lib/hirb/helpers/table.rb in hirb-0.2.10 vs lib/hirb/helpers/table.rb in hirb-0.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -66,11 +66,11 @@
# Main method which returns a formatted table.
# ==== Options:
# [*:fields*] An array which overrides the default fields and can be used to indicate field order.
# [*:headers*] A hash of fields and their header names. Fields that aren't specified here default to their name.
- # This option can also be an array but only for array rows.
+ # When set to false, headers are hidden. Can also be an array but only for array rows.
# [*:max_fields*] A hash of fields and their maximum allowed lengths. Maximum length can also be a percentage of the total width
# (decimal less than one). When a field exceeds it's maximum then it's
# truncated and has a ... appended to it. Fields that aren't specified have no maximum.
# [*:max_width*] The maximum allowed width of all fields put together including field borders. Only valid when :resize is true.
# Default is Hirb::View.width.
@@ -88,21 +88,20 @@
# [*:vertical*] When set to true, renders a vertical table using Hirb::Helpers::VerticalTable. Default is false.
# [*:all_fields*] When set to true, renders fields in all rows. Valid only in rows that are hashes. Default is false.
# [*:description*] When set to true, renders row count description at bottom. Default is true.
# [*:escape_special_chars*] When set to true, escapes special characters \n,\t,\r so they don't disrupt tables. Default is false for
# vertical tables and true for anything else.
- # [*:return_rows*] When set to true, returns rows that have been initialized but not rendered. Default is false.
# Examples:
# Hirb::Helpers::Table.render [[1,2], [2,3]]
# Hirb::Helpers::Table.render [[1,2], [2,3]], :max_fields=>{0=>10}, :header_filter=>:capitalize
# Hirb::Helpers::Table.render [['a',1], ['b',2]], :change_fields=>%w{letters numbers}, :max_fields=>{'numbers'=>0.4}
# Hirb::Helpers::Table.render [{:age=>10, :weight=>100}, {:age=>80, :weight=>500}]
# Hirb::Helpers::Table.render [{:age=>10, :weight=>100}, {:age=>80, :weight=>500}], :headers=>{:weight=>"Weight(lbs)"}
# Hirb::Helpers::Table.render [{:age=>10, :weight=>100}, {:age=>80, :weight=>500}], :filters=>{:age=>[:to_f]}
def render(rows, options={})
options[:vertical] ? Helpers::VerticalTable.render(rows, options) :
- options[:return_rows] ? new(rows, options).instance_variable_get("@rows") : new(rows, options).render
+ new(rows, options).render
rescue TooManyFieldsForWidthError
$stderr.puts "", "** Error: Too many fields for the current width. Configure your width " +
"and/or fields to avoid this error. Defaulting to a vertical table. **"
Helpers::VerticalTable.render(rows, options)
@@ -119,10 +118,12 @@
self.filter_classes = { Array=>:comma_join, Hash=>:inspect }
attr_accessor :width, :max_fields, :field_lengths, :fields
def initialize(rows, options={})
+ raise ArgumentError, "Table must be an array of hashes or array of arrays" unless rows.is_a?(Array) &&
+ (rows[0].is_a?(Hash) or rows[0].is_a?(Array) or rows.empty?)
@options = {:description=>true, :filters=>{}, :change_fields=>{}, :escape_special_chars=>true,
:filter_any=>Helpers::Table.filter_any, :resize=>true}.merge(options)
@fields = set_fields(rows)
@rows = set_rows(rows)
@headers = set_headers
@@ -132,23 +133,22 @@
Helpers::Table.last_table = self
def set_fields(rows)
- fields = if @options[:fields]
- @options[:fields].dup
+ @options[:change_fields] = array_to_indices_hash(@options[:change_fields]) if @options[:change_fields].is_a?(Array)
+ return @options[:fields].dup if @options[:fields]
+ fields = if rows[0].is_a?(Hash)
+ keys = @options[:all_fields] ? {|e| e.keys}.flatten.uniq : rows[0].keys
+ keys.sort {|a,b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s}
- if rows[0].is_a?(Hash)
- keys = @options[:all_fields] ? {|e| e.keys}.flatten.uniq : rows[0].keys
- keys.sort {|a,b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s}
- else
- rows[0].is_a?(Array) ? (0..rows[0].length - 1).to_a : []
- end
+ rows[0].is_a?(Array) ? (0..rows[0].length - 1).to_a : []
- @options[:change_fields] = array_to_indices_hash(@options[:change_fields]) if @options[:change_fields].is_a?(Array)
@options[:change_fields].each do |oldf, newf|
- (index = fields.index(oldf)) ? fields[index] = newf : fields << newf
+ (index = fields.index(oldf)) && fields[index] = newf
def set_rows(rows)
@@ -265,10 +265,11 @@
@width ||= @options[:max_width] || View.width
# find max length for each field; start with the headers
def default_field_lengths
- field_lengths = @headers ? @headers.inject({}) {|h,(k,v)| h[k] = String.size(v); h} : {}
+ field_lengths = @headers ? @headers.inject({}) {|h,(k,v)| h[k] = String.size(v); h} :
+ @fields.inject({}) {|h,e| h[e] = 1; h }
@rows.each do |row|
@fields.each do |field|
len = String.size(row[field])
field_lengths[field] = len if len > field_lengths[field].to_i