vendor/assets/javascripts/holder.js in holder_rails-2.4.1 vs vendor/assets/javascripts/holder.js in holder_rails-2.5.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,12 +1,2018 @@
Holder - client side image placeholders
-Version 2.4.1+f2l1h
-© 2014 Ivan Malopinsky -
+Version 2.5.0+1qnmg
+© 2015 Ivan Malopinsky -
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.holderjs",stylenodes:"head link.holderjs",stylesheets:[],themes:{gray:{background:"#EEEEEE",foreground:"#AAAAAA"},social:{background:"#3a5a97",foreground:"#FFFFFF"},industrial:{background:"#434A52",foreground:"#C2F200"},sky:{background:"#0D8FDB",foreground:"#FFFFFF"},vine:{background:"#39DBAC",foreground:"#1E292C"},lava:{background:"#F8591A",foreground:"#1C2846"}}},defaults:{size:10,units:"pt",scale:1/16},flags:{dimensions:{regex:/^(\d+)x(\d+)$/,output:function(e){var t=this.regex.exec(e);return{width:+t[1],height:+t[2]}}},fluid:{regex:/^([0-9]+%?)x([0-9]+%?)$/,output:function(e){var t=this.regex.exec(e);return{width:t[1],height:t[2]}}},colors:{regex:/(?:#|\^)([0-9a-f]{3,})\:(?:#|\^)([0-9a-f]{3,})/i,output:function(e){var t=this.regex.exec(e);return{foreground:"#"+t[2],background:"#"+t[1]}}},text:{regex:/text\:(.*)/,output:function(e){return this.regex.exec(e)[1].replace("\\/","/")}},font:{regex:/font\:(.*)/,output:function(e){return this.regex.exec(e)[1]}},auto:{regex:/^auto$/},textmode:{regex:/textmode\:(.*)/,output:function(e){return this.regex.exec(e)[1]}},random:{regex:/^random$/}}},T=function(){var e=null,t=null,r=null;return function(n){var i=n.root;if(A.setup.supportsSVG){var o=!1,a=function(e){return E.createTextNode(e)};null==e&&(o=!0),e=f(e,,,o&&(t=u("text",C),r=a(null),c(t,{x:0}),t.appendChild(r),e.appendChild(t),E.body.appendChild(e),"hidden","absolute","-100%","-100%");var l=i.children.holderTextGroup,;c(t,{y:s.font.size,style:m({"font-weight":s.font.weight,"font-size":s.font.size+s.font.units,"font-family","dominant-baseline":"middle"})}),r.nodeValue=s.text;var d=t.getBBox(),h=Math.ceil(d.width/(*A.setup.lineWrapRatio)),g=s.text.split(" "),p=s.text.match(/\\n/g);h+=null==p?0:p.length,r.nodeValue=s.text.replace(/[ ]+/g,"");var v=t.getComputedTextLength(),x=d.width-v,y=Math.round(x/Math.max(1,g.length-1)),w=[];if(h>1){r.nodeValue="";for(var b=0;b<g.length;b++)if(0!==g[b].length){r.nodeValue=S(g[b]);var k=t.getBBox();w.push({text:g[b],width:k.width})}}return{spaceWidth:y,lineCount:h,boundingBox:d,words:w}}return!1}}(),L=function(){var e=u("canvas"),t=null;return function(r){null==t&&(t=e.getContext("2d"));var n=r.root;e.width=A.dpr(,e.height=A.dpr(,t.textBaseline="middle",,t.fillRect(0,0,A.dpr(n.children.holderBg.width),A.dpr(n.children.holderBg.height));{var i=n.children.holderTextGroup;}" "+A.dpr(" "", monospace",;for(var o in i.children){var a=i.children[o];for(var l in a.children){var s=a.children[l],d=A.dpr(i.x+a.x+s.x),h=A.dpr(;t.fillText(,d,h)}}return e.toDataURL("image/png")}}(),O=function(){if(t.XMLSerializer){var e=f(null,0,0),r=u("rect",C);return e.appendChild(r),function(t,n){var i=t.root;f(e,,;for(var o=e.querySelectorAll("g"),a=0;a<o.length;a++)o[a].parentNode.removeChild(o[a]);c(r,{width:i.children.holderBg.width,height:i.children.holderBg.height,});var l=i.children.holderTextGroup,,d=u("g",C);e.appendChild(d);for(var h in l.children){var p=l.children[h];for(var v in p.children){var x=p.children[v],y=l.x+p.x+x.x,,b=u("text",C),S=E.createTextNode(null);c(b,{x:y,y:w,style:m({fill:s.fill,"font-weight":s.font.weight,"font-family"", monospace","font-size":s.font.size+s.font.units,"dominant-baseline":"central"})}),,b.appendChild(S),d.appendChild(b)}}var k="data:image/svg+xml;base64,"+btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(g(e,n))));return k}}}(),z=function(e){function t(e,t){for(var r in t)e[r]=t[r];return e}var r=1,n=augment.defclass({constructor:function(e){r++,this.parent=null,this.children={},,"n"+r,null!=e&&(,this.x=0,this.y=0,this.z=0,this.width=0,this.height=0},resize:function(e,t){null!=e&&(this.width=e),null!=t&&(this.height=t)},moveTo:function(e,t,r){this.x=null!=e?e:this.x,this.y=null!=t?t:this.y,this.z=null!=r?r:this.z},add:function(e){var;if(null!=this.children[t])throw"SceneGraph: child with that name already exists: "+t;this.children[t]=e,e.parent=this}}),i=augment(n,function(t){this.constructor=function(){,"root"),}}),o=augment(n,function(e){function r(r,n){if(,r),{fill:"#000"},null!=n)t(,n);else if(null!=r&&"string"!=typeof r)throw"SceneGraph: invalid node name"}this.Group=augment.extend(this,{constructor:r,type:"group"}),this.Rect=augment.extend(this,{constructor:r,type:"rect"}),this.Text=augment.extend(this,{constructor:function(e){,},type:"text"})}),a=new i;return this.Shape=o,this.root=a,this};for(var F in A.flags)A.flags.hasOwnProperty(F)&&(A.flags[F].match=function(e){return e.match(this.regex)});A.setup={renderer:"html",debounce:100,ratio:1,supportsCanvas:!1,supportsSVG:!1,lineWrapRatio:.9,renderers:["html","canvas","svg"]},A.dpr=function(e){return e*A.setup.ratio},A.vars={preempted:!1,resizableImages:[],debounceTimer:null,cache:{}},function(){var e=1,r=1,n=u("canvas"),i=null;n.getContext&&-1!=n.toDataURL("image/png").indexOf("data:image/png")&&(A.setup.renderer="canvas",i=n.getContext("2d"),A.setup.supportsCanvas=!0),A.setup.supportsCanvas&&(e=t.devicePixelRatio||1,r=i.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio||i.mozBackingStorePixelRatio||i.msBackingStorePixelRatio||i.oBackingStorePixelRatio||i.backingStorePixelRatio||1),A.setup.ratio=e/r,E.createElementNS&&E.createElementNS(C,"svg").createSVGRect&&(A.setup.renderer="svg",A.setup.supportsSVG=!0)}(),e(k,"Holder",t),t.onDomReady&&t.onDomReady(function(){A.vars.preempted||,t.addEventListener?(t.addEventListener("resize",x,!1),t.addEventListener("orientationchange",x,!1)):t.attachEvent("onresize",x),"object"==typeof t.Turbolinks&&t.document.addEventListener("page:change",function(){})})}(function(e,t,r){var n="function"==typeof define&&define.amd;n?define(e):r[t]=e},this);
+ * onDomReady.js 1.4.0 (c) 2013 Tubal Martin - MIT license
+ *
+ * Specially modified to work with Holder.js
+ */
+;(function(name, global, callback){
+ global[name] = callback;
+})("onDomReady", this,
+(function(win) {
+ 'use strict';
+ //Lazy loading fix for Firefox < 3.6
+ //
+ if (document.readyState == null && document.addEventListener) {
+ document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function DOMContentLoaded() {
+ document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", DOMContentLoaded, false);
+ document.readyState = "complete";
+ }, false);
+ document.readyState = "loading";
+ }
+ var doc = win.document,
+ docElem = doc.documentElement,
+ LOAD = "load",
+ FALSE = false,
+ ONLOAD = "on"+LOAD,
+ COMPLETE = "complete",
+ READYSTATE = "readyState",
+ ATTACHEVENT = "attachEvent",
+ DETACHEVENT = "detachEvent",
+ ADDEVENTLISTENER = "addEventListener",
+ ONREADYSTATECHANGE = "onreadystatechange",
+ REMOVEEVENTLISTENER = "removeEventListener",
+ // W3C Event model
+ w3c = ADDEVENTLISTENER in doc,
+ top = FALSE,
+ // isReady: Is the DOM ready to be used? Set to true once it occurs.
+ isReady = FALSE,
+ // Callbacks pending execution until DOM is ready
+ callbacks = [];
+ // Handle when the DOM is ready
+ function ready( fn ) {
+ if ( !isReady ) {
+ // Make sure body exists, at least, in case IE gets a little overzealous (ticket #5443).
+ if ( !doc.body ) {
+ return defer( ready );
+ }
+ // Remember that the DOM is ready
+ isReady = true;
+ // Execute all callbacks
+ while ( fn = callbacks.shift() ) {
+ defer( fn );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // The ready event handler
+ function completed( event ) {
+ // readyState === "complete" is good enough for us to call the dom ready in oldIE
+ if ( w3c || event.type === LOAD || doc[READYSTATE] === COMPLETE ) {
+ detach();
+ ready();
+ }
+ }
+ // Clean-up method for dom ready events
+ function detach() {
+ if ( w3c ) {
+ } else {
+ win[DETACHEVENT]( ONLOAD, completed );
+ }
+ }
+ // Defers a function, scheduling it to run after the current call stack has cleared.
+ function defer( fn, wait ) {
+ // Allow 0 to be passed
+ setTimeout( fn, +wait >= 0 ? wait : 1 );
+ }
+ // Attach the listeners:
+ // Catch cases where onDomReady is called after the browser event has already occurred.
+ // we once tried to use readyState "interactive" here, but it caused issues like the one
+ // discovered by ChrisS here:
+ if ( doc[READYSTATE] === COMPLETE ) {
+ // Handle it asynchronously to allow scripts the opportunity to delay ready
+ defer( ready );
+ // Standards-based browsers support DOMContentLoaded
+ } else if ( w3c ) {
+ // Use the handy event callback
+ // A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
+ win[ADDEVENTLISTENER]( LOAD, completed, FALSE );
+ // If IE event model is used
+ } else {
+ // Ensure firing before onload, maybe late but safe also for iframes
+ // A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
+ win[ATTACHEVENT]( ONLOAD, completed );
+ // If IE and not a frame
+ // continually check to see if the document is ready
+ try {
+ top = win.frameElement == null && docElem;
+ } catch(e) {}
+ if ( top && top.doScroll ) {
+ (function doScrollCheck() {
+ if ( !isReady ) {
+ try {
+ // Use the trick by Diego Perini
+ //
+ top.doScroll("left");
+ } catch(e) {
+ return defer( doScrollCheck, 50 );
+ }
+ // detach all dom ready events
+ detach();
+ // and execute any waiting functions
+ ready();
+ }
+ })();
+ }
+ }
+ function onDomReady( fn ) {
+ // If DOM is ready, execute the function (async), otherwise wait
+ isReady ? defer( fn ) : callbacks.push( fn );
+ }
+ // Add version
+ onDomReady.version = "1.4.0";
+ // Add method to check if DOM is ready
+ onDomReady.isReady = function(){
+ return isReady;
+ };
+ return onDomReady;
+ if (!document.querySelectorAll) {
+ document.querySelectorAll = function (selectors) {
+ var style = document.createElement('style'), elements = [], element;
+ document.documentElement.firstChild.appendChild(style);
+ document._qsa = [];
+ style.styleSheet.cssText = selectors + '{x-qsa:expression(document._qsa && document._qsa.push(this))}';
+ window.scrollBy(0, 0);
+ style.parentNode.removeChild(style);
+ while (document._qsa.length) {
+ element = document._qsa.shift();
+ elements.push(element);
+ }
+ document._qsa = null;
+ return elements;
+ };
+ }
+ if (!document.querySelector) {
+ document.querySelector = function (selectors) {
+ var elements = document.querySelectorAll(selectors);
+ return (elements.length) ? elements[0] : null;
+ };
+ }
+ if (!document.getElementsByClassName) {
+ document.getElementsByClassName = function (classNames) {
+ classNames = String(classNames).replace(/^|\s+/g, '.');
+ return document.querySelectorAll(classNames);
+ };
+ }
+// ES5 Object.keys ( O )
+if (!Object.keys) {
+ Object.keys = function (o) {
+ if (o !== Object(o)) { throw TypeError('Object.keys called on non-object'); }
+ var ret = [], p;
+ for (p in o) {
+ if (, p)) {
+ ret.push(p);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+(function (global) {
+ var B64_ALPHABET = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
+ global.atob = global.atob || function (input) {
+ input = String(input);
+ var position = 0,
+ output = [],
+ buffer = 0, bits = 0, n;
+ input = input.replace(/\s/g, '');
+ if ((input.length % 4) === 0) { input = input.replace(/=+$/, ''); }
+ if ((input.length % 4) === 1) { throw Error("InvalidCharacterError"); }
+ if (/[^+/0-9A-Za-z]/.test(input)) { throw Error("InvalidCharacterError"); }
+ while (position < input.length) {
+ n = B64_ALPHABET.indexOf(input.charAt(position));
+ buffer = (buffer << 6) | n;
+ bits += 6;
+ if (bits === 24) {
+ output.push(String.fromCharCode((buffer >> 16) & 0xFF));
+ output.push(String.fromCharCode((buffer >> 8) & 0xFF));
+ output.push(String.fromCharCode(buffer & 0xFF));
+ bits = 0;
+ buffer = 0;
+ }
+ position += 1;
+ }
+ if (bits === 12) {
+ buffer = buffer >> 4;
+ output.push(String.fromCharCode(buffer & 0xFF));
+ } else if (bits === 18) {
+ buffer = buffer >> 2;
+ output.push(String.fromCharCode((buffer >> 8) & 0xFF));
+ output.push(String.fromCharCode(buffer & 0xFF));
+ }
+ return output.join('');
+ };
+ global.btoa = global.btoa || function (input) {
+ input = String(input);
+ var position = 0,
+ out = [],
+ o1, o2, o3,
+ e1, e2, e3, e4;
+ if (/[^\x00-\xFF]/.test(input)) { throw Error("InvalidCharacterError"); }
+ while (position < input.length) {
+ o1 = input.charCodeAt(position++);
+ o2 = input.charCodeAt(position++);
+ o3 = input.charCodeAt(position++);
+ // 111111 112222 222233 333333
+ e1 = o1 >> 2;
+ e2 = ((o1 & 0x3) << 4) | (o2 >> 4);
+ e3 = ((o2 & 0xf) << 2) | (o3 >> 6);
+ e4 = o3 & 0x3f;
+ if (position === input.length + 2) {
+ e3 = 64; e4 = 64;
+ }
+ else if (position === input.length + 1) {
+ e4 = 64;
+ }
+ out.push(B64_ALPHABET.charAt(e1),
+ B64_ALPHABET.charAt(e2),
+ B64_ALPHABET.charAt(e3),
+ B64_ALPHABET.charAt(e4));
+ }
+ return out.join('');
+ };
+if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty){
+ /*jshint -W001, -W103 */
+ Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty = function(prop) {
+ var proto = this.__proto__ || this.constructor.prototype;
+ return (prop in this) && (!(prop in proto) || proto[prop] !== this[prop]);
+ }
+ /*jshint +W001, +W103 */
+//requestAnimationFrame polyfill for older Firefox/Chrome versions
+if (!window.requestAnimationFrame) {
+ if (window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame) {
+ //
+ (function (global) {
+ // window.requestAnimationFrame
+ global.requestAnimationFrame = function (callback) {
+ return webkitRequestAnimationFrame(function () {
+ callback(;
+ });
+ };
+ // window.cancelAnimationFrame
+ global.cancelAnimationFrame = webkitCancelAnimationFrame;
+ }(this));
+ } else if (window.mozRequestAnimationFrame) {
+ //
+ (function (global) {
+ // window.requestAnimationFrame
+ global.requestAnimationFrame = function (callback) {
+ return mozRequestAnimationFrame(function () {
+ callback(;
+ });
+ };
+ // window.cancelAnimationFrame
+ global.cancelAnimationFrame = mozCancelAnimationFrame;
+ }(this));
+ }
+(function (global, factory) {
+ global.augment = factory();
+}(this, function () {
+ var Factory = function () {};
+ var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
+ var augment = function (base, body) {
+ var uber = Factory.prototype = typeof base === "function" ? base.prototype : base;
+ var prototype = new Factory(), properties = body.apply(prototype,, 2).concat(uber));
+ if (typeof properties === "object") for (var key in properties) prototype[key] = properties[key];
+ if (!prototype.hasOwnProperty("constructor")) return prototype;
+ var constructor = prototype.constructor;
+ constructor.prototype = prototype;
+ return constructor;
+ };
+ augment.defclass = function (prototype) {
+ var constructor = prototype.constructor;
+ constructor.prototype = prototype;
+ return constructor;
+ };
+ augment.extend = function (base, body) {
+ return augment(base, function (uber) {
+ this.uber = uber;
+ return body;
+ });
+ };
+ return augment;
+Holder.js - client side image placeholders
+© 2012-2015 Ivan Malopinsky -
+(function(register, global, undefined) {
+ //Constants and definitions
+ var SVG_NS = '';
+ var document = global.document;
+ var version = '2.5.0';
+ var generatorComment = '\n' +
+ 'Created with Holder.js ' + version + '.\n' +
+ 'Learn more at\n' +
+ '(c) 2012-2015 Ivan Malopinsky -\n';
+ var Holder = {
+ version: version,
+ /**
+ * Adds a theme to default settings
+ *
+ * @param {string} name Theme name
+ * @param {Object} theme Theme object, with foreground, background, size, font, and fontweight properties.
+ */
+ addTheme: function(name, theme) {
+ name != null && theme != null && (App.settings.themes[name] = theme);
+ delete App.vars.cache.themeKeys;
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Appends a placeholder to an element
+ *
+ * @param {string} src Placeholder URL string
+ * @param {string} el Selector of target element(s)
+ */
+ addImage: function(src, el) {
+ var node = document.querySelectorAll(el);
+ if (node.length) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = node.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var img = newEl('img');
+ setAttr(img, {
+ 'data-src': src
+ });
+ node[i].appendChild(img);
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Sets whether or not an image is updated on resize.
+ * If an image is set to be updated, it is immediately rendered.
+ *
+ * @param {Object} el Image DOM element
+ * @param {Boolean} value Resizable update flag value
+ */
+ setResizeUpdate: function(el, value) {
+ if (el.holderData) {
+ el.holderData.resizeUpdate = !!value;
+ if (el.holderData.resizeUpdate) {
+ updateResizableElements(el);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Runs Holder with options. By default runs Holder on all images with "holder.js" in their source attributes.
+ *
+ * @param {Object} userOptions Options object, can contain domain, themes, images, and bgnodes properties
+ */
+ run: function(userOptions) {
+ userOptions = userOptions || {};
+ var engineSettings = {};
+ App.vars.preempted = true;
+ var options = extend(App.settings, userOptions);
+ engineSettings.renderer = options.renderer ? options.renderer : App.setup.renderer;
+ if (App.setup.renderers.join(',').indexOf(engineSettings.renderer) === -1) {
+ engineSettings.renderer = App.setup.supportsSVG ? 'svg' : (App.setup.supportsCanvas ? 'canvas' : 'html');
+ }
+ var images = getNodeArray(options.images);
+ var bgnodes = getNodeArray(options.bgnodes);
+ var stylenodes = getNodeArray(options.stylenodes);
+ var objects = getNodeArray(options.objects);
+ engineSettings.stylesheets = [];
+ engineSettings.svgXMLStylesheet = true;
+ engineSettings.noFontFallback = options.noFontFallback ? options.noFontFallback : false;
+ for (var i = 0; i < stylenodes.length; i++) {
+ var styleNode = stylenodes[i];
+ if (styleNode.attributes.rel && styleNode.attributes.href && styleNode.attributes.rel.value == 'stylesheet') {
+ var href = styleNode.attributes.href.value;
+ //todo: write isomorphic relative-to-absolute URL function
+ var proxyLink = newEl('a');
+ proxyLink.href = href;
+ var stylesheetURL = proxyLink.protocol + '//' + + proxyLink.pathname +;
+ engineSettings.stylesheets.push(stylesheetURL);
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < bgnodes.length; i++) {
+ //Skip processing background nodes if getComputedStyle is unavailable, since only modern browsers would be able to use canvas or SVG to render to background
+ if (!global.getComputedStyle) continue;
+ var backgroundImage = global.getComputedStyle(bgnodes[i], null).getPropertyValue('background-image');
+ var dataBackgroundImage = bgnodes[i].getAttribute('data-background-src');
+ var rawURL = null;
+ if (dataBackgroundImage == null) {
+ rawURL = backgroundImage;
+ } else {
+ rawURL = dataBackgroundImage;
+ }
+ var holderURL = null;
+ var holderString = '?' + options.domain + '/';
+ if (rawURL.indexOf(holderString) === 0) {
+ holderURL = rawURL.slice(1);
+ } else if (rawURL.indexOf(holderString) != -1) {
+ var fragment = rawURL.substr(rawURL.indexOf(holderString)).slice(1);
+ var fragmentMatch = fragment.match(/([^\"]*)"?\)/);
+ if (fragmentMatch != null) {
+ holderURL = fragmentMatch[1];
+ }
+ }
+ if (holderURL != null) {
+ var holderFlags = parseURL(holderURL, options);
+ if (holderFlags) {
+ prepareDOMElement({
+ mode: 'background',
+ el: bgnodes[i],
+ flags: holderFlags,
+ engineSettings: engineSettings
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
+ var object = objects[i];
+ var objectAttr = {};
+ try {
+ = object.getAttribute('data');
+ objectAttr.dataSrc = object.getAttribute('data-src');
+ } catch (e) {}
+ var objectHasSrcURL = != null && === 0;
+ var objectHasDataSrcURL = objectAttr.dataSrc != null && objectAttr.dataSrc.indexOf(options.domain) === 0;
+ if (objectHasSrcURL) {
+ prepareImageElement(options, engineSettings,, object);
+ } else if (objectHasDataSrcURL) {
+ prepareImageElement(options, engineSettings, objectAttr.dataSrc, object);
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
+ var image = images[i];
+ var imageAttr = {};
+ try {
+ imageAttr.src = image.getAttribute('src');
+ imageAttr.dataSrc = image.getAttribute('data-src');
+ imageAttr.rendered = image.getAttribute('data-holder-rendered');
+ } catch (e) {}
+ var imageHasSrc = imageAttr.src != null;
+ var imageHasDataSrcURL = imageAttr.dataSrc != null && imageAttr.dataSrc.indexOf(options.domain) === 0;
+ var imageRendered = imageAttr.rendered != null && imageAttr.rendered == 'true';
+ if (imageHasSrc) {
+ if (imageAttr.src.indexOf(options.domain) === 0) {
+ prepareImageElement(options, engineSettings, imageAttr.src, image);
+ } else if (imageHasDataSrcURL) {
+ //Image has a valid data-src and an invalid src
+ if (imageRendered) {
+ //If the placeholder has already been render, re-render it
+ prepareImageElement(options, engineSettings, imageAttr.dataSrc, image);
+ } else {
+ //If the placeholder has not been rendered, check if the image exists and render a fallback if it doesn't
+ (function(src, options, engineSettings, dataSrc, image) {
+ imageExists(src, function(exists) {
+ if (!exists) {
+ prepareImageElement(options, engineSettings, dataSrc, image);
+ }
+ });
+ })(imageAttr.src, options, engineSettings, imageAttr.dataSrc, image);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (imageHasDataSrcURL) {
+ prepareImageElement(options, engineSettings, imageAttr.dataSrc, image);
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ };
+ var App = {
+ settings: {
+ domain: 'holder.js',
+ images: 'img',
+ objects: 'object',
+ bgnodes: 'body .holderjs',
+ stylenodes: 'head link.holderjs',
+ stylesheets: [],
+ themes: {
+ 'gray': {
+ background: '#EEEEEE',
+ foreground: '#AAAAAA'
+ },
+ 'social': {
+ background: '#3a5a97',
+ foreground: '#FFFFFF'
+ },
+ 'industrial': {
+ background: '#434A52',
+ foreground: '#C2F200'
+ },
+ 'sky': {
+ background: '#0D8FDB',
+ foreground: '#FFFFFF'
+ },
+ 'vine': {
+ background: '#39DBAC',
+ foreground: '#1E292C'
+ },
+ 'lava': {
+ background: '#F8591A',
+ foreground: '#1C2846'
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ defaults: {
+ size: 10,
+ units: 'pt',
+ scale: 1 / 16
+ },
+ flags: {
+ dimensions: {
+ regex: /^(\d+)x(\d+)$/,
+ output: function(val) {
+ var exec = this.regex.exec(val);
+ return {
+ width: +exec[1],
+ height: +exec[2]
+ };
+ }
+ },
+ fluid: {
+ regex: /^([0-9]+%?)x([0-9]+%?)$/,
+ output: function(val) {
+ var exec = this.regex.exec(val);
+ return {
+ width: exec[1],
+ height: exec[2]
+ };
+ }
+ },
+ colors: {
+ regex: /(?:#|\^)([0-9a-f]{3,})\:(?:#|\^)([0-9a-f]{3,})/i,
+ output: function(val) {
+ var exec = this.regex.exec(val);
+ return {
+ foreground: '#' + exec[2],
+ background: '#' + exec[1]
+ };
+ }
+ },
+ text: {
+ regex: /text\:(.*)/,
+ output: function(val) {
+ return this.regex.exec(val)[1].replace('\\/', '/');
+ }
+ },
+ font: {
+ regex: /font\:(.*)/,
+ output: function(val) {
+ return this.regex.exec(val)[1];
+ }
+ },
+ auto: {
+ regex: /^auto$/
+ },
+ textmode: {
+ regex: /textmode\:(.*)/,
+ output: function(val) {
+ return this.regex.exec(val)[1];
+ }
+ },
+ random: {
+ regex: /^random$/
+ },
+ size: {
+ regex: /size\:(\d+)/,
+ output: function(val){
+ return this.regex.exec(val)[1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Processes provided source attribute and sets up the appropriate rendering workflow
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param options Instance options from
+ * @param renderSettings Instance configuration
+ * @param src Image URL
+ * @param el Image DOM element
+ */
+ function prepareImageElement(options, engineSettings, src, el) {
+ var holderFlags = parseURL(src.substr(src.lastIndexOf(options.domain)), options);
+ if (holderFlags) {
+ prepareDOMElement({
+ mode: null,
+ el: el,
+ flags: holderFlags,
+ engineSettings: engineSettings
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Processes a Holder URL and extracts flags
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param url URL
+ * @param options Instance options from
+ */
+ function parseURL(url, options) {
+ var ret = {
+ theme: extend(App.settings.themes.gray, null),
+ stylesheets: options.stylesheets,
+ holderURL: []
+ };
+ var render = false;
+ var vtab = String.fromCharCode(11);
+ var flags = url.replace(/([^\\])\//g, '$1' + vtab).split(vtab);
+ var uriRegex = /%[0-9a-f]{2}/gi;
+ for (var fl = flags.length, j = 0; j < fl; j++) {
+ var flag = flags[j];
+ if (flag.match(uriRegex)) {
+ try {
+ flag = decodeURIComponent(flag);
+ } catch (e) {
+ flag = flags[j];
+ }
+ }
+ var push = false;
+ if (App.flags.dimensions.match(flag)) {
+ render = true;
+ ret.dimensions = App.flags.dimensions.output(flag);
+ push = true;
+ } else if (App.flags.fluid.match(flag)) {
+ render = true;
+ ret.dimensions = App.flags.fluid.output(flag);
+ ret.fluid = true;
+ push = true;
+ } else if (App.flags.textmode.match(flag)) {
+ ret.textmode = App.flags.textmode.output(flag);
+ push = true;
+ } else if (App.flags.colors.match(flag)) {
+ var colors = App.flags.colors.output(flag);
+ ret.theme = extend(ret.theme, colors);
+ //todo: convert implicit theme use to a theme: flag
+ push = true;
+ } else if (options.themes[flag]) {
+ //If a theme is specified, it will override custom colors
+ if (options.themes.hasOwnProperty(flag)) {
+ ret.theme = extend(options.themes[flag], null);
+ }
+ push = true;
+ } else if (App.flags.font.match(flag)) {
+ ret.font = App.flags.font.output(flag);
+ push = true;
+ } else if ( {
+ = true;
+ push = true;
+ } else if (App.flags.text.match(flag)) {
+ ret.text = App.flags.text.output(flag);
+ push = true;
+ } else if (App.flags.size.match(flag)) {
+ ret.size = App.flags.size.output(flag);
+ push = true;
+ } else if (App.flags.random.match(flag)) {
+ if (App.vars.cache.themeKeys == null) {
+ App.vars.cache.themeKeys = Object.keys(options.themes);
+ }
+ var theme = App.vars.cache.themeKeys[0 | Math.random() * App.vars.cache.themeKeys.length];
+ ret.theme = extend(options.themes[theme], null);
+ push = true;
+ }
+ if (push) {
+ ret.holderURL.push(flag);
+ }
+ }
+ ret.holderURL.unshift(options.domain);
+ ret.holderURL = ret.holderURL.join('/');
+ return render ? ret : false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Modifies the DOM to fit placeholders and sets up resizable image callbacks (for fluid and automatically sized placeholders)
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param settings DOM prep settings
+ */
+ function prepareDOMElement(prepSettings) {
+ var mode = prepSettings.mode;
+ var el = prepSettings.el;
+ var flags = prepSettings.flags;
+ var _engineSettings = prepSettings.engineSettings;
+ var dimensions = flags.dimensions,
+ theme = flags.theme;
+ var dimensionsCaption = dimensions.width + 'x' + dimensions.height;
+ mode = mode == null ? (flags.fluid ? 'fluid' : 'image') : mode;
+ if (flags.text != null) {
+ theme.text = flags.text;
+ //<object> SVG embedding doesn't parse Unicode properly
+ if (el.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'object') {
+ var textLines = theme.text.split('\\n');
+ for (var k = 0; k < textLines.length; k++) {
+ textLines[k] = encodeHtmlEntity(textLines[k]);
+ }
+ theme.text = textLines.join('\\n');
+ }
+ }
+ var holderURL = flags.holderURL;
+ var engineSettings = extend(_engineSettings, null);
+ if (flags.font) {
+ theme.font = flags.font;
+ //Only run the <canvas> webfont fallback if noFontFallback is false, if the node is not an image, and if canvas is supported
+ if (!engineSettings.noFontFallback && el.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'img' && App.setup.supportsCanvas && engineSettings.renderer === 'svg') {
+ engineSettings = extend(engineSettings, {
+ renderer: 'canvas'
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ //Chrome and Opera require a quick 10ms re-render if web fonts are used with canvas
+ if (flags.font && engineSettings.renderer == 'canvas') {
+ engineSettings.reRender = true;
+ }
+ if (mode == 'background') {
+ if (el.getAttribute('data-background-src') == null) {
+ setAttr(el, {
+ 'data-background-src': holderURL
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ setAttr(el, {
+ 'data-src': holderURL
+ });
+ }
+ flags.theme = theme;
+ //todo consider using all renderSettings in holderData
+ el.holderData = {
+ flags: flags,
+ engineSettings: engineSettings
+ };
+ if (mode == 'image' || mode == 'fluid') {
+ setAttr(el, {
+ 'alt': (theme.text ? theme.text + ' [' + dimensionsCaption + ']' : dimensionsCaption)
+ });
+ }
+ var renderSettings = {
+ mode: mode,
+ el: el,
+ holderSettings: {
+ dimensions: dimensions,
+ theme: theme,
+ flags: flags
+ },
+ engineSettings: engineSettings
+ };
+ if (mode == 'image') {
+ if (engineSettings.renderer == 'html' || ! {
+ = dimensions.width + 'px';
+ = dimensions.height + 'px';
+ }
+ if (engineSettings.renderer == 'html') {
+ = theme.background;
+ } else {
+ render(renderSettings);
+ if (flags.textmode == 'exact') {
+ el.holderData.resizeUpdate = true;
+ App.vars.resizableImages.push(el);
+ updateResizableElements(el);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (mode == 'background' && engineSettings.renderer != 'html') {
+ render(renderSettings);
+ } else if (mode == 'fluid') {
+ el.holderData.resizeUpdate = true;
+ if (dimensions.height.slice(-1) == '%') {
+ = dimensions.height;
+ } else if ( == null || ! {
+ = dimensions.height + 'px';
+ }
+ if (dimensions.width.slice(-1) == '%') {
+ = dimensions.width;
+ } else if ( == null || ! {
+ = dimensions.width + 'px';
+ }
+ if ( == 'inline' || === '' || == 'none') {
+ = 'block';
+ }
+ setInitialDimensions(el);
+ if (engineSettings.renderer == 'html') {
+ = theme.background;
+ } else {
+ App.vars.resizableImages.push(el);
+ updateResizableElements(el);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Core function that takes output from renderers and sets it as the source or background-image of the target element
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param renderSettings Renderer settings
+ */
+ function render(renderSettings) {
+ var image = null;
+ var mode = renderSettings.mode;
+ var holderSettings = renderSettings.holderSettings;
+ var el = renderSettings.el;
+ var engineSettings = renderSettings.engineSettings;
+ switch (engineSettings.renderer) {
+ case 'svg':
+ if (!App.setup.supportsSVG) return;
+ break;
+ case 'canvas':
+ if (!App.setup.supportsCanvas) return;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ //todo: move generation of scene up to flag generation to reduce extra object creation
+ var scene = {
+ width: holderSettings.dimensions.width,
+ height: holderSettings.dimensions.height,
+ theme: holderSettings.theme,
+ flags: holderSettings.flags
+ };
+ var sceneGraph = buildSceneGraph(scene);
+ function getRenderedImage() {
+ var image = null;
+ switch (engineSettings.renderer) {
+ case 'canvas':
+ image = sgCanvasRenderer(sceneGraph, renderSettings);
+ break;
+ case 'svg':
+ image = sgSVGRenderer(sceneGraph, renderSettings);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw 'Holder: invalid renderer: ' + engineSettings.renderer;
+ }
+ return image;
+ }
+ image = getRenderedImage();
+ if (image == null) {
+ throw 'Holder: couldn\'t render placeholder';
+ }
+ //todo: add <object> canvas rendering
+ if (mode == 'background') {
+ = 'url(' + image + ')';
+ = scene.width + 'px ' + scene.height + 'px';
+ } else {
+ if (el.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'img') {
+ setAttr(el, {
+ 'src': image
+ });
+ } else if (el.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'object') {
+ setAttr(el, {
+ 'data': image
+ });
+ setAttr(el, {
+ 'type': 'image/svg+xml'
+ });
+ }
+ if (engineSettings.reRender) {
+ global.setTimeout(function() {
+ var image = getRenderedImage();
+ if (image == null) {
+ throw 'Holder: couldn\'t render placeholder';
+ }
+ if (el.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'img') {
+ setAttr(el, {
+ 'src': image
+ });
+ } else if (el.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'object') {
+ setAttr(el, {
+ 'data': image
+ });
+ setAttr(el, {
+ 'type': 'image/svg+xml'
+ });
+ }
+ }, 100);
+ }
+ }
+ setAttr(el, {
+ 'data-holder-rendered': true
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Core function that takes a Holder scene description and builds a scene graph
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param scene Holder scene object
+ */
+ function buildSceneGraph(scene) {
+ var fontSize = App.defaults.size;
+ if (parseFloat(scene.theme.size)) {
+ fontSize = scene.theme.size;
+ } else if (parseFloat(scene.flags.size)) {
+ fontSize = scene.flags.size;
+ }
+ scene.font = {
+ family: scene.theme.font ? scene.theme.font : 'Arial, Helvetica, Open Sans, sans-serif',
+ size: textSize(scene.width, scene.height, fontSize),
+ units: scene.theme.units ? scene.theme.units : App.defaults.units,
+ weight: scene.theme.fontweight ? scene.theme.fontweight : 'bold'
+ };
+ scene.text = scene.theme.text ? scene.theme.text : Math.floor(scene.width) + 'x' + Math.floor(scene.height);
+ switch (scene.flags.textmode) {
+ case 'literal':
+ scene.text = scene.flags.dimensions.width + 'x' + scene.flags.dimensions.height;
+ break;
+ case 'exact':
+ if (!scene.flags.exactDimensions) break;
+ scene.text = Math.floor(scene.flags.exactDimensions.width) + 'x' + Math.floor(scene.flags.exactDimensions.height);
+ break;
+ }
+ var sceneGraph = new SceneGraph({
+ width: scene.width,
+ height: scene.height
+ });
+ var Shape = sceneGraph.Shape;
+ var holderBg = new Shape.Rect('holderBg', {
+ fill: scene.theme.background
+ });
+ holderBg.resize(scene.width, scene.height);
+ sceneGraph.root.add(holderBg);
+ var holderTextGroup = new Shape.Group('holderTextGroup', {
+ text: scene.text,
+ align: 'center',
+ font: scene.font,
+ fill: scene.theme.foreground
+ });
+ holderTextGroup.moveTo(null, null, 1);
+ sceneGraph.root.add(holderTextGroup);
+ var tpdata = holderTextGroup.textPositionData = stagingRenderer(sceneGraph);
+ if (!tpdata) {
+ throw 'Holder: staging fallback not supported yet.';
+ }
+ = tpdata.boundingBox.height;
+ //todo: alignment: TL, TC, TR, CL, CR, BL, BC, BR
+ var textNode = null;
+ var line = null;
+ function finalizeLine(parent, line, width, height) {
+ line.width = width;
+ line.height = height;
+ parent.width = Math.max(parent.width, line.width);
+ parent.height += line.height;
+ parent.add(line);
+ }
+ if (tpdata.lineCount > 1) {
+ var offsetX = 0;
+ var offsetY = 0;
+ var maxLineWidth = scene.width * App.setup.lineWrapRatio;
+ var lineIndex = 0;
+ line = new Shape.Group('line' + lineIndex);
+ for (var i = 0; i < tpdata.words.length; i++) {
+ var word = tpdata.words[i];
+ textNode = new Shape.Text(word.text);
+ var newline = word.text == '\\n';
+ if (offsetX + word.width >= maxLineWidth || newline === true) {
+ finalizeLine(holderTextGroup, line, offsetX,;
+ offsetX = 0;
+ offsetY +=;
+ lineIndex += 1;
+ line = new Shape.Group('line' + lineIndex);
+ line.y = offsetY;
+ }
+ if (newline === true) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ textNode.moveTo(offsetX, 0);
+ offsetX += tpdata.spaceWidth + word.width;
+ line.add(textNode);
+ }
+ finalizeLine(holderTextGroup, line, offsetX,;
+ for (var lineKey in holderTextGroup.children) {
+ line = holderTextGroup.children[lineKey];
+ line.moveTo(
+ (holderTextGroup.width - line.width) / 2,
+ null,
+ null);
+ }
+ holderTextGroup.moveTo(
+ (scene.width - holderTextGroup.width) / 2, (scene.height - holderTextGroup.height) / 2,
+ null);
+ //If the text exceeds vertical space, move it down so the first line is visible
+ if ((scene.height - holderTextGroup.height) / 2 < 0) {
+ holderTextGroup.moveTo(null, 0, null);
+ }
+ } else {
+ textNode = new Shape.Text(scene.text);
+ line = new Shape.Group('line0');
+ line.add(textNode);
+ holderTextGroup.add(line);
+ holderTextGroup.moveTo(
+ (scene.width - tpdata.boundingBox.width) / 2, (scene.height - tpdata.boundingBox.height) / 2,
+ null);
+ }
+ //todo: renderlist
+ return sceneGraph;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adaptive text sizing function
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param width Parent width
+ * @param height Parent height
+ * @param fontSize Requested text size
+ */
+ function textSize(width, height, fontSize) {
+ var stageWidth = parseInt(width, 10);
+ var stageHeight = parseInt(height, 10);
+ var bigSide = Math.max(stageWidth, stageHeight);
+ var smallSide = Math.min(stageWidth, stageHeight);
+ var newHeight = 0.8 * Math.min(smallSide, bigSide * App.defaults.scale);
+ return Math.round(Math.max(fontSize, newHeight));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Iterates over resizable (fluid or auto) placeholders and renders them
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param element Optional element selector, specified only if a specific element needs to be re-rendered
+ */
+ function updateResizableElements(element) {
+ var images;
+ if (element == null || element.nodeType == null) {
+ images = App.vars.resizableImages;
+ } else {
+ images = [element];
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, l = images.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var el = images[i];
+ if (el.holderData) {
+ var flags = el.holderData.flags;
+ var dimensions = dimensionCheck(el);
+ if (dimensions) {
+ if (!el.holderData.resizeUpdate) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (flags.fluid && {
+ var fluidConfig = el.holderData.fluidConfig;
+ switch (fluidConfig.mode) {
+ case 'width':
+ dimensions.height = dimensions.width / fluidConfig.ratio;
+ break;
+ case 'height':
+ dimensions.width = dimensions.height * fluidConfig.ratio;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ var settings = {
+ mode: 'image',
+ holderSettings: {
+ dimensions: dimensions,
+ theme: flags.theme,
+ flags: flags
+ },
+ el: el,
+ engineSettings: el.holderData.engineSettings
+ };
+ if (flags.textmode == 'exact') {
+ flags.exactDimensions = dimensions;
+ settings.holderSettings.dimensions = flags.dimensions;
+ }
+ render(settings);
+ } else {
+ setInvisible(el);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets up aspect ratio metadata for fluid placeholders, in order to preserve proportions when resizing
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param el Image DOM element
+ */
+ function setInitialDimensions(el) {
+ if (el.holderData) {
+ var dimensions = dimensionCheck(el);
+ if (dimensions) {
+ var flags = el.holderData.flags;
+ var fluidConfig = {
+ fluidHeight: flags.dimensions.height.slice(-1) == '%',
+ fluidWidth: flags.dimensions.width.slice(-1) == '%',
+ mode: null,
+ initialDimensions: dimensions
+ };
+ if (fluidConfig.fluidWidth && !fluidConfig.fluidHeight) {
+ fluidConfig.mode = 'width';
+ fluidConfig.ratio = fluidConfig.initialDimensions.width / parseFloat(flags.dimensions.height);
+ } else if (!fluidConfig.fluidWidth && fluidConfig.fluidHeight) {
+ fluidConfig.mode = 'height';
+ fluidConfig.ratio = parseFloat(flags.dimensions.width) / fluidConfig.initialDimensions.height;
+ }
+ el.holderData.fluidConfig = fluidConfig;
+ } else {
+ setInvisible(el);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns an element's dimensions if it's visible, `false` otherwise.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param el DOM element
+ */
+ function dimensionCheck(el) {
+ var dimensions = {
+ height: el.clientHeight,
+ width: el.clientWidth
+ };
+ if (dimensions.height && dimensions.width) {
+ return dimensions;
+ }
+ else{
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Iterates through all current invisible images, and if they're visible, renders them and removes them from further checks. Runs every animation frame.
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ function visibilityCheck() {
+ var renderableImages = [];
+ var keys = Object.keys(App.vars.invisibleImages);
+ var el;
+ for (var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
+ el = App.vars.invisibleImages[keys[i]];
+ if (dimensionCheck(el) && el.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'img') {
+ renderableImages.push(el);
+ delete App.vars.invisibleImages[keys[i]];
+ }
+ }
+ if (renderableImages.length) {
+ images: renderableImages
+ });
+ }
+ global.requestAnimationFrame(visibilityCheck);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Starts checking for invisible placeholders if not doing so yet. Does nothing otherwise.
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ function startVisibilityCheck() {
+ if (!App.vars.visibilityCheckStarted) {
+ global.requestAnimationFrame(visibilityCheck);
+ App.vars.visibilityCheckStarted = true;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets a unique ID for an image detected to be invisible and adds it to the map of invisible images checked by visibilityCheck
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param el Invisible DOM element
+ */
+ function setInvisible(el) {
+ if (!el.holderData.invisibleId) {
+ App.vars.invisibleId += 1;
+ App.vars.invisibleImages['i' + App.vars.invisibleId] = el;
+ el.holderData.invisibleId = App.vars.invisibleId;
+ }
+ }
+ //todo: see if possible to convert stagingRenderer to use HTML only
+ var stagingRenderer = (function() {
+ var svg = null,
+ stagingText = null,
+ stagingTextNode = null;
+ return function(graph) {
+ var rootNode = graph.root;
+ if (App.setup.supportsSVG) {
+ var firstTimeSetup = false;
+ var tnode = function(text) {
+ return document.createTextNode(text);
+ };
+ if (svg == null || svg.parentNode !== document.body) {
+ firstTimeSetup = true;
+ }
+ svg = initSVG(svg,,;
+ //Show staging element before staging
+ = 'block';
+ if (firstTimeSetup) {
+ stagingText = newEl('text', SVG_NS);
+ stagingTextNode = tnode(null);
+ setAttr(stagingText, {
+ x: 0
+ });
+ stagingText.appendChild(stagingTextNode);
+ svg.appendChild(stagingText);
+ document.body.appendChild(svg);
+ = 'hidden';
+ = 'absolute';
+ = '-100%';
+ = '-100%';
+ //todo: workaround for zero-dimension <svg> tag in Opera 12
+ //svg.setAttribute('width', 0);
+ //svg.setAttribute('height', 0);
+ }
+ var holderTextGroup = rootNode.children.holderTextGroup;
+ var htgProps =;
+ setAttr(stagingText, {
+ 'y': htgProps.font.size,
+ 'style': cssProps({
+ 'font-weight': htgProps.font.weight,
+ 'font-size': htgProps.font.size + htgProps.font.units,
+ 'font-family':,
+ 'dominant-baseline': 'middle'
+ })
+ });
+ //Get bounding box for the whole string (total width and height)
+ stagingTextNode.nodeValue = htgProps.text;
+ var stagingTextBBox = stagingText.getBBox();
+ //Get line count and split the string into words
+ var lineCount = Math.ceil(stagingTextBBox.width / ( * App.setup.lineWrapRatio));
+ var words = htgProps.text.split(' ');
+ var newlines = htgProps.text.match(/\\n/g);
+ lineCount += newlines == null ? 0 : newlines.length;
+ //Get bounding box for the string with spaces removed
+ stagingTextNode.nodeValue = htgProps.text.replace(/[ ]+/g, '');
+ var computedNoSpaceLength = stagingText.getComputedTextLength();
+ //Compute average space width
+ var diffLength = stagingTextBBox.width - computedNoSpaceLength;
+ var spaceWidth = Math.round(diffLength / Math.max(1, words.length - 1));
+ //Get widths for every word with space only if there is more than one line
+ var wordWidths = [];
+ if (lineCount > 1) {
+ stagingTextNode.nodeValue = '';
+ for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
+ if (words[i].length === 0) continue;
+ stagingTextNode.nodeValue = decodeHtmlEntity(words[i]);
+ var bbox = stagingText.getBBox();
+ wordWidths.push({
+ text: words[i],
+ width: bbox.width
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ //Hide staging element after staging
+ = 'none';
+ return {
+ spaceWidth: spaceWidth,
+ lineCount: lineCount,
+ boundingBox: stagingTextBBox,
+ words: wordWidths
+ };
+ } else {
+ //todo: canvas fallback for measuring text on android 2.3
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ })();
+ var sgCanvasRenderer = (function() {
+ var canvas = newEl('canvas');
+ var ctx = null;
+ return function(sceneGraph) {
+ if (ctx == null) {
+ ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
+ }
+ var root = sceneGraph.root;
+ canvas.width = App.dpr(;
+ canvas.height = App.dpr(;
+ ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
+ ctx.fillStyle =;
+ ctx.fillRect(0, 0, App.dpr(root.children.holderBg.width), App.dpr(root.children.holderBg.height));
+ var textGroup = root.children.holderTextGroup;
+ var tgProps =;
+ ctx.font = + ' ' + App.dpr( + + ' ' + + ', monospace';
+ ctx.fillStyle =;
+ for (var lineKey in textGroup.children) {
+ var line = textGroup.children[lineKey];
+ for (var wordKey in line.children) {
+ var word = line.children[wordKey];
+ var x = App.dpr(textGroup.x + line.x + word.x);
+ var y = App.dpr(textGroup.y + line.y + word.y + ( / 2));
+ ctx.fillText(, x, y);
+ }
+ }
+ return canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
+ };
+ })();
+ var sgSVGRenderer = (function() {
+ //Prevent IE <9 from initializing SVG renderer
+ if (!global.XMLSerializer) return;
+ var svg = initSVG(null, 0, 0);
+ var bgEl = newEl('rect', SVG_NS);
+ svg.appendChild(bgEl);
+ //todo: create a reusable pool for textNodes, resize if more words present
+ return function(sceneGraph, renderSettings) {
+ var root = sceneGraph.root;
+ var holderURL = renderSettings.holderSettings.flags.holderURL;
+ var commentNode = document.createComment('\n' + 'Source URL: ' + holderURL + generatorComment);
+ initSVG(svg,,;
+ svg.insertBefore(commentNode, svg.firstChild);
+ var groups = svg.querySelectorAll('g');
+ for (var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
+ groups[i].parentNode.removeChild(groups[i]);
+ }
+ setAttr(bgEl, {
+ 'width': root.children.holderBg.width,
+ 'height': root.children.holderBg.height,
+ 'fill':
+ });
+ var textGroup = root.children.holderTextGroup;
+ var tgProps =;
+ var textGroupEl = newEl('g', SVG_NS);
+ svg.appendChild(textGroupEl);
+ for (var lineKey in textGroup.children) {
+ var line = textGroup.children[lineKey];
+ for (var wordKey in line.children) {
+ var word = line.children[wordKey];
+ var x = textGroup.x + line.x + word.x;
+ var y = textGroup.y + line.y + word.y + ( / 2);
+ var textEl = newEl('text', SVG_NS);
+ var textNode = document.createTextNode(null);
+ setAttr(textEl, {
+ 'x': x,
+ 'y': y,
+ 'style': cssProps({
+ 'fill': tgProps.fill,
+ 'font-weight': tgProps.font.weight,
+ 'font-family': + ', monospace',
+ 'font-size': tgProps.font.size + tgProps.font.units,
+ 'dominant-baseline': 'central'
+ })
+ });
+ textNode.nodeValue =;
+ textEl.appendChild(textNode);
+ textGroupEl.appendChild(textEl);
+ }
+ }
+ var svgString = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' +
+ btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(serializeSVG(svg, renderSettings.engineSettings))));
+ return svgString;
+ };
+ })();
+ //Helpers
+ /**
+ * Generic new DOM element function
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param tag Tag to create
+ * @param namespace Optional namespace value
+ */
+ function newEl(tag, namespace) {
+ if (namespace == null) {
+ return document.createElement(tag);
+ } else {
+ return document.createElementNS(namespace, tag);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generic setAttribute function
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param el Reference to DOM element
+ * @param attrs Object with attribute keys and values
+ */
+ function setAttr(el, attrs) {
+ for (var a in attrs) {
+ el.setAttribute(a, attrs[a]);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generic SVG element creation function
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param svg SVG context, set to null if new
+ * @param width Document width
+ * @param height Document height
+ */
+ function initSVG(svg, width, height) {
+ if (svg == null) {
+ svg = newEl('svg', SVG_NS);
+ var defs = newEl('defs', SVG_NS);
+ svg.appendChild(defs);
+ }
+ //IE throws an exception if this is set and Chrome requires it to be set
+ if (svg.webkitMatchesSelector) {
+ svg.setAttribute('xmlns', SVG_NS);
+ }
+ //Remove comment nodes
+ for (var i = 0; i < svg.childNodes.length; i++) {
+ if (svg.childNodes[i].nodeType === NODE_TYPE_COMMENT) {
+ svg.removeChild(svg.childNodes[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ setAttr(svg, {
+ 'width': width,
+ 'height': height,
+ 'viewBox': '0 0 ' + width + ' ' + height,
+ 'preserveAspectRatio': 'none'
+ });
+ return svg;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generic SVG serialization function
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @param svg SVG context
+ * @param stylesheets CSS stylesheets to include
+ */
+ function serializeSVG(svg, engineSettings) {
+ if (!global.XMLSerializer) return;
+ var serializer = new XMLSerializer();
+ var svgCSS = '';
+ var stylesheets = engineSettings.stylesheets;
+ var defs = svg.querySelector('defs');
+ //External stylesheets: Processing Instruction method
+ if (engineSettings.svgXMLStylesheet) {
+ var xml = new DOMParser().parseFromString('<xml />', 'application/xml');
+ //Add <?xml-stylesheet ?> directives
+ for (var i = stylesheets.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ var csspi = xml.createProcessingInstruction('xml-stylesheet', 'href="' + stylesheets[i] + '" rel="stylesheet"');
+ xml.insertBefore(csspi, xml.firstChild);
+ }
+ //Add <?xml ... ?> UTF-8 directive
+ var xmlpi = xml.createProcessingInstruction('xml', 'version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"');
+ xml.insertBefore(xmlpi, xml.firstChild);
+ xml.removeChild(xml.documentElement);
+ svgCSS = serializer.serializeToString(xml);
+ }
+ /*
+ //External stylesheets: <link> method
+ if (renderSettings.svgLinkStylesheet) {
+ defs.removeChild(defs.firstChild);
+ for (i = 0; i < stylesheets.length; i++) {
+ var link = document.createElementNS('', 'link');
+ link.setAttribute('href', stylesheets[i]);
+ link.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
+ link.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
+ defs.appendChild(link);
+ }
+ }
+ //External stylesheets: <style> and @import method
+ if (renderSettings.svgImportStylesheet) {
+ var style = document.createElementNS(SVG_NS, 'style');
+ var styleText = [];
+ for (i = 0; i < stylesheets.length; i++) {
+ styleText.push('@import url(' + stylesheets[i] + ');');
+ }
+ var styleTextNode = document.createTextNode(styleText.join('\n'));
+ style.appendChild(styleTextNode);
+ defs.appendChild(style);
+ }
+ */
+ var svgText = serializer.serializeToString(svg);
+ svgText = svgText.replace(/\&(\#[0-9]{2,}\;)/g, '&$1');
+ return svgCSS + svgText;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Shallow object clone and merge
+ *
+ * @param a Object A
+ * @param b Object B
+ * @returns {Object} New object with all of A's properties, and all of B's properties, overwriting A's properties
+ */
+ function extend(a, b) {
+ var c = {};
+ for (var x in a) {
+ if (a.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
+ c[x] = a[x];
+ }
+ }
+ if (b != null) {
+ for (var y in b) {
+ if (b.hasOwnProperty(y)) {
+ c[y] = b[y];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return c;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Takes a k/v list of CSS properties and returns a rule
+ *
+ * @param props CSS properties object
+ */
+ function cssProps(props) {
+ var ret = [];
+ for (var p in props) {
+ if (props.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
+ ret.push(p + ':' + props[p]);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret.join(';');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Prevents a function from being called too often, waits until a timer elapses to call it again
+ *
+ * @param fn Function to call
+ */
+ function debounce(fn) {
+ if (!App.vars.debounceTimer);
+ if (App.vars.debounceTimer) global.clearTimeout(App.vars.debounceTimer);
+ App.vars.debounceTimer = global.setTimeout(function() {
+ App.vars.debounceTimer = null;
+ }, App.setup.debounce);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Holder-specific resize/orientation change callback, debounced to prevent excessive execution
+ */
+ function resizeEvent() {
+ debounce(function() {
+ updateResizableElements(null);
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Converts a value into an array of DOM nodes
+ *
+ * @param val A string, a NodeList, a Node, or an HTMLCollection
+ */
+ function getNodeArray(val) {
+ var retval = null;
+ if (typeof(val) == 'string') {
+ retval = document.querySelectorAll(val);
+ } else if (global.NodeList && val instanceof global.NodeList) {
+ retval = val;
+ } else if (global.Node && val instanceof global.Node) {
+ retval = [val];
+ } else if (global.HTMLCollection && val instanceof global.HTMLCollection) {
+ retval = val;
+ } else if (val instanceof Array) {
+ retval = val;
+ } else if (val === null) {
+ retval = [];
+ }
+ return retval;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks if an image exists
+ *
+ * @param src URL of image
+ * @param callback Callback to call once image status has been found
+ */
+ function imageExists(src, callback) {
+ var image = new Image();
+ image.onerror = function() {
+, false);
+ };
+ image.onload = function() {
+, true);
+ };
+ image.src = src;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Encodes HTML entities in a string
+ *
+ * @param str Input string
+ */
+ function encodeHtmlEntity(str) {
+ var buf = [];
+ var charCode = 0;
+ for (var i = str.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ charCode = str.charCodeAt(i);
+ if (charCode > 128) {
+ buf.unshift(['&#', charCode, ';'].join(''));
+ } else {
+ buf.unshift(str[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return buf.join('');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Decodes HTML entities in a stirng
+ *
+ * @param str Input string
+ */
+ function decodeHtmlEntity(str) {
+ return str.replace(/&#(\d+);/g, function(match, dec) {
+ return String.fromCharCode(dec);
+ });
+ }
+ // Scene graph
+ var SceneGraph = function(sceneProperties) {
+ var nodeCount = 1;
+ //todo: move merge to helpers section
+ function merge(parent, child) {
+ for (var prop in child) {
+ parent[prop] = child[prop];
+ }
+ return parent;
+ }
+ var SceneNode = augment.defclass({
+ constructor: function(name) {
+ nodeCount++;
+ this.parent = null;
+ this.children = {};
+ = nodeCount;
+ = 'n' + nodeCount;
+ if (name != null) {
+ = name;
+ }
+ this.x = 0;
+ this.y = 0;
+ this.z = 0;
+ this.width = 0;
+ this.height = 0;
+ },
+ resize: function(width, height) {
+ if (width != null) {
+ this.width = width;
+ }
+ if (height != null) {
+ this.height = height;
+ }
+ },
+ moveTo: function(x, y, z) {
+ this.x = x != null ? x : this.x;
+ this.y = y != null ? y : this.y;
+ this.z = z != null ? z : this.z;
+ },
+ add: function(child) {
+ var name =;
+ if (this.children[name] == null) {
+ this.children[name] = child;
+ child.parent = this;
+ } else {
+ throw 'SceneGraph: child with that name already exists: ' + name;
+ }
+ }
+ /*, // probably unnecessary in Holder
+ remove: function(name){
+ if(this.children[name] == null){
+ throw 'SceneGraph: child with that name doesn\'t exist: '+name;
+ }
+ else{
+ child.parent = null;
+ delete this.children[name];
+ }
+ },
+ removeAll: function(){
+ for(var child in this.children){
+ this.remove(child);
+ }
+ }*/
+ });
+ var RootNode = augment(SceneNode, function(uber) {
+ this.constructor = function() {
+, 'root');
+ = sceneProperties;
+ };
+ });
+ var Shape = augment(SceneNode, function(uber) {
+ function constructor(name, props) {
+, name);
+ = {
+ fill: '#000'
+ };
+ if (props != null) {
+ merge(, props);
+ } else if (name != null && typeof name !== 'string') {
+ throw 'SceneGraph: invalid node name';
+ }
+ }
+ this.Group = augment.extend(this, {
+ constructor: constructor,
+ type: 'group'
+ });
+ this.Rect = augment.extend(this, {
+ constructor: constructor,
+ type: 'rect'
+ });
+ this.Text = augment.extend(this, {
+ constructor: function(text) {
+ = text;
+ },
+ type: 'text'
+ });
+ });
+ var root = new RootNode();
+ this.Shape = Shape;
+ this.root = root;
+ return this;
+ };
+ //Set up flags
+ for (var flag in App.flags) {
+ if (!App.flags.hasOwnProperty(flag)) continue;
+ App.flags[flag].match = function(val) {
+ return val.match(this.regex);
+ };
+ }
+ //Properties set once on setup
+ App.setup = {
+ renderer: 'html',
+ debounce: 100,
+ ratio: 1,
+ supportsCanvas: false,
+ supportsSVG: false,
+ lineWrapRatio: 0.9,
+ renderers: ['html', 'canvas', 'svg']
+ };
+ App.dpr = function(val) {
+ return val * App.setup.ratio;
+ };
+ //Properties modified during runtime
+ App.vars = {
+ preempted: false,
+ resizableImages: [],
+ invisibleImages: {},
+ invisibleId: 0,
+ visibilityCheckStarted: false,
+ debounceTimer: null,
+ cache: {}
+ };
+ //Pre-flight
+ (function() {
+ var devicePixelRatio = 1,
+ backingStoreRatio = 1;
+ var canvas = newEl('canvas');
+ var ctx = null;
+ if (canvas.getContext) {
+ if (canvas.toDataURL('image/png').indexOf('data:image/png') != -1) {
+ App.setup.renderer = 'canvas';
+ ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
+ App.setup.supportsCanvas = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (App.setup.supportsCanvas) {
+ devicePixelRatio = global.devicePixelRatio || 1;
+ backingStoreRatio = ctx.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio || ctx.mozBackingStorePixelRatio || ctx.msBackingStorePixelRatio || ctx.oBackingStorePixelRatio || ctx.backingStorePixelRatio || 1;
+ }
+ App.setup.ratio = devicePixelRatio / backingStoreRatio;
+ if (!!document.createElementNS && !!document.createElementNS(SVG_NS, 'svg').createSVGRect) {
+ App.setup.renderer = 'svg';
+ App.setup.supportsSVG = true;
+ }
+ })();
+ //Starts checking for invisible placeholders
+ startVisibilityCheck();
+ //Exposing to environment and setting up listeners
+ register(Holder, 'Holder', global);
+ if (global.onDomReady) {
+ global.onDomReady(function() {
+ if (!App.vars.preempted) {
+ }
+ if (global.addEventListener) {
+ global.addEventListener('resize', resizeEvent, false);
+ global.addEventListener('orientationchange', resizeEvent, false);
+ } else {
+ global.attachEvent('onresize', resizeEvent);
+ }
+ if (typeof global.Turbolinks == 'object') {
+ global.document.addEventListener('page:change', function() {
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+})(function(fn, name, global) {
+ var isAMD = (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd);
+ var isNode = (typeof exports === 'object');
+ var isWeb = !isNode;
+ if (isAMD) {
+ define(fn);
+ } else {
+ //todo: npm/browserify registration
+ global[name] = fn;
+ }
+}, this);
\ No newline at end of file