app/assets/javascripts/hooch.js in hooch-0.8.1 vs app/assets/javascripts/hooch.js in hooch-0.8.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1088,96 +1088,100 @@
replaceWith: function($jq_obj){
key_code_map: { // borrowed from jresig:
- "backspace": 8,
- "tab": 9,
- "return": 10,
- "return": 13,
- "shift": 16,
- "ctrl": 17,
- "alt": 18,
- "pause": 19,
- "capslock": 20,
- "esc": 27,
- "space": 32,
- "pageup": 33,
- "pagedown": 34,
- "end": 35,
- "home": 36,
- "left": 37,
- "up": 38,
- "right": 39,
- "down": 40,
- "insert": 45,
- "del": 46,
- ";": 59,
- "=": 61,
- "0": 96,
- "1": 97,
- "2": 98,
- "3": 99,
- "4": 100,
- "5": 101,
- "6": 102,
- "7": 103,
- "8": 104,
- "9": 105,
- "*": 106,
- "+": 107,
- "-": 109,
- ".": 110,
- "/": 111,
- "f1": 112,
- "f2": 113,
- "f3": 114,
- "f4": 115,
- "f5": 116,
- "f6": 117,
- "f7": 118,
- "f8": 119,
- "f9": 120,
- "f10": 121,
- "f11": 122,
- "f12": 123,
- "numlock": 144,
- "scroll": 145,
- "-": 173,
- ";": 186,
- "=": 187,
- ",": 188,
- "-": 189,
- ".": 190,
- "/": 191,
- "`": 192,
- "[": 219,
- "\\": 220,
- "]": 221,
- "'": 222
- },
+ 8: "backspace",
+ 9: "tab",
+ 10: "return",
+ 13: "return",
+ 16: "shift",
+ 17: "ctrl",
+ 18: "alt",
+ 19: "pause",
+ 20: "capslock",
+ 27: "esc",
+ 32: "space",
+ 33: "pageup",
+ 34: "pagedown",
+ 35: "end",
+ 36: "home",
+ 37: "left",
+ 38: "up",
+ 39: "right",
+ 40: "down",
+ 45: "insert",
+ 46: "del",
+ 59: ";",
+ 61: "=",
+ 96: "0",
+ 97: "1",
+ 98: "2",
+ 99: "3",
+ 100: "4",
+ 101: "5",
+ 102: "6",
+ 103: "7",
+ 104: "8",
+ 105: "9",
+ 106: "*",
+ 107: "+",
+ 109: "-",
+ 110: ".",
+ 111: "/",
+ 112: "f1",
+ 113: "f2",
+ 114: "f3",
+ 115: "f4",
+ 116: "f5",
+ 117: "f6",
+ 118: "f7",
+ 119: "f8",
+ 120: "f9",
+ 121: "f10",
+ 122: "f11",
+ 123: "f12",
+ 144: "numlock",
+ 145: "scroll",
+ 173: "-",
+ 186: ";",
+ 187: "=",
+ 188: ",",
+ 189: "-",
+ 190: ".",
+ 191: "/",
+ 192: "`",
+ 219: "[",
+ 220: "\\",
+ 221: "]",
+ 222: "'"
+ },
BindKey: Class.extend({
init: function($bound_element){
this.$bound_element = $bound_element
this.element_type = $bound_element.get(0).nodeName.toLowerCase()
this.key_name = $'bind-key')
console.log("Warning! Hooch key binder couldn't find a key name to bind")
- this.key_code = hooch.key_code_map[this.key_name]
- if(!this.key_code){
+ var key_binder = this
+ var codes = $.grep(Object.keys(hooch.key_code_map), function(code){return (hooch.key_code_map[code] == key_binder.key_name)})
+ if(codes.length < 1){
console.log('Warning! Hooch key binder could not find a key to bind for the key name ' + this.key_name)
- var key_binder = this
$(window).on('keyup', function(e){key_binder.do_it_now(e)} )
do_it_now: function(e){
var focussed_elem_name = document.activeElement.nodeName.toLowerCase()
- if('textarea' != focussed_elem_name && ('input' != focussed_elem_name ||
+ if('textarea' != focussed_elem_name &&
+ 'select' != focussed_elem_name &&
+ ('input' != focussed_elem_name ||
'submit' == $(document.activeElement).prop('type'))){
- if(this.key_code == e.keyCode){
+ var selected_key_name = hooch.key_code_map[e.keyCode]
+ if(this.key_name == selected_key_name){
case 'a':