lib/html2doc/mime.rb in html2doc-0.8.1 vs lib/html2doc/mime.rb in html2doc-0.8.2
- old
+ new
@@ -56,25 +56,26 @@
mhtml += "--#{boundary}--""#{filename}.doc", "w") { |f| f.write mhtml }
+ # max height for Word document is 400, max width is 680
def self.image_resize(i, maxheight, maxwidth)
- size = [i["width"].to_i, i["height"].to_i]
- size = ImageSize.path(i["src"]).size if size[0].zero? && size[1].zero?
- # max height for Word document is 400, max width is 680
- if size[0] > maxheight
- size = [maxheight, (size[1] * maxheight / size[0]).ceil]
- end
- if size[1] > maxwidth
- size = [(size[0] * maxwidth / size[1]).ceil, maxwidth]
- end
- size
+ realSize = ImageSize.path(i["src"]).size
+ s = [i["width"].to_i, i["height"].to_i]
+ s = realSize if s[0].zero? && s[1].zero?
+ s[1] = s[0] * realSize[1] / realSize[0] if s[1].zero? && !s[0].zero?
+ s[0] = s[1] * realSize[0] / realSize[1] if s[0].zero? && !s[1].zero?
+ s = [(s[0] * maxheight / s[1]).ceil, maxheight] if s[1] > maxheight
+ s = [maxwidth, (s[1] * maxwidth / s[0]).ceil] if s[0] > maxwidth
+ s
+ IMAGE_PATH = "//*[local-name() = 'img' or local-name() = 'imagedata']".freeze
def self.image_cleanup(docxml, dir)
- docxml.xpath("//*[local-name() = 'img' or local-name() = 'imagedata']").each do |i|
+ docxml.xpath(IMAGE_PATH).each do |i|
matched = /\.(?<suffix>\S+)$/.match i["src"]
uuid = UUIDTools::UUID.random_create.to_s
new_full_filename = File.join(dir, "#{uuid}.#{matched[:suffix]}")
# presupposes that the image source is local
system "cp #{i['src']} #{new_full_filename}"
@@ -91,19 +92,19 @@
header_image_cleanup1(a, dir, filename)
def self.header_image_cleanup1(a, dir, filename)
- if a.size == 2
- matched = / src=['"](?<src>[^"']+)['"]/.match a[1]
- matched2 = /\.(?<suffix>\S+)$/.match matched[:src]
- uuid = UUIDTools::UUID.random_create.to_s
- new_full_filename = "file:///C:/Doc/#{filename}_files/#{uuid}.#{matched2[:suffix]}"
- dest_filename = File.join(dir, "#{uuid}.#{matched2[:suffix]}")
- system "cp #{matched[:src]} #{dest_filename}"
- a[1].sub!(%r{ src=['"](?<src>[^"']+)['"]}, " src='#{new_full_filename}'")
- end
- a.join
+ if a.size == 2
+ matched = / src=['"](?<src>[^"']+)['"]/.match a[1]
+ matched2 = /\.(?<suffix>\S+)$/.match matched[:src]
+ uuid = UUIDTools::UUID.random_create.to_s
+ new_full_filename = "file:///C:/Doc/#{filename}_files/#{uuid}.#{matched2[:suffix]}"
+ dest_filename = File.join(dir, "#{uuid}.#{matched2[:suffix]}")
+ system "cp #{matched[:src]} #{dest_filename}"
+ a[1].sub!(%r{ src=['"](?<src>[^"']+)['"]}, " src='#{new_full_filename}'")
+ end
+ a.join
def self.generate_filelist(filename, dir), "filelist.xml"), "w") do |f|
f.write %{<xml xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">