in hellosign-ruby-sdk-3.0.18 vs in hellosign-ruby-sdk-3.0.19
- old
+ new
@@ -46,16 +46,45 @@
If you need to authenticate for multiple users and you want a separated client for them, you can run:
client2 = :api_key => 'your_user_api_key'
user_account = client2.get_account
+### Specifying files
+When using request endpoints that send files, such as a signature request, you can specify files either as
+1. A string representing the path
+2. A Ruby File Object (, then assign to a variable)
+3. A Rails ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile
Testing relies on built in hard-coded fixtures. You can run the tests without affecting your actual account data. To do so
from the root of your project run <code>rake spec</code>.
## Additional notes
+## Warnings
+Any warnings returned from the API can be accessed by using the 'warnings' accessor on a returned object or list:
+my_signature_requests = client.get_signature_requests
+puts my_signature_requests.warnings
+and will give output of warnings in the following format (as an array of hashes):
+ [0] {
+ "warning_msg" => "Parameter hodor was ignored. Hodor.",
+ "warning_name" => "parameter_ignored"
+ },
+ [1] {
+ "warning_msg" => "Email address is unconfirmed. Please pledge your allegiance to the queen first.",
+ "warning_name" => "unconfirmed"
+ }
### Local callbacks
We do not allow app callbacks (event or OAuth) to be set to localhost. However it is still possible to test callbacks against a local server. Tunneling services such as ngrok ( can help you set this up.
## License