lib/html2doc/mime.rb in html2doc-1.5.3 vs lib/html2doc/mime.rb in html2doc-1.5.4
- old
+ new
@@ -74,11 +74,10 @@
repl = "#{$1}cid:#{File.basename($2)}#{$3}"
/^data:|^https?:/ =~ $2 ? m : repl
- # max width for Word document is 400, max height is 680
def image_resize(img, path, maxheight, maxwidth)
s, realsize = get_image_size(img, path)
return s if s[0] == nil && s[1] == nil
if == "svg" && !img["viewBox"]
@@ -113,22 +112,90 @@
%r{^([A-Z]:)?/}.match?(src) ? src : File.join(localdir, src)
# only processes locally stored images
def image_cleanup(docxml, dir, localdir)
+ maxheight, maxwidth = page_dimensions(docxml)
docxml.traverse do |i|
- src = i["src"]
- next unless i.element? && %w(img v:imagedata).include?(
- next if src.nil? || src.empty? || /^http/.match?(src)
- next if %r{^data:(image|application)/[^;]+;base64}.match? src
- local_filename = localname(src, localdir)
- new_filename = "#{mkuuid}#{File.extname(src)}"
- FileUtils.cp local_filename, File.join(dir, new_filename)
- i["width"], i["height"] = image_resize(i, local_filename, 680, 400)
- i["src"] = File.join(File.basename(dir), new_filename)
+ skip_image_cleanup?(i) and next
+ local_filename = rename_image(i, dir, localdir)
+ i["width"], i["height"] = image_resize(i, local_filename, maxheight,
+ maxwidth)
+ end
+ def rename_image(img, dir, localdir)
+ local_filename = localname(img["src"], localdir)
+ new_filename = "#{mkuuid}#{File.extname(img['src'])}"
+ FileUtils.cp local_filename, File.join(dir, new_filename)
+ img["src"] = File.join(File.basename(dir), new_filename)
+ local_filename
+ end
+ def skip_image_cleanup?(img)
+ src = img["src"]
+ return true unless img.element? && %w(img v:imagedata).include?(
+ return true if src.nil? || src.empty? || /^http/.match?(src) ||
+ %r{^data:(image|application)/[^;]+;base64}.match?(src)
+ false
+ end
+ # we are going to use the 2nd instance of @page in the Word CSS,
+ # skipping the cover page. Currently doesn't deal with Landscape.
+ # Scan both @stylesheet and docxml.to_xml (where @standardstylesheet has ended up)
+ # Allow 0.9 * height to fit caption
+ def page_dimensions(docxml)
+ stylesheet = read_stylesheet(@stylesheet)
+ page_size = find_page_size_in_doc(stylesheet, docxml.to_xml) or
+ return [680, 400]
+ m_size = /size:\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*;/.match(page_size) or return [680, 400]
+ m_marg = /margin:\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*(\S+)\s*(\S+)\s*;/.match(page_size) or
+ return [680, 400]
+ [0.9 * (units_to_px(m_size[2]) - units_to_px(m_marg[1]) - units_to_px(m_marg[3])),
+ units_to_px(m_size[1]) - units_to_px(m_marg[2]) - units_to_px(m_marg[4])]
+ rescue StandardError
+ [680, 400]
+ end
+ def find_page_size_in_doc(stylesheet, doc)
+ find_page_size(stylesheet, "WordSection2", false) ||
+ find_page_size(stylesheet, "WordSection3", false) ||
+ find_page_size(doc, "WordSection2", true) ||
+ find_page_size(doc, "WordSection3", true) ||
+ find_page_size(stylesheet, "", false) || find_page_size(doc, "", true)
+ end
+ # if in_xml, CSS is embedded in XML <style> tag
+ def find_page_size(stylesheet, klass, in_xml)
+ xml_found = false
+ found = false
+ ret = ""
+ stylesheet&.lines&.each do |l|
+ in_xml && l.include?("<style") and xml_found = true and found = false
+ in_xml && l.include?("</style>") and xml_found = false
+ /^\s*@page\s+#{klass}/.match?(l) and found = true
+ found && /^\s*\{?size:/.match?(l) and ret += l
+ found && /^\s*\{?margin:/.match?(l) and ret += l
+ if found && /}/.match?(l)
+ !ret.blank? && (!in_xml || xml_found) and return ret
+ ret = ""
+ found = false
+ end
+ end
+ nil
+ end
+ def units_to_px(measure)
+ m = /^(\S+)(pt|cm)/.match(measure)
+ ret = case m[2]
+ when "px" then (m[1].to_f * 0.75)
+ when "pt" then m[1].to_f
+ when "cm" then (m[1].to_f * 28.346456693)
+ when "in" then (m[1].to_f * 72)
+ end
+ ret.to_i
# do not parse the header through Nokogiri, since it will contain
# non-XML like <![if !supportFootnotes]>
def header_image_cleanup(doc, dir, filename, localdir)