lib/hirb/helpers/table.rb in hirb-0.5.0 vs lib/hirb/helpers/table.rb in hirb-0.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
# | 1 | 2 |
# | 2 | 3 |
# +---+---+
# By default, the fields/columns are the numerical indices of the array.
# An array of hashes ie [{:age=>10, :weight=>100}, {:age=>80, :weight=>500}], would render:
# +-----+--------+
# | age | weight |
# +-----+--------+
# | 10 | 100 |
@@ -70,11 +70,11 @@
:bottom => {:left => '+', :center => '+', :right => '+', :horizontal => '-',
:vertical => {:outside => '|', :inside => '|'} }
class << self
# Main method which returns a formatted table.
# ==== Options:
# [*:fields*] An array which overrides the default fields and can be used to indicate field order.
# [*:headers*] A hash of fields and their header names. Fields that aren't specified here default to their name.
# When set to false, headers are hidden. Can also be an array but only for array rows.
@@ -95,10 +95,11 @@
# [*:filter_any*] When set to true, any cell defaults to being filtered by its class in :filter_classes.
# Default Hirb::Helpers::Table.filter_any().
# [*:filter_classes*] Hash which maps classes to filters. Default is Hirb::Helpers::Table.filter_classes().
# [*:vertical*] When set to true, renders a vertical table using Hirb::Helpers::VerticalTable. Default is false.
# [*:unicode*] When set to true, renders a unicode table using Hirb::Helpers::UnicodeTable. Default is false.
+ # [*:tab*] When set to true, renders a tab-delimited table using Hirb::Helpers::TabTable. Default is false.
# [*:all_fields*] When set to true, renders fields in all rows. Valid only in rows that are hashes. Default is false.
# [*:description*] When set to true, renders row count description at bottom. Default is true.
# [*:escape_special_chars*] When set to true, escapes special characters \n,\t,\r so they don't disrupt tables. Default is false for
# vertical tables and true for anything else.
# Examples:
@@ -109,10 +110,11 @@
# Hirb::Helpers::Table.render [{:age=>10, :weight=>100}, {:age=>80, :weight=>500}], :headers=>{:weight=>"Weight(lbs)"}
# Hirb::Helpers::Table.render [{:age=>10, :weight=>100}, {:age=>80, :weight=>500}], :filters=>{:age=>[:to_f]}
def render(rows, options={})
options[:vertical] ? Helpers::VerticalTable.render(rows, options) :
options[:unicode] ? Helpers::UnicodeTable.render(rows, options) :
+ options[:tab] ? Helpers::TabTable.render(rows, options) :
new(rows, options).render
rescue TooManyFieldsForWidthError
$stderr.puts "", "** Hirb Warning: Too many fields for the current width. Configure your width " +
"and/or fields to avoid this error. Defaulting to a vertical table. **"
Helpers::VerticalTable.render(rows, options)
@@ -222,44 +224,47 @@
def render_table_header
title_row = chars[:top][:vertical][:outside] + ' ' +
- {|f| format_cell(@headers[f], @field_lengths[f]) }.
- join(' ' + chars[:top][:vertical][:inside] +' ') +
+ format_values(@headers).join(' ' + chars[:top][:vertical][:inside] +' ') +
' ' + chars[:top][:vertical][:outside]
[render_border(:top), title_row, render_border(:middle)]
def render_border(which)
chars[which][:left] + chars[which][:horizontal] + {|f| chars[which][:horizontal] * @field_lengths[f] }.
join(chars[which][:horizontal] + chars[which][:center] + chars[which][:horizontal]) +
chars[which][:horizontal] + chars[which][:right]
+ def format_values(values)
+ {|field| format_cell(values[field], @field_lengths[field]) }
+ end
def format_cell(value, cell_width)
text = String.size(value) > cell_width ?
(cell_width < 5) ? String.slice(value, 0, cell_width) : String.slice(value, 0, cell_width - 3) + '...'
) : value
String.ljust(text, cell_width)
def render_rows do |row|
- row = chars[:bottom][:vertical][:outside] + ' ' + {|f|
- format_cell(row[f], @field_lengths[f])
- }.join(' ' +chars[:bottom][:vertical][:inside] + ' ') + ' ' + chars[:bottom][:vertical][:outside]
+ chars[:bottom][:vertical][:outside] + ' ' +
+ format_values(row).join(' ' + chars[:bottom][:vertical][:inside] + ' ') +
+ ' ' + chars[:bottom][:vertical][:outside]
def render_table_description
(@rows.length == 0) ? "0 rows in set" :
"#{@rows.length} #{@rows.length == 1 ? 'row' : 'rows'} in set"
def setup_field_lengths
@field_lengths = default_field_lengths
if @options[:resize]
raise TooManyFieldsForWidthError if @fields.size > self.actual_width.to_f / MIN_FIELD_LENGTH
@@ -332,10 +337,10 @@
row[f] = row[f].to_s || ''
row[f] = row[f].gsub(/(\t|\r|\n)/) {|e| e.dump.gsub('"','') } if @options[:escape_special_chars]
# Converts an array to a hash mapping a numerical index to its array value.
def array_to_indices_hash(array)
array.inject({}) {|hash,e| hash[hash.size] = e; hash }