lib/i18n_screwdriver.rb in i18n_screwdriver-0.6.0 vs lib/i18n_screwdriver.rb in i18n_screwdriver-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,33 +1,35 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
+require "i18n_screwdriver/version"
+require "i18n_screwdriver/rails"
-require 'action_view'
-require 'action_controller'
-require 'i18n/screwdriver/scanner'
+module I18nScrewdriver
+ def self.filename(locale)
+ "config/locales/application.#{locale}.yml"
+ end
-module I18n
- module Screwdriver
- def self.included(klass)
- klass.send :include, InstanceMethods
+ def self.for_key(string)
+ string.gsub(/\./, "").strip
+ end
+ def self.load_translations(locale)
+ filename = self.filename(locale)
+ raise "File #{filename} not found!" unless File.exists?(filename)
+ YAML.load_file(filename)[locale]
+ end
+ def self.write_translations(locale, translations)
+, "w") do |file|
+ file.puts "# use rake task i18n:update to generate this file"
+ file.puts
+ file.puts({locale => translations}.to_yaml)
+ file.puts
- module InstanceMethods
- def _(translation)
- # the . is a special character in rails i18n - we have to strip it
- translation_without_dot = translation.gsub(/\./, '').strip
- translated = I18n.translate(translation_without_dot)
- if defined?(Rails) && Rails.env.development? && translated.start_with?('translation missing')
- # TODO: add translation with key to all translation files
- # so that rake task is obsolete - instant feedback!
- end
- translated
- end
+ end
+ def self.grab_texts_to_be_translated(string)
+ [].tap do |texts|
+ texts.concat(string.scan(/_\("([^"]+)"\)/).map{ |v| v[0] })
+ texts.concat(string.scan(/_\('([^']+)'\)/).map{ |v| v[0] })
-ActionView::Base.send :include, I18n::Screwdriver
-ActionController::Base.send :include, I18n::Screwdriver
-ActionController::IntegrationTest.send :include, I18n::Screwdriver
-ActionController::TestCase.send :include, I18n::Screwdriver
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