lib/honeybadger/agent.rb in honeybadger-3.2.0 vs lib/honeybadger/agent.rb in honeybadger-3.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -7,21 +7,25 @@
require 'honeybadger/plugin'
require 'honeybadger/logging'
require 'honeybadger/worker'
module Honeybadger
- # Public: The Honeybadger agent contains all the methods for interacting with
- # the Honeybadger service. It can be used to send notifications to multiple
- # projects in large apps.
+ # The Honeybadger agent contains all the methods for interacting with the
+ # Honeybadger service. It can be used to send notifications to multiple
+ # projects in large apps. The global agent instance ({Agent.instance}) should
+ # always be accessed through the {Honeybadger} singleton.
+ # === Context
+ #
# Context is global by default, meaning agents created via
- # `` will share context (added via
- # `Honeybadger.context` or `Honeybadger::Agent#context`) with other agents.
- # This also includes the Rack environment when using the Honeybadger rack
- # middleware.
+ # will share context (added via
+ # +Honeybadger.context+ or {Honeybadger::Agent#context}) with other agents.
+ # This also includes the Rack environment when using the
+ # {Honeybadger::Rack::ErrorNotifier} middleware. To localize context for a
+ # custom agent, use the +local_context: true+ option when initializing.
- # Examples
+ # @example
# # Standard usage:
# OtherBadger =
# # With local context:
@@ -39,14 +43,16 @@
class Agent
extend Forwardable
include Logging::Helper
+ # @api private
def self.instance
+ # @api private
def self.instance=(instance)
@instance = instance
def initialize(opts = {})
@@ -61,34 +67,14 @@
@config ||=
- # Public: Send an exception to Honeybadger. Does not report ignored
- # exceptions by default.
+ # Sends an exception to Honeybadger. Does not report ignored exceptions by
+ # default.
- # exception_or_opts - An Exception object, or a Hash of options which is used
- # to build the notice. All other types of objects will
- # be converted to a String and used as the `:error_message`.
- # opts - The options Hash when the first argument is an
- # Exception (default: {}):
- # :error_message - The String error message.
- # :error_class - The String class name of the error (default: "Notice").
- # :backtrace - The Array backtrace of the error (optional).
- # :fingerprint - The String grouping fingerprint of the exception (optional).
- # :force - Always report the exception when true, even when ignored (default: false).
- # :tags - The String comma-separated list of tags (optional).
- # :context - The Hash context to associate with the exception (optional).
- # :controller - The String controller name (such as a Rails controller) (optional).
- # :action - The String action name (such as a Rails controller action) (optional).
- # :parameters - The Hash HTTP request paramaters (optional).
- # :session - The Hash HTTP request session (optional).
- # :url - The String HTTP request URL (optional).
- # :cause - The Exception cause for this error (optional).
- #
- # Examples
- #
+ # @example
# # With an exception:
# begin
# fail 'oops'
# rescue => exception
# Honeybadger.notify(exception, context: {
@@ -100,17 +86,36 @@
# Honeybadger.notify('Something went wrong.', {
# error_class: 'MyClass',
# context: {my_data: 'value'}
# }) # => '06220c5a-b471-41e5-baeb-de247da45a56'
- # Returns a String UUID reference to the notice within Honeybadger or false
- # when ignored.
+ # @param [Exception, Hash, Object] exception_or_opts An Exception object,
+ # or a Hash of options which is used to build the notice. All other types
+ # of objects will be converted to a String and used as the :error_message.
+ # @param [Hash] opts The options Hash when the first argument is an Exception.
+ #
+ # @option opts [String] :error_message The error message.
+ # @option opts [String] :error_class ('Notice') The class name of the error.
+ # @option opts [Array] :backtrace The backtrace of the error (optional).
+ # @option opts [String] :fingerprint The grouping fingerprint of the exception (optional).
+ # @option opts [Boolean] :force (false) Always report the exception when true, even when ignored (optional).
+ # @option opts [String] :tags The comma-separated list of tags (optional).
+ # @option opts [Hash] :context The context to associate with the exception (optional).
+ # @option opts [String] :controller The controller name (such as a Rails controller) (optional).
+ # @option opts [String] :action The action name (such as a Rails controller action) (optional).
+ # @option opts [Hash] :parameters The HTTP request paramaters (optional).
+ # @option opts [Hash] :session The HTTP request session (optional).
+ # @option opts [String] :url The HTTP request URL (optional).
+ # @option opts [Exception] :cause The cause for this error (optional).
+ #
+ # @return [String] UUID reference to the notice within Honeybadger.
+ # @return [false] when ignored.
def notify(exception_or_opts, opts = {})
return false if config.disabled?
if exception_or_opts.is_a?(Exception)
- opts.merge!(exception: exception_or_opts)
+ opts[:exception] = exception_or_opts
elsif exception_or_opts.respond_to?(:to_hash)
opts[:error_message] = exception_or_opts.to_s
@@ -141,42 +146,29 @@
- # Public: Perform a synchronous check_in.
+ # Perform a synchronous check_in.
- # id - The unique check in id (e.g. '1MqIo1') or the check in url.
- #
- # Examples
- #
+ # @example
# Honeybadger.check_in('1MqIo1')
- # Returns a boolean which is true if the check in was successful and false
- # otherwise.
+ # @param [String] id The unique check in id (e.g. '1MqIo1') or the check in url.
+ #
+ # @return [Boolean] true if the check in was successful and false
+ # otherwise.
def check_in(id)
# this is to allow check ins even if a url is passed
check_in_id = id.to_s.strip.gsub(/\/$/, '').split('/').last
response = backend.check_in(check_in_id)
- # Public: Save global context for the current request.
+ # Save global context for the current request.
- # context - A Hash of data which will be sent to Honeybadger when an error
- # occurs. If the object responds to #to_honeybadger_context, the return
- # value of that method will be used (explicit conversion). Can
- # include any key/value, but a few keys have a special meaning in
- # Honeybadger (default: nil):
- # :user_id - The String user ID used by Honeybadger to aggregate
- # user data across occurrences on the error page (optional).
- # :user_email - The String user email address (optional).
- # :tags - The String comma-separated list of tags. When present,
- # tags will be applied to errors with this context (optional).
- #
- # Examples
- #
+ # @example
# Honeybadger.context({my_data: 'my value'})
# # Inside a Rails controller:
# before_action do
# Honeybadger.context({user_id:})
@@ -193,43 +185,51 @@
# Honeybadger.context(user)
# # Clearing global context:
# Honeybadger.context.clear!
- # Returns self so that method calls can be chained.
+ # @param [Hash] context A Hash of data which will be sent to Honeybadger
+ # when an error occurs. If the object responds to +#to_honeybadger_context+,
+ # the return value of that method will be used (explicit conversion). Can
+ # include any key/value, but a few keys have a special meaning in
+ # Honeybadger.
+ #
+ # @option context [String] :user_id The user ID used by Honeybadger
+ # to aggregate user data across occurrences on the error page (optional).
+ # @option context [String] :user_email The user email address (optional).
+ # @option context [String] :tags The comma-separated list of tags.
+ # When present, tags will be applied to errors with this context
+ # (optional).
+ #
+ # @return [self] so that method calls can be chained.
def context(context = nil)
context_manager.set_context(context) unless context.nil?
- # Internal: Used to clear context via `#context.clear!`.
- def clear!
+ # @api private
+ # Used to clear context via `#context.clear!`.
+ def clear! # :nodoc:
- # Public: Get global context for the current request.
+ # Get global context for the current request.
- #
- # Examples
- #
+ # @example
# Honeybadger.context({my_data: 'my value'})
- # Honeybadger.get_context #now returns {my_data: 'my value'}
+ # Honeybadger.get_context # => {my_data: 'my value'}
- # Returns hash or nil.
+ # @return [Hash, nil]
def get_context
- # Public: Flushes all data from workers before returning. This is most useful
- # in tests when using the test backend, where normally the asynchronous
- # nature of this library could create race conditions.
+ # Flushes all data from workers before returning. This is most useful in
+ # tests when using the test backend, where normally the asynchronous nature
+ # of this library could create race conditions.
- # block - The optional block to execute (exceptions will propagate after data
- # is flushed).
- #
- # Examples
- #
+ # @example
# # Without a block:
# it "sends a notification to Honeybadger" do
# expect {
# Honeybadger.notify('test backend'))
# Honeybadger.flush
@@ -245,135 +245,112 @@
# end
# end
# }.to change(Honeybadger::Backend::Test.notifications[:notices], :size).by(49)
# end
- # Returns value of block if block is given, otherwise true on success or
- # false if Honeybadger isn't running.
+ # @yield An optional block to execute (exceptions will propagate after
+ # data is flushed).
+ #
+ # @return [Object, Boolean] value of block if block is given, otherwise true
+ # on success or false if Honeybadger isn't running.
def flush
return true unless block_given?
- # Public: Stops the Honeybadger service.
+ # Stops the Honeybadger service.
- # Examples
- #
+ # @example
# Honeybadger.stop # => nil
- #
- # Returns nothing
def stop(force = false)
worker.send(force ? :shutdown! : :shutdown)
+ # @api private
attr_reader :config
- # Public: Configure the Honeybadger agent via Ruby.
+ # Configure the Honeybadger agent via Ruby.
- # block - The configuration block.
- #
- # Examples
- #
+ # @example
# Honeybadger.configure do |config|
# config.api_key = 'project api key'
# config.exceptions.ignore += [CustomError]
# end
- # Yields configuration object.
- # Returns nothing.
+ # @!method configure
+ # @yield [Config::Ruby] configuration object.
def_delegator :config, :configure
- # Public: Callback to ignore exceptions.
+ # Callback to ignore exceptions.
- # See public API documentation for Honeybadger::Notice for available attributes.
+ # See public API documentation for {Honeybadger::Notice} for available attributes.
- # block - A block returning TrueClass true (to ignore) or FalseClass false
- # (to send).
- #
- # Examples
- #
+ # @example
# # Ignoring based on error message:
# Honeybadger.exception_filter do |notice|
# notice[:error_message] =~ /sensitive data/
# end
# # Ignore an entire class of exceptions:
# Honeybadger.exception_filter do |notice|
# notice[:exception].class < MyError
# end
- # Returns nothing.
+ # @!method exception_filter
+ # @yieldreturn [Boolean] true (to ignore) or false (to send).
def_delegator :config, :exception_filter
- # Public: Callback to add a custom grouping strategy for exceptions. The
- # return value is hashed and sent to Honeybadger. Errors with the same
- # fingerprint will be grouped.
+ # Callback to add a custom grouping strategy for exceptions. The return
+ # value is hashed and sent to Honeybadger. Errors with the same fingerprint
+ # will be grouped.
- # See public API documentation for Honeybadger::Notice for available attributes.
+ # See public API documentation for {Honeybadger::Notice} for available attributes.
- # block - A block returning any Object responding to #to_s.
- #
- # Examples
- #
+ # @example
# Honeybadger.exception_fingerprint do |notice|
# [notice[:error_class], notice[:component], notice[:backtrace].to_s].join(':')
# end
- # Returns nothing.
+ # @!method exception_fingerprint
+ # @yieldreturn [#to_s] The fingerprint of the error.
def_delegator :config, :exception_fingerprint
- # Public: Callback to filter backtrace lines. One use for this is to make
+ # Callback to filter backtrace lines. One use for this is to make
# additional [PROJECT_ROOT] or [GEM_ROOT] substitutions, which are used by
# Honeybadger when grouping errors and displaying application traces.
- # block - A block which can be used to modify the Backtrace lines sent to
- # Honeybadger. The block expects one argument (line) which is the String line
- # from the Backtrace, and must return the String new line.
+ # @example
+ # Honeybadger.backtrace_filter do |line|
+ # line.gsub(/^\/my\/unknown\/bundle\/path/, "[GEM_ROOT]")
+ # end
- # Examples
- #
- # Honeybadger.backtrace_filter do |line|
- # line.gsub(/^\/my\/unknown\/bundle\/path/, "[GEM_ROOT]")
- # end
- #
- # Returns nothing.
+ # @!method backtrace_filter
+ # @yieldparam [String] line The backtrace line to modify.
+ # @yieldreturn [String] The new (modified) backtrace line.
def_delegator :config, :backtrace_filter
- # Public: Sets the Rack environment which is used to report request data
- # with errors.
- #
- # rack_env - The Hash Rack environment.
- # block - A block to call. Errors reported from within the block will
- # include request data.
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # Honeybadger.with_rack_env(env) do
- # begin
- # # Risky operation
- # rescue => e
- # Honeybadger.notify(e)
- # end
- # end
- #
- # Returns the return value of block.
+ # @api private
def with_rack_env(rack_env, &block)
- # Internal
+ # @api private
attr_reader :worker
- # Internal
+ # @api private
+ # @!method init!(...)
+ # @see Config#init!
def_delegators :config, :init!
- # Internal
+ # @api private
+ # @!method backend
+ # @see Config#backend
def_delegators :config, :backend
def validate_notify_opts!(opts)