app/assets/javascripts/ in hqmf2js-1.1.0 vs app/assets/javascripts/ in hqmf2js-1.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,17 +1,75 @@
@hqmf.CustomCalc = {}
+@hqmf.CustomCalc.ADE_TTR_OBSERV = (patient, hqmfjs) ->
+ inrReadings = DURING(hqmfjs.LaboratoryTestResultInr(patient), hqmfjs.MeasurePeriod(patient));
+ inrReadings = new hqmf.CustomCalc.PercentTTREntries(inrReadings)
+ [inrReadings.calculatePercentTTR()]
class @hqmf.CustomCalc.PercentTTREntries extends hQuery.CodedEntryList
constructor: (events) ->
- events = events.sort(dateSortAscending)
- @push(event) for event in events
@minInr = 2.0
@maxInr = 3.0
- # sort entries ascending
- # filter duplicates to those closest to 2.5
- # remove duplicate results on entries
+ @minOutOfRange = 0.8
+ @maxOutOfRange = 10
+ @closestSetpoint = 2.5
+ clonedEvents = []
+ clonedEvents.push(new event.constructor(event.json)) for event in events
+ # remove entries < 0.8
+ # reset > 10 to be 10
+ # remove duplicate results on entries to those closest to 2.5
+ for entry in clonedEvents
+ currentClosestValue = null
+ for value in entry.values()
+ if value.scalar() > @maxOutOfRange
+ value.json['scalar'] = '10.0'
+ if value.scalar() >= @minOutOfRange && value.scalar() <= @maxOutOfRange
+ currentClosestValue = @closestValueToSetpoint(currentClosestValue, value)
+ passingValues = []
+ passingValues = [currentClosestValue.json] if currentClosestValue?
+ entry.json['values'] = passingValues
+ # filter duplicates to those closest to 2.5 on the same day
+ # remove any entries with no values (removed because the value was below 0.8, or no value on source data)
+ entriesByDay = {}
+ for entry in clonedEvents
+ date = entry.timeStamp()
+ key = "#{date.getUTCFullYear()}_#{date.getUTCMonth()}_#{date.getUTCDate()}"
+ entriesByDay[key] = [] unless entriesByDay[key]
+ entriesByDay[key].push(entry) if entry.values().length > 0
+ # keep the closest entry to 2.5 when there are multiple entries per day
+ finalEvents = []
+ for key in _.keys(entriesByDay)
+ if (entriesByDay[key].length > 1)
+ currentClosestValue = null
+ selectedEntry = null
+ for entry in entriesByDay[key]
+ currentClosestValue = @closestValueToSetpoint(currentClosestValue, entry.values()[0])
+ if currentClosestValue.scalar() == entry.values()[0].scalar()
+ selectedEntry = entry
+ finalEvents.push(selectedEntry)
+ else
+ finalEvents = finalEvents.concat(entriesByDay[key])
+ finalEvents = finalEvents.sort(dateSortAscending)
+ @push(event) for event in finalEvents
+ closestValueToSetpoint: (one, two) ->
+ return two if one == null
+ return one if two == null
+ if (Math.abs(one.scalar() - @closestSetpoint) > Math.abs(two.scalar() - @closestSetpoint))
+ return two
+ else
+ return one
calculateDaysInRange: (firstInr, secondInr) ->
if ((@belowRange(firstInr) and @belowRange(secondInr)) or (@aboveRange(firstInr) and @aboveRange(secondInr)))