in howitzer-1.0.1 vs in howitzer-1.0.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
Getting Started
## Jump to Section
+* [Available Drivers](#available-drivers)
* [Pages](#pages)
* [Validations](#validations)
* [Locators](#locators)
* [Pages With Static Information](#pages-with-static-information)
* [Redefining of the pen method](#redefining-of-the-open-method)
@@ -16,10 +17,130 @@
* [Data Storage](#data-storage)
* [Generator](#generator)
* [Cucumber Tranformers](#cucumber-transformers)
* [RSpec Folder Structure](#rspec-folder-structure)
+Available Drivers
+[[Back To Top]](#jump-to-section)
+**Driver** - universal interface for test runners against to different web browsers. All implementations of drivers can be divided to 2 categories:
+* **Headless testing** - browser emulation without GUI(very useful on CI servers, like Bamboo, TeamCity, Jenkins, etc.)
+* **Real browser testing** - integration with real browsers via extensions, plugins, ActiveX, etc.(for local and cloud based testing, like SauceLabs, Testingbot)
+Howitzer uses [Capybara]( for driver management and configuration. All that you really need:
+ - specify the **driver** settings in _config/default.yml_
+ - specify some additional settings for chosen driver.
+Bellow you can find aggregated table with some useful informations about driver settings in Howitzer:
+ <tr>
+ <th>Driver</th>
+ <th align="center">Category</th>
+ <th align="center">Setting name</th>
+ <th align="center">Setting type</th>
+ <th align="center">Description</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><a href="">phantomjs</a>(<strong>default</strong>)</td>
+ <td align="center">Headless</td>
+ <td align="left" rowspan="2">
+ <strong>pjs_ignore_js_errors</strong><br/><br/>
+ <strong>pjs_ignore_ssl_errors</strong>
+ </td>
+ <td align="left" rowspan="2">
+ Boolean <br/><br/>
+ Boolean
+ </td>
+ <td align="left" rowspan="2">
+ if false, then raises exception on js error in app<br/>
+ if false, then ignores ssl warnings
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><a href="">poltergeist</a></td>
+ <td align="center">Headless</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><a href="">webkit</a></td>
+ <td align="center">Headless</td>
+ <td align="center">-</td>
+ <td align="center">-</td>
+ <td align="center">-</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><a href="">selenium</a></td>
+ <td align="center">Real</td>
+ <td align="center"><strong>sel_browser</strong></td>
+ <td align="center">String</td>
+ <td align="center">specify one of next browsers: iexplore (ie), firefox (ff), chrome, opera, safari</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>selenium_dev</td>
+ <td align="center">Real</td>
+ <td align="center"><strong>-</strong></td>
+ <td align="center">-</td>
+ <td align="center">Execute tests against to FireFox with firebug and firepath extensions</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><a href="">sauce</a></td>
+ <td align="center">Real</td>
+ <td align="center">
+ <strong>sl_user<strong><br/>
+ <strong>sl_api_key</strong><br/>
+ <strong>sl_url</strong><br/>
+ <strong>sl_platform</strong><br/>
+ <strong>sl_browser_name</strong><br/>
+ <strong>sl_selenium_version</strong><br/>
+ <strong>sl_max_duration</strong><br/>
+ <strong>sl_idle_timeout</strong></td>
+ <td align="center">
+ String<br/>
+ String<br/>
+ String<br/>
+ Symbol<br/>
+ String<br/>
+ String<br/>
+ String<br/>
+ String</td>
+ <td align="center">See details <a href="">here</a></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><a href="">testingbot</a></td>
+ <td align="center">Real</td>
+ <td align="center">
+ <strong>tb_api_key<strong><br/>
+ <strong>tb_api_secret<strong><br/>
+ <strong>tb_url<strong><br/>
+ <strong>tb_platform<strong><br/>
+ <strong>tb_browser_name<strong><br/>
+ <strong>tb_browser_version<strong><br/>
+ <strong>tb_selenium_version<strong><br/>
+ <strong>tb_max_duration<strong><br/>
+ <strong>tb_idle_timeout<strong><br/>
+ <strong>tb_record_screenshot<strong>
+ </td>
+ <td align="center">
+ String<br/>
+ String<br/>
+ String<br/>
+ Symbol<br/>
+ String<br/>
+ Numberic<br/>
+ String<br/>
+ String<br/>
+ String<br/>
+ Boolean</td>
+ <td align="center">See details <a href="">here</a></td>
+ </tr>
[[Back To Top]](#jump-to-section)
Pages - are classes that’s describe real web pages. For example, 'Home page' can be described as:
@@ -34,10 +155,12 @@
Each page contains required constant URL(the relative URL of the page):
**Example :**
+# put the class to ./pages/home_page.rb file
class HomePage < WebPage
URL = '/'
@@ -63,11 +186,11 @@
**Example 1:**
class HomePage < WebPage
URL = '/'
- validates :url, pattern: /#{Regexp.escape(settings.app_host)}\/?\z/
+ validates :url, pattern: /\A(?:.*?:\/\/)?[^\/]*\/?\z/
**Example 2:**
@@ -117,11 +240,11 @@
class HomePage < WebPage
URL = '/'
- validates :url, pattern: /#{Regexp.escape(settings.app_host)}\/?\z/
+ validates :url, pattern: /\A(?:.*?:\/\/)?[^\/]*\/?\z/
add_locator :test_locator_name1, '.foo' #css locator, default
add_locator :test_locator_name2, css: '.foo' #css locator
add_locator :test_locator_name3, xpath: '//div[@value="bar"]' #css locator
@@ -245,30 +368,50 @@
[[Back To Top]](#jump-to-section)
-_**Email**_ class uses `Mailgun` gem and allows you to work with the mailbox.
-Class corresponds to one letter. Used to test the notifications.
+Howitzer uses amazing service [Mailgun]( which allows to catch all emails of sandbox domain, and to store them to its data storage during 3 days. It is extrimaly useful for new user creation with email confirmation during testing of web applications
-**.find_by_recipient (recipient)** - search for the letter recipient. The parameter receives email recipient.
+You can use **free** account. Follow steps below:
-**.find (recipient, subject)** - same as the **self.find_by_recipient (recipient)**, but only in case, when we do not know in advance what kind of _subject_ has email.
+1. Sign up [here](
+2. Login and copy your API Key
+3. Open config/default.yml file of your project, find **mailgun_key** setting and past copied api key there.
+4. Open Mailgun web page again and copy mailgun domain, ie. ''
+5. Open config/default.yml file of your project again, find **mailgun_domain** setting and past copied mailgun domain there.
+6. Open Mailgun web page again and navigate to **Routes** menu
+7. Create new route with following parameters
-**\#plain_text_body** - receiving text of messages
+Priority | Filter Expression | Action | Description
+ 0 | match_recipient(".*") | store() | Store all messages
-**\#get_mime_part** - allows you to receive the attachment of email
+_**Email**_ Class corresponds to one letter. Used to test the notifications.
+* **.find_by_recipient (recipient)** - search for the letter recipient. The parameter receives email recipient.
+* **.find (recipient, subject)** - same as the **self.find_by_recipient (recipient)**, but only in case, when we do not know in advance what kind of _subject_ has email.
+* **\#plain_text_body** - receiving body of message as plain text
+* **\#html_body** - receiving body of messages as html
+* **\#text_body** - receiving body of messages as stripped text
+* **\#mail_from** - returns who has send email data in format: User Name <user@email>
+* **\#recipients** - returns array of recipients who has received current email
+* **\#received_time** - returns email received time
+* **\#sender_email** - returns sender user email
+* **\#get_mime_part** - allows you to receive the attachment of email
class MyEmail < Email
SUBJECT = 'TEST SUBJECT' # specify the subject of an email
Example, how custom class might look like:
+# put the class to ./emails/my_email.rb file
class MyEmail <Email
SUBJECT = "Test email" # specify the subject of an email
def addressed_to? (new_user) # check that the letter were sent to proper recipient
/ Hi # {new_user} / === plain_text_body
@@ -401,15 +544,16 @@
Data Storage is simple key value storage, which uses namespaces (for example, :user, :sauce, etc).
This module has next methods:
-Method | Description
-|,key,value) | Adds data to storage, where ns - uniq namespace name
-| DataStorage::extract(ns, key=nil) | Gets data from storage by namespace and key. If key is not specified, then it will returns all data from namespace
-| DataStorage::clear_ns(ns) | Removes namespace with data
+Method | Description
+|,key,value) | Adds data to storage, where ns - uniq namespace name
+| DataStorage::extract(ns, key=nil) | Gets data from storage by namespace and key. If key is not specified, then it will returns all data from namespace
+| DataStorage::clear_ns(ns) | Removes namespace with data
+| DataStorage::clear_all_ns(exception_list=SPECIAL_NS_LIST)| Removes all namespaces except special namespaces provided as array
```ruby, 1,'Peter')), 2,'Dan'))
@@ -525,5 +669,6 @@
You can run all tests from this folder by command:
rake rspec:bvt:accounts