Rakefile in hyla-1.0.7.pre.1 vs Rakefile in hyla-1.0.7.pre.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,23 +1,42 @@
+libdir = File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__)
+$LOAD_PATH.unshift(libdir) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(libdir)
+#require 'compass'
+#require 'compass/sass_compiler'
+# Dir["#{dir}/*.scss"].select do | f |
+# p "File : #{f}"
+# Compass.add_configuration({
+# :sass_dir => '.',
+# :css_dir => 'styles',
+# :fonts_dir => 'fonts',
+# :output_style => :compressed
+# }, 'alwaysmin' # A name for the configuration, can be anything you want
+# )
+# Compass.sass_compiler.compile(f.to_s, '#{f.to_s}.css')
+# end
require 'rubygems'
require 'rake'
require 'rake/testtask'
require 'bundler/version'
+require 'sass'
+require 'hyla/configuration'
+require 'font-awesome-sass'
-$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__)
# Helper functions
def name
@name ||= Dir['*.gemspec'].first.split('.').first
def version
- line = File.read("lib/#{name}.rb")[/^\s*VERSION\s*=\s*.*/]
+ line = File.read("lib/#{name}/project.rb")[/^\s*VERSION\s*=\s*.*/]
def date
@@ -29,33 +48,85 @@
def gem_file
+def sass_assets
+ Hyla::Configuration.assets
+def revealjs_css_theme_assets
+ [Hyla::Configuration.assets, 'revealjs', 'css', 'theme'] * '/'
+def revealjs_css_vendor_assets
+ [Hyla::Configuration.assets, 'revealjs', 'lib', 'css'] * '/'
+def default_compilation_style
+ 'compressed'
+# Compass Style Values to generate the CSS file : nested, expanded, compact, compressed
+style = ENV["STYLE"] || "nested"
# Standard tasks
Rake::TestTask.new do |t|
t.libs << 'test'
-desc "Run tests"
-task :default => :test
# Simple Test case
task :test do
ruby "test/my_test.rb"
-task :build1 do
+desc "Run tests"
+task :default => :test
+# Generate CSS files
+task :compass do
+ puts "\n## Compiling Sass"
+ # path = Gem.loaded_specs['font-awesome-sass'].full_gem_path + "/assets/stylesheets"
+ #Go to the compass project directory
+ Dir.chdir File.join(sass_assets, "sass") do |dir|
+ puts "Sass dir : #{dir}"
+ # -s #{style} -I #{path}
+ system "compass compile --fonts-dir 'fonts' --css-dir 'styles' --sass-dir '.' "
+ # Copy css to RevealJS theme
+ # p revealjs_css_assets
+ system "cp styles/gpe.css #{revealjs_css_theme_assets}"
+ system "cp styles/font-awesome.css #{revealjs_css_vendor_assets}/font-awesome-4.3.0.css"
+ end
+# Build the Gem
+task :build do
system "gem build #{gemspec_file}"
-# Build project
-task :build2 => :gemspec do
+# Build the Gem & deploy it locally
+task :install => :build do
+ system "gem install #{gem_file} -l"
+# Build the Gem, install it locally & push it
+task :deploy => :install do
+ system "gem push #{gem_file}"
+# Build the Gem and move it under the pkg directory
+task :build_pkg => :gemspec do
sh "mkdir -p pkg"
sh "gem build #{gemspec_file}"
sh "mv #{gem_file} pkg"
\ No newline at end of file