spec/models/homesteading/post_spec.rb in homesteading_publisher-0.1.2 vs spec/models/homesteading/post_spec.rb in homesteading_publisher-0.1.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,10 +1,221 @@
require "rails_helper"
describe Post do
- describe '.validates' do
- let(:post) { create(:post) }
- it 'is valid' do
- expect(post.valid?).to eq true
+ describe "validations" do
+ subject { create(:post) }
+ it "has a valid fabricator" do
+ expect(subject).to be_valid
+ end
+ it "validates presence of year" do
+ subject.year = ""
+ expect(subject).not_to be_valid
+ end
+ it "validates presence of month" do
+ subject.month = ""
+ expect(subject).not_to be_valid
+ end
+ it "validates presence of day" do
+ subject.day = ""
+ expect(subject).not_to be_valid
+ end
+ it "validates presence of hour" do
+ subject.hour = ""
+ expect(subject).not_to be_valid
+ end
+ it "validates presence of minute" do
+ subject.minute = ""
+ expect(subject).not_to be_valid
+ end
+ it "validates presence of second" do
+ subject.second = ""
+ expect(subject).not_to be_valid
+ end
+ it "validates presence of slug" do
+ subject.slug = ""
+ expect(subject).not_to be_valid
+ end
+ end
+ describe "default_scope sort order" do
+ pending
+ # newest posts first
+ # default_scope { order("published_at desc") }
+ end
+ describe "#path" do
+ subject { create(:post) }
+ before { create(:setting, name: "Post Type", content: "fake-post") }
+ it "creates a path for post permalink URL" do
+ subject.year = 1979
+ subject.month = 9
+ subject.day = 18
+ expect(subject.path).to eq "/fake-posts/1979/09/18/test-slug"
+ end
+ context "when #published_at is nil" do
+ let(:path) { create(:post, published_at: nil).path }
+ it "it sets it to now" do
+ Time.stub(:now).and_return(Time.parse("Jan 31, 1986"))
+ expect(path).to eq "/fake-posts/1986/01/31/test-slug"
+ end
+ end
+ context "when #published_at is not nil" do
+ let(:post) { create(:post, published_at: 5.minutes.ago) }
+ subject { post.path }
+ it "is '/fake-posts/:year/:month/:day/:slug'" do
+ year = post.published_at.year
+ month = post.published_at.month.to_s.rjust(2, '0')
+ day = post.published_at.day.to_s.rjust(2, '0')
+ slug = post.slug
+ expect(subject).to eq "/fake-posts/#{year}/#{month}/#{day}/#{slug}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#params" do
+ subject { create(:post).params }
+ it "returns a hash of date and slug values" do
+ subject[:year] = 1979
+ subject[:month] = 9
+ subject[:day] = 18
+ params_hash = { slug: "test-slug", year: 1979, month: 9, day: 18 }
+ expect(subject).to eq params_hash
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#public?" do
+ subject { create(:post) }
+ context "when #private is true" do
+ subject { build(:post, private: true).public? }
+ it "is private" do
+ expect(subject).to eq false
+ end
+ end
+ context "when #private is nil" do
+ subject { build(:post, private: nil).public? }
+ it "is public" do
+ expect(subject).to eq true
+ end
+ end
+ context "when #private is false" do
+ subject { build(:post, private: false).public? }
+ it "is public" do
+ expect(subject).to eq true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#name" do
+ subject { create(:post) }
+ context "when #title is populated" do
+ subject { build(:post, title: "Test Title").name }
+ it "is a title" do
+ expect(subject).to eq "Test Title"
+ end
+ end
+ context "when #title and #subtitle are populated" do
+ subject { build(:post, title: "Test Title", subtitle: "Test SUBTitle").name }
+ it "is a title + subtitle" do
+ expect(subject).to eq "Test Title : Test SUBTitle"
+ end
+ end
+ context "when neither #title nor #subtitle is populated" do
+ subject { build(:post, title: nil, subtitle: nil).name }
+ it "is blank" do
+ expect(subject).to eq ""
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#set_published_at_attrs" do
+ subject { build(:post, published_at: Time.parse("18 Sep 1979 14:30:00 UTC +00:00")) }
+ it "year is 1979" do
+ expect(subject.year).to eq "1979"
+ end
+ it "month is September" do
+ expect(subject.month).to eq "09"
+ end
+ it "day is the 18th" do
+ expect(subject.day).to eq "18"
+ end
+ it "hour is 2PM" do
+ expect(subject.hour).to eq "14"
+ end
+ it "minute is halp passed" do
+ expect(subject.minute).to eq "30"
+ end
+ it "second is zero" do
+ expect(subject.second).to eq "00"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#set_slug" do
+ subject { create(:post) }
+ context "when #slug is populated" do
+ subject { build(:post, slug: "turtles-all-the-way-down", title: "Test Post Title").slug }
+ it "is slugged" do
+ expect(subject).to eq "turtles-all-the-way-down"
+ end
+ end
+ context "when only #title is populated" do
+ subject { build(:post, slug: nil, title: "Test Post Title").slug }
+ it "is slugged" do
+ expect(subject).to eq "test-post-title"
+ end
+ end
+ context "when only #content is populated" do
+ subject { build(:post, slug: nil, content: "Lorem Impsum").slug }
+ it "is slugged" do
+ expect(subject).to eq "lorem-impsum"
+ end
+ end
+ context "when both #title and #content are populated" do
+ subject { build(:post, slug: nil, title: "Test Post Title", content: "Lorem Impsum").slug }
+ it "is slugged" do
+ expect(subject).to eq "test-post-title"
+ end