spec/unit/generators/root_generator_spec.rb in howitzer-2.0.3 vs spec/unit/generators/root_generator_spec.rb in howitzer-2.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -13,57 +13,60 @@
describe Howitzer::RootGenerator do
let(:generator_name) { described_class }
let(:expected_result) do
{ name: '/.gitignore', is_directory: false, size: 196 },
- { name: '/.rubocop.yml', is_directory: false, size: 634 },
- { name: '/Gemfile', is_directory: false, size: 625 },
+ { name: '/.rubocop.yml', is_directory: false, size: 633 },
+ { name: '/Gemfile', is_directory: false, size: 624 },
{ name: '/Rakefile', is_directory: false, size: template_file_size('root', 'Rakefile') }
let(:options) { {} }
it { is_expected.to eql(expected_result) }
describe 'output' do
subject { output.string }
context 'when options is empty' do
let(:expected_output) do
- " * Root files generation ...
- Added '.gitignore' file
- Added '.rubocop.yml' file
- Added 'Rakefile' file
- Added template 'Gemfile.erb' with params '{}' to destination 'Gemfile'\n"
+ "#{ColorizedString.new(' * Root files generation ...').light_cyan}
+ #{ColorizedString.new('Added').light_green} '.gitignore' file
+ #{ColorizedString.new('Added').light_green} '.rubocop.yml' file
+ #{ColorizedString.new('Added').light_green} 'Rakefile' file
+ #{ColorizedString.new('Added').light_green} template 'Gemfile.erb' with params '{}' to destination 'Gemfile'\n"
it { is_expected.to eql(expected_output) }
context 'when options is rspec => true' do
let(:expected_output) do
- " * Root files generation ...
- Added '.gitignore' file
- Added '.rubocop.yml' file
- Added 'Rakefile' file
- Added template 'Gemfile.erb' with params '{:rspec=>true}' to destination 'Gemfile'\n"
+ "#{ColorizedString.new(' * Root files generation ...').light_cyan}
+ #{ColorizedString.new('Added').light_green} '.gitignore' file
+ #{ColorizedString.new('Added').light_green} '.rubocop.yml' file
+ #{ColorizedString.new('Added').light_green} 'Rakefile' file
+ #{ColorizedString.new('Added').light_green} template 'Gemfile.erb' with params '{:rspec=>true}' to"\
+ " destination 'Gemfile'\n"
let(:options) { { rspec: true } }
it { is_expected.to eql(expected_output) }
context 'when options is cucumber => cucumber' do
let(:expected_output) do
- " * Root files generation ...
- Added '.gitignore' file
- Added '.rubocop.yml' file
- Added 'Rakefile' file
- Added template 'Gemfile.erb' with params '{:cucumber=>true}' to destination 'Gemfile'\n"
+ "#{ColorizedString.new(' * Root files generation ...').light_cyan}
+ #{ColorizedString.new('Added').light_green} '.gitignore' file
+ #{ColorizedString.new('Added').light_green} '.rubocop.yml' file
+ #{ColorizedString.new('Added').light_green} 'Rakefile' file
+ #{ColorizedString.new('Added').light_green} template 'Gemfile.erb' with params '{:cucumber=>true}'"\
+ " to destination 'Gemfile'\n"
let(:options) { { cucumber: true } }
it { is_expected.to eql(expected_output) }
context 'when options is turnip => true' do
let(:expected_output) do
- " * Root files generation ...
- Added '.gitignore' file
- Added '.rubocop.yml' file
- Added 'Rakefile' file
- Added template 'Gemfile.erb' with params '{:turnip=>true}' to destination 'Gemfile'\n"
+ "#{ColorizedString.new(' * Root files generation ...').light_cyan}
+ #{ColorizedString.new('Added').light_green} '.gitignore' file
+ #{ColorizedString.new('Added').light_green} '.rubocop.yml' file
+ #{ColorizedString.new('Added').light_green} 'Rakefile' file
+ #{ColorizedString.new('Added').light_green} template 'Gemfile.erb' with params '{:turnip=>true}' to"\
+ " destination 'Gemfile'\n"
let(:options) { { turnip: true } }
it { is_expected.to eql(expected_output) }