spec/i18n_js_spec.rb in i18n-js-3.0.0.rc8 vs spec/i18n_js_spec.rb in i18n-js-3.0.0.rc9
- old
+ new
@@ -27,17 +27,19 @@
file_should_exist "translations.js"
it "exports messages using custom output path" do
set_config "custom_path.yml"
- I18n::JS.should_receive(:save).with(translations, "tmp/i18n-js/all.js")
+ I18n::JS::Segment.should_receive(:new).with("tmp/i18n-js/all.js", translations, {}).and_call_original
+ I18n::JS::Segment.any_instance.should_receive(:save!).with(no_args)
it "sets default scope to * when not specified" do
set_config "no_scope.yml"
- I18n::JS.should_receive(:save).with(translations, "tmp/i18n-js/no_scope.js")
+ I18n::JS::Segment.should_receive(:new).with("tmp/i18n-js/no_scope.js", translations, {}).and_call_original
+ I18n::JS::Segment.any_instance.should_receive(:save!).with(no_args)
it "exports to multiple files" do
set_config "multiple_files.yml"
@@ -57,10 +59,11 @@
it "exports to a JS file per available locale" do
set_config "js_file_per_locale.yml"
file_should_exist "en.js"
+ file_should_exist "fr.js"
it "exports with multiple conditions" do
set_config "multiple_conditions.yml"
@@ -71,22 +74,27 @@
it "exports with multiple conditions to a JS file per available locale" do
allow(::I18n).to receive(:available_locales){ [:en, :fr] }
set_config "multiple_conditions_per_locale.yml"
- expected_locales = %w(en fr)
result = I18n::JS.translation_segments
- expected_files = expected_locales.map { |locale| "tmp/i18n-js/bits.#{locale}.js" }
- result.keys.should eql(expected_files)
+ result.map(&:file).should eql(["tmp/i18n-js/bits.en.js", "tmp/i18n-js/bits.fr.js"])
- expected_locales.each do |lang|
- result["tmp/i18n-js/bits.#{lang}.js"].keys.should eql([lang.to_sym])
- result["tmp/i18n-js/bits.#{lang}.js"][lang.to_sym].keys.sort.should eql([:date, :number])
+ %w(en fr).each do |lang|
+ segment = result.select{|s| s.file == "tmp/i18n-js/bits.#{lang}.js"}.first
+ segment.translations.keys.should eql([lang.to_sym])
+ segment.translations[lang.to_sym].keys.sort.should eql([:date, :number])
+ it "exports with :except condition" do
+ set_config "except_condition.yml"
+ I18n::JS.export
+ file_should_exist "trimmed.js"
+ end
it "calls .export_i18n_js" do
allow(described_class).to receive(:export_i18n_js)
expect(described_class).to have_received(:export_i18n_js).once
@@ -130,37 +138,71 @@
result[:en][:admin][:edit][:title].should eql("Edit")
result[:fr][:admin][:edit][:title].should eql("Editer")
+ context "exceptions" do
+ it "does not include a key listed in the exceptions list" do
+ result = I18n::JS.scoped_translations("*", ['admin'])
+ result[:en][:admin].should be_nil
+ result[:fr][:admin].should be_nil
+ end
+ it "does not include multiple keys listed in the exceptions list" do
+ result = I18n::JS.scoped_translations("*", ['title', 'note'])
+ result[:en][:admin][:show].should be_empty
+ result[:en][:admin][:edit].should be_empty
+ result[:fr][:admin][:show].should be_empty
+ result[:fr][:admin][:show].should be_empty
+ result[:fr][:admin][:edit].should be_empty
+ end
+ it "does not include a key listed in the exceptions list and respecs the 'only' option" do
+ result = I18n::JS.scoped_translations("fr.*", ['date', 'time', 'number', 'show'])
+ result[:en].should be_nil
+ result[:de].should be_nil
+ result[:ja].should be_nil
+ result[:fr][:date].should be_nil
+ result[:fr][:time].should be_nil
+ result[:fr][:number].should be_nil
+ result[:fr][:admin][:show].should be_nil
+ result[:fr][:admin][:edit][:title].should be_a(String)
+ end
+ end
context "fallbacks" do
+ subject do
+ I18n::JS.translation_segments.inject({}) do |hash, segment|
+ hash[segment.file] = segment.translations
+ hash
+ end
+ end
it "exports without fallback when disabled" do
set_config "js_file_per_locale_without_fallbacks.yml"
- result = I18n::JS.translation_segments
- result["tmp/i18n-js/fr.js"][:fr][:fallback_test].should eql(nil)
+ subject["tmp/i18n-js/fr.js"][:fr][:fallback_test].should eql(nil)
it "exports with default_locale as fallback when enabled" do
set_config "js_file_per_locale_with_fallbacks_enabled.yml"
- result = I18n::JS.translation_segments
- result["tmp/i18n-js/fr.js"][:fr][:fallback_test].should eql("Success")
+ subject["tmp/i18n-js/fr.js"][:fr][:fallback_test].should eql("Success")
it "exports with default_locale as fallback when enabled with :default_locale" do
set_config "js_file_per_locale_with_fallbacks_as_default_locale_symbol.yml"
- result = I18n::JS.translation_segments
- result["tmp/i18n-js/fr.js"][:fr][:fallback_test].should eql("Success")
+ subject["tmp/i18n-js/fr.js"][:fr][:fallback_test].should eql("Success")
it "exports with given locale as fallback" do
set_config "js_file_per_locale_with_fallbacks_as_locale.yml"
- result = I18n::JS.translation_segments
- result["tmp/i18n-js/fr.js"][:fr][:fallback_test].should eql("Erfolg")
+ subject["tmp/i18n-js/fr.js"][:fr][:fallback_test].should eql("Erfolg")
context "with I18n::Fallbacks enabled" do
let(:backend_with_fallbacks) { backend_class_with_fallbacks.new }
let!(:old_backebad) { I18n.backend }
@@ -171,31 +213,57 @@
after { I18n.backend = old_backebad }
it "exports with defined locale as fallback when enabled" do
set_config "js_file_per_locale_with_fallbacks_enabled.yml"
- result = I18n::JS.translation_segments
- result["tmp/i18n-js/fr.js"][:fr][:fallback_test].should eql("Erfolg")
+ subject["tmp/i18n-js/fr.js"][:fr][:fallback_test].should eql("Erfolg")
it "exports with defined locale as fallback when enabled with :default_locale" do
set_config "js_file_per_locale_with_fallbacks_as_default_locale_symbol.yml"
- result = I18n::JS.translation_segments
- result["tmp/i18n-js/fr.js"][:fr][:fallback_test].should eql("Success")
+ subject["tmp/i18n-js/fr.js"][:fr][:fallback_test].should eql("Success")
it "exports with Fallbacks as Hash" do
set_config "js_file_per_locale_with_fallbacks_as_hash.yml"
- result = I18n::JS.translation_segments
- result["tmp/i18n-js/fr.js"][:fr][:fallback_test].should eql("Erfolg")
+ subject["tmp/i18n-js/fr.js"][:fr][:fallback_test].should eql("Erfolg")
+ context "namespace and pretty_print options" do
+ before do
+ stub_const('I18n::JS::DEFAULT_EXPORT_DIR_PATH', temp_path)
+ set_config "js_file_with_namespace_and_pretty_print.yml"
+ end
+ it "exports with defined locale as fallback when enabled" do
+ I18n::JS.export
+ file_should_exist "en.js"
+ output = File.read(File.join(I18n::JS.export_i18n_js_dir_path, "en.js"))
+ expect(output).to match(/^#{
+Foo.translations || (Foo.translations = {});
+Foo.translations["en"] = {
+ "number": {
+ "format": {
+ "edit": {
+ "title": "Edit"
+ }
+ },
+ "foo": "Foo",
+ "fallback_test": "Success"
+ end
+ end
context "I18n.available_locales" do
context "when I18n.available_locales is not set" do
it "should allow all locales" do
result = I18n::JS.scoped_translations("*.admin.*.title")
@@ -234,13 +302,14 @@
config_entry = I18n::JS.config["translations"].first
config_entry["only"].should eq("*.date.formats")
describe "i18n.js exporting" do
- describe ".export_i18n_js" do
+ after { begin described_class.send(:remove_instance_variable, :@export_i18n_js_dir_path); rescue; end }
+ describe ".export_i18n_js with global variable" do
before do
allow(FileUtils).to receive(:mkdir_p).and_call_original
allow(FileUtils).to receive(:cp).and_call_original
@@ -271,15 +340,51 @@
expect(FileUtils).to_not have_received(:cp)
+ describe ".export_i18n_js with config" do
+ let(:export_action) do
+ allow(FileUtils).to receive(:mkdir_p).and_call_original
+ allow(FileUtils).to receive(:cp).and_call_original
+ I18n::JS.export_i18n_js
+ end
+ context 'when :export_i18n_js set in config' do
+ before { set_config "js_export_dir_custom.yml"; export_action }
+ let(:export_i18n_js_dir_path) { temp_path }
+ let(:config_export_path) { "tmp/i18n-js/foo" }
+ it "does create the folder before copying" do
+ expect(FileUtils).to have_received(:mkdir_p).with(config_export_path).once
+ end
+ it "does copy the file with FileUtils.cp" do
+ expect(FileUtils).to have_received(:cp).once
+ end
+ it "exports the file" do
+ File.should be_file(File.join(config_export_path, "i18n.js"))
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when .export_i18n_js_dir_path is set to false' do
+ before { set_config "js_export_dir_none.yml"; export_action }
+ it "does NOT create the folder before copying" do
+ expect(FileUtils).to_not have_received(:mkdir_p)
+ end
+ it "does NOT copy the file with FileUtils.cp" do
+ expect(FileUtils).to_not have_received(:cp)
+ end
+ end
+ end
describe '.export_i18n_js_dir_path' do
let(:default_path) { I18n::JS::DEFAULT_EXPORT_DIR_PATH }
let(:new_path) { File.join("tmp", default_path) }
- before { described_class.send(:remove_instance_variable, :@export_i18n_js_dir_path) }
+ after { described_class.send(:remove_instance_variable, :@export_i18n_js_dir_path) }
subject { described_class.export_i18n_js_dir_path }
context "when it is not set" do
it { should eq default_path }
@@ -290,94 +395,10 @@
it { should eq new_path }
context "when it is set to nil already" do
before { described_class.export_i18n_js_dir_path = nil }
- it { should be_nil }
+ it { should eq :none }
-describe I18n::JS::Dependencies, ".sprockets_supports_register_preprocessor?" do
- subject { described_class.sprockets_supports_register_preprocessor? }
- context 'when Sprockets is available to register preprocessors' do
- let!(:sprockets_double) do
- class_double('Sprockets').as_stubbed_const(register_processor: true).tap do |double|
- allow(double).to receive(:respond_to?).with(:register_preprocessor).and_return(true)
- end
- end
- it { is_expected.to be_truthy }
- it 'calls respond_to? with register_preprocessor on Sprockets' do
- expect(sprockets_double).to receive(:respond_to?).with(:register_preprocessor).and_return(true)
- subject
- end
- end
- context 'when Sprockets is NOT available to register preprocessors' do
- let!(:sprockets_double) do
- class_double('Sprockets').as_stubbed_const(register_processor: true).tap do |double|
- allow(double).to receive(:respond_to?).with(:register_preprocessor).and_return(false)
- end
- end
- it { is_expected.to be_falsy }
- it 'calls respond_to? with register_preprocessor on Sprockets' do
- expect(sprockets_double).to receive(:respond_to?).with(:register_preprocessor).and_return(false)
- subject
- end
- end
- context 'when Sprockets is missing' do
- before do
- hide_const('Sprockets')
- expect { Sprockets }.to raise_error(NameError)
- end
- it { is_expected.to be_falsy }
- end
-describe I18n::JS::Utils do
- describe ".strip_keys_with_nil_values" do
- subject { described_class.strip_keys_with_nil_values(input_hash) }
- context 'when input_hash does NOT contain nil value' do
- let(:input_hash) { {a: 1, b: { c: 2 }} }
- let(:expected_hash) { input_hash }
- it 'returns the original input' do
- is_expected.to eq expected_hash
- end
- end
- context 'when input_hash does contain nil value' do
- let(:input_hash) { {a: 1, b: { c: 2, d: nil }, e: { f: nil }} }
- let(:expected_hash) { {a: 1, b: { c: 2 }, e: {}} }
- it 'returns the original input with nil values removed' do
- is_expected.to eq expected_hash
- end
- end
- end
- context "hash merging" do
- it "performs a deep merge" do
- target = {:a => {:b => 1}}
- result = described_class.deep_merge(target, {:a => {:c => 2}})
- result[:a].should eql({:b => 1, :c => 2})
- end
- it "performs a banged deep merge" do
- target = {:a => {:b => 1}}
- described_class.deep_merge!(target, {:a => {:c => 2}})
- target[:a].should eql({:b => 1, :c => 2})
- end
- end