spec/lib/hybag/ingester_spec.rb in hybag-0.0.7 vs spec/lib/hybag/ingester_spec.rb in hybag-0.0.8
- old
+ new
@@ -110,9 +110,52 @@
expect(built_model).to be_new
it "should not be persisted" do
expect(built_model).not_to be_persisted
+ context "when there is a file datastream and no matching datastream defined" do
+ before(:each) do
+ # Add the hydra.png from fixture
+ FakeFS.deactivate!
+ hybag_content = File.read(File.join(FIXTURE_PATH,"hydra.png"))
+ FakeFS.activate!
+ File.open(File.join(bag.data_dir,"new_content.png"),'wb') {|f| f.puts hybag_content}
+ end
+ it "should add that datastream" do
+ expect(built_model.datastreams.keys).to include("new_content")
+ end
+ end
+ context "when there is a metadata stream and no matching datastream defined" do
+ before(:each) do
+ # Add the example_datastream.nt from fixture
+ FakeFS.deactivate!
+ @hybag_content = File.read(File.join(FIXTURE_PATH,"example_datastream.nt"))
+ FakeFS.activate!
+ bag.add_tag_file("example_datastream.nt") do |f|
+ f.write @hybag_content
+ end
+ end
+ it "should add that file as a datastream" do
+ expect(built_model.datastreams.keys).to include("example_datastream")
+ expect(built_model.datastreams.values.find{|x| x.dsid == "example_datastream"}.content).to eq @hybag_content.strip
+ end
+ context "and it's an RDF datastream" do
+ it "should replace the subject"
+ end
+ end
+ context "when there is an unregistered tag file and no matching datastream defined" do
+ before(:each) do
+ FakeFS.deactivate!
+ @hybag_content = File.read(File.join(FIXTURE_PATH,"example_datastream.nt"))
+ FakeFS.activate!
+ File.open(File.join(bag.bag_dir, "new_tag_file.nt"), 'wb') {|f| f.puts @hybag_content}
+ end
+ # TODO: Write this when bagit supports returning unmarked tag files.
+ xit "should add that datastream" do
+ expect(built_model.datastreams.keys).to include("new_tag_file")
+ expect(built_model.datastreams.values.find{|x| x.dsid == "new_tag_file"}.content).to eq @hybag_content.strip
+ end
+ end