lib/hippo/api/routing.rb in hippo-fw-0.9.1 vs lib/hippo/api/routing.rb in hippo-fw-0.9.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,111 +1,22 @@
module Hippo
module API
- def self.set_root_view(view)
- API::Root.get Hippo.config.mounted_at + '?*' do
- if request.accept? 'text/html'
- erb :hippo_root_view
- else
- pass
- end
- end
- end
+ module Routing
+ mattr_accessor :root_view_route
- class RoutingBlock
- def initialize(ext_id)
- Hippo::Extensions.for_identifier(ext_id) ||
- raise( "Unable to find extension '#{ext_id}' for screen group")
- @ext_id = ext_id
- end
- [:get, :post, :put, :patch, :delete].each do | method_name |
- define_method(method_name) do | path_suffix, options = {}, &block |
- API::Root.send(method_name, make_path(path_suffix), options, &block)
+ API.routes.draw do
+ # WS endpoint must come first
+ get Hippo.config.api_path + '/ws' do
+ API::Cable.handle_request(request)
- end
- def enable_cors(path_suffix, options = {origins: '*', methods: [:get]})
- API::Root::CORS_PATHS[make_path(path_suffix)] = options
- end
- def resources(model, options = {})
- path = options[:path] || model.api_path
- controller = options[:controller] || Hippo::API::GenericController
- format = options[:format] || '.json'
- if options[:under]
- options[:parent_attribute] = options[:under].underscore.singularize+'_id'
+ Extensions.each(reversed: true) do | ext |
+ ext.route(self)
- prefix = options[:parent_attribute] ? options[:parent_attribute] + '/' : ''
- valid_methods = []
- bind = lambda{ |method, route, wrapper_method = method|
- valid_methods.push(method)
- self.send(method, route + format,
- &RequestWrapper.send(wrapper_method, model, controller, options))
- }
- # show
- if controller.method_defined?(:show)
- bind[:get, "#{prefix}#{path}/?:id?"]
- end
- # create
- if controller.method_defined?(:create)
- bind[:post, "#{prefix}#{path}"]
- end
- unless options[:immutable]
- # update
- if controller.method_defined?(:update)
- bind[:patch, "#{prefix}#{path}/?:id?", :update]
- bind[:put, "#{prefix}#{path}/?:id?", :update]
- end
- # destroy
- if controller.method_defined?(:destroy) and not options[:indestructible]
- bind[:delete, "#{prefix}#{path}/?:id?"]
- end
- end
- if options[:cors] && valid_methods.any?
- cors = options[:cors].is_a?(Hash) ? otions[:cors] : {origins: options[:cors]}
- enable_cors "#{prefix}#{path}/?:id?#{format}",
- cors.merge(methods: valid_methods)
- end
- private
- def make_path(path)
- path = Hippo.config.api_path + '/' + @ext_id + '/' + path
- Hippo.logger.debug("[route]: #{path}")
- path
- end
- end
- class RouteSet
- def initialize(root)
- @root = root
- end
- def draw(&block)
- @root.instance_eval(&block)
- end
- def for_extension(ext_id, &block)
- routes =
- routes.instance_eval(&block)
- end
- end
- def self.routes(&block)
- @routes ||=
+ if root_view_route