vendor/assets/javascripts/highcharts-more.js in highcharts-js-rails-0.1.11 vs vendor/assets/javascripts/highcharts-more.js in highcharts-js-rails-0.2.0

- old
+ new

@@ -1,35 +1,1581 @@ -/* - Highcharts JS v2.3.3 (2012-10-04) +// ==ClosureCompiler== +// @compilation_level SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS - (c) 2009-2011 Torstein Hønsi +/** + * @license Highcharts JS v2.3.5 (2012-12-19) + * + * (c) 2009-2011 Torstein Hønsi + * + * License: + */ - License: -*/ -(function(h,u){function z(a,b,c){,a,b,c)}function A(a,b,c){,b,c);if(this.chart.polar)this.closeSegment=function(a){var;a.push("L",b[0],b[1])},this.closedStacks=!0}function B(a,b){var c=this.chart,d=this.options.animation,,g=this.markerGroup,,j=c.plotLeft,n=c.plotTop;if(c.polar){if(c.renderer.isSVG)if(d===!0&&(d={}),b){if(e.attrSetters.scaleX=e.attrSetters.scaleY=function(a,b){this[b]=a;this.scaleX!==u&&this.scaleY!== -u&&this.element.setAttribute("transform","translate("+this.translateX+","+this.translateY+") scale("+this.scaleX+","+this.scaleY+")");return!1},c={translateX:f[0]+j,translateY:f[1]+n,scaleX:0,scaleY:0},e.attr(c),g)g.attrSetters=e.attrSetters,g.attr(c)}else c={translateX:j,translateY:n,scaleX:1,scaleY:1},e.animate(c,d),g&&g.animate(c,d),this.animate=null}else,b)}var p=h.each,v=h.extend,o=h.merge,,m=h.pick,w=h.pInt,k=h.getOptions().plotOptions,i=h.seriesTypes,E=h.extendClass,l=h.wrap, -r=h.Axis,G=h.Tick,y=h.Series,q=i.column.prototype,s=function(){};v(z.prototype,{init:function(a,b,c){var d=this,e=d.defaultOptions;d.chart=b;if(b.angular)e.background={};d.options=a=o(e,a);(a=a.background)&&p([].concat(h.splat(a)).reverse(),function(a){var b=a.backgroundColor,a=o(d.defaultBackgroundOptions,a);if(b)a.backgroundColor=b;a.color=a.backgroundColor;c.options.plotBands.unshift(a)})},defaultOptions:{center:["50%","50%"],size:"85%",startAngle:0},defaultBackgroundOptions:{shape:"circle",borderWidth:1, -borderColor:"silver",backgroundColor:{linearGradient:{x1:0,y1:0,x2:0,y2:1},stops:[[0,"#FFF"],[1,"#DDD"]]},from:Number.MIN_VALUE,innerRadius:0,to:Number.MAX_VALUE,outerRadius:"105%"}});var x=r.prototype,r=G.prototype,H={getOffset:s,redraw:function(){this.isDirty=!1},render:function(){this.isDirty=!1},setScale:s,setCategories:s,setTitle:s},F={isRadial:!0,defaultRadialGaugeOptions:{labels:{align:"center",x:0,y:null},minorGridLineWidth:0,minorTickInterval:"auto",minorTickLength:10,minorTickPosition:"inside", -minorTickWidth:1,plotBands:[],tickLength:10,tickPosition:"inside",tickWidth:2,title:{rotation:0},zIndex:2},defaultRadialXOptions:{gridLineWidth:1,labels:{align:null,distance:15,x:0,y:null},maxPadding:0,minPadding:0,plotBands:[],showLastLabel:!1,tickLength:0},defaultRadialYOptions:{gridLineInterpolation:"circle",labels:{align:"right",x:-3,y:-2},plotBands:[],showLastLabel:!1,title:{x:4,text:null,rotation:90}},setOptions:function(a){this.options=o(this.defaultOptions,this.defaultRadialOptions,a)},getOffset:function(){; -this.chart.axisOffset[this.side]=0;},getLinePath:function(a,b){var,b=m(b,c[2]/2-this.offset);return this.chart.renderer.symbols.arc(this.left+c[0],[1],b,b,{start:this.startAngleRad,end:this.endAngleRad,open:!0,innerR:0})},setAxisTranslation:function(){;if(||1)[2]/2/ -(this.max-this.min||1),this.isXAxis))this.minPixelPadding=this.transA*this.minPointOffset+(this.reversed?(this.endAngleRad-this.startAngleRad)/4:0)},beforeSetTickPositions:function(){this.autoConnect&&(this.max+=this.categories&&1||this.pointRange||this.closestPointRange)},setAxisSize:function(){;if([2]*(this.endAngleRad-this.startAngleRad)/[2]/2},getPosition:function(a,b){if(!this.isCircular)b= -this.translate(a),a=this.min;return this.postTranslate(this.translate(a),m(b,[2]/2)-this.offset)},postTranslate:function(a,b){var c=this.chart,,a=this.startAngleRad+a;return{x:c.plotLeft+d[0]+Math.cos(a)*b,y:c.plotTop+d[1]+Math.sin(a)*b}},getPlotBandPath:function(a,b,c){var,e=this.startAngleRad,g=d[2]/2,f=[m(c.outerRadius,"100%"),c.innerRadius,m(c.thickness,10)],j=/%$/,n,C=this.isCircular;this.options.gridLineInterpolation==="polygon"?d=this.getPlotLinePath(a).concat(this.getPlotLinePath(b, -!0)):(C||(f[0]=this.translate(a),f[1]=this.translate(b)),f=D(f,function(a){j.test(a)&&(a=w(a,10)*g/100);return a}),c.shape==="circle"||!C?(a=-Math.PI/2,b=Math.PI*1.5,n=!0):(a=e+this.translate(a),b=e+this.translate(b)),d=this.chart.renderer.symbols.arc(this.left+d[0],[1],f[0],f[0],{start:a,end:b,innerR:m(f[1],f[0]-f[2]),open:n}));return d},getPlotLinePath:function(a,b){var,d=this.chart,e=this.getPosition(a),g,f,j;this.isCircular?j=["M",c[0]+d.plotLeft,c[1]+d.plotTop,"L",e.x, -e.y]:this.options.gridLineInterpolation==="circle"?(a=this.translate(a))&&(j=this.getLinePath(0,a)):(g=d.xAxis[0],j=[],a=this.translate(a),c=g.tickPositions,g.autoConnect&&(c=c.concat([c[0]])),b&&(c=[].concat(c).reverse()),p(c,function(b,c){f=g.getPosition(b,a);j.push(c?"L":"M",f.x,f.y)}));return j},getTitlePosition:function(){var,b=this.chart,c=this.options.title;return{x:b.plotLeft+a[0]+(c.x||0),y:b.plotTop+a[1]-{high:0.5,middle:0.25,low:0}[c.align]*a[2]+(c.y||0)}}};l(x,"init",function(a, -b,c){var d=this,e=b.angular,g=b.polar,f=c.isX,j=e&&f,n;if(e){if(v(this,j?H:F),n=!f)this.defaultRadialOptions=this.defaultRadialGaugeOptions}else if(g)v(this,F),this.defaultRadialOptions=(n=f)?this.defaultRadialXOptions:o(this.defaultYAxisOptions,this.defaultRadialYOptions);,b,c);if(!j&&(e||g)){a=this.options;if(!b.panes)b.panes=D(h.splat(b.options.pane),function(a){return new z(a,b,d)});this.pane=e=b.panes[c.pane||0];g=e.options;b.inverted=!1;b.options.chart.zoomType=null;this.startAngleRad= -e=(g.startAngle-90)*Math.PI/180;this.endAngleRad=g=(m(g.endAngle,g.startAngle+360)-90)*Math.PI/180;this.offset=a.offset||0;if((this.isCircular=n)&&c.max===u&&g-e===2*Math.PI)this.autoConnect=!0}});l(r,"getPosition",function(a,b,c,d,e){var g=this.axis;return g.getPosition?g.getPosition(c),b,c,d,e)});l(r,"getLabelPosition",function(a,b,c,d,e,g,f,j,n){var h=this.axis,i=g.y,l=g.align,k=(h.translate(this.pos)+h.startAngleRad+Math.PI/2)/Math.PI*180;h.isRadial?(a=h.getPosition(this.pos,[2]/ -2+m(g.distance,-25)),g.rotation==="auto"?d.attr({rotation:k}):i===null&&(i=w(d.styles.lineHeight)*0.9-d.getBBox().height/2),l===null&&(l=h.isCircular?k>20&&k<160?"left":k>200&&k<340?"right":"center":"center",d.attr({align:l})),a.x+=g.x,a.y+=i),b,c,d,e,g,f,j,n);return a});l(r,"getMarkPath",function(a,b,c,d,e,g,f){var j=this.axis;j.isRadial?(a=j.getPosition(this.pos,[2]/2+d),b=["M",b,c,"L",a.x,a.y]),b,c,d,e,g,f);return b});k.arearange=o(k.area,{lineWidth:1,marker:null, -threshold:null,tooltip:{pointFormat:'<span style="color:{series.color}">{}</span>: <b>{point.low}</b> - <b>{point.high}</b><br/>'},trackByArea:!0,dataLabels:{verticalAlign:null,xLow:0,xHigh:0,yLow:0,yHigh:0},shadow:!1});r=h.extendClass(h.Point,{applyOptions:function(a,b){var c=this.series,d=c.pointArrayMap,e=0,g=0,f=d.length;if(typeof a==="object"&&typeof a.length!=="number")v(this,a),this.options=a;else if(a.length){if(a.length>f){if(typeof a[0]==="string")[0];else if(typeof a[0]=== -"number")this.x=a[0];e++}for(;g<f;)this[d[g++]]=a[e++]}this.y=this[c.pointValKey];if(this.x===u&&c)this.x=b===u?c.autoIncrement():b;return this},toYData:function(){return[this.low,this.high]}});i.arearange=h.extendClass(i.area,{type:"arearange",pointArrayMap:["low","high"],pointClass:r,pointValKey:"low",translate:function(){var a=this.yAxis;i.area.prototype.translate.apply(this);p(this.points,function(b){if(b.y!==null)b.plotLow=b.plotY,b.plotHigh=a.translate(b.high,0,1,0,1)})},getSegmentPath:function(a){for(var b= -[],c=a.length,d=y.prototype.getSegmentPath,e;c--;)e=a[c],b.push({plotX:e.plotX,plotY:e.plotHigh});,a);,b);b=[].concat(a,d);d[0]="L";this.areaPath=this.areaPath.concat(a,d);return b},drawDataLabels:function(){var,b=a.length,c,d=[],e=y.prototype,g=this.options.dataLabels,f,j=this.chart.inverted;if(g.enabled||this._hasPointLabels){for(c=b;c--;)f=a[c],f.y=f.high,f.plotY=f.plotHigh,d[c]=f.dataLabel,f.dataLabel=f.dataLabelUpper,f.below=!1,j?(g.align="left",g.x=g.xHigh): -g.y=g.yHigh;e.drawDataLabels.apply(this,arguments);for(c=b;c--;)f=a[c],f.dataLabelUpper=f.dataLabel,f.dataLabel=d[c],f.y=f.low,f.plotY=f.plotLow,f.below=!0,j?(g.align="right",g.x=g.xLow):g.y=g.yLow;e.drawDataLabels.apply(this,arguments)}},alignDataLabel:i.column.prototype.alignDataLabel,getSymbol:i.column.prototype.getSymbol,drawPoints:s});k.areasplinerange=o(k.arearange);i.areasplinerange=E(i.arearange,{type:"areasplinerange",getPointSpline:i.spline.prototype.getPointSpline});k.columnrange=o(k.column, -k.arearange,{lineWidth:1,pointRange:null});i.columnrange=E(i.arearange,{type:"columnrange",translate:function(){var a=this.yAxis,b;q.translate.apply(this);p(this.points,function(c){var d=c.shapeArgs;c.plotHigh=b=a.translate(c.high,0,1,0,1);c.plotLow=c.plotY;d.y=b;d.height=c.plotY-b;c.trackerArgs=d})},drawGraph:s,pointAttrToOptions:q.pointAttrToOptions,drawPoints:q.drawPoints,drawTracker:q.drawTracker,animate:q.animate});k.gauge=o(k.line,{dataLabels:{enabled:!0,y:15,borderWidth:1,borderColor:"silver", -borderRadius:3,style:{fontWeight:"bold"},verticalAlign:"top"},dial:{},pivot:{},tooltip:{headerFormat:""},showInLegend:!1});k={type:"gauge",pointClass:h.extendClass(h.Point,{setState:function(a){this.state=a}}),angular:!0,translate:function(){var a=this,b=a.yAxis,;a.generatePoints();p(a.points,function(d){var e=o(a.options.dial,d.dial),g=w(m(e.radius,80))*c[2]/200,f=w(m(e.baseLength,70))*g/100,j=w(m(e.rearLength,10))*g/100,h=e.baseWidth||3,i=e.topWidth||1;d.shapeType="path";d.shapeArgs={d:e.path|| -["M",-j,-h/2,"L",f,-h/2,g,-i/2,g,i/2,f,h/2,-j,h/2,"z"],translateX:c[0],translateY:c[1],rotation:(b.startAngleRad+b.translate(d.y))*180/Math.PI};d.plotX=c[0];d.plotY=c[1]})},drawPoints:function(){var a=this,,c=a.pivot,d=a.options,e=d.pivot;p(a.points,function(b){var c=b.graphic,e=b.shapeArgs,h=e.d,i=o(d.dial,b.dial);c?(c.animate(e),e.d=h):b.graphic=a.chart.renderer[b.shapeType](e).attr({stroke:i.borderColor||"none","stroke-width":i.borderWidth||0,fill:i.backgroundColor||"black",rotation:e.rotation}).add(}); -c?c.animate({cx:b[0],cy:b[1]})[0],b[1],m(e.radius,5)).attr({"stroke-width":e.borderWidth||0,stroke:e.borderColor||"silver",fill:e.backgroundColor||"black"}).add(},animate:function(){var a=this;p(a.points,function(b){var c=b.graphic;c&&(c.attr({rotation:a.yAxis.startAngleRad*180/Math.PI}),c.animate({rotation:b.shapeArgs.rotation},a.options.animation))});a.animate=null},render:function(){"group","series",this.visible?"visible":"hidden", -this.options.zIndex,this.chart.seriesGroup);;},setData:i.pie.prototype.setData,drawTracker:i.column.prototype.drawTracker};i.gauge=h.extendClass(i.line,k);var t=y.prototype,k=h.MouseTracker.prototype;t.toXY=function(a){var b,c=this.chart;b=a.plotX;var d=a.plotY;a.rectPlotX=b;a.rectPlotY=d;a.deg=b/Math.PI*180;b=this.xAxis.postTranslate(a.plotX,this.yAxis.len-d);a.plotX=a.polarPlotX=b.x-c.plotLeft;a.plotY=a.polarPlotY=b.y-c.plotTop}; -l(i.area.prototype,"init",A);l(i.areaspline.prototype,"init",A);l(i.spline.prototype,"getPointSpline",function(a,b,c,d){var e,g,f,j,h,i,k;if(this.chart.polar){e=c.plotX;g=c.plotY;a=b[d-1];f=b[d+1];this.connectEnds&&(a||(a=b[b.length-2]),f||(f=b[1]));if(a&&f)j=a.plotX,h=a.plotY,b=f.plotX,i=f.plotY,j=(1.5*e+j)/2.5,h=(1.5*g+h)/2.5,f=(1.5*e+b)/2.5,k=(1.5*g+i)/2.5,b=Math.sqrt(Math.pow(j-e,2)+Math.pow(h-g,2)),i=Math.sqrt(Math.pow(f-e,2)+Math.pow(k-g,2)),j=Math.atan2(h-g,j-e),h=Math.atan2(k-g,f-e),k=Math.PI/ -2+(j+h)/2,Math.abs(j-k)>Math.PI/2&&(k-=Math.PI),j=e+Math.cos(k)*b,h=g+Math.sin(k)*b,f=e+Math.cos(Math.PI+k)*i,k=g+Math.sin(Math.PI+k)*i,c.rightContX=f,c.rightContY=k;d?(c=["C",a.rightContX||a.plotX,a.rightContY||a.plotY,j||e,h||g,e,g],a.rightContX=a.rightContY=null):c=["M",e,g]}else,b,c,d);return c});l(t,"translate",function(a){;if(this.chart.polar&&!this.preventPostTranslate)for(var a=this.points,b=a.length;b--;)this.toXY(a[b])});l(t,"getSegmentPath",function(a,b){var c= -this.points;if(this.chart.polar&&this.options.connectEnds!==!1&&b[b.length-1]===c[c.length-1]&&c[0].y!==null)this.connectEnds=!0,b=[].concat(b,[c[0]]);return,b)});l(t,"animate",B);l(q,"animate",B);l(t,"setTooltipPoints",function(a,b){this.chart.polar&&v(this.xAxis,{tooltipLen:360,tooltipPosName:"deg"});return,b)});l(q,"translate",function(a){var b=this.xAxis,c=this.yAxis.len,,e=b.startAngleRad,g=this.chart.renderer,f,h;this.preventPostTranslate=!0;;if(b.isRadial){b= -this.points;for(h=b.length;h--;)f=b[h],a=f.barX+e,f.shapeType="path",f.shapeArgs={d:g.symbols.arc(d[0],d[1],c-f.plotY,null,{start:a,end:a+f.pointWidth,innerR:c-m(f.yBottom,c)})},this.toXY(f)}});l(q,"alignDataLabel",function(a,b,c,d,e,g){if(this.chart.polar){a=b.rectPlotX/Math.PI*180;if(d.align===null)d.align=a>20&&a<160?"left":a>200&&a<340?"right":"center";if(d.verticalAlign===null)d.verticalAlign=a<45||a>315?"bottom":a>135&&a<225?"top":"middle";,b,c,d,e,g)}else, -b,c,d,e,g)});l(k,"getIndex",function(a,b){var c,d=this.chart,e;d.polar?(e=d.xAxis[0].center,c=b.chartX-e[0]-d.plotLeft,d=b.chartY-e[1]-d.plotTop,c=180-Math.round(Math.atan2(c,d)/Math.PI*180)),b);return c});l(k,"getMouseCoordinates",function(a,b){var c=this.chart,d={xAxis:[],yAxis:[]};c.polar?p(c.axes,function(a){var g=a.isXAxis,,h=b.chartX-f[0]-c.plotLeft,f=b.chartY-f[1]-c.plotTop;d[g?"xAxis":"yAxis"].push({axis:a,value:a.translate(g?Math.PI-Math.atan2(h,f):Math.sqrt(Math.pow(h, -2)+Math.pow(f,2)),!0)})}),b);return d})})(Highcharts); +// JSLint options: +/*global Highcharts, document, window, navigator, setInterval, clearInterval, clearTimeout, setTimeout, location, jQuery, $, console */ + +(function (Highcharts, UNDEFINED) { +var each = Highcharts.each, + extend = Highcharts.extend, + merge = Highcharts.merge, + map =, + pick = Highcharts.pick, + pInt = Highcharts.pInt, + defaultPlotOptions = Highcharts.getOptions().plotOptions, + seriesTypes = Highcharts.seriesTypes, + extendClass = Highcharts.extendClass, + splat = Highcharts.splat, + wrap = Highcharts.wrap, + Axis = Highcharts.Axis, + Tick = Highcharts.Tick, + Series = Highcharts.Series, + colProto = seriesTypes.column.prototype, + noop = function () {};/** + * The Pane object allows options that are common to a set of X and Y axes. + * + * In the future, this can be extended to basic Highcharts and Highstock. + */ +function Pane(options, chart, firstAxis) { +, options, chart, firstAxis); +} + +// Extend the Pane prototype +extend(Pane.prototype, { + + /** + * Initiate the Pane object + */ + init: function (options, chart, firstAxis) { + var pane = this, + backgroundOption, + defaultOptions = pane.defaultOptions; + + pane.chart = chart; + + // Set options + if (chart.angular) { // gauges + defaultOptions.background = {}; // gets extended by this.defaultBackgroundOptions + } + pane.options = options = merge(defaultOptions, options); + + backgroundOption = options.background; + + // To avoid having weighty logic to place, update and remove the backgrounds, + // push them to the first axis' plot bands and borrow the existing logic there. + if (backgroundOption) { + each([].concat(splat(backgroundOption)).reverse(), function (config) { + var backgroundColor = config.backgroundColor; // if defined, replace the old one (specific for gradients) + config = merge(pane.defaultBackgroundOptions, config); + if (backgroundColor) { + config.backgroundColor = backgroundColor; + } + config.color = config.backgroundColor; // due to naming in plotBands + firstAxis.options.plotBands.unshift(config); + }); + } + }, + + /** + * The default options object + */ + defaultOptions: { + // background: {conditional}, + center: ['50%', '50%'], + size: '85%', + startAngle: 0 + //endAngle: startAngle + 360 + }, + + /** + * The default background options + */ + defaultBackgroundOptions: { + shape: 'circle', + borderWidth: 1, + borderColor: 'silver', + backgroundColor: { + linearGradient: { x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1 }, + stops: [ + [0, '#FFF'], + [1, '#DDD'] + ] + }, + from: Number.MIN_VALUE, // corrected to axis min + innerRadius: 0, + to: Number.MAX_VALUE, // corrected to axis max + outerRadius: '105%' + } + +}); +var axisProto = Axis.prototype, + tickProto = Tick.prototype; + +/** + * Augmented methods for the x axis in order to hide it completely, used for the X axis in gauges + */ +var hiddenAxisMixin = { + getOffset: noop, + redraw: function () { + this.isDirty = false; // prevent setting Y axis dirty + }, + render: function () { + this.isDirty = false; // prevent setting Y axis dirty + }, + setScale: noop, + setCategories: noop, + setTitle: noop +}; + +/** + * Augmented methods for the value axis + */ +/*jslint unparam: true*/ +var radialAxisMixin = { + isRadial: true, + + /** + * The default options extend defaultYAxisOptions + */ + defaultRadialGaugeOptions: { + labels: { + align: 'center', + x: 0, + y: null // auto + }, + minorGridLineWidth: 0, + minorTickInterval: 'auto', + minorTickLength: 10, + minorTickPosition: 'inside', + minorTickWidth: 1, + plotBands: [], + tickLength: 10, + tickPosition: 'inside', + tickWidth: 2, + title: { + rotation: 0 + }, + zIndex: 2 // behind dials, points in the series group + }, + + // Circular axis around the perimeter of a polar chart + defaultRadialXOptions: { + gridLineWidth: 1, // spokes + labels: { + align: null, // auto + distance: 15, + x: 0, + y: null // auto + }, + maxPadding: 0, + minPadding: 0, + plotBands: [], + showLastLabel: false, + tickLength: 0 + }, + + // Radial axis, like a spoke in a polar chart + defaultRadialYOptions: { + gridLineInterpolation: 'circle', + labels: { + align: 'right', + x: -3, + y: -2 + }, + plotBands: [], + showLastLabel: false, + title: { + x: 4, + text: null, + rotation: 90 + } + }, + + /** + * Merge and set options + */ + setOptions: function (userOptions) { + + this.options = merge( + this.defaultOptions, + this.defaultRadialOptions, + userOptions + ); + + }, + + /** + * Wrap the getOffset method to return zero offset for title or labels in a radial + * axis + */ + getOffset: function () { + // Call the Axis prototype method (the method we're in now is on the instance) +; + + // Title or label offsets are not counted + this.chart.axisOffset[this.side] = 0; + + // Set the center array + = =; + }, + + + /** + * Get the path for the axis line. This method is also referenced in the getPlotLinePath + * method. + */ + getLinePath: function (lineWidth, radius) { + var center =; + radius = pick(radius, center[2] / 2 - this.offset); + + return this.chart.renderer.symbols.arc( + this.left + center[0], + + center[1], + radius, + radius, + { + start: this.startAngleRad, + end: this.endAngleRad, + open: true, + innerR: 0 + } + ); + }, + + /** + * Override setAxisTranslation by setting the translation to the difference + * in rotation. This allows the translate method to return angle for + * any given value. + */ + setAxisTranslation: function () { + + // Call uber method +; + + // Set transA and minPixelPadding + if ( { // it's not defined the first time + if (this.isCircular) { + + this.transA = (this.endAngleRad - this.startAngleRad) / + ((this.max - this.min) || 1); + + + } else { + this.transA = ([2] / 2) / ((this.max - this.min) || 1); + } + + if (this.isXAxis) { + this.minPixelPadding = this.transA * this.minPointOffset + + (this.reversed ? (this.endAngleRad - this.startAngleRad) / 4 : 0); // ??? + } + } + }, + + /** + * In case of auto connect, add one closestPointRange to the max value right before + * tickPositions are computed, so that ticks will extend passed the real max. + */ + beforeSetTickPositions: function () { + if (this.autoConnect) { + this.max += (this.categories && 1) || this.pointRange || this.closestPointRange; // #1197 + } + }, + + /** + * Override the setAxisSize method to use the arc's circumference as length. This + * allows tickPixelInterval to apply to pixel lengths along the perimeter + */ + setAxisSize: function () { + +; + + if ( { // it's not defined the first time + this.len = this.width = this.height = this.isCircular ? +[2] * (this.endAngleRad - this.startAngleRad) / 2 : +[2] / 2; + } + }, + + /** + * Returns the x, y coordinate of a point given by a value and a pixel distance + * from center + */ + getPosition: function (value, length) { + if (!this.isCircular) { + length = this.translate(value); + value = this.min; + } + + return this.postTranslate( + this.translate(value), + pick(length,[2] / 2) - this.offset + ); + }, + + /** + * Translate from intermediate plotX (angle), plotY (axis.len - radius) to final chart coordinates. + */ + postTranslate: function (angle, radius) { + + var chart = this.chart, + center =; + + angle = this.startAngleRad + angle; + + return { + x: chart.plotLeft + center[0] + Math.cos(angle) * radius, + y: chart.plotTop + center[1] + Math.sin(angle) * radius + }; + + }, + + /** + * Find the path for plot bands along the radial axis + */ + getPlotBandPath: function (from, to, options) { + var center =, + startAngleRad = this.startAngleRad, + fullRadius = center[2] / 2, + radii = [ + pick(options.outerRadius, '100%'), + options.innerRadius, + pick(options.thickness, 10) + ], + percentRegex = /%$/, + start, + end, + open, + isCircular = this.isCircular, // X axis in a polar chart + ret; + + // Polygonal plot bands + if (this.options.gridLineInterpolation === 'polygon') { + ret = this.getPlotLinePath(from).concat(this.getPlotLinePath(to, true)); + + // Circular grid bands + } else { + + // Plot bands on Y axis (radial axis) - inner and outer radius depend on to and from + if (!isCircular) { + radii[0] = this.translate(from); + radii[1] = this.translate(to); + } + + // Convert percentages to pixel values + radii = map(radii, function (radius) { + if (percentRegex.test(radius)) { + radius = (pInt(radius, 10) * fullRadius) / 100; + } + return radius; + }); + + // Handle full circle + if (options.shape === 'circle' || !isCircular) { + start = -Math.PI / 2; + end = Math.PI * 1.5; + open = true; + } else { + start = startAngleRad + this.translate(from); + end = startAngleRad + this.translate(to); + } + + + ret = this.chart.renderer.symbols.arc( + this.left + center[0], + + center[1], + radii[0], + radii[0], + { + start: start, + end: end, + innerR: pick(radii[1], radii[0] - radii[2]), + open: open + } + ); + } + + return ret; + }, + + /** + * Find the path for plot lines perpendicular to the radial axis. + */ + getPlotLinePath: function (value, reverse) { + var axis = this, + center =, + chart = axis.chart, + end = axis.getPosition(value), + xAxis, + xy, + tickPositions, + ret; + + // Spokes + if (axis.isCircular) { + ret = ['M', center[0] + chart.plotLeft, center[1] + chart.plotTop, 'L', end.x, end.y]; + + // Concentric circles + } else if (axis.options.gridLineInterpolation === 'circle') { + value = axis.translate(value); + if (value) { // a value of 0 is in the center + ret = axis.getLinePath(0, value); + } + // Concentric polygons + } else { + xAxis = chart.xAxis[0]; + ret = []; + value = axis.translate(value); + tickPositions = xAxis.tickPositions; + if (xAxis.autoConnect) { + tickPositions = tickPositions.concat([tickPositions[0]]); + } + // Reverse the positions for concatenation of polygonal plot bands + if (reverse) { + tickPositions = [].concat(tickPositions).reverse(); + } + + each(tickPositions, function (pos, i) { + xy = xAxis.getPosition(pos, value); + ret.push(i ? 'L' : 'M', xy.x, xy.y); + }); + + } + return ret; + }, + + /** + * Find the position for the axis title, by default inside the gauge + */ + getTitlePosition: function () { + var center =, + chart = this.chart, + titleOptions = this.options.title; + + return { + x: chart.plotLeft + center[0] + (titleOptions.x || 0), + y: chart.plotTop + center[1] - ({ high: 0.5, middle: 0.25, low: 0 }[titleOptions.align] * + center[2]) + (titleOptions.y || 0) + }; + } + +}; +/*jslint unparam: false*/ + +/** + * Override axisProto.init to mix in special axis instance functions and function overrides + */ +wrap(axisProto, 'init', function (proceed, chart, userOptions) { + var axis = this, + angular = chart.angular, + polar = chart.polar, + isX = userOptions.isX, + isHidden = angular && isX, + isCircular, + startAngleRad, + endAngleRad, + options, + chartOptions = chart.options, + paneIndex = userOptions.pane || 0, + pane, + paneOptions; + + // Before prototype.init + if (angular) { + extend(this, isHidden ? hiddenAxisMixin : radialAxisMixin); + isCircular = !isX; + if (isCircular) { + this.defaultRadialOptions = this.defaultRadialGaugeOptions; + } + + } else if (polar) { + //extend(this, userOptions.isX ? radialAxisMixin : radialAxisMixin); + extend(this, radialAxisMixin); + isCircular = isX; + this.defaultRadialOptions = isX ? this.defaultRadialXOptions : merge(this.defaultYAxisOptions, this.defaultRadialYOptions); + + } + + // Run prototype.init +, chart, userOptions); + + if (!isHidden && (angular || polar)) { + options = this.options; + + // Create the pane and set the pane options. + if (!chart.panes) { + chart.panes = []; + } + this.pane = chart.panes[paneIndex] = pane = new Pane( + splat(chartOptions.pane)[paneIndex], + chart, + axis + ); + paneOptions = pane.options; + + + // Disable certain features on angular and polar axes + chart.inverted = false; + chartOptions.chart.zoomType = null; + + // Start and end angle options are + // given in degrees relative to top, while internal computations are + // in radians relative to right (like SVG). + this.startAngleRad = startAngleRad = (paneOptions.startAngle - 90) * Math.PI / 180; + this.endAngleRad = endAngleRad = (pick(paneOptions.endAngle, paneOptions.startAngle + 360) - 90) * Math.PI / 180; + this.offset = options.offset || 0; + + this.isCircular = isCircular; + + // Automatically connect grid lines? + if (isCircular && userOptions.max === UNDEFINED && endAngleRad - startAngleRad === 2 * Math.PI) { + this.autoConnect = true; + } + } + +}); + +/** + * Add special cases within the Tick class' methods for radial axes. + */ +wrap(tickProto, 'getPosition', function (proceed, horiz, pos, tickmarkOffset, old) { + var axis = this.axis; + + return axis.getPosition ? + axis.getPosition(pos) : +, horiz, pos, tickmarkOffset, old); +}); + +/** + * Wrap the getLabelPosition function to find the center position of the label + * based on the distance option + */ +wrap(tickProto, 'getLabelPosition', function (proceed, x, y, label, horiz, labelOptions, tickmarkOffset, index, step) { + var axis = this.axis, + optionsY = labelOptions.y, + ret, + align = labelOptions.align, + angle = (axis.translate(this.pos) + axis.startAngleRad + Math.PI / 2) / Math.PI * 180; + + if (axis.isRadial) { + ret = axis.getPosition(this.pos, ([2] / 2) + pick(labelOptions.distance, -25)); + + // Automatically rotated + if (labelOptions.rotation === 'auto') { + label.attr({ + rotation: angle + }); + + // Vertically centered + } else if (optionsY === null) { + optionsY = pInt(label.styles.lineHeight) * 0.9 - label.getBBox().height / 2; + + } + + // Automatic alignment + if (align === null) { + if (axis.isCircular) { + if (angle > 20 && angle < 160) { + align = 'left'; // right hemisphere + } else if (angle > 200 && angle < 340) { + align = 'right'; // left hemisphere + } else { + align = 'center'; // top or bottom + } + } else { + align = 'center'; + } + label.attr({ + align: align + }); + } + + ret.x += labelOptions.x; + ret.y += optionsY; + + } else { + ret =, x, y, label, horiz, labelOptions, tickmarkOffset, index, step); + } + return ret; +}); + +/** + * Wrap the getMarkPath function to return the path of the radial marker + */ +wrap(tickProto, 'getMarkPath', function (proceed, x, y, tickLength, tickWidth, horiz, renderer) { + var axis = this.axis, + endPoint, + ret; + + if (axis.isRadial) { + endPoint = axis.getPosition(this.pos,[2] / 2 + tickLength); + ret = [ + 'M', + x, + y, + 'L', + endPoint.x, + endPoint.y + ]; + } else { + ret =, x, y, tickLength, tickWidth, horiz, renderer); + } + return ret; +});/* + * The AreaRangeSeries class + * + */ + +/** + * Extend the default options with map options + */ +defaultPlotOptions.arearange = merge(defaultPlotOptions.area, { + lineWidth: 1, + marker: null, + threshold: null, + tooltip: { + pointFormat: '<span style="color:{series.color}">{}</span>: <b>{point.low}</b> - <b>{point.high}</b><br/>' + }, + trackByArea: true, + dataLabels: { + verticalAlign: null, + xLow: 0, + xHigh: 0, + yLow: 0, + yHigh: 0 + }, + shadow: false +}); + +/** + * Extend the point object + */ +var RangePoint = Highcharts.extendClass(Highcharts.Point, { + /** + * Apply the options containing the x and low/high data and possible some extra properties. + * This is called on point init or from point.update. Extends base Point by adding + * multiple y-like values. + * + * @param {Object} options + */ + applyOptions: function (options, x) { + var point = this, + series = point.series, + pointArrayMap = series.pointArrayMap, + i = 0, + j = 0, + valueCount = pointArrayMap.length; + + + // object input + if (typeof options === 'object' && typeof options.length !== 'number') { + + // copy options directly to point + extend(point, options); + + point.options = options; + + } else if (options.length) { // array + // with leading x value + if (options.length > valueCount) { + if (typeof options[0] === 'string') { + = options[0]; + } else if (typeof options[0] === 'number') { + point.x = options[0]; + } + i++; + } + while (j < valueCount) { + point[pointArrayMap[j++]] = options[i++]; + } + } + + // Handle null and make low alias y + /*if (point.high === null) { + point.low = null; + }*/ + point.y = point[series.pointValKey]; + + // If no x is set by now, get auto incremented value. All points must have an + // x value, however the y value can be null to create a gap in the series + if (point.x === UNDEFINED && series) { + point.x = x === UNDEFINED ? series.autoIncrement() : x; + } + + return point; + }, + + /** + * Return a plain array for speedy calculation + */ + toYData: function () { + return [this.low, this.high]; + } +}); + +/** + * Add the series type + */ +seriesTypes.arearange = Highcharts.extendClass(seriesTypes.area, { + type: 'arearange', + pointArrayMap: ['low', 'high'], + pointClass: RangePoint, + pointValKey: 'low', + + /** + * Translate data points from raw values x and y to plotX and plotY + */ + translate: function () { + var series = this, + yAxis = series.yAxis; + + seriesTypes.area.prototype.translate.apply(series); + + // Set plotLow and plotHigh + each(series.points, function (point) { + + if (point.y !== null) { + point.plotLow = point.plotY; + point.plotHigh = yAxis.translate(point.high, 0, 1, 0, 1); + } + }); + }, + + /** + * Extend the line series' getSegmentPath method by applying the segment + * path to both lower and higher values of the range + */ + getSegmentPath: function (segment) { + + var highSegment = [], + i = segment.length, + baseGetSegmentPath = Series.prototype.getSegmentPath, + point, + linePath, + lowerPath, + options = this.options, + step = options.step, + higherPath; + + // Make a segment with plotX and plotY for the top values + while (i--) { + point = segment[i]; + highSegment.push({ + plotX: point.plotX, + plotY: point.plotHigh + }); + } + + // Get the paths + lowerPath =, segment); + if (step) { + if (step === true) { + step = 'left'; + } + options.step = { left: 'right', center: 'center', right: 'left' }[step]; // swap for reading in getSegmentPath + } + higherPath =, highSegment); + options.step = step; + + // Create a line on both top and bottom of the range + linePath = [].concat(lowerPath, higherPath); + + // For the area path, we need to change the 'move' statement into 'lineTo' or 'curveTo' + higherPath[0] = 'L'; // this probably doesn't work for spline + this.areaPath = this.areaPath.concat(lowerPath, higherPath); + + return linePath; + }, + + /** + * Extend the basic drawDataLabels method by running it for both lower and higher + * values. + */ + drawDataLabels: function () { + + var data =, + length = data.length, + i, + originalDataLabels = [], + seriesProto = Series.prototype, + dataLabelOptions = this.options.dataLabels, + point, + inverted = this.chart.inverted; + + if (dataLabelOptions.enabled || this._hasPointLabels) { + + // Step 1: set preliminary values for plotY and dataLabel and draw the upper labels + i = length; + while (i--) { + point = data[i]; + + // Set preliminary values + point.y = point.high; + point.plotY = point.plotHigh; + + // Store original data labels and set preliminary label objects to be picked up + // in the uber method + originalDataLabels[i] = point.dataLabel; + point.dataLabel = point.dataLabelUpper; + + // Set the default offset + point.below = false; + if (inverted) { + dataLabelOptions.align = 'left'; + dataLabelOptions.x = dataLabelOptions.xHigh; + } else { + dataLabelOptions.y = dataLabelOptions.yHigh; + } + } + seriesProto.drawDataLabels.apply(this, arguments); // #1209 + + // Step 2: reorganize and handle data labels for the lower values + i = length; + while (i--) { + point = data[i]; + + // Move the generated labels from step 1, and reassign the original data labels + point.dataLabelUpper = point.dataLabel; + point.dataLabel = originalDataLabels[i]; + + // Reset values + point.y = point.low; + point.plotY = point.plotLow; + + // Set the default offset + point.below = true; + if (inverted) { + dataLabelOptions.align = 'right'; + dataLabelOptions.x = dataLabelOptions.xLow; + } else { + dataLabelOptions.y = dataLabelOptions.yLow; + } + } + seriesProto.drawDataLabels.apply(this, arguments); + } + + }, + + alignDataLabel: seriesTypes.column.prototype.alignDataLabel, + + getSymbol: seriesTypes.column.prototype.getSymbol, + + drawPoints: noop +});/** + * The AreaSplineRangeSeries class + */ + +defaultPlotOptions.areasplinerange = merge(defaultPlotOptions.arearange); + +/** + * AreaSplineRangeSeries object + */ +seriesTypes.areasplinerange = extendClass(seriesTypes.arearange, { + type: 'areasplinerange', + getPointSpline: seriesTypes.spline.prototype.getPointSpline +});/** + * The ColumnRangeSeries class + */ +defaultPlotOptions.columnrange = merge(defaultPlotOptions.column, defaultPlotOptions.arearange, { + lineWidth: 1, + pointRange: null +}); + +/** + * ColumnRangeSeries object + */ +seriesTypes.columnrange = extendClass(seriesTypes.arearange, { + type: 'columnrange', + /** + * Translate data points from raw values x and y to plotX and plotY + */ + translate: function () { + var series = this, + yAxis = series.yAxis, + plotHigh; + + colProto.translate.apply(series); + + // Set plotLow and plotHigh + each(series.points, function (point) { + var shapeArgs = point.shapeArgs; + + point.plotHigh = plotHigh = yAxis.translate(point.high, 0, 1, 0, 1); + point.plotLow = point.plotY; + + // adjust shape + shapeArgs.y = plotHigh; + shapeArgs.height = point.plotY - plotHigh; + + point.trackerArgs = shapeArgs; + }); + }, + drawGraph: noop, + pointAttrToOptions: colProto.pointAttrToOptions, + drawPoints: colProto.drawPoints, + drawTracker: colProto.drawTracker, + animate: colProto.animate +});/* + * The GaugeSeries class + */ + + + +/** + * Extend the default options + */ +defaultPlotOptions.gauge = merge(defaultPlotOptions.line, { + dataLabels: { + enabled: true, + y: 15, + borderWidth: 1, + borderColor: 'silver', + borderRadius: 3, + style: { + fontWeight: 'bold' + }, + verticalAlign: 'top', + zIndex: 2 + }, + dial: { + // radius: '80%', + // backgroundColor: 'black', + // borderColor: 'silver', + // borderWidth: 0, + // baseWidth: 3, + // topWidth: 1, + // baseLength: '70%' // of radius + // rearLength: '10%' + }, + pivot: { + //radius: 5, + //borderWidth: 0 + //borderColor: 'silver', + //backgroundColor: 'black' + }, + tooltip: { + headerFormat: '' + }, + showInLegend: false +}); + +/** + * Extend the point object + */ +var GaugePoint = Highcharts.extendClass(Highcharts.Point, { + /** + * Don't do any hover colors or anything + */ + setState: function (state) { + this.state = state; + } +}); + + +/** + * Add the series type + */ +var GaugeSeries = { + type: 'gauge', + pointClass: GaugePoint, + + // chart.angular will be set to true when a gauge series is present, and this will + // be used on the axes + angular: true, + + /* * + * Extend the bindAxes method by adding radial features to the axes + * / + _bindAxes: function () { +; + + extend(this.xAxis, gaugeXAxisMixin); + extend(this.yAxis, radialAxisMixin); + this.yAxis.onBind(); + },*/ + + /** + * Calculate paths etc + */ + translate: function () { + + var series = this, + yAxis = series.yAxis, + center =; + + series.generatePoints(); + + each(series.points, function (point) { + + var dialOptions = merge(series.options.dial, point.dial), + radius = (pInt(pick(dialOptions.radius, 80)) * center[2]) / 200, + baseLength = (pInt(pick(dialOptions.baseLength, 70)) * radius) / 100, + rearLength = (pInt(pick(dialOptions.rearLength, 10)) * radius) / 100, + baseWidth = dialOptions.baseWidth || 3, + topWidth = dialOptions.topWidth || 1; + + point.shapeType = 'path'; + point.shapeArgs = { + d: dialOptions.path || [ + 'M', + -rearLength, -baseWidth / 2, + 'L', + baseLength, -baseWidth / 2, + radius, -topWidth / 2, + radius, topWidth / 2, + baseLength, baseWidth / 2, + -rearLength, baseWidth / 2, + 'z' + ], + translateX: center[0], + translateY: center[1], + rotation: (yAxis.startAngleRad + yAxis.translate(point.y, null, null, null, true)) * 180 / Math.PI + }; + + // Positions for data label + point.plotX = center[0]; + point.plotY = center[1]; + }); + }, + + /** + * Draw the points where each point is one needle + */ + drawPoints: function () { + + var series = this, + center =, + pivot = series.pivot, + options = series.options, + pivotOptions = options.pivot, + renderer = series.chart.renderer; + + each(series.points, function (point) { + + var graphic = point.graphic, + shapeArgs = point.shapeArgs, + d = shapeArgs.d, + dialOptions = merge(options.dial, point.dial); // #1233 + + if (graphic) { + graphic.animate(shapeArgs); + shapeArgs.d = d; // animate alters it + } else { + point.graphic = renderer[point.shapeType](shapeArgs) + .attr({ + stroke: dialOptions.borderColor || 'none', + 'stroke-width': dialOptions.borderWidth || 0, + fill: dialOptions.backgroundColor || 'black', + rotation: shapeArgs.rotation // required by VML when animation is false + }) + .add(; + } + }); + + // Add or move the pivot + if (pivot) { + pivot.animate({ // #1235 + translateX: center[0], + translateY: center[1] + }); + } else { + series.pivot =, 0, pick(pivotOptions.radius, 5)) + .attr({ + 'stroke-width': pivotOptions.borderWidth || 0, + stroke: pivotOptions.borderColor || 'silver', + fill: pivotOptions.backgroundColor || 'black' + }) + .translate(center[0], center[1]) + .add(; + } + }, + + /** + * Animate the arrow up from startAngle + */ + animate: function () { + var series = this; + + each(series.points, function (point) { + var graphic = point.graphic; + + if (graphic) { + // start value + graphic.attr({ + rotation: series.yAxis.startAngleRad * 180 / Math.PI + }); + + // animate + graphic.animate({ + rotation: point.shapeArgs.rotation + }, series.options.animation); + } + }); + + // delete this function to allow it only once + series.animate = null; + }, + + render: function () { + = this.plotGroup( + 'group', + 'series', + this.visible ? 'visible' : 'hidden', + this.options.zIndex, + this.chart.seriesGroup + ); +; +; + }, + + setData: seriesTypes.pie.prototype.setData, + drawTracker: seriesTypes.column.prototype.drawTracker +}; +seriesTypes.gauge = Highcharts.extendClass(seriesTypes.line, GaugeSeries);/** + * Extensions for polar charts. Additionally, much of the geometry required for polar charts is + * gathered in RadialAxes.js. + * + */ + +var seriesProto = Series.prototype, + mouseTrackerProto = Highcharts.MouseTracker.prototype; + + + +/** + * Translate a point's plotX and plotY from the internal angle and radius measures to + * true plotX, plotY coordinates + */ +seriesProto.toXY = function (point) { + var xy, + chart = this.chart, + plotX = point.plotX, + plotY = point.plotY; + + // Save rectangular plotX, plotY for later computation + point.rectPlotX = plotX; + point.rectPlotY = plotY; + + // Record the angle in degrees for use in tooltip + point.deg = plotX / Math.PI * 180; + + // Find the polar plotX and plotY + xy = this.xAxis.postTranslate(point.plotX, this.yAxis.len - plotY); + point.plotX = point.polarPlotX = xy.x - chart.plotLeft; + point.plotY = point.polarPlotY = xy.y - chart.plotTop; +}; + + +/** + * Add some special init logic to areas and areasplines + */ +function initArea(proceed, chart, options) { +, chart, options); + if (this.chart.polar) { + + /** + * Overridden method to close a segment path. While in a cartesian plane the area + * goes down to the threshold, in the polar chart it goes to the center. + */ + this.closeSegment = function (path) { + var center =; + path.push( + 'L', + center[0], + center[1] + ); + }; + + // Instead of complicated logic to draw an area around the inner area in a stack, + // just draw it behind + this.closedStacks = true; + } +} +wrap(seriesTypes.area.prototype, 'init', initArea); +wrap(seriesTypes.areaspline.prototype, 'init', initArea); + + +/** + * Overridden method for calculating a spline from one point to the next + */ +wrap(seriesTypes.spline.prototype, 'getPointSpline', function (proceed, segment, point, i) { + + var ret, + smoothing = 1.5, // 1 means control points midway between points, 2 means 1/3 from the point, 3 is 1/4 etc; + denom = smoothing + 1, + plotX, + plotY, + lastPoint, + nextPoint, + lastX, + lastY, + nextX, + nextY, + leftContX, + leftContY, + rightContX, + rightContY, + distanceLeftControlPoint, + distanceRightControlPoint, + leftContAngle, + rightContAngle, + jointAngle; + + + if (this.chart.polar) { + + plotX = point.plotX; + plotY = point.plotY; + lastPoint = segment[i - 1]; + nextPoint = segment[i + 1]; + + // Connect ends + if (this.connectEnds) { + if (!lastPoint) { + lastPoint = segment[segment.length - 2]; // not the last but the second last, because the segment is already connected + } + if (!nextPoint) { + nextPoint = segment[1]; + } + } + + // find control points + if (lastPoint && nextPoint) { + + lastX = lastPoint.plotX; + lastY = lastPoint.plotY; + nextX = nextPoint.plotX; + nextY = nextPoint.plotY; + leftContX = (smoothing * plotX + lastX) / denom; + leftContY = (smoothing * plotY + lastY) / denom; + rightContX = (smoothing * plotX + nextX) / denom; + rightContY = (smoothing * plotY + nextY) / denom; + distanceLeftControlPoint = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(leftContX - plotX, 2) + Math.pow(leftContY - plotY, 2)); + distanceRightControlPoint = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(rightContX - plotX, 2) + Math.pow(rightContY - plotY, 2)); + leftContAngle = Math.atan2(leftContY - plotY, leftContX - plotX); + rightContAngle = Math.atan2(rightContY - plotY, rightContX - plotX); + jointAngle = (Math.PI / 2) + ((leftContAngle + rightContAngle) / 2); + + + // Ensure the right direction, jointAngle should be in the same quadrant as leftContAngle + if (Math.abs(leftContAngle - jointAngle) > Math.PI / 2) { + jointAngle -= Math.PI; + } + + // Find the corrected control points for a spline straight through the point + leftContX = plotX + Math.cos(jointAngle) * distanceLeftControlPoint; + leftContY = plotY + Math.sin(jointAngle) * distanceLeftControlPoint; + rightContX = plotX + Math.cos(Math.PI + jointAngle) * distanceRightControlPoint; + rightContY = plotY + Math.sin(Math.PI + jointAngle) * distanceRightControlPoint; + + // Record for drawing in next point + point.rightContX = rightContX; + point.rightContY = rightContY; + + } + + + // moveTo or lineTo + if (!i) { + ret = ['M', plotX, plotY]; + } else { // curve from last point to this + ret = [ + 'C', + lastPoint.rightContX || lastPoint.plotX, + lastPoint.rightContY || lastPoint.plotY, + leftContX || plotX, + leftContY || plotY, + plotX, + plotY + ]; + lastPoint.rightContX = lastPoint.rightContY = null; // reset for updating series later + } + + + } else { + ret =, segment, point, i); + } + return ret; +}); + +/** + * Extend translate. The plotX and plotY values are computed as if the polar chart were a + * cartesian plane, where plotX denotes the angle in radians and (yAxis.len - plotY) is the pixel distance from + * center. + */ +wrap(seriesProto, 'translate', function (proceed) { + + // Run uber method +; + + // Postprocess plot coordinates + if (this.chart.polar && !this.preventPostTranslate) { + var points = this.points, + i = points.length; + while (i--) { + // Translate plotX, plotY from angle and radius to true plot coordinates + this.toXY(points[i]); + } + } +}); + +/** + * Extend getSegmentPath to allow connecting ends across 0 to provide a closed circle in + * line-like series. + */ +wrap(seriesProto, 'getSegmentPath', function (proceed, segment) { + + var points = this.points; + + // Connect the path + if (this.chart.polar && this.options.connectEnds !== false && + segment[segment.length - 1] === points[points.length - 1] && points[0].y !== null) { + this.connectEnds = true; // re-used in splines + segment = [].concat(segment, [points[0]]); + } + + // Run uber method + return, segment); + +}); + + +function polarAnimate(proceed, init) { + var chart = this.chart, + animation = this.options.animation, + group =, + markerGroup = this.markerGroup, + center =, + plotLeft = chart.plotLeft, + plotTop = chart.plotTop, + attribs; + + // Specific animation for polar charts + if (chart.polar) { + + // Enable animation on polar charts only in SVG. In VML, the scaling is different, plus animation + // would be so slow it would't matter. + if (chart.renderer.isSVG) { + + if (animation === true) { + animation = {}; + } + + // Initialize the animation + if (init) { + + // Create an SVG specific attribute setter for scaleX and scaleY + group.attrSetters.scaleX = group.attrSetters.scaleY = function (value, key) { + this[key] = value; + if (this.scaleX !== UNDEFINED && this.scaleY !== UNDEFINED) { + this.element.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + this.translateX + ',' + this.translateY + ') scale(' + + this.scaleX + ',' + this.scaleY + ')'); + } + return false; + }; + + // Scale down the group and place it in the center + attribs = { + translateX: center[0] + plotLeft, + translateY: center[1] + plotTop, + scaleX: 0, + scaleY: 0 + }; + + group.attr(attribs); + if (markerGroup) { + markerGroup.attrSetters = group.attrSetters; + markerGroup.attr(attribs); + } + + // Run the animation + } else { + attribs = { + translateX: plotLeft, + translateY: plotTop, + scaleX: 1, + scaleY: 1 + }; + group.animate(attribs, animation); + if (markerGroup) { + markerGroup.animate(attribs, animation); + } + + // Delete this function to allow it only once + this.animate = null; + } + } + + // For non-polar charts, revert to the basic animation + } else { +, init); + } +} + +// Define the animate method for both regular series and column series and their derivatives +wrap(seriesProto, 'animate', polarAnimate); +wrap(colProto, 'animate', polarAnimate); + + +/** + * Throw in a couple of properties to let setTooltipPoints know we're indexing the points + * in degrees (0-360), not plot pixel width. + */ +wrap(seriesProto, 'setTooltipPoints', function (proceed, renew) { + + if (this.chart.polar) { + extend(this.xAxis, { + tooltipLen: 360, // degrees are the resolution unit of the tooltipPoints array + tooltipPosName: 'deg' + }); + } + + // Run uber method + return, renew); +}); + + +/** + * Extend the column prototype's translate method + */ +wrap(colProto, 'translate', function (proceed) { + + var xAxis = this.xAxis, + len = this.yAxis.len, + center =, + startAngleRad = xAxis.startAngleRad, + renderer = this.chart.renderer, + start, + points, + point, + i; + + this.preventPostTranslate = true; + + // Run uber method +; + + // Postprocess plot coordinates + if (xAxis.isRadial) { + points = this.points; + i = points.length; + while (i--) { + point = points[i]; + start = point.barX + startAngleRad; + point.shapeType = 'path'; + point.shapeArgs = { + d: renderer.symbols.arc( + center[0], + center[1], + len - point.plotY, + null, + { + start: start, + end: start + point.pointWidth, + innerR: len - pick(point.yBottom, len) + } + ) + }; + this.toXY(point); // provide correct plotX, plotY for tooltip + } + } +}); + + +/** + * Align column data labels outside the columns. #1199. + */ +wrap(colProto, 'alignDataLabel', function (proceed, point, dataLabel, options, alignTo, isNew) { + + if (this.chart.polar) { + var angle = point.rectPlotX / Math.PI * 180, + align, + verticalAlign; + + // Align nicely outside the perimeter of the columns + if (options.align === null) { + if (angle > 20 && angle < 160) { + align = 'left'; // right hemisphere + } else if (angle > 200 && angle < 340) { + align = 'right'; // left hemisphere + } else { + align = 'center'; // top or bottom + } + options.align = align; + } + if (options.verticalAlign === null) { + if (angle < 45 || angle > 315) { + verticalAlign = 'bottom'; // top part + } else if (angle > 135 && angle < 225) { + verticalAlign = 'top'; // bottom part + } else { + verticalAlign = 'middle'; // left or right + } + options.verticalAlign = verticalAlign; + } + +, point, dataLabel, options, alignTo, isNew); + } else { +, point, dataLabel, options, alignTo, isNew); + } + +}); + +/** + * Extend the mouse tracker to return the tooltip position index in terms of + * degrees rather than pixels + */ +wrap(mouseTrackerProto, 'getIndex', function (proceed, e) { + var ret, + chart = this.chart, + center, + x, + y; + + if (chart.polar) { + center = chart.xAxis[0].center; + x = e.chartX - center[0] - chart.plotLeft; + y = e.chartY - center[1] - chart.plotTop; + + ret = 180 - Math.round(Math.atan2(x, y) / Math.PI * 180); + + } else { + + // Run uber method + ret =, e); + } + return ret; +}); + +/** + * Extend getMouseCoordinates to prepare for polar axis values + */ +wrap(mouseTrackerProto, 'getMouseCoordinates', function (proceed, e) { + var chart = this.chart, + ret = { + xAxis: [], + yAxis: [] + }; + + if (chart.polar) { + + each(chart.axes, function (axis) { + var isXAxis = axis.isXAxis, + center =, + x = e.chartX - center[0] - chart.plotLeft, + y = e.chartY - center[1] - chart.plotTop; + + ret[isXAxis ? 'xAxis' : 'yAxis'].push({ + axis: axis, + value: axis.translate( + isXAxis ? + Math.PI - Math.atan2(x, y) : // angle + Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x, 2) + Math.pow(y, 2)), // distance from center + true + ) + }); + }); + + } else { + ret =, e); + } + + return ret; +}); +}(Highcharts));