lib/to_openstudio/hvac/radiant.rb in honeybee-openstudio-2.31.0 vs lib/to_openstudio/hvac/radiant.rb in honeybee-openstudio-2.31.1
- old
+ new
@@ -52,24 +52,32 @@
# get the radiant hot water temperature based on the climate zone
case climate_zone
when '0', '1'
radiant_htg_dsgn_sup_wtr_temp_f = 90.0
+ cz_mult = 2
when '2', '2A', '2B'
radiant_htg_dsgn_sup_wtr_temp_f = 100.0
+ cz_mult = 2
when '3', '3A', '3B', '3C'
radiant_htg_dsgn_sup_wtr_temp_f = 100.0
+ cz_mult = 3
when '4', '4A', '4B', '4C'
radiant_htg_dsgn_sup_wtr_temp_f = 100.0
+ cz_mult = 4
when '5', '5A', '5B', '5C'
radiant_htg_dsgn_sup_wtr_temp_f = 110.0
+ cz_mult = 4
when '6', '6A', '6B'
radiant_htg_dsgn_sup_wtr_temp_f = 120.0
+ cz_mult = 4
when '7', '8'
radiant_htg_dsgn_sup_wtr_temp_f = 120.0
+ cz_mult = 5
else # unrecognized climate zone; default to climate zone 4
radiant_htg_dsgn_sup_wtr_temp_f = 100.0
+ cz_mult = 4
# create the hot water loop
if system_type.include? 'ASHP'
boiler_fuel_type = 'ASHP'
@@ -118,15 +126,10 @@
dsgn_sup_wtr_temp: 55.0,
dsgn_sup_wtr_temp_delt: 5.0)
# get the various controls for the radiant system
- if rad_props[:proportional_gain]
- proportional_gain = rad_props[:proportional_gain]
- else
- proportional_gain = 0.3
- end
if rad_props[:minimum_operation_time]
minimum_operation = rad_props[:minimum_operation_time]
minimum_operation = 1
@@ -134,31 +137,402 @@
switch_over_time = rad_props[:switch_over_time]
switch_over_time = 24
+ # get the start and end hour from the input zones
+ start_hour, end_hour = start_end_hour_from_zones_occupancy(zones)
# add radiant system to the conditioned zones
include_carpet = false
- if rad_props[:radiant_face_type]
- radiant_type = rad_props[:radiant_face_type].downcase
+ control_strategy = 'proportional_control'
+ if rad_props[:radiant_type]
+ radiant_type = rad_props[:radiant_type].downcase
if radiant_type == 'floorwithcarpet'
radiant_type = 'floor'
include_carpet = true
+ elsif radiant_type == 'ceilingmetalpanel'
+ control_strategy = 'default'
radiant_type = 'floor'
- radiant_loops = std.model_add_low_temp_radiant(
- self, conditioned_zones, hot_water_loop, chilled_water_loop,
+ radiant_loops = model_add_low_temp_radiant(
+ std, conditioned_zones, hot_water_loop, chilled_water_loop,
radiant_type: radiant_type,
+ control_strategy: control_strategy,
include_carpet: include_carpet,
- proportional_gain: proportional_gain,
+ model_occ_hr_start: start_hour,
+ model_occ_hr_end: end_hour,
minimum_operation: minimum_operation,
- switch_over_time: switch_over_time)
+ switch_over_time: switch_over_time,
+ cz_mult: cz_mult)
# if the equipment includes a DOAS, then add it
if system_type.include? 'DOAS_'
std.model_add_doas(self, conditioned_zones)
+ # get the start and end hour from the occupancy schedules of thermal zones
+ def start_end_hour_from_zones_occupancy(thermal_zones, threshold: 0.1)
+ # set the default start and end hour in the event there's no occupancy
+ start_hour = 12
+ end_hour = 12
+ # loop through the occupancy schedules and get the lowest start hour; highest end hour
+ thermal_zones.each do |zone|
+ zone.spaces.each do |space|
+ # gather all of the people objects assigned to the sapce
+ peoples = []
+ unless space.spaceType.empty?
+ space_type = space.spaceType.get
+ unless space_type.people.empty?
+ space_type.people.each do |ppl|
+ peoples << ppl
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ space.people.each do |ppl|
+ peoples << ppl
+ end
+ # loop through the pople and gather all occupancy schedules
+ peoples.each do |people|
+ occupancy_sch_opt = people.numberofPeopleSchedule
+ unless occupancy_sch_opt.empty?
+ occupancy_sch = occupancy_sch_opt.get
+ if occupancy_sch.to_ScheduleRuleset.is_initialized
+ occupancy_sch = occupancy_sch.to_ScheduleRuleset.get
+ # gather all of the day schedules across the schedule ruleset
+ schedule_days, day_ids = [], []
+ required_days = [
+ occupancy_sch.defaultDaySchedule,
+ occupancy_sch.summerDesignDaySchedule,
+ occupancy_sch.winterDesignDaySchedule,
+ occupancy_sch.holidaySchedule
+ ]
+ required_days.each do |day_sch|
+ unless day_ids.include? day_sch.nameString
+ schedule_days << day_sch
+ day_ids << day_sch.nameString
+ end
+ end
+ occupancy_sch.scheduleRules.each do |schedule_rule|
+ day_sch = schedule_rule.daySchedule
+ unless day_ids.include? day_sch.nameString
+ schedule_days << day_sch
+ day_ids << day_sch.nameString
+ end
+ end
+ # loop through the day schedules and see if the start and end hours should be changed
+ schedule_days.each do |day_sch|
+ time_until = [1]
+ day_sch.times.each do |time|
+ time_until << time.hours
+ end
+ final_time = time_until[-2]
+ do |value, time|
+ if value > threshold
+ if time < start_hour
+ start_hour = time
+ end
+ if time > end_hour
+ end_hour = time
+ end
+ if time == final_time
+ start_hour = 1
+ end_hour = 24
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # if no values were set, just set the system to be on all of the time
+ if start_hour == 12 or start_hour == 0
+ start_hour = 1
+ end
+ if end_hour == 12
+ end_hour = 24
+ end
+ return start_hour, end_hour
+ end
+ def model_add_low_temp_radiant(std,
+ thermal_zones,
+ hot_water_loop,
+ chilled_water_loop,
+ radiant_type: 'floor',
+ include_carpet: true,
+ carpet_thickness_in: 0.25,
+ model_occ_hr_start: 1.0,
+ model_occ_hr_end: 24.0,
+ control_strategy: 'proportional_control',
+ proportional_gain: 0.3,
+ minimum_operation: 1,
+ weekend_temperature_reset: 2,
+ early_reset_out_arg: 20,
+ switch_over_time: 24.0,
+ cz_mult: 4)
+ # create internal source constructions for surfaces
+ OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.Model.Model', "Replacing constructions with new radiant slab constructions.")
+ # create materials
+ mat_concrete_3_5in =, 'MediumRough', 0.0889, 2.31, 2322, 832)
+ mat_concrete_3_5in.setName('Radiant Slab Concrete - 3.5 in.')
+ mat_concrete_1_5in =, 'MediumRough', 0.0381, 2.31, 2322, 832)
+ mat_concrete_1_5in.setName('Radiant Slab Concrete - 1.5 in')
+ metal_mat =, 'MediumSmooth', 0.003175, 30, 7680, 418)
+ metal_mat.setName('Radiant Metal Layer - 0.125 in')
+ air_gap_map =, 'Smooth', 0.004572)
+ air_gap_map.setName('Generic Ceiling Air Gap - R 0.025')
+ mat_refl_roof_membrane = self.getStandardOpaqueMaterialByName('Roof Membrane - Highly Reflective')
+ if mat_refl_roof_membrane.is_initialized
+ mat_refl_roof_membrane = self.getStandardOpaqueMaterialByName('Roof Membrane - Highly Reflective').get
+ else
+ mat_refl_roof_membrane =, 'VeryRough', 0.0095, 0.16, 1121.29, 1460)
+ mat_refl_roof_membrane.setThermalAbsorptance(0.75)
+ mat_refl_roof_membrane.setSolarAbsorptance(0.45)
+ mat_refl_roof_membrane.setVisibleAbsorptance(0.7)
+ mat_refl_roof_membrane.setName('Roof Membrane - Highly Reflective')
+ end
+ if include_carpet
+ carpet_thickness_m = OpenStudio.convert(carpet_thickness_in / 12.0, 'ft', 'm').get
+ conductivity_si = 0.06
+ conductivity_ip = OpenStudio.convert(conductivity_si, 'W/m*K', 'Btu*in/hr*ft^2*R').get
+ r_value_ip = carpet_thickness_in * (1 / conductivity_ip)
+ mat_thin_carpet_tile =, 'MediumRough', carpet_thickness_m, conductivity_si, 288, 1380)
+ mat_thin_carpet_tile.setThermalAbsorptance(0.9)
+ mat_thin_carpet_tile.setSolarAbsorptance(0.7)
+ mat_thin_carpet_tile.setVisibleAbsorptance(0.8)
+ mat_thin_carpet_tile.setName("Radiant Slab Thin Carpet Tile R-#{r_value_ip.round(2)}")
+ end
+ # set exterior slab insulation thickness based on climate zone
+ slab_insulation_thickness_m = 0.0254 * cz_mult
+ mat_slab_insulation =, 'Rough', slab_insulation_thickness_m, 0.02, 56.06, 1210)
+ mat_slab_insulation.setName("Radiant Ground Slab Insulation - #{cz_mult} in.")
+ ext_insulation_thickness_m = 0.0254 * (cz_mult + 1)
+ mat_ext_insulation =, 'Rough', ext_insulation_thickness_m, 0.02, 56.06, 1210)
+ mat_ext_insulation.setName("Radiant Exterior Slab Insulation - #{cz_mult + 1} in.")
+ roof_insulation_thickness_m = 0.0254 * (cz_mult + 1) * 2
+ mat_roof_insulation =, 'Rough', roof_insulation_thickness_m, 0.02, 56.06, 1210)
+ mat_roof_insulation.setName("Radiant Exterior Ceiling Insulation - #{(cz_mult + 1) * 2} in.")
+ # create radiant internal source constructions
+ OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.Model.Model', 'New constructions exclude the metal deck, as high thermal diffusivity materials cause errors in EnergyPlus internal source construction calculations.')
+ layers = []
+ layers << mat_slab_insulation
+ layers << mat_concrete_3_5in
+ layers << mat_concrete_1_5in
+ layers << mat_thin_carpet_tile if include_carpet
+ radiant_ground_slab_construction =
+ radiant_ground_slab_construction.setName('Radiant Ground Slab Construction')
+ radiant_ground_slab_construction.setSourcePresentAfterLayerNumber(2)
+ radiant_ground_slab_construction.setTemperatureCalculationRequestedAfterLayerNumber(3)
+ radiant_ground_slab_construction.setTubeSpacing(0.2286) # 9 inches
+ layers = []
+ layers << mat_ext_insulation
+ layers << mat_concrete_3_5in
+ layers << mat_concrete_1_5in
+ layers << mat_thin_carpet_tile if include_carpet
+ radiant_exterior_slab_construction =
+ radiant_exterior_slab_construction.setName('Radiant Exterior Slab Construction')
+ radiant_exterior_slab_construction.setSourcePresentAfterLayerNumber(2)
+ radiant_exterior_slab_construction.setTemperatureCalculationRequestedAfterLayerNumber(3)
+ radiant_exterior_slab_construction.setTubeSpacing(0.2286) # 9 inches
+ layers = []
+ layers << mat_concrete_3_5in
+ layers << mat_concrete_1_5in
+ layers << mat_thin_carpet_tile if include_carpet
+ radiant_interior_floor_slab_construction =
+ radiant_interior_floor_slab_construction.setName('Radiant Interior Floor Slab Construction')
+ radiant_interior_floor_slab_construction.setSourcePresentAfterLayerNumber(1)
+ radiant_interior_floor_slab_construction.setTemperatureCalculationRequestedAfterLayerNumber(2)
+ radiant_interior_floor_slab_construction.setTubeSpacing(0.2286) # 9 inches
+ layers = []
+ layers << mat_thin_carpet_tile if include_carpet
+ layers << mat_concrete_3_5in
+ layers << mat_concrete_1_5in
+ radiant_interior_ceiling_slab_construction =
+ radiant_interior_ceiling_slab_construction.setName('Radiant Interior Ceiling Slab Construction')
+ slab_src_loc = include_carpet ? 2 : 1
+ radiant_interior_ceiling_slab_construction.setSourcePresentAfterLayerNumber(slab_src_loc)
+ radiant_interior_ceiling_slab_construction.setTemperatureCalculationRequestedAfterLayerNumber(slab_src_loc + 1)
+ radiant_interior_ceiling_slab_construction.setTubeSpacing(0.2286) # 9 inches
+ layers = []
+ layers << mat_refl_roof_membrane
+ layers << mat_roof_insulation
+ layers << mat_concrete_3_5in
+ layers << mat_concrete_1_5in
+ radiant_ceiling_slab_construction =
+ radiant_ceiling_slab_construction.setName('Radiant Exterior Ceiling Slab Construction')
+ radiant_ceiling_slab_construction.setSourcePresentAfterLayerNumber(3)
+ radiant_ceiling_slab_construction.setTemperatureCalculationRequestedAfterLayerNumber(4)
+ radiant_ceiling_slab_construction.setTubeSpacing(0.2286) # 9 inches
+ layers = []
+ layers << mat_concrete_3_5in
+ layers << air_gap_map
+ layers << metal_mat
+ layers << metal_mat
+ radiant_interior_ceiling_metal_construction =
+ radiant_interior_ceiling_metal_construction.setName('Radiant Interior Ceiling Metal Construction')
+ radiant_interior_ceiling_metal_construction.setSourcePresentAfterLayerNumber(3)
+ radiant_interior_ceiling_metal_construction.setTemperatureCalculationRequestedAfterLayerNumber(4)
+ radiant_interior_ceiling_metal_construction.setTubeSpacing(0.1524) # 6 inches
+ layers = []
+ layers << mat_refl_roof_membrane
+ layers << mat_roof_insulation
+ layers << mat_concrete_3_5in
+ layers << air_gap_map
+ layers << metal_mat
+ layers << metal_mat
+ radiant_ceiling_metal_construction =
+ radiant_ceiling_metal_construction.setName('Radiant Ceiling Metal Construction')
+ radiant_ceiling_metal_construction.setSourcePresentAfterLayerNumber(5)
+ radiant_ceiling_metal_construction.setTemperatureCalculationRequestedAfterLayerNumber(6)
+ radiant_ceiling_metal_construction.setTubeSpacing(0.1524) # 6 inches
+ # default temperature controls for radiant system
+ zn_radiant_htg_dsgn_temp_f = 68.0
+ zn_radiant_htg_dsgn_temp_c = OpenStudio.convert(zn_radiant_htg_dsgn_temp_f, 'F', 'C').get
+ zn_radiant_clg_dsgn_temp_f = 74.0
+ zn_radiant_clg_dsgn_temp_c = OpenStudio.convert(zn_radiant_clg_dsgn_temp_f, 'F', 'C').get
+ htg_control_temp_sch = std.model_add_constant_schedule_ruleset(
+ self,
+ zn_radiant_htg_dsgn_temp_c,
+ name = "Zone Radiant Loop Heating Threshold Temperature Schedule - #{zn_radiant_htg_dsgn_temp_f.round(0)}F")
+ clg_control_temp_sch = std.model_add_constant_schedule_ruleset(
+ self,
+ zn_radiant_clg_dsgn_temp_c,
+ name = "Zone Radiant Loop Cooling Threshold Temperature Schedule - #{zn_radiant_clg_dsgn_temp_f.round(0)}F")
+ throttling_range_f = 4.0 # 2 degF on either side of control temperature
+ throttling_range_c = OpenStudio.convert(throttling_range_f, 'F', 'C').get
+ # make a low temperature radiant loop for each zone
+ radiant_loops = []
+ thermal_zones.each do |zone|
+ OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.Model.Model', "Adding radiant loop for #{}.")
+ if ':'
+ OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.Model.Model', "Thermal zone '#{}' has a restricted character ':' in the name and will not work with some EMS and output reporting objects. Please rename the zone.")
+ end
+ # create radiant coils
+ if hot_water_loop
+ radiant_loop_htg_coil =, htg_control_temp_sch)
+ radiant_loop_htg_coil.setName("#{} Radiant Loop Heating Coil")
+ radiant_loop_htg_coil.setHeatingControlThrottlingRange(throttling_range_c)
+ hot_water_loop.addDemandBranchForComponent(radiant_loop_htg_coil)
+ else
+ OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.Model.Model', 'Radiant loops require a hot water loop, but none was provided.')
+ end
+ if chilled_water_loop
+ radiant_loop_clg_coil =, clg_control_temp_sch)
+ radiant_loop_clg_coil.setName("#{} Radiant Loop Cooling Coil")
+ radiant_loop_clg_coil.setCoolingControlThrottlingRange(throttling_range_c)
+ chilled_water_loop.addDemandBranchForComponent(radiant_loop_clg_coil)
+ else
+ OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.Model.Model', 'Radiant loops require a chilled water loop, but none was provided.')
+ end
+ radiant_avail_sch = self.alwaysOnDiscreteSchedule
+ radiant_loop =,
+ radiant_avail_sch,
+ radiant_loop_htg_coil,
+ radiant_loop_clg_coil)
+ # assign internal source construction to floors in zone
+ zone.spaces.each do |space|
+ space.surfaces.each do |surface|
+ if radiant_type == 'floor'
+ if surface.surfaceType == 'Floor'
+ if surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == 'Ground'
+ surface.setConstruction(radiant_ground_slab_construction)
+ elsif surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == 'Outdoors'
+ surface.setConstruction(radiant_exterior_slab_construction)
+ else # interior floor
+ surface.setConstruction(radiant_interior_floor_slab_construction)
+ end
+ end
+ elsif radiant_type == 'ceiling'
+ if surface.surfaceType == 'RoofCeiling'
+ if surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == 'Outdoors'
+ surface.setConstruction(radiant_ceiling_slab_construction)
+ else # interior ceiling
+ surface.setConstruction(radiant_interior_ceiling_slab_construction)
+ end
+ end
+ elsif radiant_type == 'ceilingmetalpanel'
+ if surface.surfaceType == 'RoofCeiling'
+ if surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == 'Outdoors'
+ surface.setConstruction(radiant_ceiling_metal_construction)
+ else # interior ceiling
+ surface.setConstruction(radiant_interior_ceiling_metal_construction)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # radiant loop surfaces
+ radiant_loop.setName("#{} Radiant Loop")
+ if radiant_type == 'floor'
+ radiant_loop.setRadiantSurfaceType('Floors')
+ elsif radiant_type == 'ceiling'
+ radiant_loop.setRadiantSurfaceType('Ceilings')
+ elsif radiant_type == 'ceilingmetalpanel'
+ radiant_loop.setRadiantSurfaceType('Ceilings')
+ end
+ # radiant loop layout details
+ radiant_loop.setHydronicTubingInsideDiameter(0.015875) # 5/8 in. ID, 3/4 in. OD
+ # @todo include a method to determine tubing length in the zone
+ # loop_length = 7*zone.floorArea
+ # radiant_loop.setHydronicTubingLength()
+ radiant_loop.setNumberofCircuits('CalculateFromCircuitLength')
+ radiant_loop.setCircuitLength(106.7)
+ # radiant loop controls
+ radiant_loop.setTemperatureControlType('MeanAirTemperature')
+ radiant_loop.addToThermalZone(zone)
+ radiant_loops << radiant_loop
+ # rename nodes before adding EMS code
+ std.rename_plant_loop_nodes(self)
+ # set radiant loop controls
+ if control_strategy == 'proportional_control'
+ std.model_add_radiant_proportional_controls(self, zone, radiant_loop,
+ radiant_type: radiant_type,
+ model_occ_hr_start: model_occ_hr_start,
+ model_occ_hr_end: model_occ_hr_end,
+ proportional_gain: proportional_gain,
+ minimum_operation: minimum_operation,
+ weekend_temperature_reset: weekend_temperature_reset,
+ early_reset_out_arg: early_reset_out_arg,
+ switch_over_time: switch_over_time)
+ end
+ end
+ return radiant_loops
+ end
\ No newline at end of file