README.markdown in houdini-0.3.0 vs README.markdown in houdini-0.3.1
- old
+ new
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# Overview
This ruby gem is a Rails Engine for using the Houdini Mechanical Turk API. It provides easy integration into your models and sets up the necessary controllers to receive answers posted back to your app from Houdini.
-Check out the [Houdini Documentation]( for more info about the API.
+Check out the [Houdini Documentation]( for more info about the API.
# Installation (Rails 3.x)
Add the gem to your Gemfile
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* `blueprint` - The name of the Houdini blueprint to use. Must be symbol or string.
* `options` - Hash of options to use.
## Options
-* `:input` - Rqeuired. Hash: any task specific info needed to populate your blueprint. Keys must match the blueprint's required input, and values must a `Symbol` of the method to call, a lambdas/procs to be called in the model's context, or just a value to send along.
+* `:input` - Required. Hash: any task specific info needed to populate your blueprint. Keys must match the blueprint's required input, and values must a `Symbol` of the method to call, a lambdas/procs to be called in the model's context, or just a value to send along.
* `:on_task_completion` - Method that should be called when the answer is posted back to your app. Can by a symbol or a lambda/proc. The method will be called with a hash of the returned output from Houdini.
* `:on` - Name of a callback to use in order to trigger the submission to Houdini. Must be a symbol/string. If you don't want to use a callback, call the model instance's `houdini_submit_#{blueprint}!` method, where `blueprint` is the first argument you provided for the `houdini` method.
* `:after_submit` - Method that should be called after submitting the task to Houdini. Can by a symbol or a lambda/proc.
* `:id_method` - Method to get an identifier for the object. It is `id` by default, but you may want to use `to_param` with your app. Can be a symbol or lambda/proc. Use this in conjunction with `:finder`.
* `:finder` - Method by which to find the model by an identifier. It is `find` by default. Can be a symbol or lambda/proc. Use this in conjunction with `:id_method`.