lib/hyperstack/router.rb in hyper-router-1.0.alpha1.2 vs lib/hyperstack/router.rb in hyper-router-1.0.alpha1.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,51 @@
module Hyperstack
module Router
class NoHistoryError < StandardError; end
+ def __hyperstack_router_wrapper(&block)
+ if Hyperstack::Component::IsomorphicHelpers.on_opal_server?
+ ->() { __hyperstack_prerender_router(&block) }
+ else
+ ->() { __hyperstack_render_router(&block) }
+ end
+ end
+ def __eval_block(block)
+ result = instance_eval(&block)
+ if result.is_a?(String) ||
+ (result.respond_to?(:acts_as_string?) && result.acts_as_string?)
+ # hyper-mesh DummyValues respond to acts_as_string, and must
+ # be converted to spans INSIDE the parent, otherwise the waiting_on_resources
+ # flag will get set in the wrong context
+ result = Hyperstack::Internal::Component::RenderingContext
+ .render(:span) { result.to_s }
+ end
+ result
+ end
+ def __hyperstack_render_router(&block)
+ instance_eval do
+ self.class.history :browser unless history
+ React::Router::Router(history: history.to_n) do
+ __eval_block(block)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def __hyperstack_prerender_router(&block)
+ instance_eval do
+ pathname, search = Hyperstack::Internal::Router::IsomorphicMethods.request_fullpath.split('?', 2)
+ location = { pathname: pathname, search: search ? "?#{search}" : '' }.to_n
+ React::Router::StaticRouter(
+ location: location,
+ context: Hyperstack::Internal::Router::IsomorphicMethods.ctx
+ ) do
+ __eval_block(block)
+ end
+ end
+ end
def self.included(base)