lib/honeybadger/cli/helpers.rb in honeybadger-2.0.0.beta.9 vs lib/honeybadger/cli/helpers.rb in honeybadger-2.0.0.beta.10
- old
+ new
@@ -36,16 +36,11 @@
def load_rails_env(opts = {})
return false unless rails?(opts)
puts('Loading Rails environment') if opts[:verbose]
- begin
- require File.expand_path('config/environment')
- rescue LoadError
- say('Error: could not load Rails environment. Please ensure you run this command from your project root.', :red)
- exit(1)
- end
+ ::Rails.application.require_environment!
def rails_framework_opts
@@ -121,30 +116,40 @@
say('Error: No ApplicationController found.', :red)
return false
say('Setting up the Controller.')
- ::ApplicationController.class_eval do
+ eval(<<-CONTROLLER)
+ class Honeybadger::TestController < ApplicationController
# This is to bypass any filters that may prevent access to the action.
prepend_before_filter :test_honeybadger
def test_honeybadger
- puts "Raising '#{}' to simulate application failure."
- raise, 'Testing honeybadger via "rake honeybadger:test". If you can see this, it works.'
+ puts "Raising '#{}' to simulate application failure."
+ raise #{test_exception_class}.new, 'Testing honeybadger via "honeybadger testhoneybadger test", it works.'
# Ensure we actually have an action to go to.
def verify; end
- def exception_class
- exception_name = ENV['EXCEPTION'] || 'HoneybadgerTestingException'
- Object.const_get(exception_name)
- rescue
- Object.const_set(exception_name,
- end
- ::Rails.application.routes.draw do
- match 'verify' => 'application#verify', :as => 'verify', :via => :get
+ ::Rails.application.routes.tap do |r|
+ # RouteSet#disable_clear_and_finalize prevents existing routes from
+ # being cleared. We'll set it back to the original value when we're
+ # done so not to mess with Rails state.
+ d = r.disable_clear_and_finalize
+ begin
+ r.disable_clear_and_finalize = true
+ r.clear!
+ ::Rails.application.routes_reloader.paths.each{ |path| load(path) }
+ r.draw do
+ match 'verify' => 'honeybadger/test#verify', :as => 'verify', :via => :get
+ end
+ ::ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_controller) { r.finalize! }
+ ensure
+ r.disable_clear_and_finalize = d
+ end
say('Processing request.')
ssl = defined?(::Rails.configuration.force_ssl) && ::Rails.configuration.force_ssl