
- [28, [proc { | | filled?(@data[:order][:scale_price_increment]) },
- [:order, :scale_price_adjust_value, :decimal_max],
- [:order, :scale_price_adjust_interval, :int_max],
- [:order, :scale_profit_offset, :decimal_max],
- [:order, :scale_auto_reset, :boolean],
- [:order, :scale_init_position, :int_max],
- [:order, :scale_init_fill_qty, :decimal_max],
- [:order, :scale_random_percent, :boolean]]
+ [:order, :scale_price_increment, :decimal_max],
+ [proc { | | filled?(@data[:order][:scale_price_increment]) },
+ # As of client v.54, we may receive scale order fields
+ [:order, :scale_price_adjust_value, :decimal_max],
+ [:order, :scale_price_adjust_interval, :int_max],
+ [:order, :scale_profit_offset, :decimal_max],
+ [:order, :scale_auto_reset, :boolean],
+ [:order, :scale_init_position, :int_max],
+ [:order, :scale_init_fill_qty, :decimal_max],
+ [:order, :scale_random_percent, :boolean]
- # As of client v.49/50, we can receive hedgeType, hedgeParam, optOutSmartRouting
- [25,
- [:order, :hedge_type, :string],
- [proc { | | filled?(@data[:order][:hedge_type]) },
- [:order, :hedge_param, :string],
- ],
- [:order, :opt_out_smart_routing, :boolean]
+ [:order, :hedge_type, :string],
+ [proc { | | filled?(@data[:order][:hedge_type]) },
+ # As of client v.49/50, we can receive hedgeType, hedgeParam
+ [:order, :hedge_param, :string]
+ [:order, :opt_out_smart_routing, :boolean],
[:order, :clearing_account, :string],
[:order, :clearing_intent, :string],
[:order, :not_held, :boolean],
- [:underlying_present, :boolean],
+ [:underlying_present, :boolean],
[proc { | | filled?(@data[:underlying_present]) },
[:underlying, :con_id, :int],
[:underlying, :delta, :decimal],
[:underlying, :price, :decimal]
- [:order, :algo_strategy, :string],
# TODO: Test Order with algo_params, scale and legs!
+ [:order, :algo_strategy, :string],
[proc { | | filled?(@data[:order][:algo_strategy]) },
[:order, :algo_params, :hash]
[:order, :what_if, :boolean],