app/assets/javascripts/highcharts/modules/map.js in highcharts-rails-3.0.6 vs app/assets/javascripts/highcharts/modules/map.js in highcharts-rails-3.0.7
- old
+ new
@@ -1,27 +1,1273 @@
- Map plugin v0.1 for Highcharts
+ * @license Map plugin v0.1 for Highcharts
+ *
+ * (c) 2011-2013 Torstein Hønsi
+ *
+ * License:
+ */
- (c) 2011-2013 Torstein Hønsi
+ * See for use case.
+ *
+ * To do:
+ * - Optimize long variable names and alias adapter methods and Highcharts namespace variables
+ * - Zoom and pan GUI
+ */
+/*global HighchartsAdapter*/
+(function (H) {
+ Axis = H.Axis,
+ Chart = H.Chart,
+ Point = H.Point,
+ Pointer = H.Pointer,
+ SVGRenderer = H.SVGRenderer,
+ VMLRenderer = H.VMLRenderer,
+ symbols = SVGRenderer.prototype.symbols,
+ each = H.each,
+ extend = H.extend,
+ extendClass = H.extendClass,
+ merge = H.merge,
+ pick = H.pick,
+ numberFormat = H.numberFormat,
+ defaultOptions = H.getOptions(),
+ seriesTypes = H.seriesTypes,
+ inArray = HighchartsAdapter.inArray,
+ plotOptions = defaultOptions.plotOptions,
+ wrap = H.wrap,
+ Color = H.Color,
+ noop = function () {};
- License:
-(function(g){function x(a,b,c){for(var d=4,e=[];d--;)e[d]=Math.round(b.rgba[d]+(a.rgba[d]-b.rgba[d])*(1-c));return"rgba("+e.join(",")+")"}var r=g.Axis,y=g.Chart,s=g.Point,z=g.Pointer,l=g.each,v=g.extend,p=g.merge,n=g.pick,A=g.numberFormat,B=g.getOptions(),k=g.seriesTypes,q=B.plotOptions,t=g.wrap,u=g.Color,w=function(){};B.mapNavigation={buttonOptions:{align:"right",verticalAlign:"bottom",x:0,width:18,height:18,style:{fontSize:"15px",fontWeight:"bold",textAlign:"center"}},buttons:{zoomIn:{onclick:function(){this.mapZoom(0.5)},
-text:"+",y:-32},zoomOut:{onclick:function(){this.mapZoom(2)},text:"-",y:0}}};g.splitPath=function(a){var b,a=a.replace(/([A-Za-z])/g," $1 "),a=a.replace(/^\s*/,"").replace(/\s*$/,""),a=a.split(/[ ,]+/);for(b=0;b<a.length;b++)/[a-zA-Z]/.test(a[b])||(a[b]=parseFloat(a[b]));return a};g.maps={};t(r.prototype,"getSeriesExtremes",function(a){var b=this.isXAxis,c,d,e=[];l(this.series,function(a,b){if(a.useMapGeometry)e[b]=a.xData,a.xData=[]});;c=n(this.dataMin,Number.MAX_VALUE);d=n(this.dataMax,
-Number.MIN_VALUE);l(this.series,function(a,i){if(a.useMapGeometry)c=Math.min(c,a[b?"minX":"minY"]),d=Math.max(d,a[b?"maxX":"maxY"]),a.xData=e[i]});this.dataMin=c;this.dataMax=d});t(r.prototype,"setAxisTranslation",function(a){var b=this.chart,c=b.plotWidth/b.plotHeight,d=this.isXAxis,e=b.xAxis[0];;if(b.options.chart.type==="map"&&!d&&e.transA!==void 0)this.transA=e.transA=Math.min(this.transA,e.transA),a=(e.max-e.min)/(this.max-this.min),e=a>c?this:e,c=(e.max-e.min)*e.transA,e.minPixelPadding=
-(e.len-c)/2});t(y.prototype,"render",function(a){var b=this,c=b.options.mapNavigation;;b.renderMapNavigation();c.zoomOnDoubleClick&&g.addEvent(b.container,"dblclick",function(a){b.pointer.onContainerDblClick(a)});c.zoomOnMouseWheel&&g.addEvent(b.container,document.onmousewheel===void 0?"DOMMouseScroll":"mousewheel",function(a){b.pointer.onContainerMouseWheel(a)})});v(z.prototype,{onContainerDblClick:function(a){var b=this.chart,a=this.normalize(a);b.isInsidePlot(a.chartX-b.plotLeft,a.chartY-
-b.plotTop)&&b.mapZoom(0.5,b.xAxis[0].toValue(a.chartX),b.yAxis[0].toValue(a.chartY))},onContainerMouseWheel:function(a){var b=this.chart,c,a=this.normalize(a);c=a.detail||-(a.wheelDelta/120);b.isInsidePlot(a.chartX-b.plotLeft,a.chartY-b.plotTop)&&b.mapZoom(c>0?2:0.5,b.xAxis[0].toValue(a.chartX),b.yAxis[0].toValue(a.chartY))}});t(z.prototype,"init",function(a,b,c){,b,c);if(c.mapNavigation.enableTouchZoom)this.pinchX=this.pinchHor=this.pinchY=this.pinchVert=!0});v(y.prototype,{renderMapNavigation:function(){var a=
-this,b=this.options.mapNavigation,c=b.buttons,d,e,f,i=function(){};if(b.enableButtons)for(d in c)if(c.hasOwnProperty(d))f=p(b.buttonOptions,c[d]),e=a.renderer.button(f.text,0,0,i).attr({width:f.width,height:f.height}).css(,e.handler=f.onclick,e.align(v(f,{width:e.width,height:e.height}),null,"spacingBox")},fitToBox:function(a,b){l([["x","width"],["y","height"]],function(c){var d=c[0],c=c[1];a[d]+a[c]>b[d]+b[c]&&(a[c]>b[c]?(a[c]=b[c],a[d]=b[d]):a[d]=b[d]+b[c]-a[c]);
-a[c]>b[c]&&(a[c]=b[c]);a[d]<b[d]&&(a[d]=b[d])});return a},mapZoom:function(a,b,c){if(!this.isMapZooming){var d=this,e=d.xAxis[0],f=e.max-e.min,i=n(b,e.min+f/2),b=f*a,f=d.yAxis[0],h=f.max-f.min,c=n(c,f.min+h/2);a*=h;i-=b/2;h=c-a/2;c=n(d.options.chart.animation,!0);b=d.fitToBox({x:i,y:h,width:b,height:a},{x:e.dataMin,y:f.dataMin,width:e.dataMax-e.dataMin,height:f.dataMax-f.dataMin});e.setExtremes(b.x,b.x+b.width,!1);f.setExtremes(b.y,b.y+b.height,!1);if(e=c?c.duration||500:0)d.isMapZooming=!0,setTimeout(function(){d.isMapZooming=
-!1},e);d.redraw()}}});,{animation:!1,nullColor:"#F8F8F8",borderColor:"silver",borderWidth:1,marker:null,stickyTracking:!1,dataLabels:{verticalAlign:"middle"},turboThreshold:0,tooltip:{followPointer:!0,pointFormat:"{}: {point.y}<br/>"},states:{normal:{animation:!0}}});r=g.extendClass(s,{applyOptions:function(a,b){var,a,b);if(c.path&&typeof c.path==="string")c.path=c.options.path=g.splitPath(c.path);return c},onMouseOver:function(){clearTimeout(this.colorInterval);},onMouseOut:function(){var a=this,b=+new Date,c=u(a.options.color),d=u(a.pointAttr.hover.fill),e=a.series.options.states.normal.animation,f=e&&(e.duration||500);if(f&&c.rgba.length===4&&d.rgba.length===4)delete a.pointAttr[""].fill,clearTimeout(a.colorInterval),a.colorInterval=setInterval(function(){var e=(new Date-b)/f,h=a.graphic;e>1&&(e=1);h&&h.attr("fill",x(d,c,e));e>=1&&clearTimeout(a.colorInterval)},13);}});,
-{type:"map",pointAttrToOptions:{stroke:"borderColor","stroke-width":"borderWidth",fill:"color"},colorKey:"y",pointClass:r,trackerGroups:["group","markerGroup","dataLabelsGroup"],getSymbol:w,supportsDrilldown:!0,getExtremesFromAll:!0,useMapGeometry:!0,init:function(a){var b=this,c=a.options.legend.valueDecimals,d=[],e,f,i,h,j,o,m;o=a.options.legend.layout==="horizontal";g.Series.prototype.init.apply(this,arguments);j=b.options.colorRange;if(h=b.options.valueRanges)l(h,function(a){f=a.from;;e=
-"";f===void 0?e="< ":i===void 0&&(e="> ");f!==void 0&&(e+=A(f,c));f!==void 0&&i!==void 0&&(e+=" - ");i!==void 0&&(e+=A(i,c));d.push(g.extend({chart:b.chart,name:e,options:{},drawLegendSymbol:k.area.prototype.drawLegendSymbol,visible:!0,setState:function(){},setVisible:function(){}},a))}),b.legendItems=d;else if(j)f=j.from,,h=j.fromLabel,j=j.toLabel,m=o?[0,0,1,0]:[0,1,0,0],o||(o=h,h=j,j=o),o={linearGradient:{x1:m[0],y1:m[1],x2:m[2],y2:m[3]},stops:[[0,f],[1,i]]},d=[{chart:b.chart,options:{},fromLabel:h,
-toLabel:j,color:o,drawLegendSymbol:this.drawLegendSymbolGradient,visible:!0,setState:function(){},setVisible:function(){}}],b.legendItems=d},drawLegendSymbol:k.area.prototype.drawLegendSymbol,drawLegendSymbolGradient:function(a,b){var c=a.options.symbolPadding,d=n(a.options.padding,8),e,f,i=this.chart.renderer.fontMetrics(a.options.itemStyle.fontSize).h,h=a.options.layout==="horizontal",j;j=n(a.options.rectangleLength,200);h?(e=-(c/2),f=0):(e=-j+a.baseline-c/2,f=d+i);b.fromText=this.chart.renderer.text(b.fromLabel,
-f,e).attr({zIndex:2}).add(b.legendGroup);f=b.fromText.getBBox();b.legendSymbol=this.chart.renderer.rect(h?f.x+f.width+c:f.x-i-c,f.y,h?j:i,h?i:j,2).attr({zIndex:1}).add(b.legendGroup);j=b.legendSymbol.getBBox();b.toText=this.chart.renderer.text(b.toLabel,j.x+j.width+c,h?e:j.y+j.height-c).attr({zIndex:2}).add(b.legendGroup);e=b.toText.getBBox();h?(a.offsetWidth=f.width+j.width+e.width+c*2+d,a.itemY=i+d):(a.offsetWidth=Math.max(f.width,e.width)+c+j.width+d,a.itemY=j.height+d,a.itemX=c)},getBox:function(a){var b=
-Number.MIN_VALUE,c=Number.MAX_VALUE,d=Number.MIN_VALUE,e=Number.MAX_VALUE;l(a||,function(a){for(var i=a.path,h=i.length,j=!1,g=Number.MIN_VALUE,m=Number.MAX_VALUE,k=Number.MIN_VALUE,l=Number.MAX_VALUE;h--;)typeof i[h]==="number"&&!isNaN(i[h])&&(j?(g=Math.max(g,i[h]),m=Math.min(m,i[h])):(k=Math.max(k,i[h]),l=Math.min(l,i[h])),j=!j);a._maxX=g;a._minX=m;a._maxY=k;a._minY=l;b=Math.max(b,g);c=Math.min(c,m);d=Math.max(d,k);e=Math.min(e,l)});this.minY=e;this.maxY=d;this.minX=c;this.maxX=
-b},translatePath:function(a){var b=!1,c=this.xAxis,d=this.yAxis,e,a=[].concat(a);for(e=a.length;e--;)typeof a[e]==="number"&&(a[e]=b?Math.round(c.translate(a[e])):Math.round(d.len-d.translate(a[e])),b=!b);return a},setData:function(){g.Series.prototype.setData.apply(this,arguments);this.getBox()},translate:function(){var a=this,b=Number.MAX_VALUE,c=Number.MIN_VALUE;a.generatePoints();l(,function(d){d.shapeType="path";d.shapeArgs={d:a.translatePath(d.path)};if(typeof d.y==="number")if(d.y>c)c=
-d.y;else if(d.y<b)b=d.y});a.translateColors(b,c)},translateColors:function(a,b){var c=this.options,d=c.valueRanges,e=c.colorRange,f=this.colorKey,i,h;e&&(i=u(e.from),h=u(;l(,function(g){var k=g[f],m,l,n;if(d)for(n=d.length;n--;){if(m=d[n],i=m.from,,(i===void 0||k>=i)&&(h===void 0||k<=h)){l=m.color;break}}else e&&k!==void 0&&(m=1-(b-k)/(b-a),l=k===null?c.nullColor:x(i,h,m));if(l)g.color=null,g.options.color=l})},drawGraph:w,drawDataLabels:w,drawPoints:function(){var a=this.xAxis,
-b=this.yAxis,c=this.colorKey;l(,function(a){a.plotY=1;if(a[c]===null)a[c]=0,a.isNull=!0});k.column.prototype.drawPoints.apply(this);l(,function(d){var e=d.dataLabels,f=a.toPixels(d._minX,!0),g=a.toPixels(d._maxX,!0),h=b.toPixels(d._minY,!0),j=b.toPixels(d._maxY,!0);d.plotX=Math.round(f+(g-f)*n(e&&e.anchorX,0.5));d.plotY=Math.round(h+(j-h)*n(e&&e.anchorY,0.5));d.isNull&&(d[c]=null)});},animateDrilldown:function(a){var b=this.chart.plotBox,
-c=this.chart.drilldownLevels[this.chart.drilldownLevels.length-1],d=c.bBox,e=this.chart.options.drilldown.animation;if(!a)a=Math.min(d.width/b.width,d.height/b.height),c.shapeArgs={scaleX:a,scaleY:a,translateX:d.x,translateY:d.y},l(this.points,function(a){a.graphic.attr(c.shapeArgs).animate({scaleX:1,scaleY:1,translateX:0,translateY:0},e)}),delete this.animate},animateDrillupFrom:function(a){,a)},animateDrillupTo:function(a){,
-a)}});q.mapline=p(,{lineWidth:1,backgroundColor:"none"});k.mapline=g.extendClass(,{type:"mapline",pointAttrToOptions:{stroke:"color","stroke-width":"lineWidth",fill:"backgroundColor"},drawLegendSymbol:k.line.prototype.drawLegendSymbol});q.mappoint=p(q.scatter,{dataLabels:{enabled:!0,format:"{}",color:"black",style:{textShadow:"0 0 5px white"}}});k.mappoint=g.extendClass(k.scatter,{type:"mappoint"});g.Map=function(a,b){var c={endOnTick:!1,gridLineWidth:0,labels:{enabled:!1},lineWidth:0,
-minPadding:0,maxPadding:0,startOnTick:!1,tickWidth:0,title:null},d;d=a.series;a.series=null;a=p({chart:{type:"map",panning:"xy"},xAxis:c,yAxis:p(c,{reversed:!0})},a,{chart:{inverted:!1}});a.series=d;return new g.Chart(a,b)}})(Highcharts);
+ // Add language
+ extend(defaultOptions.lang, {
+ zoomIn: 'Zoom in',
+ zoomOut: 'Zoom out'
+ });
+ /*
+ * Return an intermediate color between two colors, according to pos where 0
+ * is the from color and 1 is the to color
+ */
+ function tweenColors(from, to, pos) {
+ var i = 4,
+ val,
+ rgba = [];
+ while (i--) {
+ val = to.rgba[i] + (from.rgba[i] - to.rgba[i]) * (1 - pos);
+ rgba[i] = i === 3 ? val : Math.round(val); // Do not round opacity
+ }
+ return 'rgba(' + rgba.join(',') + ')';
+ }
+ // Set the default map navigation options
+ defaultOptions.mapNavigation = {
+ buttonOptions: {
+ alignTo: 'plotBox',
+ align: 'left',
+ verticalAlign: 'top',
+ x: 0,
+ width: 18,
+ height: 18,
+ style: {
+ fontSize: '15px',
+ fontWeight: 'bold',
+ textAlign: 'center'
+ },
+ theme: {
+ 'stroke-width': 1
+ }
+ },
+ buttons: {
+ zoomIn: {
+ onclick: function () {
+ this.mapZoom(0.5);
+ },
+ text: '+',
+ y: 0
+ },
+ zoomOut: {
+ onclick: function () {
+ this.mapZoom(2);
+ },
+ text: '-',
+ y: 28
+ }
+ }
+ // enabled: false,
+ // enableButtons: null, // inherit from enabled
+ // enableTouchZoom: null, // inherit from enabled
+ // enableDoubleClickZoom: null, // inherit from enabled
+ // enableDoubleClickZoomTo: false
+ // enableMouseWheelZoom: null, // inherit from enabled
+ };
+ /**
+ * Utility for reading SVG paths directly.
+ */
+ H.splitPath = function (path) {
+ var i;
+ // Move letters apart
+ path = path.replace(/([A-Za-z])/g, ' $1 ');
+ // Trim
+ path = path.replace(/^\s*/, "").replace(/\s*$/, "");
+ // Split on spaces and commas
+ path = path.split(/[ ,]+/);
+ // Parse numbers
+ for (i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
+ if (!/[a-zA-Z]/.test(path[i])) {
+ path[i] = parseFloat(path[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return path;
+ };
+ // A placeholder for map definitions
+ H.maps = {};
+ /**
+ * Override to use the extreme coordinates from the SVG shape, not the
+ * data values
+ */
+ wrap(Axis.prototype, 'getSeriesExtremes', function (proceed) {
+ var isXAxis = this.isXAxis,
+ dataMin,
+ dataMax,
+ xData = [];
+ // Remove the xData array and cache it locally so that the proceed method doesn't use it
+ if (isXAxis) {
+ each(this.series, function (series, i) {
+ if (series.useMapGeometry) {
+ xData[i] = series.xData;
+ series.xData = [];
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // Call base to reach normal cartesian series (like mappoint)
+ // Run extremes logic for map and mapline
+ if (isXAxis) {
+ dataMin = pick(this.dataMin, Number.MAX_VALUE);
+ dataMax = pick(this.dataMax, Number.MIN_VALUE);
+ each(this.series, function (series, i) {
+ if (series.useMapGeometry) {
+ dataMin = Math.min(dataMin, pick(series.minX, dataMin));
+ dataMax = Math.max(dataMax, pick(series.maxX, dataMin));
+ series.xData = xData[i]; // Reset xData array
+ }
+ });
+ this.dataMin = dataMin;
+ this.dataMax = dataMax;
+ }
+ });
+ /**
+ * Override axis translation to make sure the aspect ratio is always kept
+ */
+ wrap(Axis.prototype, 'setAxisTranslation', function (proceed) {
+ var chart = this.chart,
+ mapRatio,
+ plotRatio = chart.plotWidth / chart.plotHeight,
+ isXAxis = this.isXAxis,
+ adjustedAxisLength,
+ xAxis = chart.xAxis[0],
+ padAxis;
+ // Run the parent method
+ // On Y axis, handle both
+ if (chart.options.chart.type === 'map' && !isXAxis && xAxis.transA !== UNDEFINED) {
+ // Use the same translation for both axes
+ this.transA = xAxis.transA = Math.min(this.transA, xAxis.transA);
+ mapRatio = (xAxis.max - xAxis.min) / (this.max - this.min);
+ // What axis to pad to put the map in the middle
+ padAxis = mapRatio > plotRatio ? this : xAxis;
+ // Pad it
+ adjustedAxisLength = (padAxis.max - padAxis.min) * padAxis.transA;
+ padAxis.minPixelPadding = (padAxis.len - adjustedAxisLength) / 2;
+ }
+ });
+ //--- Start zooming and panning features
+ wrap(Chart.prototype, 'render', function (proceed) {
+ var chart = this,
+ mapNavigation = chart.options.mapNavigation;
+ // Render the plus and minus buttons
+ chart.renderMapNavigation();
+ // Add the double click event
+ if (pick(mapNavigation.enableDoubleClickZoom, mapNavigation.enabled) || mapNavigation.enableDoubleClickZoomTo) {
+ H.addEvent(chart.container, 'dblclick', function (e) {
+ chart.pointer.onContainerDblClick(e);
+ });
+ }
+ // Add the mousewheel event
+ if (pick(mapNavigation.enableMouseWheelZoom, mapNavigation.enabled)) {
+ H.addEvent(chart.container, document.onmousewheel === undefined ? 'DOMMouseScroll' : 'mousewheel', function (e) {
+ chart.pointer.onContainerMouseWheel(e);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ // Extend the Pointer
+ extend(Pointer.prototype, {
+ /**
+ * The event handler for the doubleclick event
+ */
+ onContainerDblClick: function (e) {
+ var chart = this.chart;
+ e = this.normalize(e);
+ if (chart.options.mapNavigation.enableDoubleClickZoomTo) {
+ if (chart.pointer.inClass(, 'highcharts-tracker')) {
+ chart.zoomToShape(chart.hoverPoint);
+ }
+ } else if (chart.isInsidePlot(e.chartX - chart.plotLeft, e.chartY - chart.plotTop)) {
+ chart.mapZoom(
+ 0.5,
+ chart.xAxis[0].toValue(e.chartX),
+ chart.yAxis[0].toValue(e.chartY)
+ );
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * The event handler for the mouse scroll event
+ */
+ onContainerMouseWheel: function (e) {
+ var chart = this.chart,
+ delta;
+ e = this.normalize(e);
+ // Firefox uses e.detail, WebKit and IE uses wheelDelta
+ delta = e.detail || -(e.wheelDelta / 120);
+ if (chart.isInsidePlot(e.chartX - chart.plotLeft, e.chartY - chart.plotTop)) {
+ chart.mapZoom(
+ delta > 0 ? 2 : 0.5,
+ chart.xAxis[0].toValue(e.chartX),
+ chart.yAxis[0].toValue(e.chartY)
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ // Implement the pinchType option
+ wrap(Pointer.prototype, 'init', function (proceed, chart, options) {
+, chart, options);
+ // Pinch status
+ if (pick(options.mapNavigation.enableTouchZoom, options.mapNavigation.enabled)) {
+ this.pinchX = this.pinchHor =
+ this.pinchY = this.pinchVert = true;
+ }
+ });
+ // Extend the pinchTranslate method to preserve fixed ratio when zooming
+ wrap(Pointer.prototype, 'pinchTranslate', function (proceed, zoomHor, zoomVert, pinchDown, touches, transform, selectionMarker, clip, lastValidTouch) {
+ var xBigger;
+, zoomHor, zoomVert, pinchDown, touches, transform, selectionMarker, clip, lastValidTouch);
+ // Keep ratio
+ if (this.chart.options.chart.type === 'map') {
+ xBigger = transform.scaleX > transform.scaleY;
+ this.pinchTranslateDirection(
+ !xBigger,
+ pinchDown,
+ touches,
+ transform,
+ selectionMarker,
+ clip,
+ lastValidTouch,
+ xBigger ? transform.scaleX : transform.scaleY
+ );
+ }
+ });
+ // Add events to the Chart object itself
+ extend(Chart.prototype, {
+ renderMapNavigation: function () {
+ var chart = this,
+ options = this.options.mapNavigation,
+ buttons = options.buttons,
+ n,
+ button,
+ buttonOptions,
+ attr,
+ states,
+ outerHandler = function () {
+ };
+ if (pick(options.enableButtons, options.enabled)) {
+ for (n in buttons) {
+ if (buttons.hasOwnProperty(n)) {
+ buttonOptions = merge(options.buttonOptions, buttons[n]);
+ attr = buttonOptions.theme;
+ states = attr.states;
+ button = chart.renderer.button(
+ buttonOptions.text,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ outerHandler,
+ attr,
+ states && states.hover,
+ states &&,
+ 0,
+ n === 'zoomIn' ? 'topbutton' : 'bottombutton'
+ )
+ .attr({
+ width: buttonOptions.width,
+ height: buttonOptions.height,
+ title: chart.options.lang[n],
+ zIndex: 5
+ })
+ .css(
+ .add();
+ button.handler = buttonOptions.onclick;
+ button.align(extend(buttonOptions, { width: button.width, height: 2 * button.height }), null, buttonOptions.alignTo);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Fit an inner box to an outer. If the inner box overflows left or right, align it to the sides of the
+ * outer. If it overflows both sides, fit it within the outer. This is a pattern that occurs more places
+ * in Highcharts, perhaps it should be elevated to a common utility function.
+ */
+ fitToBox: function (inner, outer) {
+ each([['x', 'width'], ['y', 'height']], function (dim) {
+ var pos = dim[0],
+ size = dim[1];
+ if (inner[pos] + inner[size] > outer[pos] + outer[size]) { // right overflow
+ if (inner[size] > outer[size]) { // the general size is greater, fit fully to outer
+ inner[size] = outer[size];
+ inner[pos] = outer[pos];
+ } else { // align right
+ inner[pos] = outer[pos] + outer[size] - inner[size];
+ }
+ }
+ if (inner[size] > outer[size]) {
+ inner[size] = outer[size];
+ }
+ if (inner[pos] < outer[pos]) {
+ inner[pos] = outer[pos];
+ }
+ });
+ return inner;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Zoom the map in or out by a certain amount. Less than 1 zooms in, greater than 1 zooms out.
+ */
+ mapZoom: function (howMuch, centerXArg, centerYArg) {
+ if (this.isMapZooming) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var chart = this,
+ xAxis = chart.xAxis[0],
+ xRange = xAxis.max - xAxis.min,
+ centerX = pick(centerXArg, xAxis.min + xRange / 2),
+ newXRange = xRange * howMuch,
+ yAxis = chart.yAxis[0],
+ yRange = yAxis.max - yAxis.min,
+ centerY = pick(centerYArg, yAxis.min + yRange / 2),
+ newYRange = yRange * howMuch,
+ newXMin = centerX - newXRange / 2,
+ newYMin = centerY - newYRange / 2,
+ animation = pick(chart.options.chart.animation, true),
+ delay,
+ newExt = chart.fitToBox({
+ x: newXMin,
+ y: newYMin,
+ width: newXRange,
+ height: newYRange
+ }, {
+ x: xAxis.dataMin,
+ y: yAxis.dataMin,
+ width: xAxis.dataMax - xAxis.dataMin,
+ height: yAxis.dataMax - yAxis.dataMin
+ });
+ xAxis.setExtremes(newExt.x, newExt.x + newExt.width, false);
+ yAxis.setExtremes(newExt.y, newExt.y + newExt.height, false);
+ // Prevent zooming until this one is finished animating
+ delay = animation ? animation.duration || 500 : 0;
+ if (delay) {
+ chart.isMapZooming = true;
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ chart.isMapZooming = false;
+ }, delay);
+ }
+ chart.redraw();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Zoom the chart to view a specific area point
+ */
+ zoomToShape: function (point) {
+ var series = point.series,
+ chart = series.chart;
+ series.xAxis.setExtremes(
+ point._minX,
+ point._maxX,
+ false
+ );
+ series.yAxis.setExtremes(
+ point._minY,
+ point._maxY,
+ false
+ );
+ chart.redraw();
+ }
+ });
+ /**
+ * Extend the default options with map options
+ */
+ = merge(plotOptions.scatter, {
+ animation: false, // makes the complex shapes slow
+ nullColor: '#F8F8F8',
+ borderColor: 'silver',
+ borderWidth: 1,
+ marker: null,
+ stickyTracking: false,
+ dataLabels: {
+ verticalAlign: 'middle'
+ },
+ turboThreshold: 0,
+ tooltip: {
+ followPointer: true,
+ pointFormat: '{}: {point.y}<br/>'
+ },
+ states: {
+ normal: {
+ animation: true
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ var MapAreaPoint = extendClass(Point, {
+ /**
+ * Extend the Point object to split paths
+ */
+ applyOptions: function (options, x) {
+ var point =, options, x),
+ series = this.series,
+ seriesOptions = series.options,
+ joinBy = seriesOptions.dataJoinBy,
+ mapPoint;
+ if (joinBy && seriesOptions.mapData) {
+ mapPoint = series.getMapData(joinBy, point[joinBy]);
+ if (mapPoint) {
+ // This applies only to bubbles
+ if (series.xyFromShape) {
+ point.x = mapPoint._midX;
+ point.y = mapPoint._midY;
+ }
+ extend(point, mapPoint); // copy over properties
+ } else {
+ point.y = point.y || null;
+ }
+ }
+ return point;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Set the visibility of a single map area
+ */
+ setVisible: function (vis) {
+ var point = this,
+ method = vis ? 'show' : 'hide';
+ // Show and hide associated elements
+ each(['graphic', 'dataLabel'], function (key) {
+ if (point[key]) {
+ point[key][method]();
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Stop the fade-out
+ */
+ onMouseOver: function (e) {
+ clearTimeout(this.colorInterval);
+, e);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Custom animation for tweening out the colors. Animation reduces blinking when hovering
+ * over islands and coast lines. We run a custom implementation of animation becuase we
+ * need to be able to run this independently from other animations like zoom redraw. Also,
+ * adding color animation to the adapters would introduce almost the same amount of code.
+ */
+ onMouseOut: function () {
+ var point = this,
+ start = +new Date(),
+ normalColor = Color(point.options.color),
+ hoverColor = Color(point.pointAttr.hover.fill),
+ animation = point.series.options.states.normal.animation,
+ duration = animation && (animation.duration || 500);
+ if (duration && normalColor.rgba.length === 4 && hoverColor.rgba.length === 4) {
+ delete point.pointAttr[''].fill; // avoid resetting it in Point.setState
+ clearTimeout(point.colorInterval);
+ point.colorInterval = setInterval(function () {
+ var pos = (new Date() - start) / duration,
+ graphic = point.graphic;
+ if (pos > 1) {
+ pos = 1;
+ }
+ if (graphic) {
+ graphic.attr('fill', tweenColors(hoverColor, normalColor, pos));
+ }
+ if (pos >= 1) {
+ clearTimeout(point.colorInterval);
+ }
+ }, 13);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ /**
+ * Add the series type
+ */
+ = extendClass(seriesTypes.scatter, {
+ type: 'map',
+ pointAttrToOptions: { // mapping between SVG attributes and the corresponding options
+ stroke: 'borderColor',
+ 'stroke-width': 'borderWidth',
+ fill: 'color'
+ },
+ colorKey: 'y',
+ pointClass: MapAreaPoint,
+ trackerGroups: ['group', 'markerGroup', 'dataLabelsGroup'],
+ getSymbol: noop,
+ supportsDrilldown: true,
+ getExtremesFromAll: true,
+ useMapGeometry: true, // get axis extremes from paths, not values
+ init: function (chart) {
+ var series = this,
+ legendOptions = chart.options.legend,
+ valueDecimals = legendOptions.valueDecimals,
+ valueSuffix = legendOptions.valueSuffix || '',
+ legendItems = [],
+ name,
+ from,
+ to,
+ fromLabel,
+ toLabel,
+ colorRange,
+ valueRanges,
+ gradientColor,
+ grad,
+ tmpLabel,
+ horizontal = chart.options.legend.layout === 'horizontal';
+ H.Series.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments);
+ colorRange = series.options.colorRange;
+ valueRanges = series.options.valueRanges;
+ if (valueRanges) {
+ each(valueRanges, function (range, i) {
+ var vis = true;
+ from = range.from;
+ to =;
+ // Assemble the default name. This can be overridden by legend.options.labelFormatter
+ name = '';
+ if (from === UNDEFINED) {
+ name = '< ';
+ } else if (to === UNDEFINED) {
+ name = '> ';
+ }
+ if (from !== UNDEFINED) {
+ name += numberFormat(from, valueDecimals) + valueSuffix;
+ }
+ if (from !== UNDEFINED && to !== UNDEFINED) {
+ name += ' - ';
+ }
+ if (to !== UNDEFINED) {
+ name += numberFormat(to, valueDecimals) + valueSuffix;
+ }
+ // Add a mock object to the legend items
+ legendItems.push(H.extend({
+ chart: series.chart,
+ name: name,
+ options: {},
+ drawLegendSymbol: seriesTypes.area.prototype.drawLegendSymbol,
+ visible: true,
+ setState: noop,
+ setVisible: function () {
+ vis = this.visible = !vis;
+ each(series.points, function (point) {
+ if (point.valueRange === i) {
+ point.setVisible(vis);
+ }
+ });
+ chart.legend.colorizeItem(this, vis);
+ }
+ }, range));
+ });
+ series.legendItems = legendItems;
+ } else if (colorRange) {
+ from = colorRange.from;
+ to =;
+ fromLabel = colorRange.fromLabel;
+ toLabel = colorRange.toLabel;
+ // Flips linearGradient variables and label text.
+ grad = horizontal ? [0, 0, 1, 0] : [0, 1, 0, 0];
+ if (!horizontal) {
+ tmpLabel = fromLabel;
+ fromLabel = toLabel;
+ toLabel = tmpLabel;
+ }
+ // Creates color gradient.
+ gradientColor = {
+ linearGradient: { x1: grad[0], y1: grad[1], x2: grad[2], y2: grad[3] },
+ stops:
+ [
+ [0, from],
+ [1, to]
+ ]
+ };
+ // Add a mock object to the legend items.
+ legendItems = [{
+ chart: series.chart,
+ options: {},
+ fromLabel: fromLabel,
+ toLabel: toLabel,
+ color: gradientColor,
+ drawLegendSymbol: this.drawLegendSymbolGradient,
+ visible: true,
+ setState: noop,
+ setVisible: noop
+ }];
+ series.legendItems = legendItems;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * If neither valueRanges nor colorRanges are defined, use basic area symbol.
+ */
+ drawLegendSymbol: seriesTypes.area.prototype.drawLegendSymbol,
+ /**
+ * Gets the series' symbol in the legend and extended legend with more information.
+ *
+ * @param {Object} legend The legend object
+ * @param {Object} item The series (this) or point
+ */
+ drawLegendSymbolGradient: function (legend, item) {
+ var spacing = legend.options.symbolPadding,
+ padding = pick(legend.options.padding, 8),
+ positionY,
+ positionX,
+ gradientSize = this.chart.renderer.fontMetrics(legend.options.itemStyle.fontSize).h,
+ horizontal = legend.options.layout === 'horizontal',
+ box1,
+ box2,
+ box3,
+ rectangleLength = pick(legend.options.rectangleLength, 200);
+ // Set local variables based on option.
+ if (horizontal) {
+ positionY = -(spacing / 2);
+ positionX = 0;
+ } else {
+ positionY = -rectangleLength + legend.baseline - (spacing / 2);
+ positionX = padding + gradientSize;
+ }
+ // Creates the from text.
+ item.fromText = this.chart.renderer.text(
+ item.fromLabel, // Text.
+ positionX, // Lower left x.
+ positionY // Lower left y.
+ ).attr({
+ zIndex: 2
+ }).add(item.legendGroup);
+ box1 = item.fromText.getBBox();
+ // Creates legend symbol.
+ // Ternary changes variables based on option.
+ item.legendSymbol = this.chart.renderer.rect(
+ horizontal ? box1.x + box1.width + spacing : box1.x - gradientSize - spacing, // Upper left x.
+ box1.y, // Upper left y.
+ horizontal ? rectangleLength : gradientSize, // Width.
+ horizontal ? gradientSize : rectangleLength, // Height.
+ 2 // Corner radius.
+ ).attr({
+ zIndex: 1
+ }).add(item.legendGroup);
+ box2 = item.legendSymbol.getBBox();
+ // Creates the to text.
+ // Vertical coordinate changed based on option.
+ item.toText = this.chart.renderer.text(
+ item.toLabel,
+ box2.x + box2.width + spacing,
+ horizontal ? positionY : box2.y + box2.height - spacing
+ ).attr({
+ zIndex: 2
+ }).add(item.legendGroup);
+ box3 = item.toText.getBBox();
+ // Changes legend box settings based on option.
+ if (horizontal) {
+ legend.offsetWidth = box1.width + box2.width + box3.width + (spacing * 2) + padding;
+ legend.itemY = gradientSize + padding;
+ } else {
+ legend.offsetWidth = Math.max(box1.width, box3.width) + (spacing) + box2.width + padding;
+ legend.itemY = box2.height + padding;
+ legend.itemX = spacing;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get the bounding box of all paths in the map combined.
+ */
+ getBox: function (paths) {
+ var maxX = Number.MIN_VALUE,
+ minX = Number.MAX_VALUE,
+ maxY = Number.MIN_VALUE,
+ minY = Number.MAX_VALUE,
+ hasBox;
+ // Find the bounding box
+ each(paths || [], function (point) {
+ if (point.path) {
+ if (typeof point.path === 'string') {
+ point.path = H.splitPath(point.path);
+ }
+ var path = point.path || [],
+ i = path.length,
+ even = false, // while loop reads from the end
+ pointMaxX = Number.MIN_VALUE,
+ pointMinX = Number.MAX_VALUE,
+ pointMaxY = Number.MIN_VALUE,
+ pointMinY = Number.MAX_VALUE;
+ // The first time a map point is used, analyze its box
+ if (!point._foundBox) {
+ while (i--) {
+ if (typeof path[i] === 'number' && !isNaN(path[i])) {
+ if (even) { // even = x
+ pointMaxX = Math.max(pointMaxX, path[i]);
+ pointMinX = Math.min(pointMinX, path[i]);
+ } else { // odd = Y
+ pointMaxY = Math.max(pointMaxY, path[i]);
+ pointMinY = Math.min(pointMinY, path[i]);
+ }
+ even = !even;
+ }
+ }
+ // Cache point bounding box for use to position data labels, bubbles etc
+ point._midX = pointMinX + (pointMaxX - pointMinX) * pick(point.middleX, 0.5);
+ point._midY = pointMinY + (pointMaxY - pointMinY) * pick(point.middleY, 0.5);
+ point._maxX = pointMaxX;
+ point._minX = pointMinX;
+ point._maxY = pointMaxY;
+ point._minY = pointMinY;
+ point._foundBox = true;
+ }
+ maxX = Math.max(maxX, point._maxX);
+ minX = Math.min(minX, point._minX);
+ maxY = Math.max(maxY, point._maxY);
+ minY = Math.min(minY, point._minY);
+ hasBox = true;
+ }
+ });
+ // Set the box for the whole series
+ if (hasBox) {
+ this.minY = Math.min(minY, pick(this.minY, Number.MAX_VALUE));
+ this.maxY = Math.max(maxY, pick(this.maxY, Number.MIN_VALUE));
+ this.minX = Math.min(minX, pick(this.minX, Number.MAX_VALUE));
+ this.maxX = Math.max(maxX, pick(this.maxX, Number.MIN_VALUE));
+ }
+ },
+ getExtremes: function () {
+ this.dataMin = this.minY;
+ this.dataMax = this.maxY;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Translate the path so that it automatically fits into the plot area box
+ * @param {Object} path
+ */
+ translatePath: function (path) {
+ var series = this,
+ even = false, // while loop reads from the end
+ xAxis = series.xAxis,
+ yAxis = series.yAxis,
+ i;
+ // Preserve the original
+ path = [].concat(path);
+ // Do the translation
+ i = path.length;
+ while (i--) {
+ if (typeof path[i] === 'number') {
+ if (even) { // even = x
+ path[i] = xAxis.translate(path[i]);
+ } else { // odd = Y
+ path[i] = yAxis.len - yAxis.translate(path[i]);
+ }
+ even = !even;
+ }
+ }
+ return path;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Extend setData to join in mapData. If the allAreas option is true, all areas
+ * from the mapData are used, and those that don't correspond to a data value
+ * are given null values.
+ */
+ setData: function (data, redraw) {
+ var options = this.options,
+ mapData = options.mapData,
+ joinBy = options.dataJoinBy,
+ dataUsed = [];
+ this.getBox(data);
+ this.getBox(mapData);
+ if (options.allAreas && mapData) {
+ data = data || [];
+ // Registered the point codes that actually hold data
+ if (joinBy) {
+ each(data, function (point) {
+ dataUsed.push(point[joinBy]);
+ });
+ }
+ // Add those map points that don't correspond to data, which will be drawn as null points
+ each(mapData, function (mapPoint) {
+ if (!joinBy || inArray(mapPoint[joinBy], dataUsed) === -1) {
+ data.push(merge(mapPoint, { y: null }));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+, data, redraw);
+ },
+ /**
+ * For each point, get the corresponding map data
+ */
+ getMapData: function (key, value) {
+ var options = this.options,
+ mapData = options.mapData,
+ mapMap = this.mapMap,
+ i = mapData.length;
+ // Create a cache for quicker lookup second time
+ if (!mapMap) {
+ mapMap = this.mapMap = [];
+ }
+ if (mapMap[value] !== undefined) {
+ return mapData[mapMap[value]];
+ } else if (value !== undefined) {
+ while (i--) {
+ if (mapData[i][key] === value) {
+ mapMap[value] = i; // cache it
+ return mapData[i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Add the path option for data points. Find the max value for color calculation.
+ */
+ translate: function () {
+ var series = this,
+ dataMin = Number.MAX_VALUE,
+ dataMax = Number.MIN_VALUE;
+ series.generatePoints();
+ each(, function (point) {
+ point.shapeType = 'path';
+ point.shapeArgs = {
+ d: series.translatePath(point.path)
+ };
+ // TODO: do point colors in drawPoints instead of point.init
+ if (typeof point.y === 'number') {
+ if (point.y > dataMax) {
+ dataMax = point.y;
+ } else if (point.y < dataMin) {
+ dataMin = point.y;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ series.translateColors(dataMin, dataMax);
+ },
+ /**
+ * In choropleth maps, the color is a result of the value, so this needs translation too
+ */
+ translateColors: function (dataMin, dataMax) {
+ var seriesOptions = this.options,
+ valueRanges = seriesOptions.valueRanges,
+ colorRange = seriesOptions.colorRange,
+ colorKey = this.colorKey,
+ nullColor = seriesOptions.nullColor,
+ from,
+ to;
+ if (colorRange) {
+ from = Color(colorRange.from);
+ to = Color(;
+ }
+ each(, function (point) {
+ var value = point[colorKey],
+ isNull = value === null,
+ range,
+ color,
+ i,
+ pos;
+ if (valueRanges) {
+ i = valueRanges.length;
+ if (isNull) {
+ color = nullColor;
+ } else {
+ while (i--) {
+ range = valueRanges[i];
+ from = range.from;
+ to =;
+ if ((from === UNDEFINED || value >= from) && (to === UNDEFINED || value <= to)) {
+ color = range.color;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ point.valueRange = i;
+ }
+ } else if (colorRange && !isNull) {
+ pos = 1 - ((dataMax - value) / (dataMax - dataMin));
+ color = tweenColors(from, to, pos);
+ } else if (isNull) {
+ color = nullColor;
+ }
+ if (color) {
+ point.color = null; // reset from previous drilldowns, use of the same data options
+ point.options.color = color;
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ drawGraph: noop,
+ /**
+ * We need the points' bounding boxes in order to draw the data labels, so
+ * we skip it now and call it from drawPoints instead.
+ */
+ drawDataLabels: noop,
+ /**
+ * Use the drawPoints method of column, that is able to handle simple shapeArgs.
+ * Extend it by assigning the tooltip position.
+ */
+ drawPoints: function () {
+ var series = this,
+ xAxis = series.xAxis,
+ yAxis = series.yAxis,
+ colorKey = series.colorKey;
+ // Make points pass test in drawing
+ each(, function (point) {
+ point.plotY = 1; // pass null test in column.drawPoints
+ if (point[colorKey] === null) {
+ point[colorKey] = 0;
+ point.isNull = true;
+ }
+ });
+ // Draw them
+ seriesTypes.column.prototype.drawPoints.apply(series);
+ each(, function (point) {
+ // Record the middle point (loosely based on centroid), determined
+ // by the middleX and middleY options.
+ point.plotX = xAxis.toPixels(point._midX, true);
+ point.plotY = yAxis.toPixels(point._midY, true);
+ // Reset escaped null points
+ if (point.isNull) {
+ point[colorKey] = null;
+ }
+ });
+ // Now draw the data labels
+ },
+ /**
+ * Animate in the new series from the clicked point in the old series.
+ * Depends on the drilldown.js module
+ */
+ animateDrilldown: function (init) {
+ var toBox = this.chart.plotBox,
+ level = this.chart.drilldownLevels[this.chart.drilldownLevels.length - 1],
+ fromBox = level.bBox,
+ animationOptions = this.chart.options.drilldown.animation,
+ scale;
+ if (!init) {
+ scale = Math.min(fromBox.width / toBox.width, fromBox.height / toBox.height);
+ level.shapeArgs = {
+ scaleX: scale,
+ scaleY: scale,
+ translateX: fromBox.x,
+ translateY: fromBox.y
+ };
+ // TODO: Animate instead
+ each(this.points, function (point) {
+ point.graphic
+ .attr(level.shapeArgs)
+ .animate({
+ scaleX: 1,
+ scaleY: 1,
+ translateX: 0,
+ translateY: 0
+ }, animationOptions);
+ });
+ delete this.animate;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * When drilling up, pull out the individual point graphics from the lower series
+ * and animate them into the origin point in the upper series.
+ */
+ animateDrillupFrom: function (level) {
+, level);
+ },
+ /**
+ * When drilling up, keep the upper series invisible until the lower series has
+ * moved into place
+ */
+ animateDrillupTo: function (init) {
+, init);
+ }
+ });
+ // The mapline series type
+ plotOptions.mapline = merge(, {
+ lineWidth: 1,
+ backgroundColor: 'none'
+ });
+ seriesTypes.mapline = extendClass(, {
+ type: 'mapline',
+ pointAttrToOptions: { // mapping between SVG attributes and the corresponding options
+ stroke: 'color',
+ 'stroke-width': 'lineWidth',
+ fill: 'backgroundColor'
+ },
+ drawLegendSymbol: seriesTypes.line.prototype.drawLegendSymbol
+ });
+ // The mappoint series type
+ plotOptions.mappoint = merge(plotOptions.scatter, {
+ dataLabels: {
+ enabled: true,
+ format: '{}',
+ color: 'black',
+ style: {
+ textShadow: '0 0 5px white'
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ seriesTypes.mappoint = extendClass(seriesTypes.scatter, {
+ type: 'mappoint'
+ });
+ // The mapbubble series type
+ if (seriesTypes.bubble) {
+ plotOptions.mapbubble = merge(plotOptions.bubble, {
+ tooltip: {
+ pointFormat: '{}: {point.z}'
+ }
+ });
+ seriesTypes.mapbubble = extendClass(seriesTypes.bubble, {
+ pointClass: extendClass(Point, {
+ applyOptions: MapAreaPoint.prototype.applyOptions
+ }),
+ xyFromShape: true,
+ type: 'mapbubble',
+ pointArrayMap: ['z'], // If one single value is passed, it is interpreted as z
+ /**
+ * Return the map area identified by the dataJoinBy option
+ */
+ getMapData:,
+ getBox:,
+ setData:
+ });
+ }
+ // Create symbols for the zoom buttons
+ function selectiveRoundedRect(attr, x, y, w, h, rTopLeft, rTopRight, rBottomRight, rBottomLeft) {
+ var normalize = (attr['stroke-width'] % 2 / 2);
+ x -= normalize;
+ y -= normalize;
+ return ['M', x + rTopLeft, y,
+ // top side
+ 'L', x + w - rTopRight, y,
+ // top right corner
+ 'C', x + w - rTopRight / 2, y, x + w, y + rTopRight / 2, x + w, y + rTopRight,
+ // right side
+ 'L', x + w, y + h - rBottomRight,
+ // bottom right corner
+ 'C', x + w, y + h - rBottomRight / 2, x + w - rBottomRight / 2, y + h, x + w - rBottomRight, y + h,
+ // bottom side
+ 'L', x + rBottomLeft, y + h,
+ // bottom left corner
+ 'C', x + rBottomLeft / 2, y + h, x, y + h - rBottomLeft / 2, x, y + h - rBottomLeft,
+ // left side
+ 'L', x, y + rTopLeft,
+ // top left corner
+ 'C', x, y + rTopLeft / 2, x + rTopLeft / 2, y, x + rTopLeft, y,
+ 'Z'
+ ];
+ }
+ symbols.topbutton = function (x, y, w, h, attr) {
+ return selectiveRoundedRect(attr, x, y, w, h, attr.r, attr.r, 0, 0);
+ };
+ symbols.bottombutton = function (x, y, w, h, attr) {
+ return selectiveRoundedRect(attr, x, y, w, h, 0, 0, attr.r, attr.r);
+ };
+ // The symbol callbacks are generated on the SVGRenderer object in all browsers. Even
+ // VML browsers need this in order to generate shapes in export. Now share
+ // them with the VMLRenderer.
+ if (H.Renderer === VMLRenderer) {
+ each(['topbutton', 'bottombutton'], function (shape) {
+ VMLRenderer.prototype.symbols[shape] = symbols[shape];
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * A wrapper for Chart with all the default values for a Map
+ */
+ H.Map = function (options, callback) {
+ var hiddenAxis = {
+ endOnTick: false,
+ gridLineWidth: 0,
+ labels: {
+ enabled: false
+ },
+ lineWidth: 0,
+ minPadding: 0,
+ maxPadding: 0,
+ startOnTick: false,
+ tickWidth: 0,
+ title: null
+ },
+ seriesOptions;
+ // Don't merge the data
+ seriesOptions = options.series;
+ options.series = null;
+ options = merge({
+ chart: {
+ panning: 'xy'
+ },
+ xAxis: hiddenAxis,
+ yAxis: merge(hiddenAxis, { reversed: true })
+ },
+ options, // user's options
+ { // forced options
+ chart: {
+ type: 'map',
+ inverted: false
+ }
+ });
+ options.series = seriesOptions;
+ return new Chart(options, callback);
+ };