in hydra-validations-0.3.2 vs in hydra-validations-0.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -23,17 +23,19 @@
bundle install
+## EnumerableBehavior Mixin
## Validators
See also the source code and spec tests.
### FormatValidator
-Extends the ActiveModel version to validate the format of *each member* of an enumerable attribute value.
+Extends the ActiveModel::Validations::FormatValidator, adding EnumerableBehavior.
See documentation for ActiveModel::Validations::FormatValidator for usage and options.
class FormatValidatable
@@ -61,20 +63,22 @@
=> ["Field value \"foo1\" is invalid", "Field value \"bar2\" is invalid"]
### InclusionValidator
-Extends the ActiveModel version to validate inclusion of *each member* of an enumerable attribute value.
+Extends ActiveModel::Validations::InclusionValidator, adding EnumerableBehavior.
See documentation for ActiveModel::Validations::InclusionValidator for usage and options.
class InclusionValidatable
include ActiveModel::Validations # required if not already included in class
include Hydra::Validations
attr_accessor :field
validates :field, inclusion: { in: ["foo", "bar", "baz"] }
+ # or using helper method ...
+ # validates_inclusion_of :field, in: ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
> v =
=> #<InclusionValidatable:0x007ffc53079318>
> v.field = ["foo", "bar"]
@@ -101,31 +105,45 @@
class UniquenessValidatable < ActiveFedora::Base
include Hydra::Validations
has_metadata name: 'descMetadata', type: ActiveFedora::QualifiedDublinCoreDatastream
has_attributes :title, datastream: 'descMetadata', multiple: false
# Can use with multi-value attributes, but single cardinality is required.
- # See SingleCardinalityValidator below.
has_attributes :source, datastream: 'descMetadata', multiple: true
validates :source, uniqueness: { solr_name: "source_ssim" }
# ... or using helper method
validates_uniqueness_of :title, solr_name: "title_ssi"
-### SingleCardinalityValidator
+### CardinalityValidator
-Validates that the attribute value is a scalar or single-member enumerable.
+Validates the cardinality of the attribute value.
+CardinalityValidator is a subclass of ActiveModel::Validations::LengthValidator which
+"tokenizes" values with `Array.wrap(value)`. The "cardinality" of the value
+is the length the array. Hence,
+- `nil` and empty enumerables have cardinality 0
+- scalar values (including empty string) have cardinality 1.
+CardinalityValidator customizes the `:wrong_length`, `:too_short` and `:too_long` messages
+of LengthValidator to use language appropriate to cardinality. You can also override these
-class Validatable
+class CardinalityValidatable
include ActiveModel::Validations # required if not already included in class
include Hydra::Validations
attr_accessor :field
- validates :field, single_cardinality: true
+ validates :field, cardinality: { is: 1 }
+ # or with helper method ...
+ # validates_cardinality_of :field, is: 1
+ # or, for single cardinality (same as above) ...
+ # validates_single_cardinality_of :field
-> Validatable.validators
- => [#<Hydra::Validations::SingleCardinalityValidator:0x007fb91d1e9460 @attributes=[:field], @options={}>]
+> CardinalityValidatable.validators
+ => [#<Hydra::Validations::CardinalityValidator:0x007fb91d1e9460 @attributes=[:field], @options={:is=>1}>]
> v =
=> #<Validatable:0x007fb91d1c9188>
> v.field = "foo"
=> "foo"
> v.valid?