lib/hubscreen/contact.rb in hubscreen-0.0.1 vs lib/hubscreen/contact.rb in hubscreen-0.0.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,11 +1,43 @@
+require 'pry'
module Hubscreen
# HubSpot Contacts API
# {}
+ # This is a convenience object for single Hubspot contact returned by the API
- class Contact
+ class Contact < Hubscreen::Response
+ CONTACT_KEYS = [:properties,
+ :vid,
+ :email,
+ :first_name,
+ :last_name,
+ :hubspot_owner_id]
+ attr_accessor *CONTACT_KEYS
+ def initialize(response)
+ @raw_hash = response.raw_hash
+ @raw_response = response.raw_response
+ parse_response
+ end
+ def parse_response
+ @properties =
+ @vid = @raw_hash["vid"]
+ @email = @raw_hash["properties"]["email"]["value"] if @raw_hash["properties"].has_key?("email")
+ @first_name = @raw_hash["properties"]["firstname"]["value"] if @raw_hash["properties"].has_key?("firstname")
+ @last_name = @raw_hash["properties"]["lastname"]["value"] if @raw_hash["properties"].has_key?("lastname")
+ @company = @raw_hash["properties"]["company"]["value"] if @raw_hash["properties"].has_key?("company")
+ @hubspot_owner_id = @raw_hash["properties"]["hubspot_owner_id"]["value"] if @raw_hash["properties"].has_key?("hubspot_owner_id")
+ end
+ def inspect
+ "<Hubscreen::Contact vid:#{@vid}, email:'#{@email}', first_name:'#{@first_name}', last_name:'#{@last_name}', company:'#{@company}', hubspot_owner_id:'#{@hubspot_owner_id}', properties:<Not Shown>, raw_response:<Not Shown>, raw_hash:<Not Shown>>"
+ end
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