hobo_files/plugin/lib/hobo/model.rb in hobo-0.7.2 vs hobo_files/plugin/lib/hobo/model.rb in hobo-0.7.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,342 +1,237 @@
module Hobo
module Model
+ class PermissionDeniedError < RuntimeError; end
+ class NoNameError < RuntimeError; end
NAME_FIELD_GUESS = %w(name title)
PRIMARY_CONTENT_GUESS = %w(description body content profile)
SEARCH_COLUMNS_GUESS = %w(name title body content profile)
- PLAIN_TYPES = { :boolean => TrueClass,
- :date => Date,
- :datetime => Time,
- :integer => Fixnum,
- :big_integer => BigDecimal,
- :float => Float,
- :string => String
- }
- Hobo.field_types.update(PLAIN_TYPES)
def self.included(base)
- Hobo.register_model(base)
+ included_in_class_callbacks(base)
+ Hobo.register_model(base)
+ patch_will_paginate
base.class_eval do
+ inheriting_cattr_reader :default_order
alias_method_chain :attributes=, :hobo_type_conversion
- default_scopes
class << base
- alias_method_chain :has_many, :defined_scopes
- alias_method_chain :belongs_to, :foreign_key_declaration
- alias_method_chain :belongs_to, :hobo_metadata
- alias_method_chain :acts_as_list, :fields if defined?(ActiveRecord::Acts::List)
+ alias_method_chain :has_many, :defined_scopes
+ alias_method_chain :belongs_to, :creator_metadata
+ alias_method_chain :has_one, :new_method
def inherited(klass)
fields do
field(klass.inheritance_column, :string)
+ def self.patch_will_paginate
+ if defined?(WillPaginate) && !WillPaginate::Collection.respond_to?(:member_class)
+ WillPaginate::Collection.class_eval do
+ attr_accessor :member_class, :origin, :origin_attribute
+ end
+ WillPaginate::Finder::ClassMethods.class_eval do
+ def paginate_with_hobo_metadata(*args, &block)
+ returning paginate_without_hobo_metadata(*args, &block) do |collection|
+ collection.member_class = self
+ collection.origin = try.proxy_owner
+ collection.origin_attribute = try.proxy_reflection._?.name
+ end
+ end
+ alias_method_chain :paginate, :hobo_metadata
+ end
+ end
+ end
module ClassMethods
# include methods also shared by CompositeModel
- include ModelSupport::ClassMethods
+ #include ModelSupport::ClassMethods
attr_accessor :creator_attribute
attr_writer :name_attribute, :primary_content_attribute
- def default_scopes
- def_scope :recent do |*args|
- count = args.first || 3
- { :limit => count, :order => "#{table_name}.created_at DESC" }
- end
+ def named(*args)
+ raise NoNameError, "Model #{name} has no name attribute" unless name_attribute
+ send("find_by_#{name_attribute}", *args)
+ alias_method :[], :named
+ def field_added(name, type, args, options)
+ self.name_attribute = name.to_sym if options.delete(:name)
+ self.primary_content_attribute = name.to_sym if options.delete(:primary_content)
+ self.creator_attribute = name.to_sym if options.delete(:creator)
+ validate = options.delete(:validate) {true}
+ #FIXME - this should be in Hobo::User
+ send(:login_attribute=, name.to_sym, validate) if options.delete(:login) && respond_to?(:login_attribute=)
+ end
+ def user_find(user, *args)
+ record = find(*args)
+ raise PermissionDeniedError unless Hobo.can_view?(user, self)
+ record
+ end
+ def user_new(user, attributes={})
+ record = new(attributes)
+ record.user_changes(user) and record
+ end
+ def user_new!(user, attributes={})
+ user_new(user, attributes) or raise PermissionDeniedError
+ end
+ def user_create(user, attributes={})
+ record = new(attributes)
+ record.user_save_changes(user)
+ record
+ end
+ def user_can_create?(user, attributes={})
+ record = new(attributes)
+ record.user_changes(user)
+ end
def name_attribute
@name_attribute ||= begin
- cols = columns.every :name
- NAME_FIELD_GUESS.detect {|f| f.in? columns.every(:name) }
+ cols = columns.*.name
+ NAME_FIELD_GUESS.detect {|f| f.in? columns.*.name }
def primary_content_attribute
- @description_attribute ||= begin
- cols = columns.every :name
- PRIMARY_CONTENT_GUESS.detect {|f| f.in? columns.every(:name) }
- end
+ @primary_content_attribute ||= begin
+ cols = columns.*.name
+ PRIMARY_CONTENT_GUESS.detect {|f| f.in? columns.*.name }
+ end
def dependent_collections
reflections.values.select do |refl|
refl.macro == :has_many && refl.options[:dependent]
- end.every(:name)
+ end.*.name
def dependent_on
reflections.values.select do |refl|
refl.macro == :belongs_to && (rev = reverse_reflection(refl.name) and rev.options[:dependent])
- end.every(:name)
+ end.*.name
- private
- def return_type(type)
- @next_method_type = type
+ def default_dependent_on
+ dependent_on.first
- def method_added(name)
- if @next_method_type
- set_field_type(name => @next_method_type)
- @next_method_type = nil
- end
- end
+ private
- def fields(&b)
- dsl = FieldDeclarationsDsl.new(self)
- if b.arity == 1
- yield dsl
- else
- dsl.instance_eval(&b)
- end
- end
- def belongs_to_with_foreign_key_declaration(name, *args, &block)
- options = args.extract_options!
- res = belongs_to_without_foreign_key_declaration(name, *args + [options], &block)
- refl = reflections[name]
- fkey = refl.primary_key_name
- column_options = {}
- column_options[:null] = options[:null] if options.has_key?(:null)
- field_specs[fkey] ||= FieldSpec.new(self, fkey, :integer, column_options)
- if refl.options[:polymorphic]
- type_col = "#{name}_type"
- field_specs[type_col] ||= FieldSpec.new(self, type_col, :string, column_options)
- end
- res
- end
- def belongs_to_with_hobo_metadata(name, *args, &block)
- options = args.extract_options!
+ def belongs_to_with_creator_metadata(name, options={}, &block)
self.creator_attribute = name.to_sym if options.delete(:creator)
- belongs_to_without_hobo_metadata(name, *args + [options], &block)
+ belongs_to_without_creator_metadata(name, options, &block)
- def acts_as_list_with_fields(options = {})
- fields { |f| f.send(options._?[:column] || "position", :integer) }
- acts_as_list_without_fields(options)
- end
- def field_specs
- @field_specs ||= HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
- end
- public :field_specs
- def set_field_type(types)
- types.each_pair do |field, type|
- type_class = Hobo.field_types[type] || type
- field_types[field] = type_class
- if type_class && "validate".in?(type_class.instance_methods)
- self.validate do |record|
- v = record.send(field)._?.validate
- record.errors.add(field, v) if v.is_a?(String)
- end
- end
- end
+ def has_one_with_new_method(name, options={}, &block)
+ has_one_without_new_method(name, options)
+ class_eval "def new_#{name}(attributes={}); build_#{name}(attributes, false); end"
- def field_types
- @hobo_field_types ||= superclass.respond_to?(:field_types) ? superclass.field_types : {}
- end
def set_default_order(order)
@default_order = order
- inheriting_attr_accessor :default_order, :id_name_options
def never_show(*fields)
@hobo_never_show ||= []
- @hobo_never_show.concat(fields.every(:to_sym))
+ @hobo_never_show.concat(fields.*.to_sym)
- def never_show?(field)
- (@hobo_never_show && field.to_sym.in?(@hobo_never_show)) || (superclass < Hobo::Model && superclass.never_show?(field))
- end
- public :never_show?
def set_search_columns(*columns)
class_eval %{
def self.search_columns
- %w{#{columns.every(:to_s) * ' '}}
+ %w{#{columns.*.to_s * ' '}}
- def id_name(*args)
- @id_name_options = [] + args
- underscore = args.delete(:underscore)
- insenstive = args.delete(:case_insensitive)
- id_name_field = args.first || :name
- @id_name_column = id_name_field.to_s
- if underscore
- class_eval %{
- def id_name(underscore=false)
- underscore ? #{id_name_field}.gsub(' ', '_') : #{id_name_field}
- end
- }
- else
- class_eval %{
- def id_name(underscore=false)
- #{id_name_field}
- end
- }
- end
- key = "id_name#{if underscore; ".gsub('_', ' ')"; end}"
- finder = if insenstive
- "find(:first, options.merge(:conditions => ['lower(#{id_name_field}) = ?', #{key}.downcase]))"
- else
- "find_by_#{id_name_field}(#{key}, options)"
- end
- class_eval %{
- def self.find_by_id_name(id_name, options={})
- #{finder}
- end
- }
- model = self
- validate do
- erros.add id_name_field, "is taken" if model.find_by_id_name(name)
- end
- validates_format_of id_name_field, :with => /^[^_]+$/, :message => "cannot contain underscores" if
- underscore
- end
- public
- def id_name?
- respond_to?(:find_by_id_name)
- end
+ public
- attr_reader :id_name_column
- def field_type(name)
- name = name.to_sym
- field_types[name] or
- reflections[name] or begin
- col = column(name)
- return nil if col.nil?
- case col.type
- when :boolean
- TrueClass
- when :text
- Hobo::Text
- else
- col.klass
- end
- end
+ def never_show?(field)
+ (@hobo_never_show && field.to_sym.in?(@hobo_never_show)) || (superclass < Hobo::Model && superclass.never_show?(field))
- def column(name)
- columns.find {|c| c.name == name.to_s} rescue nil
- end
- def conditions(*args, &b)
- if args.empty?
- ModelQueries.new(self).instance_eval(&b)._?.to_sql
- else
- ModelQueries.new(self).instance_exec(*args, &b)._?.to_sql
- end
- end
def find(*args, &b)
options = args.extract_options!
- if args.first.in?([:all, :first]) && options[:order] == :default
+ if options[:order] == :default
options = if default_order.blank?
- options - [:order]
+ options.except :order
options.merge(:order => "#{table_name}.#{default_order}")
- res = if b && !(block_conditions = conditions(&b)).blank?
- c = if !options[:conditions].blank?
- "(#{sanitize_sql options[:conditions]}) AND (#{sanitize_sql block_conditions})"
- else
- block_conditions
- end
- super(args.first, options.merge(:conditions => c))
- else
- super(*args + [options])
- end
- if args.first == :all
- def res.member_class
- @member_class
- end
- res.instance_variable_set("@member_class", self)
- end
- res
+ result = super(*args + [options])
+ result.member_class = self if result.is_a?(Array)
+ result
def all(options={})
find(:all, options.reverse_merge(:order => :default))
- def count(*args, &b)
- if b
- sql = ModelQueries.new(self).instance_eval(&b).to_sql
- options = extract_options_from_args!(args)
- super(*args + [options.merge(:conditions => sql)])
- else
- super(*args)
- end
- end
- def subclass_associations(association, *subclass_associations)
- refl = reflections[association]
- for assoc in subclass_associations
- class_name = assoc.to_s.classify
- options = { :class_name => class_name, :conditions => "type = '#{class_name}'" }
- options[:source] = refl.source_reflection.name if refl.source_reflection
- has_many(assoc, refl.options.merge(options))
- end
- end
def creator_type
def search_columns
- cols = columns.every(:name)
+ cols = columns.*.name
SEARCH_COLUMNS_GUESS.select{|c| c.in?(cols) }
- # This should really be a method on AssociationReflection
+ # FIXME: This should really be a method on AssociationReflection
def reverse_reflection(association_name)
refl = reflections[association_name]
return nil if refl.options[:conditions]
reverse_macro = if refl.macro == :has_many
@@ -351,173 +246,119 @@
r.primary_key_name == refl.primary_key_name
- class ScopedProxy
- def initialize(klass, scope)
- @klass = klass
- # If there's no :find, or :create specified, assume it's a find scope
- @scope = if scope.has_key?(:find) || scope.has_key?(:create)
- scope
- else
- { :find => scope }
- end
- end
- def method_missing(name, *args, &block)
- if name.to_sym.in?(@klass.defined_scopes.keys)
- proxy = @klass.send(name, *args)
- proxy.instance_variable_set("@parent_scope", self)
- proxy
- else
- _apply_scope { @klass.send(name, *args, &block) }
- end
- end
- def all
- self.find(:all)
- end
- def first
- self.find(:first)
- end
- def member_class
- @klass
- end
- private
- def _apply_scope
- if @parent_scope
- @parent_scope.send(:_apply_scope) do
- @scope ? @klass.send(:with_scope, @scope) { yield } : yield
- end
- else
- @scope ? @klass.send(:with_scope, @scope) { yield } : yield
- end
- end
+ def has_inheritance_column?
+ columns_hash.include?(inheritance_column)
- (Object.instance_methods +
- Object.private_instance_methods +
- Object.protected_instance_methods).each do |m|
- ScopedProxy.send(:undef_method, m) unless
- m.in?(%w{initialize method_missing send instance_variable_set instance_variable_get puts}) || m.starts_with?('_')
- end
- attr_accessor :defined_scopes
- def def_scope(name, scope=nil, &block)
- @defined_scopes ||= {}
- @defined_scopes[name.to_sym] = block || scope
- meta_def(name) do |*args|
- ScopedProxy.new(self, block ? block.call(*args) : scope)
+ def method_missing(name, *args, &block)
+ name = name.to_s
+ if name =~ /\./
+ # FIXME: Do we need this now?
+ call_method_chain(name, args, &block)
+ elsif create_automatic_scope(name)
+ send(name, *args, &block)
+ else
+ super(name.to_sym, *args, &block)
+ def call_method_chain(chain, args, &block)
+ parts = chain.split(".")
+ s = parts[0..-2].inject(self) { |m, scope| m.send(scope) }
+ s.send(parts.last, *args)
+ end
- module DefinedScopeProxyExtender
+ def to_url_path
+ "#{name.underscore.pluralize}"
+ end
+ def typed_id
+ HoboFields.to_name(self) || name.underscore.gsub("/", "__")
+ end
+ end # --- of ClassMethods --- #
+ include Scopes
+ def to_url_path
+ "#{self.class.to_url_path}/#{to_param}" unless new_record?
+ end
+ def user_changes(user, changes={})
+ if new_record?
+ self.attributes = changes
+ set_creator(user)
+ Hobo.can_create?(user, self)
+ else
+ original = duplicate
+ # 'duplicate' can cause these to be set, but they can conflict
+ # with the changes so we clear them
+ clear_aggregation_cache
+ clear_association_cache
- attr_accessor :reflections
+ self.attributes = changes
- def method_missing(name, *args, &block)
- scope = (proxy_reflection.klass.respond_to?(:defined_scopes) and
- scopes = proxy_reflection.klass.defined_scopes and
- scopes[name.to_sym])
- scope = scope.call(*args) if scope.is_a?(Proc)
- # If there's no :find, or :create specified, assume it's a find scope
- find_scope = if scope && (scope.has_key?(:find) || scope.has_key?(:create))
- scope[:find]
- else
- scope
- end
- if find_scope
- scope_name = "@#{name.to_s.gsub('?','')}_scope"
+ Hobo.can_update?(user, original, self)
+ end
+ end
+ def user_changes!(user, changes={})
+ user_changes(user, changes) or raise PermissionDeniedError
+ end
+ def user_can_create?(user, attributes={})
+ raise ArgumentError, "Called #user_can_create? on existing record" unless new_record?
+ user_changes(user, attributes)
+ end
- # Calling instance_variable_get directly causes self to
- # get loaded, hence this trick
- assoc = Kernel.instance_method(:instance_variable_get).bind(self).call(scope_name)
- unless assoc
- options = proxy_reflection.options
- has_many_conditions = options[:conditions]
- has_many_conditions = nil if has_many_conditions.blank?
- source = proxy_reflection.source_reflection
- scope_conditions = find_scope[:conditions]
- scope_conditions = nil if scope_conditions.blank?
- conditions = if has_many_conditions && scope_conditions
- "(#{sanitize_sql scope_conditions}) AND (#{sanitize_sql has_many_conditions})"
- else
- scope_conditions || has_many_conditions
- end
- options = options.merge(find_scope).update(:class_name => proxy_reflection.klass.name,
- :foreign_key => proxy_reflection.primary_key_name)
- options[:conditions] = conditions unless conditions.blank?
- options[:source] = source.name if source
+ def user_save_changes(user, changes={})
+ user_changes!(user, changes)
+ save
+ end
- r = ActiveRecord::Reflection::AssociationReflection.new(:has_many,
- name,
- options,
- proxy_owner.class)
- @reflections ||= {}
- @reflections[name] = r
- assoc = if source
- ActiveRecord::Associations::HasManyThroughAssociation
- else
- ActiveRecord::Associations::HasManyAssociation
- end.new(self.proxy_owner, r)
- # Calling directly causes self to get loaded
- Kernel.instance_method(:instance_variable_set).bind(self).call(scope_name, assoc)
- end
- assoc
- else
- super
- end
- end
- end
- def has_many_with_defined_scopes(name, *args, &block)
- options = args.extract_options!
- if options.has_key?(:extend) || block
- # Normal has_many
- has_many_without_defined_scopes(name, *args + [options], &block)
- else
- options[:extend] = DefinedScopeProxyExtender
- has_many_without_defined_scopes(name, *args + [options], &block)
- end
- end
+ def user_view(user, field=nil)
+ raise PermissionDeniedError unless Hobo.can_view?(user, self, field)
+ def user_destroy(user)
+ raise PermissionDeniedError unless Hobo.can_delete?(user, self)
+ destroy
+ end
def dependent_on
self.class.dependent_on.map { |assoc| send(assoc) }
def attributes_with_hobo_type_conversion=(attributes, guard_protected_attributes=true)
- converted = attributes.map_hash { |k, v| convert_type_for_mass_assignment(self.class.field_type(k), v) }
+ converted = attributes.map_hash { |k, v| convert_type_for_mass_assignment(self.class.attr_type(k), v) }
send(:attributes_without_hobo_type_conversion=, converted, guard_protected_attributes)
def set_creator(user)
+ set_creator!(user) unless get_creator
+ end
+ def set_creator!(user)
attr = self.class.creator_attribute
return unless attr
# Is creator a string field or an association?
if self.class.reflections[attr]
@@ -526,77 +367,86 @@
# Assume it's a string field -- set it to the name of the current user
self.send("#{attr}=", user.to_s) unless user.guest?
+ # We deliberately give this method an unconventional name to avoid
+ # polluting the application namespace too badly
+ def get_creator
+ self.class.creator_attribute && send(self.class.creator_attribute)
+ end
def duplicate
- res = self.class.new
- res.instance_variable_set("@attributes", @attributes.dup)
- res.instance_variable_set("@new_record", nil) unless new_record?
+ copy = self.class.new
+ copy.copy_instance_variables_from(self, ["@attributes_cache"])
+ copy.instance_variable_set("@attributes", @attributes.dup)
+ copy.instance_variable_set("@new_record", nil) unless new_record?
# Shallow copy of belongs_to associations
for refl in self.class.reflections.values
if refl.macro == :belongs_to and (target = self.send(refl.name))
- bta = ActiveRecord::Associations::BelongsToAssociation.new(res, refl)
+ bta = ActiveRecord::Associations::BelongsToAssociation.new(copy, refl)
- res.instance_variable_set("@#{refl.name}", bta)
+ copy.instance_variable_set("@#{refl.name}", bta)
- res
+ copy
def same_fields?(other, *fields)
return true if other.nil?
fields = fields.flatten
fields.all?{|f| self.send(f) == other.send(f)}
def only_changed_fields?(other, *changed_fields)
return true if other.nil?
- changed_fields = changed_fields.flatten.every(:to_s)
- all_cols = self.class.columns.every(:name) - []
+ changed_fields = changed_fields.flatten.*.to_s
+ all_cols = self.class.columns.*.name - []
all_cols.all?{|c| c.in?(changed_fields) || self.send(c) == other.send(c) }
def compose_with(object, use=nil)
CompositeModel.new_for([self, object])
- def created_date
- created_at.to_date
- end
- def modified_date
- modified_at.to_date
- end
def typed_id
- id ? "#{self.class.name.underscore}_#{self.id}" : nil
+ "#{self.class.name.underscore}_#{self.id}" if id
def to_s
if self.class.name_attribute
send self.class.name_attribute
"#{self.class.name.titleize} #{id}"
def parse_datetime(s)
defined?(Chronic) ? Chronic.parse(s) : Time.parse(s)
def convert_type_for_mass_assignment(field_type, value)
- if field_type.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Reflection::AssociationReflection) and field_type.macro.in?([:belongs_to, :has_one])
+ if field_type.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Reflection::AssociationReflection) &&
+ field_type.macro.in?([:belongs_to, :has_one])
if value.is_a?(String) && value.starts_with?('@')
+ # TODO: This @foo_1 feature is rarely (never?) used - get rid of it
elsif !field_type.is_a?(Class)
@@ -616,64 +466,21 @@
elsif value.is_a? String
- elsif field_type <= TrueClass
+ elsif field_type <= Hobo::Boolean
(value.is_a?(String) && value.strip.downcase.in?(['0', 'false']) || value.blank?) ? false : true
# primitive field
-# Hack AR to get Hobo type wrappers in
-module ActiveRecord::AttributeMethods::ClassMethods
- # Define an attribute reader method. Cope with nil column.
- def define_read_method(symbol, attr_name, column)
- cast_code = column.type_cast_code('v') if column
- access_code = cast_code ? "(v=@attributes['#{attr_name}']) && #{cast_code}" : "@attributes['#{attr_name}']"
- unless attr_name.to_s == self.primary_key.to_s
- access_code = access_code.insert(0, "missing_attribute('#{attr_name}', caller) " +
- "unless @attributes.has_key?('#{attr_name}'); ")
- end
- # This is the Hobo hook - add a type wrapper around the field
- # value if we have a special type defined
- src = if connected? && respond_to?(:field_type) && (type_wrapper = field_type(symbol)) &&
- type_wrapper.is_a?(Class) && type_wrapper.not_in?(Hobo::Model::PLAIN_TYPES.values)
- "val = begin; #{access_code}; end; " +
- "if val.nil? || (val.respond_to?(:hobo_undefined?) && val.hobo_undefined?); val; " +
- "else; self.class.field_type(:#{attr_name}).new(val); end"
- else
- access_code
- end
- evaluate_attribute_method(attr_name,
- "def #{symbol}; @attributes_cache['#{attr_name}'] ||= begin; #{src}; end; end")
- end
- def define_write_method(attr_name)
- src = if connected? && respond_to?(:field_type) && (type_wrapper = field_type(attr_name)) &&
- type_wrapper.is_a?(Class) && type_wrapper.not_in?(Hobo::Model::PLAIN_TYPES.values)
- "if val.nil? || (val.respond_to?(:hobo_undefined?) && val.hobo_undefined?); val; " +
- "else; self.class.field_type(:#{attr_name}).new(val); end"
- else
- "val"
- end
- evaluate_attribute_method(attr_name, "def #{attr_name}=(val); " +
- "write_attribute('#{attr_name}', #{src});end", "#{attr_name}=")
- end
class ActiveRecord::Base
alias_method :has_hobo_method?, :respond_to_without_attributes?