in httpthumbnailer-1.1.2 vs in httpthumbnailer-1.2.0
- old
+ new
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* memory limits and disk memory offloading support
* based on [Unicorn HTTP server]( with UNIX socket communication support
## Changelog
+### 1.2.0
+* added `float-x` and `float-y` option support
+* added `interlace` option support
+* syslog logging
+* transaction ID tracking
### 1.1.0
* added identification API for image mime type and size identification
* stripping user meta data from input image further reducing output image size
* providing image size headers for input image and all generated thumbnails
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`httpthumbnailer` logs to `httpthumbnailer.log` file in current directory by default. You can change log file location with `--log-file` option and verbosity with `--verbose` or `--debug` switch.
Additionally `httpthumbnailer` will log requests in [common NCSA format]( to `httpthumbnailer_access.log` file. Use `--access-log-file` option to change location of access log.
+Syslog logging can be enabled with `--syslog-facility` option followed by name of syslog facility to use. When enabled log files are not created and both application logs and access logs are sent to syslog.
+Access logs will gain meta information that will include `type="http-access"` that can be used to filter access log entries out from application log entries.
+With `--xid-header` option name of HTTP request header can be specified. Value of this header will be logged in meta information tag `xid` along side all request related log entries.
### Supported operations
As operation type you can select one of the following options:
-* fit - fit image within given dimensions keeping aspect ratio
-* crop - cut image to fit within given dimensions keeping aspect ratio
-* pad - fit scale image and pad image with background colour to given dimensions keeping aspect ratio
-* limit - fit scale image to given dimensions if it is larger than that dimensions
+* `fit` - fit image within given dimensions keeping aspect ratio
+* `crop` - cut image to fit within given dimensions keeping aspect ratio
+* `pad` - fit scale image and pad image with background colour to given dimensions keeping aspect ratio
+* `limit` - fit scale image to given dimensions if it is larger than that dimensions
### Supported formats
List of supported formats can be displayed with `httpthumbnailer --formats`.
Optionally format `input` can be used to use the same thumbnail format as input image.
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`input` string can be used for width and/or height to use input image width or height.
### Thumbnail options
Following options can be used with thumbnail specification:
-* quality - set output image quality; this is format specific: for JPEG 0 is maximum compression and 100 is maximum quality, for PNG first digit is zlib compression level and second one is filter level
-* background-color - color in HTML notation or textual description ('red', 'green' etc.) used for background when processing transparent images or padding; by default white background is used
+* `quality` - set output image quality; this is format specific: for JPEG 0 is maximum compression and 100 is maximum quality, for PNG first digit is zlib compression level and second one is filter level
+* `background-color` - color in HTML notation or textual description ('red', 'green' etc.) used for background when processing transparent images or padding; by default white background is used
+* `float-x` and `float-y` - value between 0.0 and 1.0; can be used with `crop` and `pad` operations to move cropping view or image over background left to right or top to bottom (0.0 to 1.0); both default to 0.5 centering the view or image
+* `interlace` - one of `UndefinedInterlace`, `NoInterlace`, `LineInterlace`, `PlaneInterlace`, `PartitionInterlace`, `GIFInterlace`, `JPEGInterlace`, `PNGInterlace`; some formats support interlaced output format; use `JPEGInterlace` or `LineInterlace` or `PlaneInterlace` with `jpeg` format to produce progressive JPEG; defaults to `NoInterlace`
### API
#### Single thumbnail API
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## Known Issues
* When 413 error is reported due to memory limit exhaustion the disk offloading won't work any more and only requests that can fit in the memory can be processed without getting 413 - this is due to a bug in ImageMagick v6.8.6-8 (2013-08-06 6.8.6-8) or less
* Mime type generated for images may not be the official mime type assigned for given format; please let me know of any inconsistencies or send a patch to get better output in efficient way
+## TODO
+* Save input image data for images that has failed processing to allow further investigation
+* Allow for specifying different quality values for different image types, e.g.: quality[jpeg]:97,quality[png]:85
## Contributing to HTTP Thumbnailer
* Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
* Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it