lib/html2rss/utils.rb in html2rss-0.9.0 vs lib/html2rss/utils.rb in html2rss-0.10.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,40 +1,115 @@
-require 'active_support/core_ext/hash'
+# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'addressable/uri'
-require 'builder'
+require 'faraday'
+require 'faraday/follow_redirects'
require 'json'
-require 'nokogiri'
+require 'regexp_parser'
+require 'tzinfo'
+require 'mime/types'
+require_relative 'object_to_xml_converter'
module Html2rss
# The collecting tank for utility methods.
module Utils
+ ##
+ # @param url [String, Addressable::URI]
+ # @param base_url [String]
+ # @return [Addressable::URI]
def self.build_absolute_url_from_relative(url, base_url)
- url = URI(url) if url.is_a?(String)
+ url = Addressable::URI.parse(url.to_s) unless url.is_a?(Addressable::URI)
return url if url.absolute?
- URI(base_url).tap do |uri|
- uri.path = url.path.to_s.start_with?('/') ? url.path : "/#{url.path}"
- uri.query = url.query
- uri.fragment = url.fragment if url.fragment
- end
+ base_uri = Addressable::URI.parse(base_url)
+ base_uri.path = '/' if base_uri.path.empty?
+ base_uri.join(url).normalize
- def self.object_to_xml(object)
- object.to_xml(skip_instruct: true, skip_types: true)
+ ##
+ # Removes any space, parses and normalizes the given url.
+ # @param url [String]
+ # @return [String, nil] sanitized and normalized URL, or nil if input is empty
+ def self.sanitize_url(url)
+ url = url.to_s.gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip
+ return if url.empty?
+ Addressable::URI.parse(url).normalize.to_s
- def self.get_class_from_name(snake_cased_name, module_name)
- camel_cased_name = snake_cased_name.split('_').map(&:capitalize).join
- class_name = ['Html2rss', module_name, camel_cased_name].join('::')
- Object.const_get(class_name)
+ ##
+ # Allows override of time zone locally inside supplied block; resets previous time zone when done.
+ #
+ # @param time_zone [String]
+ # @param default_time_zone [String]
+ # @return [Object] whatever the given block returns
+ def self.use_zone(time_zone, default_time_zone:
+ raise ArgumentError, 'a block is required' unless block_given?
+ time_zone = TZInfo::Timezone.get(time_zone)
+ prev_tz = ENV.fetch('TZ', default_time_zone)
+ ENV['TZ'] =
+ yield
+ ensure
+ ENV['TZ'] = prev_tz if prev_tz
- def self.sanitize_url(url)
- squished_url = url.to_s.split(' ').join
- return if squished_url.to_s == ''
+ ##
+ # Builds a titleized representation of the URL.
+ # @param url [String, Addressable::URI]
+ # @return [String]
+ def self.titleized_url(url)
+ uri = Addressable::URI.parse(url)
+ host =
- Addressable::URI.parse(squished_url).normalize.to_s
+ nicer_path = uri.path.split('/').reject(&:empty?)
+ nicer_path.any? ? "#{host}: #{' ')}" : host
+ end
+ ##
+ # @param url [String, Addressable::URI]
+ # @param convert_json_to_xml [true, false] Should JSON be converted to XML
+ # @param headers [Hash] additional HTTP request headers to use for the request
+ # @return [String] body of the HTTP response
+ def self.request_body_from_url(url, convert_json_to_xml: false, headers: {})
+ response =, headers:) do |faraday|
+ faraday.use Faraday::FollowRedirects::Middleware
+ faraday.adapter Faraday.default_adapter
+ end.get
+ body = response.body
+ convert_json_to_xml ? : body
+ end
+ ##
+ # Parses the given String and builds a Regexp out of it.
+ #
+ # It will remove one pair of surrounding slashes ('/') from the String
+ # to maintain backwards compatibility before building the Regexp.
+ #
+ # @param string [String]
+ # @return [Regexp]
+ def self.build_regexp_from_string(string)
+ raise ArgumentError, 'must be a string!' unless string.is_a?(String)
+ string = string[1..-2] if string.start_with?('/') && string.end_with?('/')
+ Regexp::Parser.parse(string, options: ::Regexp::EXTENDED | ::Regexp::IGNORECASE).to_re
+ end
+ ##
+ # Guesses the content type based on the file extension of the URL.
+ #
+ # @param url [String, Addressable::URI]
+ # @return [String] guessed content type, defaults to 'application/octet-stream'
+ def self.guess_content_type_from_url(url)
+ url = url.to_s.split('?').first
+ content_type = MIME::Types.type_for(File.extname(url).delete('.'))
+ content_type.first&.to_s || 'application/octet-stream'