lib/react/component.rb in hyper-react-0.11.0 vs lib/react/component.rb in hyper-react-0.12.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,139 +1,168 @@
require 'react/ext/string'
require 'react/ext/hash'
require 'active_support/core_ext/class/attribute'
require 'react/callbacks'
require 'react/rendering_context'
-require 'react/observable'
-require 'react/state'
+require 'hyper-store'
+require 'react/state_wrapper'
require 'react/component/api'
require 'react/component/class_methods'
require 'react/component/props_wrapper'
require 'native'
-module React
- module Component
- def self.included(base)
- base.include(API)
- base.include(Callbacks)
- base.include(Tags)
- base.include(DslInstanceMethods)
- base.include(ShouldComponentUpdate)
- base.class_eval do
- class_attribute :initial_state
- define_callback :before_mount
- define_callback :after_mount
- define_callback :before_receive_props
- define_callback :before_update
- define_callback :after_update
- define_callback :before_unmount
+module Hyperloop
+ class Component
+ module Mixin
+ def self.included(base)
+ base.include(Store::Mixin)
+ base.include(React::Component::API)
+ base.include(React::Component::Callbacks)
+ base.include(React::Component::Tags)
+ base.include(React::Component::DslInstanceMethods)
+ base.include(React::Component::ShouldComponentUpdate)
+ base.class_eval do
+ class_attribute :initial_state
+ define_callback :before_mount
+ define_callback :after_mount
+ define_callback :before_receive_props
+ define_callback :before_update
+ define_callback :after_update
+ define_callback :before_unmount
+ end
+ base.extend(React::Component::ClassMethods)
- base.extend(ClassMethods)
- end
- def self.deprecation_warning(message)
- @deprecation_messages ||= []
- message = "Warning: Deprecated feature used in #{name}. #{message}"
- unless @deprecation_messages.include? message
- @deprecation_messages << message
- IsomorphicHelpers.log message, :warning
+ def self.deprecation_warning(message)
+ React::Component.deprecation_warning(name, message)
- end
- def initialize(native_element)
- @native = native_element
- end
+ def deprecation_warning(message)
+ React::Component.deprecation_warning(, message)
+ end
- def emit(event_name, *args)
- params["_on#{event_name.to_s.event_camelize}"].call(*args)
- end
+ def initialize(native_element)
+ @native = native_element
+ init_store
+ end
- def component_will_mount
- IsomorphicHelpers.load_context(true) if IsomorphicHelpers.on_opal_client?
- set_state! initial_state if initial_state
- State.initialize_states(self, initial_state)
- State.set_state_context_to(self) { run_callback(:before_mount) }
- rescue Exception => e
- self.class.process_exception(e, self)
- end
+ def emit(event_name, *args)
+ params["_on#{event_name.to_s.event_camelize}"].call(*args)
+ end
- def component_did_mount
- State.set_state_context_to(self) do
- run_callback(:after_mount)
- State.update_states_to_observe
+ def component_will_mount
+ React::IsomorphicHelpers.load_context(true) if React::IsomorphicHelpers.on_opal_client?
+ # set_state! initial_state if initial_state
+ # State.initialize_states(self, initial_state)
+ React::State.set_state_context_to(self) { run_callback(:before_mount) }
+ rescue Exception => e
+ self.class.process_exception(e, self)
- rescue Exception => e
- self.class.process_exception(e, self)
- end
- def component_will_receive_props(next_props)
- # need to rethink how this works in opal-react, or if its actually that useful within the react.rb environment
- # for now we are just using it to clear processed_params
- State.set_state_context_to(self) { self.run_callback(:before_receive_props, }
- rescue Exception => e
- self.class.process_exception(e, self)
- end
+ def component_did_mount
+ React::State.set_state_context_to(self) do
+ run_callback(:after_mount)
+ React::State.update_states_to_observe
+ end
+ rescue Exception => e
+ self.class.process_exception(e, self)
+ end
- def component_will_update(next_props, next_state)
- State.set_state_context_to(self) { self.run_callback(:before_update,, }
- rescue Exception => e
- self.class.process_exception(e, self)
- end
+ def component_will_receive_props(next_props)
+ # need to rethink how this works in opal-react, or if its actually that useful within the react.rb environment
+ # for now we are just using it to clear processed_params
+ React::State.set_state_context_to(self) { self.run_callback(:before_receive_props, }
+ rescue Exception => e
+ self.class.process_exception(e, self)
+ end
- def component_did_update(prev_props, prev_state)
- State.set_state_context_to(self) do
- self.run_callback(:after_update,,
- State.update_states_to_observe
+ def component_will_update(next_props, next_state)
+ React::State.set_state_context_to(self) { self.run_callback(:before_update,, }
+ rescue Exception => e
+ self.class.process_exception(e, self)
- rescue Exception => e
- self.class.process_exception(e, self)
- end
- def component_will_unmount
- State.set_state_context_to(self) do
- self.run_callback(:before_unmount)
- State.remove
+ def component_did_update(prev_props, prev_state)
+ React::State.set_state_context_to(self) do
+ self.run_callback(:after_update,,
+ React::State.update_states_to_observe
+ end
+ rescue Exception => e
+ self.class.process_exception(e, self)
- rescue Exception => e
- self.class.process_exception(e, self)
- end
- attr_reader :waiting_on_resources
+ def component_will_unmount
+ React::State.set_state_context_to(self) do
+ self.run_callback(:before_unmount)
+ React::State.remove
+ end
+ rescue Exception => e
+ self.class.process_exception(e, self)
+ end
- def update_react_js_state(object, name, value)
- if object
- name = "#{object.class}.#{name}" unless object == self
- set_state(
- '***_state_updated_at-***' =>,
- name => value
- )
- else
- set_state name => value
+ attr_reader :waiting_on_resources
+ def update_react_js_state(object, name, value)
+ if object
+ name = "#{object.class}.#{name}" unless object == self
+ set_state(
+ '***_state_updated_at-***' =>,
+ name => value
+ )
+ else
+ set_state name => value
+ end
- end
- def render
- raise 'no render defined'
- end unless method_defined?(:render)
+ def render
+ raise 'no render defined'
+ end unless method_defined?(:render)
- def _render_wrapper
- State.set_state_context_to(self, true) do
- element = React::RenderingContext.render(nil) { render || '' }
- @waiting_on_resources =
- element.waiting_on_resources if element.respond_to? :waiting_on_resources
- element
+ def _render_wrapper
+ React::State.set_state_context_to(self, true) do
+ element = React::RenderingContext.render(nil) { render || '' }
+ @waiting_on_resources =
+ element.waiting_on_resources if element.respond_to? :waiting_on_resources
+ element
+ end
+ # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException # we want to catch all exceptions regardless
+ rescue Exception => e
+ # rubocop:enable Lint/RescueException
+ self.class.process_exception(e, self)
- # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException # we want to catch all exceptions regardless
- rescue Exception => e
- # rubocop:enable Lint/RescueException
- self.class.process_exception(e, self)
- end
- def watch(value, &on_change)
-, on_change)
+ def watch(value, &on_change)
+, on_change)
+ end
+ def define_state(*args, &block)
+ React::State.initialize_states(self, self.class.define_state(*args, &block))
+ end
+ end
- def define_state(*args, &block)
- State.initialize_states(self, self.class.define_state(*args, &block))
+module React
+ module Component
+ def self.included(base)
+ # note this is turned off during old style testing: See the spec_helper
+ deprecation_warning base, "The module name React::Component has been deprecated. Use Hyperloop::Component::Mixin instead."
+ base.include Hyperloop::Component::Mixin
+ def self.deprecation_warning(name, message)
+ @deprecation_messages ||= []
+ message = "Warning: Deprecated feature used in #{name}. #{message}"
+ unless @deprecation_messages.include? message
+ @deprecation_messages << message
+ React::IsomorphicHelpers.log message, :warning
+ end
+ end
+ module ComponentNoNotice
+ def self.included(base)
+ base.include Hyperloop::Component::Mixin
+ end
+ end
+module React