app/assets/javascripts/hooch.js in hooch-0.0.2 vs app/assets/javascripts/hooch.js in hooch-0.0.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,5 +1,71 @@
+/* Simple JavaScript Inheritance
+ * By John Resig
+ * MIT Licensed.
+ */
+// Inspired by base2 and Prototype
+ var initializing = false, fnTest = /xyz/.test(function(){xyz;}) ? /\b_super\b/ : /.*/;
+ // The base Class implementation (does nothing)
+ this.Class = function(){};
+ // Create a new Class that inherits from this class
+ Class.extend = function(prop) {
+ var _super = this.prototype;
+ // Instantiate a base class (but only create the instance,
+ // don't run the init constructor)
+ initializing = true;
+ var prototype = new this();
+ initializing = false;
+ // Copy the properties over onto the new prototype
+ for (var name in prop) {
+ // Check if we're overwriting an existing function
+ prototype[name] = typeof prop[name] == "function" &&
+ typeof _super[name] == "function" && fnTest.test(prop[name]) ?
+ (function(name, fn){
+ return function() {
+ var tmp = this._super;
+ // Add a new ._super() method that is the same method
+ // but on the super-class
+ this._super = _super[name];
+ // The method only need to be bound temporarily, so we
+ // remove it when we're done executing
+ var ret = fn.apply(this, arguments);
+ this._super = tmp;
+ return ret;
+ };
+ })(name, prop[name]) :
+ prop[name];
+ }
+ // The dummy class constructor
+ function Class() {
+ // All construction is actually done in the init method
+ if ( !initializing && this.init )
+ this.init.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ // Populate our constructed prototype object
+ Class.prototype = prototype;
+ // Enforce the constructor to be what we expect
+ Class.prototype.constructor = Class;
+ // And make this class extendable
+ Class.extend = arguments.callee;
+ return Class;
+ };
+/*End Simple Inheritance*/
+/*Begin Hooch.js*/
var Toggler = Class.extend({
init: function(jq_obj){
this.jq_obj = jq_obj;
this.label ='toggler');
this.value = jq_obj.val();
@@ -415,18 +481,10 @@
var new_state = {}
new_state[key] = value
this.state = $.extend(true, this.state, new_state);
-var ReplaceDelete = DeleteLink.extend({
- ajaxSuccess: function(data,textStatus,jqXHR){
- },
- ajaxBefore: function(jqXHR){
- //noop
- }
var GoProxy = Class.extend({
init: function($proxy){
this.first_submit = true;
var go_proxy = this;
go_proxy.$proxy = $proxy;
@@ -605,36 +663,22 @@
- $('[data-default_tab="true"]').tab('show');
new Toggler($(this));
new Toggler($(this));
- $('[data-zendesk_opener]').click(function(){
- $("#zenbox_tab").click();
- })
new DisableForms($(this));
new Link($(this));
// Initailizes auto complete for select inputs
- $("[data-autocomplete='full_width']").chosen({
- width: "100%"
- });
- $("[data-autocomplete]").chosen();
- $('[data-redirect-path]:first').each(function(){
- var redirect_seconds = $(this).data('redirect-seconds') * 1000;
- var redirect_path = $(this).data('redirect-path');
- setTimeout(function(){window.location = redirect_path},redirect_seconds);
- })