spec/heidi/hook_spec.rb in heidi-0.3.1 vs spec/heidi/hook_spec.rb in heidi-0.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,5 +1,51 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe Heidi::Hook do
- pending "more tests please!"
+ before(:all) do
+ fake_me_a_heidi
+ @script = File.join(@fake, "projects/heidi_test/hooks/before/testing_hook.sh")
+ File.open(@script, File::CREAT|File::WRONLY) do |f|
+ f.puts %Q(#!/bin/sh
+printenv > #{@fake}/testing_hook.out
+ end
+ SimpleShell.new(@fake).chmod %W(+x #{@script})
+ end
+ after(:all) do
+ FileUtils.remove_entry_secure @fake
+ end
+ before(:each) do
+ @project = @heidi[:heidi_test]
+ @build = Heidi::Build.new(@project)
+ @hook = Heidi::Hook.new(@build, @script)
+ end
+ it "has a name" do
+ @hook.name.should == "before/testing_hook.sh"
+ end
+ it "performs" do
+ outfile = File.join(@fake, "testing_hook.out")
+ File.exists?(outfile).should_not be_true
+ @hook.perform
+ @hook.should_not be_failed
+ File.exists?(outfile).should be_true
+ end
+ it "resets the environment" do
+ @hook.perform
+ @hook.should_not be_failed
+ contents = File.read(File.join(@fake, "testing_hook.out"))
+ contents.should_not =~ /RUBYOPT/
+ contents.should_not =~ /GEM_HOME/
+ contents.should_not =~ /GEM_PATH/
+ contents.should_not =~ /BUNDLE_/
+ contents.should =~ /HEIDI_BUILD_/
+ contents.should =~ /HEIDI_LOG_DIR/
+ end
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