lib/hydra/validations/uniqueness.rb in hydra-validations-0.3.2 vs lib/hydra/validations/uniqueness.rb in hydra-validations-0.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-require 'hydra/validations'
-require 'hydra/validations/cardinality'
+require 'active_support/core_ext/array/wrap'
module Hydra
module Validations
# UniquenessValidator - an ActiveFedora model validator
@@ -23,25 +22,29 @@
# False negatives (record invalid) may result if, for example,
# querying a Solr field of type "text".
class UniquenessValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
- include Cardinality
def check_validity!
- raise ArgumentError, "UniquenessValidator accepts only a single attribute: #{attribues}" if attributes.length > 1
- raise ArgumentError, "UniquenessValidator requires the :solr_name option be present." unless options[:solr_name].present?
+ if attributes.length > 1
+ raise ArgumentError, "UniquenessValidator accepts only a single attribute: #{attributes}"
+ end
+ unless options[:solr_name].present?
+ raise ArgumentError, "UniquenessValidator requires the :solr_name option be present."
+ end
def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
- # TODO: i18n messages
- validate_cardinality(:single, record, attribute, value)
- # Validate uniqueness proper only if value is of single cardinality
- return if record.errors.added?(attribute, "can't have more than one value")
- value = value.first if value.respond_to?(:each)
- conditions = {options[:solr_name] => value}
- conditions.merge!("-id" => if record.persisted?
- record.errors.add attribute, "has already been taken" if record.class.exists?(conditions)
+ wrapped_value = Array.wrap(value)
+ if wrapped_value.length > 1
+ record.errors.add(attribute, "can't have more than one value")
+ elsif wrapped_value.empty?
+ record.errors.add(attribute, "can't be empty") unless options[:allow_empty]
+ else
+ conditions = {options[:solr_name] => wrapped_value.first}
+ conditions.merge!("-id" => if record.persisted?
+ record.errors.add attribute, "has already been taken" if record.class.exists?(conditions)
+ end
module HelperMethods