README.adoc in hyla-1.0.7.pre.1 vs README.adoc in hyla-1.0.7.pre.2
- old
+ new
@@ -36,68 +36,16 @@
hyla will reuse stylesheets created from 'asciidoctor-stylesheet-factory' and 'asciidoctor-backends' for HTML5, RevealJS, DeckJS, DockBook ...
hyla will include 'awestruct'
The Hyla project name comes from an arboreal[frog] living in equatorial regions of Europe, Asia or Americas. Its name was inspired by the companion of Hercule (Hylas) in Greek mythology.
-== Prerequisites
+== Developer
--[rbenv-build] which let you to deploy a pre-compiled version of Ruby
--[rbenv] to manage different versions of Ruby
--[Ruby] 1.9.3-p484
--[RubyGems] to install Ruby Applications
--[How do I install and use the browser extensions for LiveReload].
-Be sure to enable the option “Allow access to file URLs” checkbox in Tools > Extensions > LiveReload after installation of Chrome Extension.
+* link:documentation/prerequisites.adoc[Prerequisites]
+* link:documentation/developer.adoc["How to install, build the gem"]
+* Using a Docker container
-== Installation
-The latest source code is located in the {sources}[Hyla git repository] on GitHub. Hyla can be installed via the +gem+ command, bundler.
-Use `gem install` command to deploy Hyla :
- $ gem install hyla -y
-NOTE : The option `-y` will tell to rubyGems to deploy the gem but also the dependencies required
-An alternative is to create a Gemfile and add this line :
- gem 'hyla'
-And then execute:
- $ bundle
-**Or** install it yourself as:
- $ gem install hyla -v 1.0.6
-== For Developer's only
- Clone Git project locally, move to Hyla directory and execute the following commands
- gem build hyla.gemspec
- sudo gem install hyla-1.0.x.gem -l
-== To publish Hyla to Gem Repo
- gem build hyla.gemspec
- gem install hyla-1.0.x.gem -l
- gem push hyla-1.0.x.gem
-== To delete a release pushed to RubyGems (= yank)
- gem yank hyla -v 1.0.x
-== To create a release, generate a tagged release and publish it to Gem Repo
- gem build hyla.gemspec
- gem install hyla-1.0.6.gem
- git commit -m "Release Hyla 1.0.6" -a
- git push
- git tag -a hyla-1.0.6 -m "Release hyla 1.0.6"
- git push origin hyla-1.0.6
- gem push hyla-1.0.6.gem
== Usage
Open a terminal and move to the folder where you would like to create a new project or develop an existing. As Hyla is command line tool, it will be used with one of the following commands :
create Creates a new file from asciidoc artefacts for an existing project
@@ -111,10 +59,10 @@
hyla --help
== Documentation
-The `hyla` documentation is available at the link:documentation/introduction.adoc[following address]
+The `hyla` documentation is available at this link:documentation/introduction.adoc[address]
== Copyright and Licensing
Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Charles Moulliard
Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the Apache License.